Dancing With Devia (14 page)

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Authors: Viveca Benoir

BOOK: Dancing With Devia
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Chapter Thirteen - Julian


Julian had been watching Sophie, while they sailed out to the island.
Everything was new to her.
He loved it when she expressed her delight at the seals as they sailed by them.
The seals lay on their backs in the water and looked at them nonchalantly, then would dip suddenly, under the waves, their heads popping up moments later to watch them as they passed.
She watched the sea gulls floating by on the flotsam.  Everything was wonderful to her and she skipped from one side of the boat to the other, always looking for the next new event.
At times
she was childlike in her joy and innocence and at others she would give him a look that hit him right in the groin. A look that said, ‘I’m definitely no child.’  When she
that look, he felt like Mowgli out of Jungle Book and she was the snake.  He was tempted to leave the helm and just sweep her up into his arms and claim her.
He was aware that she was younger than him, and she had this inexperienced youth about her and an easy going nature that told him she hadn’t ever suffered in love or life.
It drew him to her.
She didn’t cloud her eyes and feel sorry for him.
She didn’t know about his life before, and she hadn’t asked.
He liked that about her.


Together, they explored the island that he knew so well, island that he had spent years
sailing to and visiting
If she had blindfolded him, he would still be able to find his way back to his boat.
He let her run on ahead, she would turn and wait for him to catch up and they would walk on again.
She wanted to see around every corner before she got there, around every rock.  They clambered over the rocky parts together, he helped her up or down, dependent upon the terrain they were in.
He wasn’t ready for a relationship and he was ok by himself, but this girl, Sophie, was intoxicating.
She gave him hope.
A couple of times, he could have sworn it was Crystal speaking to him.  It was almost as though when he looked at her, Crystal’s younger face was transposed upon hers and they merged.
He would have to blink slowly for Sophie’s face to reappear.
Today, he had smiled non-stop.


Walking back to the beach where the
had been tethered, they sat on the blanket and had a drink before
etting back, the sun was just starting to set, the orange, red and deep pink hues reflecting on the waves.
There was a calmness to the evening and they enjoyed sitting together to watch the sunset, glasses of chilled wine in their hands.  She leaned against a thick log which he sat on.
She was close enough to touch him and while he wanted her to, he gave her her space.  He wanted her to be friends, and to be comfortable with him.

As she stood up and brushed the sand off her trousers, he started to fold the blanket up and put things away.

“Do we have to leave?”

He looked at her quizzically.

“I mean, it’s just so lovely here.”

“I guess we could stay over, if you really wanted.”  He laughed.

“Yes. I would like that!”

“Ok, let’s get back on board and we can settle in.
I have enough supplies, but I wasn’t expecting company so it will be rough and ready dinner, as in nothing special.”

“I like it rough and ready,” she said, suddenly blushing furiously when she realised how it must have sounded to him.  He smiled at her.

“Hmm!”  He said gruffly, as he carried on folding things and placing them into the dinghy. “Can you get in?”
He said, his hand held out for her to take it.  She stepped forward and as she did so she bent forward and kissed him. 

He was surprised, but returned her kiss and felt her body start to mold into his.
He put his hands around her waist to stop the boat moving her away.
He smelled the salty ocean air in her hair, on her skin, sun bronzed by the sun, the sweet scent of her.  He still had the dinghy rope in one hand, and the water was starting to move the boat into deeper water.
If they didn’t stop kissing, the boat would float away and possibly cause her to fall towards him.
He lifted her up so that her feet weren’t in the boat anymore and with one arm he carried her back to the shore, not once removing his lips from hers. He pulled the dinghy back onto the beach behind him with the other hand, and let the rope fall to the ground.

He laid her down on the sand, which was still warm from the day, and he covered her with his body.
They kissed for what seemed like an eternity.
Both lost in the moment.
Both lost in each other’s kisses.


Resting on his arms, his hands in her hair, he kissed her like a starving man, hungry for everything she could give him.
His soul needed her.  He needed to feel a woman in his arms.
His heart was bursting with pain, with love, with unfulfilled desire.  She wasn’t Crystal, but she would do, for now.  He looked at her so deeply, his eyes burning with desire and lust, and he kissed her with hot passion as though his life depended upon it.

