Daughter of Anat (23 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Goodgame

BOOK: Daughter of Anat
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Lord Jetten
(Elf lord who left his people and has now returned)

...Jetten left his people too many years ago and went into seclusion when his people decided they no longer needed a leader.  Ousted and told to never return, he did just that.  Young at the time, he wandered the earth and discovered that no one group of people, no matter the size, could sustain an equilibrium without a leader.  It was obvious as he watched them now falling apart at the seams and dying at the whim of a Hunter madman.

It was time he took control of his people back.  To do this, he watched the Shadow Queen, as he’d heard some call her, slowly make her way into all the factions except his own.  She was colored with a great destiny and helping her get there was the key he decided.  It was the only way to make the Elves see reason.

Granite Black
(Vampire personal guard to Lord Cross, gone rogue)

...Granite was chosen to be one of Thorn
’s guards years ago. He was stronger, faster, and a better problem solver than any of the others when he joined him.  He’d come from a broken family and made a personal goal to train for the main guard’s post when he was twelve.  His sired mother, an unpopular Vampire who mingled a little too much with supernatural dignitaries and higher ups that she felt would get her places abandoned him and his sired blood sister that same year.  His sister was ten.  Now part of the Vampire faction he has their protection, but his sister did not.  And now that she was dead, he wanted revenge on the man who killed her.  Lord Thorn Cross.

To help him, he wants the power he never had.  Borgon offers him the Vampire faction in exchange for destroying Lord Cross.  When his plans are foiled and Borgon goes back on the deal, he doesn
’t hesitate to attack the Valkyrie court and kidnap Anastacia’s father.  He can’t go back now.




Characters in Limbo

Lee Dyer
(Valkyrie/Hunter) (incredible strength and reads emotions like all Hunters and Valkyries)


...half Valkyrie/half Hunter-sent into the Valkyrie court very young to keep Stace safe by Dr. Green and Lord Hathown working together.  Lord Cross was asked to continue his watch over her and neglected to find out the truth of Lee’s double cross with Borgon to sell her magical secrets to him.  Young and unaware of it he might have been, been the deed was done nonetheless  When Borgon threatened to take her life if he didn’t feed information over, Lee follows through as he is young and the ways of the world will make him a hard, sad man when he is older.  He falls in love with her, but he can never have her.  Will he redeem himself in the end?  Stay tuned...



Dr. Mar Quinn
(professor of chemistry and supernatural histories at Hunter school and personal friend to Dr. Green, the headmaster- now acting headmaster with Green’s move to faction leader)

rude to Stace from day one and always appeared to have an agenda.  Told by her father to investigate him at the Hunter school in lieu of her brother’s kidnapping, she doesn't know it was a ruse.  Her father sent her into the school, but he gave her only what he needed to.  Stace suspects him, but then the notes come warning her of what’s to come confusing her as to whose side he is on.  When he stays on at the Hunter school as the new dean, she has to assume he is on the good side...her side...

He follows the lead of his faction, who is currently without a lord.  Months have passed    and Dr. Green has stood in for the needed leadership until it is deemed he is the new lord.  He had no idea following the lead of the prophecies would lead him to the worst pain he could ever occur.  And drive him to an eternity of agony.

Faction Symbols























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