Dark Journey Home (10 page)

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Authors: Cherie Shaw

BOOK: Dark Journey Home
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Ricardo had just gone into the townhouse, to pick up
some more luggage, and Claude had just turned to walk back up to the front
steps leading into the house, when a shiny black carriage, drawn by two
prancing white steeds, drew up, and the stately driver quickly pulled on the
reins of the horses, set the brake and jumped to the street.


“Leaving so soon, Uncle?”  Called a laughing, deep
masculine voice.”


Claude turned, his mouth dropping open in
astonishment.  Was this brash, strong muscular, auburn-bearded rogue his
nephew, Garth?  He stared in amazement and wonder, utterly dumbfounded, yet not
quite believing what was by all means in front of him.  Claude rushed toward
his young nephew, and grabbed him in a bear hug.  They both laughed and shook


“You made it just in time, lad, just in time.”  Was
all Claude could say, as he was still breathlessly excited to see his nephew
finally, after five long years?


Garth exclaimed, “Well, Uncle, you old goat.  You look
just as spry and young as you did five years ago.”


Just as Claude opened his mouth to make a retort, a high
shrill female voice sounded from inside the elegant carriage that Garth had
just driven up, “Garth, sweetheart, if you don’t help me out of this
contraption, I swear I’ll never speak to you again.  You can talk to the old
man later.”


Claude looked over to see the most exquisite
red-haired woman that he had ever seen in his life.  Garth laughed, as he then
assisted the beautiful woman from the carriage, and walked her over to meet


“Bridgett, this is my uncle Lord Claude Beckford.”  He
said, then, “And Uncle Claude, this loud, screeching ‘lady’ is Bridgett.”


Claude took her hand, saying, “Madam, it is a pleasure.”


“Well, a gentleman.  Can you beat that?”  She smiled,
“Garth, honey, you didn’t tell me your uncle was a gentleman.  And a Lord too? 
What kinda title is that?”


Garth laughed, as Claude told her, “No, Bridgett, we
won’t be using titles here in the states.”


Garth said, “My uncle always goes by the book,
Bridgett.  Always making things right, depending on where he happens to be at
the time.”


“Bridgett, what a lovely name for a lovely lady.” 
Claude offered.


“Oh,” Bridgett beamed, “I like your uncle already,
Garth honey.”  She was smiling now. 


“Tell me Bridgett, are you visiting here in the states
also?  Or do you live here?”  Claude asked.


She looked at Garth, “Didn’t you send that wire to
your uncle?”  She asked.


“Actually no dear, I wanted to surprise him and
Olivia, my sister.  Besides we’ve been trying to get here for the last few
weeks to meet with them.  I didn’t want to take the time.  As it is, we just
barely made it, it seems.” 


“And I am certainly glad that you got here when you
did.”  Claude exclaimed.  “Did you lease the coach, Garth?  I noticed that you
were driving it.”


“I did that, Uncle Claude, as we’ll be staying here in
the townhouse for a couple of months, while we’re here in New York.  It will be
home base anyhow, as we’ll be seeing some of the sights along the coast.  It’s
alright with you if we stay here, isn’t it, you old fuddy-duddy?”  Garth looked
innocently at his uncle, as Claude raised his eyebrows, and looked from one to
the other.


“You two will be staying here………together?  Is there
something you aren’t telling me, Nephew?”  He asked.


“Oh, Garth,” Bridgett hissed, “Tell him.”


“Sorry, Uncle.”  Garth grinned, then putting an arm
across Bridgett’s shoulder, he said, “Uncle, meet Mrs. Garth Worthington. 
Bridgett and I are on our honeymoon.  We were married in Paris five weeks ago,
then when I got your wire, that had literally followed me around the world, as
we had planned a trip to America anyway, we headed right out.”


“Well, so you’ve finally taken a wife.  I can’t say
‘what took you so long”, but I will say congratulations to both of you.  I’m
glad to hear that you are settling down, Garth.  And welcome to the family,
Bridgett, my dear.”  And Claude really meant it when he leaned down to give
Garth’s bride a kiss on the cheek. 


“Well, I guess we’d better go look up my sister, and
get her reactions to all this.”  Garth said, and they started for the house. 


Henry Adams sat in the coach across and down the
street, watching the scene, then a little while later, he saw the burly Mexican
man come back out of the townhouse, and retrieve all of the luggage from the
second carriage, then after several trips back into the townhouse, he
instructed the driver of the first coach to leave.  Henry figured that with the
arrival of the guests, that the Lord and his niece would postpone whatever
journey they were going to take. 


It seemed that he wouldn’t need to watch the house
this day, as obviously Olivia and her uncle would be entertaining guests the
rest of the day. Henry Adams, alias Henry Birch, hadn’t earned enough money
playing cards the night before.  Too many wealthy men at the night clubs he had
played at, and they had watched his hands too closely so there was no chance of


Maybe he would just go to the docks and see if there
were any lively games going on at one of the many taverns along the
waterfront.  He needed more traveling expense money, and so far he didn’t have
nearly enough.  He was glad Olivia’s trip, wherever she was going, had been
postponed.  He’d come back later.  Maybe he could find some shady characters
along the docks later on, and with the offer of a few coins, he could impress
upon them to help him in the planning of the sudden ‘demise’ of Lord Beckford
once and for all, leaving the grieving Olivia ready to fall into his waiting


He didn’t like the fact either that there were so many
other folks around Olivia all of the time; though he figured they were only
servants.  It had been too far away to tell who the couple were who had just
driven up in the classy coach, drawn by white horses.  The woman looked like a
lady, but the man had that bushy beard, and from that distance, he couldn’t get
a good look at either one of them.  He hoped they were just visiting for the
day, but that was no concern of his right now.  He didn’t know who they were,
and didn’t care.  Anyway it was for the best that they arrived when they did, as
he needed more time to do some planning, and this delay would give him more
time.  He got out of the coach, and climbed up to the seat, took up the reins,
then turned the coach around, heading back towards the waterfront.



