Crossing The Line (A Taboo Love series Book 3) (2 page)

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Authors: M.D. Saperstein,Andria Large

BOOK: Crossing The Line (A Taboo Love series Book 3)
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Chapter One


I drag my ass out of bed extra early this morning because Eddie Dugan – the top talent agent in the country - told me to come in to see him today.  Apparently, he has a “role of a lifetime for me.” His words, not mine.  After the past few months that I have been having, between attackers, weddings, and babies, it’s time for me to refocus myself back on my career.  And I need something good. Something to get my name back out in lights. I miss the rush, the excitement, and the energy of the red carpet.  I even miss the paparazzi, but don’t tell anyone I said that; I would deny it if you did.

He didn't give me any hints about the plot or the characters, but he said that I am perfect for the part. I try texting Charlie a few times about it, but she keeps changing the subject.  She agrees that I am perfect for the part, but won’t tell me anymore than that. I love that girl, but…Bitch!  I step off the elevator and into the outer office of the agency – Top Talent Agency. How apropos.  The secretary, a young, pretty, red head smiles wide and bats her eyelashes at me as she always does.

"Hello, Mr. Hamilton," she purrs. I can never remember her name.

"Hey, Charlie in?" I ask simply with a smile.

She nods and points in the direction of her office. I offer a “thanks” and quickly head for Charlie's office, not giving Red a chance to ask me out. Not that I wouldn’t love to tap that, but if I have learned one thing, it’s don’t shit where you eat.  Nick taught me that. Then again, he did a bang up job following his own rule, marrying his secretary.  Smart kid; I would have snatched Delilah up if I would have gotten to her first.
Lucky bastard!

I’ve known Charlie for what feels like forever. She was the first face to greet me when I joined the agency.  And of course I used my charms to get her to go out with me. One date and one kiss later, she told me that kissing me was like sucking face with her brother and that she didn’t feel any sexual chemistry between us. Thank god she is a cool chick because we have been tight ever since.  Now, years later, and she is married to one of my best friends, Calvin.  And her best friend, Delilah, is married to my other best friend, Nick. Small world considering everyone met by chance, not by introductions. Our lives are intertwined and have endured enough drama to support many seasons of a soap opera, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. They have become my family, and I love and respect each one of them.

I knock on her door before pushing it open.  A beautiful, smiling, and very pregnant Charlie greets me with a huge hug.

“Sadie Sadie married lady. How does it feel to be Mrs. Calvin King III?”

Charlie laughs and I can’t help joining in. Did I really just quote a line from
Funny Girl
? I really need to stay away from Broadway for a while.

“Can you believe he dragged me straight to the courthouse from his hospital bed?”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. Calvin really was in a rush to claim Charlie as his wife. He had been attacked, stabbed, and rushed into major surgery only days earlier.   “He would have had the Justice of the Peace come down to the hospital if you would have agreed.”

“Yeah, he’s a crazy one, that husband of mine, but I think I’ll keep him.”

“Good to know.”  I snicker. “How are you feeling?”  I pat my hand on my own tummy, clarifying what I am asking about. Charlie and Calvin are having twins.  I like to call them the miracle babies because Charlie was led to believe her whole life that she was medically unable to get pregnant.

“Like I am about to burst.” She groans.

“Well, you look gorgeous,” I tell her sincerely.

“Please, next you are going to tell me that I am simply glowing,” she guffaws.

“What the hell does that mean anyway?”

“Fuck if I know. I am so ready for them to get here so we can have a proper reception with all of our family and friends,” she answers then changes the subject. “Have you seen Eddie yet?”  

“Nope. Are you going to tell me anything about this script?”

Charlie laughs mischievously and I’m a little worried.  What am I getting myself into?

“Nope, but I think Eddie is ready for you if you want to go find out for yourself.”

“Bitch,” I call her affectionately, as I turn toward the door.

“Pain in my ass…and I have three!” she hollers at my back, and I leave her office.

I round the corner to Eddie’s office and stick my head in to find him on the phone, as usual. He looks up and waves me in, shoving the phone between his face and shoulder, while he types on his computer. I go in and shut the door behind me, dropping down onto one of the chairs in front of his desk.

Eddie hangs up the phone a minute later and smiles across the desk, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes deepening. "Hamilton, my favorite client.  How’s it hangin’?" he asks.

I narrow my eyes across the desk at the older man. For being sixty-five, he looks great. His hair is all white, but he has a full head of it, which he parts on the side and brushes over. He has a few wrinkles, mostly around his eyes and mouth, and wears squared tortoise shell glasses that make him look suave. He’s wearing his usual polo shirt and khakis.

"Whatcha got for me, Eddie?" I ask, eyebrow raised.

"Straight to business as usual, huh?" he murmurs with a soft smile before tossing a script on the desk in front of me.

I just smirk, reach for the script, and read the first few pages, glancing up at Eddie, unimpressed.  I really don’t know what all of the hub-bub has been about.  "Okay, so it's a couple of FBI agents going after a serial arsonist, what's the catch?"

"Take the script home, read it, and let me know what you think when you're finished," he tells me.

"Who am I supposed to be cast as?"  I ask, looking back down at the script for the two names of the lead characters.

"If you take the role, you will be playing Jackson Hart," Eddie replies, his face impassive.

I eye him warily. Something is up and I want to know right now. "Just tell me." I sigh in irritation.

"Read it and get back to me," he reiterates with a mischievous smirk.

