Dark Journey Home (9 page)

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Authors: Cherie Shaw

BOOK: Dark Journey Home
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As Logan read the telegram, a slow grin spread across
his face, and he said to Ricardo, “It seems my pa has been one busy man, the
last few years.”


Ricardo asked, “Why is that, Señor?” 


Logan said, “Well, it seems that instead of using the
money I had put in the account in Seattle, with my pa’s name on it too, that pa
has been steadily adding to it, with monthly deposits, so with that, and the
interest it has accumulated, the amount has more than doubled all these
years.”  Logan shook his head in fond memories of his generous father.  “It’s
just like the old goat, and he’ll never change.  Always generous to a fault. 
He just knew that someday I would return.  Otherwise he would have closed that
account long before now, and I don’t know many folks who wouldn’t have. 


“Pa’s the best there is, but I still wish he would
have used some of that money, and I can’t believe he hasn’t.  I sure wish you
could meet him, Ricardo my friend.  If you get tired of Mexico City, you and
Maria be sure to head up Wyoming way, as there will always be a place for you,
unless of course Lord Beckford wants you to work for the lines again.  It’s up
to you.”


“Amigo, I will give it some serious thought.  That’s
good country up there in the territory, as I have been through there in my
younger days, and there is much to see.  And all that land just waiting to be
worked.”  Ricardo grinned, and slapped Logan on the back, then remembered Logan’s injured shoulder, “Sorry amigo,” he said, “does it still give you trouble?” 


said, “No,
amigo, it’s all healed now, and yes, that offer will stand.” 


“Well, Logan, I am happy for you that your father has
been so good to you.  Now, will you wire him that you are back, or just let him
worry some more?”


“I guess Pa’s had enough worry for the last eight
years now, so I guess I’ll wire him in the morning, to at least let him know
that I will be home as soon as possible, but as I told him eight years ago, ‘Just
expect me when I get there’.  I can’t begin to tell him everything in the wire,
so I’ll just wait until I get home, to let him know what happened.  Also I need
to get to a bank in the morning anyway, as the bank in Seattle is wiring me
funds that I requested, and I can pick it up in the morning.”


“That is good, mi amigo, your father; he must love you
very much.  Your mother too, let them know you are still around.”


was glad that he
could begin paying his own way now, and he would have money to buy supplies for
the long journey home too, and for his travel expenses.  Things were looking
up.  Maybe at some point in his life he would run into the two thugs from the Seattle docks that had shanghaied him and stolen the bag of gold dust he had on him at
that time.  They owed him plenty, and Logan intended to see to it that they
paid for their crime.  He would be prepared next time he ran into them. 
Although that was way down on the list now, there was a lot of traveling to do,
and he had to keep his mind on the present.


The first thing he would do the next day, after
picking up his money at the bank, would be to buy a weapon.  It had been a long
time since he had worn a gun belt, but he knew he’d need one on the long trip. 
He figured that everything he had left in that Seattle hotel so many years ago
was long gone.  His saddlebags, twin gun belts, and two 45’s, along with some
other personal items.  Well, that was long ago, and this was now.  He wondered
if he could even still shoot.  He’d soon find out. 


Logan, Ricardo and Maria had been invited to dine with
Beckford and his niece that evening, so as dinnertime was fast approaching,
they all retired to their rooms to wash and change for the evening to come. 


Later as they all sat together at a large table in the
corner of the elegant dining room, Olivia glanced at Logan, who sat across from
her, and found that devilish green-eyed gaze of his upon her.  She flushed and
hurriedly looked away, taking a sip of her tea to busy her fidgeting hands. 
She hadn’t seen Logan for a few days, and the sight of him in his dark gray
suit with the white shirt, almost took her breath away. 


She was glad when the waiter brought steaming bowls of
food, and she could eat, that would give her something to do.


The conversation had been lively and friendly, but
Olivia hadn’t been listening so wasn’t sure of what had been said until her
uncle spoke to her, “Don’t you think that’s a good idea, Ollie?”


She jumped, startled, “Oh I’m sorry, Uncle.  I didn’t
hear what you said.  What was it?”


“I was just saying that now we aren’t in England, so just while we are here in America, I would prefer not to be referred to as ‘Lord’
Beckford.  People in this country just use their given names and don’t
recognize titles, so as the old saying goes, ‘As in Rome, do as the Romans do.’ 
I’ve just asked that everyone refer to me as Claude.  I have never really cared
for that stuffy old title of ‘Lord’, for myself anyway.”  He laughed then.


“I really hadn’t thought of that, Uncle.”  Olivia
answered, “Though I shall continue to call you Uncle anyway.”


“Well,” Logan began, “I can’t even call you ‘sir’, only
Claude?”  Logan joked.


Claude chuckled as he answered, “Well, now a lot of
folks call each other ‘sir’ here I know, and that’s not considered a title
here, just a form of respect.” 


laughed too,
“Well, I used to call my pa ‘sir’, only when I was in trouble, when I was
growing up, that is.”


“And was that often, Mr. Wakefield?”  Olivia asked
before she thought, and almost bit her tongue from embarrassment, when Logan just laughed, and answered, “Actually it was quite often, Miss Worthington, you
really are correct about me.  I was quite a handful to my folks, always the
prankster, though pa always said that I took after him when he was young, and
that I just had ‘growing pains’.  He told me I’d outgrow the trait some day.” 
He looked at Olivia questioningly, “Guess I did.” 


She didn’t take the bait, figuring she’d said enough
for one century, although she did have much more to say, but instead chose to
begin serving herself from the steaming bowls of food that had been set on the
table.  She knew her uncle was enjoying himself, maybe at her discomfort, but she
wasn’t sure of anything right now. 


