Dating A Silver Fox (Never Too Late) (40 page)

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Authors: Donna McDonald

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Dating A Silver Fox (Never Too Late)
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All three women burst out laughing.

“Sit,” Alexa said, dragging a lawn chair closer, and patting the seat. “I’ll confess that we’ve all been watching Walter watch you for the last hour. It kept our mind off the food we still don’t have yet. The whole diving in the pool to get your attention was worth coming today to see. I believe that prime male is quite smitten with you, Jane Fox. Trust me, I know a lot about men.”

Jane laughed as she sat. “Walter is great in a lot of ways, but I prefer men my own age. I don’t think I’d make a good cougar.”

“Well, I thought the same thing when Casey tracked me down at my office to ask me out,” Alexa said. “Thankfully, he didn’t take no for a answer.”

“Oh look,” Lauren said, sniffling and rubbing her eyes. “Walter has JD and he’s so good with him. Now I can’t lust after his amazing body any more.”

Jane’s eyes narrowed on the sniffling woman, miffed about the comment about Walter’s body, even though his physical appeal was certainly no secret to her. Talia might have been the only exempt female among them, but then she had Allen who looked as well-turned as Walter. Lucky her.

Then Jane followed Lauren’s gaze to Walter with JD asleep on his shoulder. The picture he made was worse than being mesmerized by his extraordinary physique. He looked so comfortable, so. . .like he was ready for a family.

, she told herself sternly.

Walter Graham was not for her. Twenty-six was just way too young. Yet a sigh of genuine longing escaped anyway. He was all she wanted, all she dreamed about anymore, even though she still didn’t know what to do with how she felt.

All three women shifted their gazes from Walter to her.

“I so love being right,” Regina announced, passing a still sniffling Lauren a tissue from the bag under her chair, before putting her sunglasses back on.

“Tell us something we don’t know,” Lauren said meanly, eyes widening at Regina’s frown. “Sorry. I did it again, didn’t I?”

“This is going to be a long damn pregnancy if you keep using me for your verbal punching bag,” Regina said on a sigh, settling back. “I should never have giving up drinking until you stopped doing the baby thing.”

“Pay their bickering no mind, Jane. Let’s focus on the real issue here. That sigh of longing you let out moments ago says you don’t really care how old Walter Graham is,” Alexa insisted.

Jane shook her head to deny Alexa’s statement, but stopped to wave back when she saw Walter waving to her with JD still on asleep on his shoulder. A woman would have to be dead not to want to wrap herself around that man-child and beg to give him babies of his own to carry around.

Damn it.

“Walter is sincerely great,” Jane admitted. “But I don’t know how I’m supposed to live with all the things people will say if I show up places with Walter on my arm. I was married while he was still in middle school.”

“Don’t worry, Jane. It just takes some getting used to. You’re in good company,” Alexa said, patting her arm.

“Well, I wouldn’t say good. . .” Regina joked. “Let’s say notorious. I like being notorious.”

“Yeah—welcome to the notorious club,” Lauren said with a pout. “Now if you ladies will excuse me, I have to go threaten to put my husband in aikido nikkyo if he doesn’t feed us all soon.”

“And that Jane is how notorious women handle their men,” Alexa pronounced. “Or with sex. I find great sex works. Regina uses sex too.”

“Indeed I do,” Regina replied.

Jane saw her father standing with his arm around Lydia, looking happier than he had in years. She wished Elijah could see and hoped her errant brother came home soon.

She watched Lauren wade into the group of males and tap her laughing husband on the shoulder. Moments later, the man was kissing Lauren who was wrapping herself around him. Everyone discreetly looked away—except her. She was too envious to do anything other than stare and wish she had the same kind of relationship.

“Okay Walter,” Jane said under her breath. “I can’t stand it anymore. Looks like I’m going to be your cougar after all.”

### ### ###


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~ Donna McDonald

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