Dancing With Devia (19 page)

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Authors: Viveca Benoir

BOOK: Dancing With Devia
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“Mr Mansell, we appear to have a problem that needs taking care of immediately.”

He grunted in surprise as she dropped to her knees and looked up at him.
Her mouth lingering by his jean buttons.  He felt that if he were going to speak, his voice would sound like he was on helium.
He couldn’t have her affecting him this way, and yet he wanted her to blow him, right there and then, but he had to regain control.  Of himself and his manhood.

“Ms Colby.” He bent down, took her face in his hands and kissed her hard on the mouth. “If, you are a good girl, you may get to enjoy the delights of my body again, but only if

She gasped.  It was the first time a man had ever refused her and she wasn’t sure how to take it at first.  She decided she liked it.
It made him different from everyone else and that just made her want him more.  She stood up, and looked coquettishly at him from under her lashes.
A look that she could see affected him, badly.  First game to him, but not set and match.
Not yet.  She felt a frisson of sexual desire course through her body, and she breathed heavily to hold onto her dignity.

“As you wish. Just know, I don’t drop to my knees for just anyone…”
‘Of my own accord,
’ she mentally added
“Very rarely in fact.”

“Noted. I’m sure

e said with some satisfaction.  He thought of his grandmothers torn and thick baggy tights, and her bulbous varicose veins to subdue his erection. It worked, every time.  “Now, shall we get underway, and go sailing, as I promised?”


She nodded her head and he started to warm up the engine so they could leave the marina.

Chapter Twenty One - Devia


Devia saw the yacht sailing away, without her and with yet another woman on board.  She didn’t know why he hadn’t called her.  She had called him and impersonated his dead wife on the phone, in the middle of the night, and had given him a clear message that
, Devia, was the one from him.
Then, she had crept back inside his house and laid the dress by his side.

He was supposed to call her and hadn’t.  When she had gone to his house, he had already left, and so she had driven like a crazy woman to the marina.  Now she had seen a woman getting on his boat, just a quick back view, but she didn’t recognise her although there was a familiarity about her that she couldn’t place.  She wracked her brain.  She must be local.  ‘
How many women did he have on tap?’
  When she had been watching him, when he was married, he only had his wife.
Now, he seemed to have women all over the place.  Now what was she going to do?  She picked up her phone and called Andrew his boss, for information on his movements today.
She hadn’t called him in a while, and he may have forgotten that she could still fuck up his life and call his wife, Amy.

“Hello, Andrew
.” She said sweetly.  He heard him do a sharp intake of breath at the other end of the phone.

“What do you want?” He said curtly.

“I want to know where Julian is today?”

“I don’t know.”

“Just a lickle, wickle call to Amy.  Remember Andrew
, one call is all it takes for your life to fuck off down the drain.” She said maliciously.
She could almost hear him sweating bullets.

“I said, I don’t know.”

“Is Julian working today?”

“Not with me, he isn’t.” he replied.

“Ok, thank you, Andrew
, I’ll be in touch.”  She smiled sweetly as she spoke, making her words even more threatening.  She hung up and looked back to the horizon, to the boat, as it was disappearing in the direction of the islands.

She walked towards her speedboat and growled as she stepped inside.
She was getting fed up of all this chasing around.  She would have to take drastic action.
She was running out of patience.
If she had to kill again, she would.
One more bitch in the way, that’s all she was.
One more bitch.


As the speedboat bounced over the waves, Devia was thinking of ways she could kill the new woman.  She looked behind her to see what could be used from the boat. 
She thought about t
he belt she had used on Sophie
; too
She hadn’t realised how long and how tight you would need to hold something like that for you to actually kill someone.  Or how strong you had to be.  The neck looked so thin.  Her initial intention with Sophie was to quiet her, and to get her to black out.  But then she was afraid that when she woke up she would go running to the police, and Julian.
That was the moment she decided she couldn’t let her wake up, but even so, now she wanted an easier way to kill.
She wished there was a killers or assassins school she could hire, or maybe an online killing course she could subscribe to and to receive a regular email in her inbox with today’s handy killing hints.  She smiled to herself.  Maybe, she could set up her own killing business, she was obviously starting to improve as she had one kill under her belt, and another one on the way.  She was starting to like it too.  She was starting to feel sexy, horny and ready.
It made her feel earthy, and powerful. She was a natural born killer. 