Olivia busied her hands with helping herself to small
portions from the tasty bowls, and the rest of the group began also, Logan choosing heaping a spoonful of each of the appetizing choices.  He still couldn’t
get enough to eat, and piled his plate high.


Ricardo and Maria were enjoying the meal immensely,
all the while speaking in hushed tones to each other in their beautiful Spanish
language, not realizing that Logan spoke the tongue fluently, and understood
every word that they were saying, but he wouldn’t let on to them at all.  He
was too busy shoveling food into his hungry mouth.  Maybe later on, but not
right at the moment.  Anyway, he soon realized, after listening for awhile as
he ate, that it was none of his business what they were saying.  It was
personal, and even if he couldn’t have understood what they were saying,
Maria’s flushed and smiling face, as Ricardo spoke to her, would have told him
much.  Even in their forties, after so many years together, he could tell that
they were still as young sweethearts, and very much in love, the same as his
parents have always been, and he hoped that his pa and ma were alright.  He’d
wire his father the first thing in the morning, right after making his
withdrawal at the bank.      


At that time, Logan wished with all his heart that he
had a wife or sweetheart waiting for him in Wyoming.  Suddenly he glanced over
at Olivia’s lovely serene face, as she took a bite of food.  He mentally shook
himself once again, telling himself, ‘She’s not for you Logan, way out of your
class.  Think again.  You’ve been without a woman far too long.  Forget it.” 
He quietly continued eating, though much more thoughtful.




This was the day and Olivia flew out of bed.  They’d
been staying at the townhouse for over two weeks, still not hearing from her
brother Garth, and she had told herself not to worry, that he was just way out
to sea, or on some faraway island, and hadn’t gotten their message as of yet. 
She put it out of her mind, and began getting ready to meet everyone for a
quick breakfast, then they were going to take a carriage to the railroad
station, as their baggage would be hauled in another vehicle.  They couldn’t
take very much in the way of clothing, and Olivia had refused to shop for more
dresses anyway, as her uncle had tried to get her to.  They would only take
traveling clothing, the bare necessities, as they would be traveling by stage
later on, and wouldn’t be taking very much with them.  They would leave most of
their luggage at the townhouse, and retrieve it when they returned to New York weeks from now. 


It would be an exciting day for her at least, and also
Claude hadn’t been to the western part of the country as yet either, so it
would be quite an adventure for the both of them.  Maria, Ricardo, and also
Logan knew the country well, and she knew they were anxious to return to the
west.  Olivia busied herself, bathing, then quickly dressed in her dark blue gabardine
traveling suit, and soon was ready to go down to breakfast, when there was a
light tap upon her door, and her uncle called to her. 


She had already packed her light traveling bags the
night before, with Maria’s assistance, so nothing else needed to be done.  Maria
was a wonderful cook, and had been feeding them delicious meals since they had
been staying at the townhouse, so she looked forward to the wonderful breakfast
she knew would be waiting.  She opened her bedroom door, to then take her
uncle’s arm to go down to breakfast. 


Maria and Ricardo had a small room at the back of the
house, and enjoyed their stay at the townhouse, though Logan had insisted on
staying at the hotel.  She had wondered why, though he often came to dine with
them, but had mostly stayed away, until time to leave New York anyway. 
However, Claude had told her that Logan would be joining them for breakfast
this morning, then leaving for the train depot with them. 


Claude, of course, had leased a separate rail car,
that contained a small suite of rooms, to be attached to the rear of the train,
so Olivia and her uncle would be traveling in that conveyance, at least part of
the way, while Maria and Ricardo insisted on riding in the pullman, along with
Logan.  She thanked God for that, as the man, Logan, made her nervous, and she
didn’t know why.  Maybe it was his impressive stature.  The man literally
towered over her.  That must be it. 


As usual Maria had outdone herself with breakfast. 
Lovely fluffy biscuits, with butter, fried potatoes, tomatoes, eggs, also a
side of tortillas, stuffed with beans, cheese, and picante sauce, that she had
prepared herself, using an old recipe that her mother had taught her how to
make as she was growing up.  The picante sauce was hot, though delicious,
though by now Olivia knew better than to eat too much of that sauce. 


Logan had shown up for the meal, though sitting way
down the table from her, and Olivia didn’t know if she was disappointed, or
glad.  Her emotions were so mixed up lately.  But she was enjoying the vacation
so much, that she couldn’t believe for a moment that she almost hadn’t wanted
to travel to the states with her uncle.  Olivia laughed inwardly at her maid,
Amelia, and how the woman had thought that this place was overrun with Indians. 
She hadn’t seen one yet. 


It was still early morning, and the sun was just
barely coming up behind a few clouds, which were left over from yesterday’s
rain.  Breakfast was over and Maria and Olivia were tidying up the kitchen,
Claude had learned years ago not to try and stop Olivia from working around in
the kitchen if she so felt the need, as she was a strong-minded young woman,
and she enjoyed keeping busy. Also she liked Maria, and they had a good time
working together.  Though Maria was an employee, as was Ricardo; Olivia still
considered them more friends than employees. 


Claude and Ricardo were loading a few valises and
carpetbags into the rear of the second coach, which was parked at the curb. 
This was the one that Ricardo and Maria would ride in to the rail station. 
Neither Claude nor Ricardo noticed the small coach which was parked further
down the block on the other side of the street.  Inside was Henry Adams, alias
Henry Birch.  He was watching eagerly as the carriage was being loaded,
anticipating following where the two coaches would be traveling, and wishing to
see which one Olivia would get into.

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