Dancing With Devia (20 page)

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Authors: Viveca Benoir

BOOK: Dancing With Devia
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Chapter Twenty Three - Devia


“Julian.”  Venia said,


he didn’t know how say what she wanted to without upsetting him, she wanted to be polite, “
ou need to air this place out.”


“Yes, it has an unusual smell about it.”  Julian was offended. Ok so he wasn’t the
best cleaner, but for a guy he was very neat.

“What do you mean?”

“It smells odd.”

“Odd, how?”

“There is this unusual smell, that’s all.
I don’t know how to describe it.
Like a skunk got into your house and died in a closet, I guess.
Did your freezer break, or something?”

“Yeah, a while back.”

“Hmm, that could be it, but you are going to have to
it, as I think it’s smelling up your entire house.”

“Oh, I’m sorry I don’t notice it.
I have a problem with my nose.
I only pick up certain smells. It’s genetic.” He smiled apologetically.

“Well, that’s handy in this case.” She wrinkled her nose. “Look, I can’t stand it. Can we go back to mine?”

“Does your place smell better?”

“Hell yes!”  She laughed and hit him on the shoulder.

“Ok, ok. I’ll replace the freezer before you come over the next time! Just for you.”

“Hey, don’t get annoyed at me, just because you can’t smell a dead skunk in the house.”

He looked around.

“Skunk? Where?”  He looked around amused. “Ok, I get you. Let’s go to yours.”  Before they left, he sprayed the air with
‘Odour Killer. Kills all smells, dead!’
He shut the door behind them.  “I’ll follow you, then I don’t have to take a cab when I need to come back.”

“Who says you will be coming back?  I might decide to keep you.” She said with a twinkle in her eye.




In her beaten up old saloon, Devia slid down in the seat.  Although Venia didn’t know her car, she was sure that if Venia saw her, she would stop in her tracks and confront her. She wished she had parked further away, further down the street, in between some other cars, but she was always afraid she would get blocked in.  So she opted for a larger car parking space, which was nearer to the house.


Devia made it look like she was looking for something on her floor, as the two cars left the drive and turned right to go towards town.  She waited a few moments and trailed behind them.

‘Frigging hell,’
she thought as she saw Venia’s hillside house.
‘She’s loaded.’


There was nowhere for her to park and so she drove past, found a place to park down the road and walked back on foot to the entrance.  Venia’s house had large automatic gates, with CCTV, and so she skirted to the side and climbed over the connecting wall.  It wasn’t as easy as she thought it would be.  Not like in the movies.  She stood on the other side, puffing and panting.
She hoped that Venia hadn’t installed laser motion detectors and didn’t have any free roaming Dobermans, because she wasn’t even carrying her lipstick.
Not that that would help any, but she could die with painted lips.  Although she did have her handbag, worst case scenario she could club any attacking dogs with her purse and hairbrush, and a few other few items lurking at the bottom of her bag.  She grinned at her own sense of humour, and mentally put herself into stealth Ninja/Killer mode.
She visualised herself as Angelina Jolie in Salt, and changed her posture to hide behind a tree, which she realised was ridiculous and so she just crouched and started making her way from tree to tree until she got closer to the house.
Because the house was on the side of the hill, it was all up hill and she wished she had taken out the gym membership that people kept offering her in shopping malls.
Who knew that being a stalker could be so exhausting?


She saw a light go on in the house and Venia walking across the living room.  Julian was standing there watching her, tensed like a coiled spring.
Even from where she stood, she could see he was horny, and he was waiting for Venia to look at him, before he moved in on her.  She snorted. “Yeah right, enjoy her while you can buddy.” Devia said under her breath. “That lady is going to leave town, real soon.”


She watched them kissing and slow dancing again. 
‘What was it with him and dancing?  He never danced with her.’
She thought, as she watched on.  One thing Devia had learned through trailing him; was that he was a creature of habit.  He behaved the same with everyone.
He never changed his routine at all.  That was what had helped her trail him, she knew exactly where he would be at any given time of the day, no diversion, nothing.  She could set her watch by him.
Sophie and Venia were the only flies in the ointment, and once Venia was gone, things could go back to normal.  He could go back to
as she had planned all along


She was getting fed up with the whole scene.  She just wanted to have him in her life, once and for all, no more chasing him.
It was as though someone was messing with her life and throwing in all these annoyances. Yes, that’s what they were, annoyances.  She watched Julian and Venia stripping out of their clothes.
‘Not again.’
  She thought, as she watched them start to make out as they undressed and made their way upstairs.
‘Was everyone, continually having sex with him, but her?  She would soon change that.’


The lights went on upstairs and Devia took that as an opportunity to find a way into the house.  She edged her way around the downstairs of the building, taking her time to feel around doors.  Most sisters would just knock at the door and say hi, but not her. She wanted to get inside without her sister even knowing she was there.  At the back was an entrance to the garage, she doubted that anyone would actually use that door, as it made more sense to drive straight in and use the side door to the house.  It was locked, but Devia had seen enough movies where the heroine used a hair clip to pick the lock.  She felt in her hair, she didn’t wear bobby pins or hair clips, so that was a stupid idea.
She got her own keys out and tried them, one by one, another stupid idea.  What was she thinking?  She looked around; sometimes people used fake rocks, and hid their keys in those, there were none.
Sometimes they used a small plant pot, with an old dead plant in.  She laughed when she saw a plant pot, exactly as she had been thinking.  She lifted it up. Nothing.  She put her fingers inside the dried soil and under the dead foliage of what looked like a geranium type plant.  She laughed again as her fingers caught the metal edges of a key. 