When she had been little, about seven or eight, her biggest kill had been the neighbour’s fluffy black cat, and she had managed to make that look like an accident.
That served it right, always shitting in her sand pit. She had been building a small castle in her sandpit for her Barbie doll and turned over the sand to find a hardened, black, sand covered, turd in her play sand.  She had snapped, and the next time she saw that cat, she had snapped its neck and hung it by its cat collar in the neighbour’s tree, to make it look like it had caught on the branch and strangled itself.


She had heard their screams of pain and distress.  It gave her great delight and she had smiled for days.
After that, she had always smiled sweetly at them and they thought her such a kind little child.
She would smile at them more then, as they didn’t know what she had done.  What she was capable of. She had hidden her scratch
and bit
hands behind her back. Her arms ripped to shreds by their now dead cat covered with a thick pink fluffy cardigan. 


She still remembered the joy she felt when it stopped breathing in her hands. The power she had felt then.
Sophie had been similar, only she hadn’t struggled as much as the cat had, and she didn’t make the same noises.
Sophie had given up too easily.
She hoped the next woman would make her death more enjoyable and more worthwhile.  Otherwise it would be an insult to her increasing skills.
They should be pleased it was her, and not some crazy, random drug crime.  With her they got an exclusive service, the service of changing their minds about being with Julian.  After all, he was


About thirty minutes in to her sailing, she caught up with Julian’s yacht. She slowed the engine and allowed the boat to bob closer.  Luckily the wind was behind her and it pushed her boat towards the other one with each wave.  No one was at the helm and they were just drifting with the wind. She wondered what they were doing on board and her interest increased. She lowered her head, but then stopped, realising that if they were paying attention, they would see her approaching them anyway.  She would say she had run out of fuel if they asked.  The boat came alongside.  She looked inside the windows.  In the main cabin, she saw that Julian was fucking the
The sheet was over the lower half of his body, his upper body bare, his muscles tensed as he was thrusting into her.  She could see the other woman’s hands, but not her face.
Devia held onto the outside of the boat and bobbed up and down with the waves.  She was watching intently, wanting desperately to be the woman on the bed.
She heard the other woman moaning through the window, she was starting to climax.  Devia growled and almost lost her handhold on the boat.  She toyed with the idea of boarding the boat, but knew that if Julian saw her, he would probably throw her over and leave her floating.
He had warned her not to go near him again, or was it only his house?  Either way, it didn’t matter; he had no control over her.
She was a free agent.  He was
and she would do whatever it took to keep him hers.


She looked in the window again to see Julian arch his back and fall forward as he climaxed.
His head lowering slowly to rest on the pillow beside…beside… HER!


Devia was shocked to her core.  She let go of the boat, and started her engine and raced back to the marina.
She was angry beyond words.  She had never felt so angry.


Her own sister.
He was fucking her own sister.
Of all the people, in the world.  Her long lost, hated, fucking beautiful, successful, rich sister.  The last she knew of Venia, she had moved away.  She was obviously back, and had made a beeline for her man.  The man
, Devia, had always wanted.  The man, her sister had always wanted too, since they were at college together.  The man they had both masturbated to, when they shared a room together.  The man they had both coveted and been shy over.
They had made a teenage bet to see who could get him.  Was that what this was all about?
The bet?  A teen bet? Really?


Well, she wasn’t going to let her sister win this bet, not after everything she had done to get this far.
She hadn’t even known he was there until...until, she had stupidly written to Venia and told her she had seen him in the museum almost a year ago.  She could have kicked herself.  Her sister had come, because of her and a stupid postcard.  She wished she hadn’t been crowing over it.
She wished she could have kept her mouth shut, until they had been married.


Now, she didn’t care what she did. If she had to kill her sister, to get the man, she would. 

She wasn’t going to lose, not this time.


Chapter Twenty Two - Julian


“Did you hear a boat engine?” Julian got out of bed, naked and walked around the bed to the window.


“Yes, there’s a boat in the distance.”

“Who is it?
Pirates?” She smiled, and patted the bed for him to rejoin her.

Oh, I don’t know, but they are burning the life out of that engine.
These boaters have no idea how to enjoy the peace and quiet.”

“Come back here.
I need you.”

