Dark Journey Home (8 page)

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Authors: Cherie Shaw

BOOK: Dark Journey Home
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“Oh, mercy!”  Olivia said, “The worthless lout does
know that we are on this ship then.  I certainly hope he wasn’t successful in
recruiting any member of the staff to do his dirty work for him!”


Claude laughed lightly, “Not hardly, dear, in fact
they flatly refused him, and informed the cad that they wouldn’t ‘spy’ on the
owner of this ship, nor his niece, for any amount of coins he could offer.  I
guess he was a bit surprised to learn of my ownership of this vessel, but each
one that he approached so far, came to me immediately and reported the
incident.  I guess one of the burly servers from the kitchen, became so
agitated with him, that he grabbed the man by the shirtfront, threatening to
toss him over the rail of the main deck, into the raging waters, (that was
during the storm the other day),  if the lout dared approach him again.  Also
he offered to feed him his own coins that he had offered!  The server from the
kitchen used stronger wording though, but I won’t use his exact words.”


Olivia laughed, “Well, Mr. Henry Birch got just what
he deserved.  The nerve of that man, after all this time, thinking that he can
spy on us.”


“Also,” Claude continued, “When an older chambermaid,
who makes the beds and cleans the staterooms, went to his room to make his bed,
the man begun making advances towards her.  The poor woman was so shocked, that
she poked him in his ‘over-extended’ belly with her broom handle, threatening
to bash his head in with it, if he so much as touched her again.  Anyway, the
woman reported the incident, and has absolutely refused to enter that stateroom
again.  I guess she had also told the lout to make his own bed after that. After
that incident, none of the maids will go near his room anyway.  They just leave
clean towels outside the door.  Also the captain sent two of our big
intimidating crew members to have a nice long ‘talk’ with the scoundrel,
putting the fear of the lord into him, and threatening to put him off at the
first port we come near, if he steps out of line again, so I don’t feel he will
be causing any more trouble on this trip now.”  


“It’s good that situation was taken care of and we
probably won’t be seeing anything more of Henry again.  Maybe he’ll disappear
once we land.”  Olivia stated as they continued their walk.


Olivia and her uncle had enjoyed dining in her suite
often, though just as often had dined in the exquisite dining hall, usually at
the captain’s table, and thankfully the once-ardent captain McBride had cooled
his amorous pursuit of Olivia, possibly due to Lord Beckford’s obvious distaste
for the situation, and for the fact that Lord Beckford, after all, was the captain’s
employer.  He certainly wouldn’t wish to lose his well-paid position as captain
of the ‘Silver Princess’. 


Now that the Henry Birch situation seemed to be under
control, Olivia was enjoying the trip, though she hadn’t again ‘read poetry’ to
Mr. Logan Wakefield, but then it was just as well.  Things seemed to be working
out for him now that he had regained most of his strength back, and was
attending Lord Claude as his valet.  He was keeping a low profile, working in
Lord Beckford’s stateroom mostly, and no one had seemed to question his sudden
appearance on the ship.


Olivia only saw him occasionally, and then spoke
casually to him during those times, so as not to bring attention to the fact
that she knew the man.  She did note though, that whenever they did happen to
meet in the hallway, he seemed to get that devilish gleam in those deep green
eyes of his.  At some point he had shaved off the bushy black beard, that he
had grown for years, and he didn’t quite look so fierce now, though still had a
roguish look about him, no less.


Olivia thought him a most impressive fine looking man,
especially in the new well-fitted tailored suits her uncle had supplied him,
though she’d never let him know her feelings.    Well, this was an American and
she really didn’t even know that much about him either.  Olivia sighed as she
and her uncle completed their walk along the main deck then descended the
stairway leading to their staterooms. 


As they paused outside Olivia’s suite of rooms, Claude
gave her a kiss on the cheek, then bade her goodnight, and turned to go, and
then having a second thought, said, “By the way, Olivia,” he began, “we won’t
be traveling across the country by ourselves after all.”


“We won’t?”  She queried, “Have you word of Garth, Uncle?” 
She asked hopefully.


“Oh no, no, Niece, not that.  And we won’t until we
reach the mainland, then possibly he will have left word for us.  No, we’ll see
about your brother at that time hopefully.  It’s just that with Maria and her
husband Ricardo still in my employ, they have agreed to continue on with us. 
Maria’s aged parents are still living in Mexico City, and she wishes to visit
with them.  Texas will be on the way anyway, and as Ricardo knows much about
cattle, and ‘rancheros’, as he refers to ranches, he is willing to see that
property of mine, then give me his opinion.”


“Oh, Uncle Claude, that is good news!”  Olivia
exclaimed, “Maria hadn’t mentioned it to me, so I didn’t know.  Possibly she
thought I already knew.”


“Yes, well I just spoke to them about this today, and
they both readily agreed to the trip. So we’ll plan on reserving a room in New York for them at the same place we will be staying for a few days.  However, I have a
townhouse in that city also, so after a few days we will be moving there until
time for our departure for the west.  Of course Maria and Ricardo will be with
us there also.”  Claude paused then continued, “Also our new friend, Mr.
Wakefield,” Claude paused and looked at Olivia for her reaction to the name.


“Oh?”  She asked, and looked away, not wanting her
uncle to see her interest.


“Oh, yes,” Claude continued seriously,, “My……valet,
Logan, will no longer be my valet, as I feel there will be no need for one on
this journey west.  Ricardo has informed me that this will be a very difficult trip,
but otherwise most scenic and enjoyable.  They do have a rail service for part
of the way, and then we will be traveling by stagecoach for at least two weeks,
or more, stopping at inns along the way, or small hotels, whatever accommodations
we can find.”