“Not so stupid after all, am I Sister dearest?” She said to herself, as she took the key out and cleaned the soil off it.
She blew it quietly to get the last traces off and slipped the key into the lock.
The door opened inwards and she let herself into the back of the garage.  Now, all she had to do was find out if the back door to the house was locked and if it was, to go through the whole ‘hide and seek’ for the key again.


Devia tiptoed through the garage. It was probably the neatest garage she had ever seen, it was like one of those garages you see on TV, in the commercials, where they just keep it empty, and use it just to park the car to keep it dry.
She went over to the door and put her hand on the handle, she put her head against the door to listen.  She heard faint music in the background.
That was good, because if they had music on, she had a little more freedom for any noises she might accidentally make as she was going through the house.

She slowly twisted the handle and pushed, she felt the handle opening the door, and she gently stepped in, her body on full alert.

Stepping into the utility room, she stood by the washing machine and dryer.  She was about to move forward when she heard footsteps.
Venia walked right past the door into the kitchen and put the light on. She was wearing a beautiful satin, or silk, white negligee with a matching robe.
She was about to whistle under her breath when Julian came in, wearing just his boxers.  His body was so delicious and taut. 

“You got the munchies, already?  I haven’t even started on you yet.”  He kissed Venia’s shoulder from behind and wrapped his arms around her small waist. Devia looked down at her own waist, it wasn’t fair, that of the two of them, Venia had everything.

Venia laughed and leaned against him.

“If I don’t eat now, I won’t have the energy to keep up with you, big boy!”  He grinned at her compliment, knowing that he was about to show her exactly how big he could get.

She was making herself a sandwich, and made one for him too.  They grabbed a bottle from the fridge, some potato chips from the pantry, switched off the light, and left. 


Devia pranced around the utility room, mimicking her sister, and flouncing around in jealousy.
She almost forgot why she was there, and stopped suddenly.  She listened intently as the music upstairs got louder.
She could have a party in the kitchen and they wouldn’t hear her now.  She heard their laughter and some screams, sex games she assumed.
He must be chasing her around the room, caveman style.
It would be
turn soon,
turn to play sex games with him,
turn to flounce around and flirt with him, once she had dealt with Venia.


Now that Devia was actually inside her sister’s house, she didn’t really know why she was there, or what she was going to do.
She went from room to room, touching things, picking things up. In her study, she had various photographs that made Devia stop and stare.

There was a picture of her laughing with Meryl Streep, ‘
Meryl Streep?’
Another of her with Brad Pitt. ‘
Brad Pitt?? Where was Angelina?’
What the fuck did her sister do to have friends like these?
In another, she was with the Obama’s, walking along with them in a park somewhere, a cute fluffy black thing with white paws.

Now the fucking Obama’s?’
  She had a million dollar smile on, as though they were all laughing for the camera.
The more she saw, the more jealous she became of her.  Her sister was a University drop out.
Yet she, Devia, had stayed on, got a mediocre degree and soared to the lowly heights of office assistant, estate agent assistant, and now volunteer assistant, always with the word assistant as part of her job title. She was better than her sister. She deserved more.
She deserved him, Julian.  She had put more into her relationship with him, than all the other women in his life.
She worked harder than them all too. She deserved a pay out.
She deserved everything her sister had, and more.  Her anger was rising and she wanted to smash everything that she saw.
She hated her sister vehemently.  Hated her, more than she had, when she was younger.  Hated her, from the moment she pushed her way out of their mother’s womb first.


Her memories started surfacing.
When they went to university together, everyone thought Venia was the golden girl, why didn’t they think that of
too?  She was her twin.  Ok, so not exactly identical, but she could look like her if she wanted, if she really tried.
Why were they always shunning her, Devia, like she was a bad copy of a Picasso, or something?  Venia got all the attention, right from when they were younger.
She won all the prizes, won all the boys, whil
Devia could only look on and smile.
Pretending to be happy.  Why was she always overlooked?


When Devia had been caught giving a blowjob to the principle lecturer at the university, and they asked her name, she had naturally given them Venia’s.
Of course, she would.   A ‘grade A’ student could get away with things like this, with a little slap on the wrist.
Besides, s
he just wanted to bring Venia down a peg, make her a laughing stock.
Make people think she was a cheap slut, so that she, Devia, could be the star for once.
The fact that the lecturer wanted and thought it
Venia too, was beside the point.
Venia had had no idea, all she knew was that suddenly she had been expelled.  Devia smiled at the memory. There had been a massive piece in the local newspapers and then Venia had been cast out, from friends, family, and university.  Now it was
Devia could shine, be the star for once.


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