Crossing The Line (A Taboo Love series Book 3) (8 page)

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Authors: M.D. Saperstein,Andria Large

BOOK: Crossing The Line (A Taboo Love series Book 3)
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Chapter Six


I am exhausted. Not the ‘I stayed up late getting laid exhausted.’ Or the ‘I was at a Hollywood premier with A List celebrities exhausted.’  We’re talking the ‘I work all day and then stay up to feed two screaming babies all night exhausted.’  I don’t care what anybody says - being a parent is the most thankless, stressful, grueling, yet rewarding, pleasure filling job. These girls fill my heart and suck the life out of me at the same time. It is the best worst thing I have ever experienced.

It’s been a little over a month since the Christening, and I have been going over to their house after work three to four times a week, trying to help Charlie and give her a break and time to rest. Calvin works nights and even though he has been trying to get home earlier than his usual, I don’t want them to be alone.  Plus, I have to live up to my godfatherly duties. I don’t take that shit lightly. Fuck, maybe I should stop swearing so much. Crap! I did it again.

Delilah and I finally convinced them to hire a night nanny to help them so that they can get some sleep. You may know her, actually.  Her name is Carmella. She works at Nick’s firm, and was friends with Delilah’s mother. When Delilah found out that she was pregnant, they asked her if she would like to be their full time nanny and she was so flattered.  She took the job, but in the meantime, she is going to help with the twins.  I will still go over to see my girls, but it definitely frees up my nights. I need a woman.

Chance and I successfully finished out our week of punishment together. After the dinner party and whole hospital scene, I grew a new respect for him. That made it easier to be a little nicer. It’s been over a month, and there hasn’t been any new incidents on set or off. We get along in a professional manner. Cordial, I guess you can say.   It certainly helps that we haven’t yet filmed any intimate scenes or any that make me uncomfortable around him. Shockingly, he hasn’t invaded my personal space again, involuntarily or on purpose.

We don’t socialize outside of work.  There have been a few instances that the crew invited us both out for happy hour or a party and we both ended up there, but we would just say hello then keep our distance. Like I said, cordial.   And that’s exactly what happened tonight. 

I am at a local bar to celebrate one of the crewmembers’ birthdays and Chance is here.  He is on the other side of the bar talking to some leggy blonde.  I don’t enjoy picking up randoms in bars. It’s too risky in our profession, that’s why I stick with Club M.  While checking out the blonde’s ass, I accidentally make eye contact with Chance.  He raises an eyebrow, then his glass of water in acknowledgment.  I raise my beer back at him, then swivel around on my stool to face the bartender, hoping he gets the hint that I don’t want to socialize with him.


This blonde is working my last nerve.  Don’t get me wrong, she is sexy as fuck, but all she wants to talk about is trying to break in to the business. Show business.  All I want to do is break into her business.  But the more I talk to her, the more I find myself thinking about a different gorgeous blonde. One that is right over her shoulder.  One that just gave me the most smoldering look.  One that I really want to get my lips on again. One that won’t let me touch him.  I think it’s time to remedy that. I ditch the chick and walk over to where he is sitting.

"I think we need to get together tonight and get this shit over with so that we'll be more comfortable when the time comes to do it on camera. We were a sloppy mess last time and that’s not gonna cut it for the critics. Or the audience. They need to believe that we actually like each other, not just tolerate it for the sake of the movie. "

Parker visibly blanches. He swallows hard as his anger ebbs away. He nods. "Yeah...okay."

"Are you going home soon? I could just come with you," I offer.

He stares at me for a moment before nodding again. "Yeah, sure, let’s get this over with" he mutters. We both head out of the bar, Parker heads to his car, opens the door and climbs in.

I quickly tell the limo driver that took me here that I’m getting another ride, then get into Parker’s sweet BMW. I look over at him as he pulls out of the parking lot. The guy is super tense. How can I ease him? We aren’t exactly buddy-buddy and I’m not great at the whole consoling thing.

"Listen, Parker, it's just acting. Pretend I'm a chick or something. You’re making this bigger than it has to be," I say gently, watching Parker’s face through the darkness of the car.

"It's easier said than done." He sighs, bringing a hand up to rub the back of his neck.

"Well, that's why we're going to do some more kissing and touching back at your place, so it will be easier," I say.

He sends me a wary glance. "But I don't even like you."

I bark out a laugh. "Dude, you don't have to like me, you just have to kiss me."