Olivia glanced questioningly back at her uncle, just
as the door to her suite flew open, and Maria stepped out into the hallway,
then put her hands on her ample hips and declared to Claude, “Señor Beckford,
tell the señorita what she wants to hear, or I will!”  She stated emphatically.


Claude laughed lightly, “Of course Maria.”  Then
turning to Olivia, he said. “Of course, young Logan will no longer be my valet,
though he will be traveling with us to the ranch in Texas, as our guide, then
he will go on to Wyoming, to his home there.”


“Oh really, you two.”  Olivia huffed, “I certainly
couldn’t care less.”  Then she proudly walked into her stateroom, and closed
the door, as Claude smiled brightly.  He liked that young chap, Logan
Wakefield.  Yes, he did.    


The weeks flew by, and then one gray, damp and rainy
day, the liner pulled into the impressive vast New York harbor, with its
countless ships, with sky-high riggings, docked there.  The Manhattan skyline
was breathtaking as they stood watching the shoreline come closer into view.  Before
they knew it, they had left the dock behind, and were riding in a shiny black
carriage, with the driver pointing out all the sights of the city as they rode
along.  The baggage had yet to be unloaded from the ship, and would be delivered
to their hotel later. 


They hadn’t seen Henry Birch quietly join the crowd of
travelers, getting himself lost in their midst as the crowd left the ship, then
he had quickly hailed  a cab, and instructed the driver to follow the carriage
that had just pulled away, he told him that he’d been traveling with relatives,
and forgotten to ask where they were staying.  He figured the driver didn’t
believe him though, but he couldn’t care less.  Henry wouldn’t be staying at
their hotel anyway, as that would be too risky, but he would keep tabs on the
good Lord Beckford and his niece.  She wouldn’t get away from him this time,
but he was patient, though his funds were running low.  Maybe he’d find a card
game to sit in on, win some traveling expense money.  There was always a way. 


The streets, soggy with rain, were nevertheless a welcome
sight, as Olivia and Claude rode in the one-horse carriage along Fifth-Avenue,
to one of the finest hotels of New York City.  As the driver reined in, he quickly
retrieved a huge umbrella from beneath his seat, and then after alighting from
his perch on the front of the vehicle, he opened up the umbrella and held it
over Olivia, as her uncle assisted her in getting out. 


It was about two hours later when their trunks were
finally delivered to their hotel rooms, and Olivia was glad to be able to
freshen up, and change her clothing to a light blue gown which had always
matched her eyes nicely, then planned on having a quiet lunch with her uncle in
the hotel dining room.  Claude arrived at her door, and as they descended the
stairs to the first floor, then into the dining room, Olivia asked, “Where are
Maria and Ricardo, uncle?”


Claude answered, “Maria had some shopping to do at
some of the shops in town, so they will arrive later.  Logan decided to go with
them, as he said he wanted to send a wire to his bank in Seattle, and check on
an account that he may still have there, and possibly have some funds wired to
the hotel for him.  I told him that I would pay his expenses while we are here,
but he wouldn’t hear of it.  He said he owed us his life, and wouldn’t want to
take another thing.  In addition, he did promise that between himself and
Ricardo, that they would see to it that we arrived safely at the ranch in Texas.” 


Then looking at Olivia, as they walked to their table
in the dining room, he asked, “By the way, dear, being as we are on a vacation
and wish to see as much of the states and territories as possible, what do you
think of visiting the Wyoming territory, that is after we see my ranch?  Logan has invited us to travel with him to his father’s ranch, and Logan’s home of
course.  It seems that Logan’s father raises horses, also captures wild
mustangs and trains them for riding, and you know how I love horses, having a
few at home in the stables.  Too it might be enjoyable for us to go riding
through that wild country, and see just what seems to draw folks to leave the
safety of the east coast, and homestead out there in the wilds.    


“Anyway, Logan said that after that, he will see to
our returning safely to New York, I’m not at all sure that I want to put the
young man out that much though.  Otherwise, we of course, will travel by stage
and rail back by ourselves, which we would be most capable of doing.  However,
we wouldn’t see nearly so much of that desert land, and may wish we’d have
gone, after we return to England.  Though I told Logan that I would talk to you
about this, also that it was too soon to decide.  What do you think, dear?” 


“Well, of course, although this is all very sudden, Uncle,
again it’s entirely up to you. Certainly, I will go along with whatever you
decide.  You always know what’s best; after all, you are the businessman of the


“Yes, Ollie,” he agreed, “though I wish just for once
that your brother Garth would take on a little more of my responsibilities, and
stop this never-ending foolish adventure hunt of his around the globe.”


Olivia laughed, “You know Garth, Uncle, and he will
never change.  Let’s just accept him as he is, along with his lovable
adventure-hunting ways.”  Olivia had been sorry to hear that Garth had not sent
any messages to the hotel, as when they’d first arrived Claude had checked that
out with the desk the first thing.  He also told the clerk to direct Garth to
the townhouse, where they would be staying for a couple of weeks before heading
out west, or if there was a message, to be sure and have it sent.  Olivia was
disappointed, but hoped to hear from her brother soon anyway.   


The luncheon in the dining room of the hotel was
delicious.  Neither Olivia nor her uncle noticed Henry Birch as he sidled up to
the rain-streaked window to peer into the dining room during the meal.




Logan Wakefield picked up the cablegram waiting for
him at the hotel desk, while he and Ricardo waited for the clerk to hand them
their room keys, as Maria sat resting on an easy chair in the lobby, weary from
an afternoon of sloshing through the rainy walkways from one New York boutique
to another, though happy and content, as she watched Ricardo juggle the many
packages he was carrying for her, while at the same time trying to retrieve the
key to their hotel room. 


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