She yielded to his kisses, to his desires, her body moving with an unrehearsed grace in his arms.  His hands, guiding hers, to find and explore his body.
His passion and experience balanced by her youth and enthusiasm.
He slowed her jerky fumbling down and taught her to follow his experience.
His eyes, never once, leaving hers, he completely consumed her.

As he undressed her slowly, exposing her beautiful pale skin to the evening stars, he marvelled in her.
He kissed her from her toes to her head, pausing to kiss the dips in her shoulders blades, kissing her ears tenderly.
He wanted her to remember this night.  He slowly undressed and joined her in her nakedness, his body outlined by the bright stars. The sky, clear and dark, as night fell.
Two people, alone in the world, two people lost in each other on a faraway beach.

“Are you sure about this?”
He asked her between kisses.
He wanted her to want this as much as him.

“Yes.”  She whispered to him as he kissed her.
She pulled him to her, and he went willingly; plunging into the depths of her inner core.  He stopped, and stayed still for a moment, waiting for her to still her moans.
He hadn’t realised she was so inexperienced, she felt so tight, and he wondered if he were her first.  She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him to her.
Against the darkness of the night sand, her hair was splayed around her head.
The full moon had risen and she was bathed in the glow of its light, giving her an ethereal beauty that took his breath away.
He drowned in her eyes, and kissed her softly.  He began to thrust his hips slowly at first, his cock bursting and throbbing, he wanted to come so badly, but he wouldn’t, not until he felt her beginning to climax and so he thrust deeper into her, maintaining his rhythm and speed.
She started to moan as he reached her sweet spot, her hips rising to meet his.
He held her tightly and watched her face as she started to involuntarily shudder on his cock.
She started mewling a deep throaty sound, which then started to rise as the orgasm took her.
She screamed his name at the top of her
, and he let go, and released into her, his lips slamming down on her mouth so she moaned into his mouth as he kissed her, his hips still thrusting as he came with her.


When she had calmed down, he stroked her hair out of her eyes, and kissed her over and over again.  He smiled at her.

“Well, I didn’t expect that.” He said, as he withdrew from her and rolled over so that he was lying by her side and facing her.  He tweaked her nipple and she turned towards him, her face glowing in the night.

“Neither did I, but I am glad we did.”
She grinned “and I had hoped.”

“You did?”

“Oh yes!
I knew I wanted you from the moment I saw you.
I wished I hadn’t been with my parents then.
I pretended, that day, that
were my birthday present, not the sailing trip.”

“Happy belated birthday then.” He said wryly. “Glad to be of service.”

She patted his chest playfully.

“Don’t pretend you didn’t notice.” She said.

“Actually I hadn’t thought about it until you seduced me.”

Seduced you?”

“Yes, I am an innocent captain, and you lead me astray.”

“You kissed me first!”

“No, you kissed me.” He replied. “In the boat, just earlier.”

“No you kissed me, after the deer came to say hello.”

“That wasn’t a ‘I want to fuck you kiss’, that was a ‘you are beautiful’ kiss.”

“Is there a difference?”

“Yes come here, let me show you.” He took her in his arms and kissed her again, he allowed her to melt into him, to become breathless with desire and then he released her with a smile.

Was that the ‘I am beautiful kiss’?”  He laughed and kissed her again, a lighter, tender kiss.

“No, that was.”  He said laughing.

“Mmm, I am not sure.
You may have to start again.” 

“As you wish, milady.” He took her in his arms and he got lost in her, in her kisses, in her breath on his face.
So lost, that they never
saw or
heard Devia, further along the beach.


Devia fumed.
That bitch had overstepped her boundaries.
Devia crept along the beach away from them.  She needed to return to her boat, and pitch her tent so she would be comfortable for the night.
There was no way she could leave now.  The motor of her boat would alert them.  She was trapped on the island with them.
She was tempted to kill them both, and make it look like an accident, but she still wanted Julian for herself.


Oblivious to Devia’s presence on the island, Julian and Sophie once more made passionate love on the beach.

Chapter Fourteen - Devia


Devia stomped across the island in complete darkness, her way lit only by the light from the full moon.  As the clouds covered the moon she was plunged into the eerie black of the woods.
She knew the island very well
so she didn’t need a flashlight, and there was nothing that could scare her.  She was so angry at what she had just seen.
He had, of course, made beautiful love to that young girl. 