Being as their departure for the west had been
delayed, Logan decided to head back to the hotel where he’d been staying, after
meeting Olivia’s brother and new sister-in-law, then spending the whole
afternoon visiting with them all.  It had been a joyous occasion for Olivia and
her uncle, and Logan was glad to see her so happy.  Olivia and her uncle Claude
had a lot of catching up to do, although Garth had entertained them all with
his many adventures of the past years.


Olivia and Bridgett seemed to be getting along well
also, and Maria had spent hours in the kitchen mixing up special dishes for the
occasion, and keeping the coffee hot.


It was only a short distance to the hotel from the
townhouse, so Logan decided to walk the few blocks to the Fifth Avenue Hotel. 
He’d gained weight, and had been feeling so much better now, more like his own
self again. 


It was early evening now, as Logan strolled through
the hotel lobby, then over to the desk, though realizing that he might as well
have supper first before checking in, he started for the dining room.


His mind was on the happenings of the long day at the
townhouse, and he was happy that Olivia had seen her brother.  She’d been
absolutely glowing.  Although Logan hadn’t understood why his stomach had
clenched up in knots, when the big bearded man had just come bursting into the
townhouse, grabbed Olivia giving her a big bear hug, then kissed her soundly. 
It all became clear though, when Claude followed the man in with the beautiful
red-haired woman on his arm, and then introduced her as Garth’s wife. 


had relaxed and
joined in the joyful reunion, after all introductions had been made, and Olivia
had given her brother Garth, a tongue-lashing for deserting his only family for
all those years.  Well, Logan grinned to himself, and thought, “Well for a
change someone else got a touch of that acid little tongue of hers.”


She had cooled down quickly enough though, when Garth
had explained that he’d turned over his portion of his shipping industry to his
partner, Paul Langford, whom Garth had known for years, and the partner would
run the shipping business from now on, since Garth had married and wanted to
‘finally’ settle down in London, and take over some of Claude’s
responsibilities.  Claude was relieved that Garth would return to London to settle.  He’d always wanted the young rascal to help with his many holdings.    


was deep in
thought, as he began to walk into the dining room of the hotel, however out of
habit, paused before entering the doorway, and then briefly scanned the room. 
Some inner feeling came over him, and he couldn’t figure why, though his skin
prickled.  Well, he was a bit tired after the long day, and maybe should just
check into the hotel, then have supper sent to his room after all. 


It was as he scanned the room a second time, before
stepping back, that he noticed the table in the far corner of the room, where
four men sat eating heartily.  He only saw the side view of the large bearded
man, but there was no mistake.  Logan quickly backed out of the doorway, and
hurried across the lobby, and left the hotel.


He darted down to the nearest side street, then,
turning quickly, he darted down to the next block, and then turned again. 
Stepping into a doorway, he stood watching back the way he had come.  No one
seemed to be following him, so he continued on, taking a long way around on his
way back to the townhouse, though once he arrived at the corner of that street,
he stepped into the shade of a spreading maple tree, and stood scanning the
area, before continuing on.  He hurried up the walkway, then taking two steps
at a time up to the porch; he lifted the knocker on the heavy front door. 
Ricardo answered the door, and Claude came into the large hallway, looking
surprised to see Logan. 


didn’t waste
words, “I guess it wasn’t such a good idea after all.  I came back.”


“I see that lad.  What happened?”  Claude asked.


Ricardo closed and latched the door, as he listened to
what Logan had to say.


“It seems that the good Captain Sykes Devlin has
arrived in New York, and is staying at the same hotel where I have been.  At
the present time, he is enjoying a meal in the hotel’s dining room, with three
of his choice ‘thugs’.  The scum of the earth, I might add.”  Logan grimaced at
the memory.


“Were you seen, lad?”  Claude asked.


“I don’t believe so, as no one followed me, I’m quite
sure of that.  Though I don’t think I would be easily recognized now, as my
appearance has changed.  I’ve put on weight, and of course thanks to you sir,
I’m much better clothed than the last time Devlin saw me.  Also I’m clean
shaven.  I honestly don’t think they would recognize me, as I hardly can
recognize myself.”  Logan grinned at that.


“Well, this is not good news anyway you look at it.” 
Claude stated firmly.  Then, “However, hopefully he will be here only a short
time, as he will have his vessel to tend to, and probably will take off to sea
soon.  I’ll speak with Olivia and Garth.  Come in and sit down, Logan.  It is good that you left all of your luggage here so at least you won’t have to
return to the hotel for it.”


“Well, I certainly don’t wish to cause you folks any
trouble for harboring me.  I did jump ship you well know.  And I’m sure Devlin
has those forged bounty documents with him at all times.”  Logan worried.


Claude shook his white head, and said, “Don’t think
for one minute, young chap, that we wouldn’t stand by you.  I have contacts
around the world, and if it comes to that, we’ll fight him legally, though I
believe now our best bet is to stay with our plans, being as you weren’t seen. 
I’m sure the evil captain could have hired men searching every port they come to
for their ‘escapees’.  I certainly hope that your three friends made it to
safety alright.”

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