He happily complied and rejoined her in bed.
His mind, solely on Venia, and the pleasures they were enjoying together.  She was like his female counterpart.
She was the female version of him. She fitted him, his way of life, his thoughts, and his body.  They melded together, as if they were already ideally suited.  He tried not to think of marriage, as he had done with Sophie.  He realised too, that he fell in love too easily, and he realised also that he craved the stability of having a woman in his life.
They were his security, his peace of mind and his comfort.  This time, he would take his time, enjoy her, let her enjoy him and when she was ready, if she was ready, he would let her suggest it to him.


As she knew the area, and had been to the islands many times, they just stopped where they were, the boat bobbing with the tide.  They went out and sat on the deck, drinks in hand and watched as other craft passed them in the distance. It was a beautiful day, and they revelled at the beginning of a fun and fulfilling friendship.


Julian couldn’t believe how much he was enjoying spending time with her, they seemed to have so much in common and he no longer felt uncomfortable with her.
She no longer intimidated him. He had proved himself a man in bed many times over, and he smiled at the memory of her in her moments of heightened passion.

“Hey, what are you thinking?”  She said playfully as he disappeared into his mind for a moment. He looked at her intently, his green eyes, serious, full of lust and desire, and all he said was.

“You.”  He didn’t need to say anymore.  She walked over to him and kissed him full on the lips, her lips lingering, as they breathed each other in.
She had forgotten how well he kissed.
Maybe he had mellowed over the years.
Gone were the frenzied fumblings, of their youth.
She was partly surprised that he didn’t recognise her, hadn’t said anything, and so she let it go.
Besides, she wasn’t the same person as she was then.  She had changed her name, her job, and everything about herself.
She had left her family and her mistakes behind.  She was probably nothing to him.


Now he was ready for her, ready for her to pick up the keys from the past and unlock him as though he were a door.  In doing so she would also be unlocking her past.  She was waiting to see her sister Devia too.  She seemed to have gone underground.
She had received a post card from her almost a year ago and since then nothing.  She had an old score to settle with her too.  Devia had gotten her expelled, when she had taken the blame for something Devia did at
.  She had been left to carry the blame and as a result, her parents had no longer wanted anything to do with her, she had had no education to her name and she was left to fend for herself.
All because of Devia. She didn’t know whether she should thank her for making her the person she was now, or kick her for making her life so hard. 


She didn’t even know if he knew Devia, he certainly hadn’t mentioned her and so she guessed she would have to find her, herself.  Of the two sisters,
twins, Devia, was the one that was the black sheep of the family and she, Venia, was the goody two shoes. They say, of two children, one will have the wings and the halo, and the other the horns and tail.
Venia had started with the halo, but out of necessity she had had to change.
When she had left, without a penny to her name, abandoned and excommunicated from the family, her school, and her town, she had had no option when her savings had run out, but to turn to the oldest trade in the world.
She had sold herself so that she could eat, and over time, she soon became the devil with horns.
She had had to; she had to protect herself.
All because of Devia.


Now, many men later, a couple of husbands later, one of them called Matt, who taught her everything she needed to know about business and being evil, she was back to rebuild herself, recreate her lost innocence and settle down.  To do so, she had to find her sister and square things away with her, ensure that she didn’t ruin it all for her again.
She had come to town mainly to see, and find Devia, but had literally bumped into Julian, as he was involved in an accident.
She didn’t believe in coincidences.
She was on that road for a reason, and one reason only.
Fate had decided that it was time for her to meet him again.
After all these years, he had obviously forgotten her.
Pity, but in a way she was glad, because then she wouldn’t have to explain everything to him, as it was, she could start again with him, with no past.


Julian wrapped his arms around her.

“Who is thinking so hard now?” he said, as he pulled her close to him.  There were so many things that they both wanted to say to each other and yet neither spoke, so many hidden skeletons, and ghosts were between them.


They ate on the boat, and watched the sun setting, before returning to the marina.  It was a beautiful day, full of laughter, affection and fun. When they got back they were so wrapped up in each other that neither noticed Devia loitering with intent, her face thunderous and dark with an angry scowl. 


She watched Venia and Julian kiss in the car park, and watched as both cars drove away.  She decided to follow her sister and was dismayed to find her going back to Julian’s.  She would have to sit it out, and wait outside until she could confront her, face to face.  She wasn’t having her sister muscle in on her territory.


In the distance, she watched them kissing through the lounge window and she gritted her teeth, again.
She hated Venia more than ever.

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