She had wanted to be her, to see the intensity of his passion for
.  Devia had had no such passion, no such eyes from him.
No such gentleness.
She had had to drug him to get sex with him, and even then, that didn’t really count.
He didn’t even know she existed.  She would have to change that, and change it soon.  She was certainly not going to let a young thing like that blonde come in and take her man, the house, and the car from her.  Everything she had worked for?  No, she was going to fight for him.
Fight with everything she had.


She growled as she dragged her tent from the boat.
Luckily it was a simple pop up one. Designed for people like her.
Undo a tie and the whole thing sprang to life, all in one; a complete tent.
No need to mess about with poles
threading them through the canvas of the tent, to make them habitable.
No, this one was a perfect tent.  All she had to do was get out her rolled up foam mattress, her sleeping bag, her pillow and she had everything she needed for a cosy night on the island.  She had a few cans of food that had pull ring tops, always for an emergency.
On the other side of the island, she set up a small fire on the beach and heated her dinner.  She was tempted to go back to the cliff and sit there with her binoculars to watch them, but first she would have dinner.
They weren’t going anywhere.
Watching them could wait an hour for her temper to cool down.
She waited for the moon to disappear behind the clouds, which gave her better coverage as she hid in the dark.


After dinner, the thought of them on the beach together still gnawed at her. Her stomach churned.
She put her things away and took the short cut back to where they were moored offshore.
Sitting, her back against the rock, she focused on them, on the boat.
They were dancing, laughing together.
She gritted her teeth.
Then the music must have changed because in the next moment, they were slow dancing and stripping to the music, until they were both dancing naked.
He was kissing her and she appeared to be loving it.  She put the binoculars down and hit the sand with her clenched fist.
She breathed heavily in anger, her lips pursing.
She moved along the beach with her things, so she could get closer.
The lights of the boat appearing to shine brighter, the closer she got.  She heard their laughter, their voices speaking low, then laughter again.
They came out onto the deck naked. He was chasing her and she let him catch her.

“Fucking bitch.” Devia muttered under her breath, as she watched them kissing on the deck.
They were in the full light from the boat and she saw everything, whereas Devia was dressed in dark clothes against a black background.
She saw their nakedness
Julian’s sexual arousal, the young things pert breasts and tiny waist, her long blonde hair, cascading around her like a golden curtain.
Devia hated Sophie’s youth, her beauty and her carefree attitude.
She had the carelessness of a teenager with perfect skin, perfect breasts, and slim thighs.  Just as she had been, before the ravages of men and children had ruined them.


Julian took Sophie by the back of the neck and bent her
over the deck rail. He slapped her on the a
s and positioned himself behind her.
He started to fuck her, slowly at first, as she held on to the rail, the boat gently rocking with their activity.
He picked up speed as she started to moan and push herself against him. 

“Oh my god,” he bellowed as he came hard inside Sophie.  Devia’s eyes, in the night, drank in every detail
he couldn’t look away, didn’t want to look away, and yet she didn’t want to watch either.
She watched Julian pull out of Sophie and Sophie drop to her knees to take him in her mouth.
She watched him run his hands through his hair and look up to the sky as he enjoyed the sensations of her gentle tongue on him.
Sophie licked him clean.
He bent down to her, and entwined his hands in her hair. Julian looked at her for a moment, then kissed her passionately on the mouth pulling her up on to her feet, where he held her close.


Devia was close enough to them to see the cum running down the inside of Sophie’s thighs.
That was
It should only run down
No one had a right to it, but
That bitch had to go.  Devia growled in anger.

“Did you hear anything?” They both stopped and looked towards the beach, which was shrouded in darkness.
They listened intently.
Devia froze to the spot, and wished that her heart wouldn’t beat so loudly.

“Hmm,” Julian said, “Nothing.”  He looked down at Sophie. “Are you getting cold? Shall we go inside?” His voice sounded so manly, so in charge.

“Yes, let’s,” she said; her face upturned towards his adoringly.
They turned to go inside and the door shut behind them.


“Yes, let’s…” Devia said, in a sarcastic mocking voice. “Yes, let’s go fuck some more…” She pranced and skipped along the beach, making fun of Sophie’s youth.
She flicked her hair and pretended to be Sophie “ooooh. Yes, oh yes, let’s.”  A whole imaginary conversation going on in her twisted mind, while her voice re-enacted it, and her body and hands exaggerated Sophie’s previous actions.



She was determined that as young as
was, her competitor for Julian’s affections wouldn’t be getting any older.



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