I grind my teeth in frustration.  "Fine, was anyone cast as Wade Burns?"

Eddie's grin got wider. "Chance Steele has taken the part."

I lean back in the seat and groan.  I don't exactly get along with Chance. We've done a few movies together, and the movies were major hits, but behind the scenes we were anything but the best of friends that we played on screen. Chance just gets on my nerves; he is so arrogant, kind of a douche, really.

"Why do we keep getting cast together?" I mumble, rubbing my forehead.

"You two are great together; you have fantastic chemistry even though you don't actually get along." Eddie shrugs.

I sigh in resignation as I shove to my feet. "I'll call you later," I mutter, heading for the door with the script in hand.

Eddie chuckles as I walk to the door.  I then glare at him over my shoulder, causing him to laugh even harder. Something is up with the script that Eddie thinks is hilarious. Maybe it’s just a funny movie. I kind of doubt that since it’s supposed to be about FBI agents going after a serial arsonist. I look at the title printed on the first page of the script. Burning Hearts.

Still Parker…

I was able to get home without any incidents from fans or paparazzi.  I kick off my shoes at the door then walk into the kitchen of my penthouse suite.  In the kitchen, my housekeeper, Maribel, is doing a thorough cleaning of the counters. I give her a smile and a nod then grab a bottle of water out of the fridge. I walk over to the table and sit down, cracking open the bottle and taking a sip. I flip open the script to where I left off and continue reading.

About fifty pages in, and I am getting even more suspicious. As I take another sip of water and turn the page, my eyes skim the first line of the page.  Immediately, I spew the water that is still in my mouth across the table and start choking. What the fuck?  My character, Jackson, just kissed Chance’s character, Wade!

"You alright, Señor?" Maribel asks, as she rushes over with a towel to clean the water off the table.

"Fine." I wheeze, as I continue to cough.

Once I get myself under control, I grab the script and flip through it a little faster. This has to be a mistake. Eddie would never give me a gay role...would he? Not that I am homophobic or anything, but I’ve never even thought about taking on a role like that. The more I continue to read, the more kissing and sex occurs. I cringe as I read one of the sex scenes and swallow hard. I don't think that I can do it. Can I?

I’m not sure why everybody was telling me that I am perfect for this role. But they were right about one thing. This would be a game changer. Either it’s a genius move or career suicide.

More importantly, I don't think that I can get that close to Chance Steele. It is one thing to play friends on screen with someone you don’t like, but to play lovers? That is much more difficult. I have a hard enough time dealing with some of the actresses that I’ve had to pretend to be intimate with, especially if there was no attraction. Now, to act like that with another man? Impossible. I know it is just acting, but still. I don't think that I can do what the script is calling for. I have to kiss and touch Chance. I shiver at the thought.

I pull out my phone and call Eddie, who picks up on the third ring. "Are you fucking crazy?" I ask without even a hello.

Eddie laughs. "I’m guessing that you read the script," he responds, no need to ask.

"How the hell did you figure that I am perfect for this role?" I snap.

"Well first off, you fit the description of the character; second, your love/hate relationship with Chance is almost exactly like the two characters in the script. I thought that this would be an easy role for you."

"Did you forget that I'd be playing a gay man?" I grind out, slamming my fist on the table.

Eddie chuckles. "No, I didn't forget. What's the matter? You're not a homophobe, are you?"

"No, I just...I don't give a shit who people fuck, but that doesn't mean that I want to get that close to another man," I say, squeezing the bridge of my nose against the oncoming headache.

"This movie is going to be huge. It's based off a book series that is extremely popular amongst the ladies," Eddie states. "If you don't take the role, someone else is going to swoop in and snatch it up and make shitloads of money. This is it - the once in a lifetime role, kid.  The one you’ve been waiting for. After this, you will be able to name your price. Scripts will be written for you.  You will be the golden boy of Hollywood. Fuck that, you will be the king."

I snort. "Yeah, Chance already accepted the role?" I ask.

"Yup. In all seriousness, Parker, it’s only acting; just pretend that Chance is a chick,” Eddie chirps.

I chew my bottom lip as I mull it over. "Let me think about it. I'll give you my answer tomorrow morning."

"Okay, but I'm telling you, this will be fantastic for your career," Eddie says matter-of-factly before he hangs up.

I sag into my chair and rub my face roughly before looking back down at the script. I decide to finish reading it and then make my final decision. I grab the script and head into my office. I drop down into the chair behind the desk and place the script in front of me. As I settle back into my chair, I start reading again.

I just finished reading the script and am now pacing in front of my desk. I have to admit, it is going to be a great movie. There is a shitload of action and suspense. But there are also a couple of sex scenes and some other more tender moments as both men struggle with their emotions for each other. I shove my hands into my hair and lace them on top of my head. This is insane. I can do this. I am a freakin' Oscar winner for Christ's sake! I can play a gay man. It is just something else to add to my resume. I’ve always wanted to be versatile, to be known as an actor who can play any role. And so far, I’ve done just that. I’ve done drama and action and comedy. You name it and I’ve done it, and I can do this, too.

I glance at the clock. 11:00 pm. I rub my tired eyes and head out of my office to go down the hall to my bedroom, turning off the lights as I go. My penthouse has six bedrooms and three and a half baths, in a high-rise in the heart of New York City. I love the city and as soon as I got my first real break in the movie industry, I purchased it. I would have never been able to afford it as a public defender, or even a first year associate at a law firm.

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