Parker frowns. "Other than the bet, and we know how that went, I've never purposefully kissed someone that I don't like before."

I snort. "That's a lie."

I’m shocked when he actually smirks. "Yeah, okay, maybe it was."

I chuckle. "If it makes you feel any better, I don't really like you either. You’re really kind of a dick."

Parker hums his acceptance, a small smile curling his lips. He really is a good-looking dude, especially when he smiles and those dimples deepen. I don’t know much of anything about Parker’s sex life, but I bet the guy can get any girl he wants without even really trying. He'd just have to smile at them. I can get women just as easily; I’m just as good looking as Parker, fuck you very much. I try not to be a dick, though. I don’t want a bad reputation with the ladies.

We pull into the parking garage of Parker’s penthouse about twenty minutes later. I whistle low as we pull up to the gate at the entrance. Armed security guards man the little gatehouse, most likely to keep out unwanted obsessive fans and paparazzi. I understand. He flashes the guard his parking pass and they give him the go-ahead. After Parker clears the gate, it slowly closes behind us.

"Fancy," I tease as we make our way through the garage to his assigned spot.

"Shut up," Parker grumbles, seeming more tense now that we are here.

I roll my lips in to try to hide the smile that threatens. I really do enjoy seeing Parker squirm. I am curious as to how this is going to play out. Are we going to end up fist fighting? Or will we end up in bed together? There are so many ways that this can go; it’s making my heart race and stomach quiver excitedly.


I lead Chance into my kitchen, needing a drink before we do anything. My whole body is so tense that I’m starting to feel the ache in my muscles, so I go over to the liquor cabinet that is located under my island and grab a bottle of scotch. As I grab a glass for myself, I send Chance a questioning look. He gives me a brow raise, so I grab a bottle of water for him. I keep forgetting that he doesn’t drink. I need to get to the bottom of that. No, I don’t…why do I give a shit? This isn’t personal. He is currently sitting on a stool on the other side of the island counter while I pour scotch into my glass. I hand the water to him then hold my glass up in a silent toast before throwing the whole contents of the glass down my throat.

Chance watches me with wide eyes, mouth agape as I pour another shot. I down that one, too, hissing as it burns my throat and gut. Chance shakes his head in disgust and takes a sip of his drink.

"I still don't understand why you took this role," Chance mutters.

I slam my fist on the counter. "I don’t fucking know!" I shout.

Chance rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

"I've never wanted to kiss or do anything with a man in my life, so excuse me if this is hard for me," I snap, heat flushing my cheeks from the alcohol.

"Then you shouldn't have taken the part. Someone else might have had an easier time with it." Chance grunts, taking another sip of his drink.

"What the hell is going on with you? You're all for this kissing and shit. Did you turn gay without me knowing?" I ask, glaring at him.

He shrugs. "It'd be a lie if I said I wasn't curious," he says quietly, his brown eyes lifting to meet mine.

“You know what they say about guys with brown eyes?” I ask, the scotch loosening me up.

“No, what?” he asks, hesitantly.

“They’re full of shit,” I tell him, laughing at my own joke, trying to lighten the mood.

He chuckles softly, not a full out bark like I was expecting.  Maybe he’s not lying. I swallow hard at the look in Chance’s eyes. He is curious. That much is clear. I’m not curious but I’ll do what I have to, to get the job done. And if that means kissing and touching Chance, then so be it. I’m kind of glad it’s Chance, actually. He’s a well-built, good-looking guy. If I have to be touching another guy, at least it will be someone attractive.

Chance looks somewhat scruffy today. His hair is longer than I’ve ever seen it and he has a couple of days’ worth of facial hair. His eyes are a medium brown, he has a strong jaw line, high cheekbones, and full lips. He is in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that shows off his lean muscular body.

"So are we gonna do this or what?" he asks, his voice going low and husky, his eyes dropping to my mouth.

My heart starts to pound. "I...uh...I...let me make sure no one is here," I stutter before racing off to make sure that all of the maids and cooks and whoever else is gone. I don't need any witnesses to the upcoming disaster.

When I return to the kitchen, Chance isn’t there. I do another shot before I go into the entertainment room that is just off the kitchen. I figure that is the only place he could have gone. And I’m right. Chance is slouched back at the end of the huge sectional, looking utterly relaxed, hands tucked behind his head. He smirks and pats the couch next to him.

I take a deep breath. I can do this. I HAVE to do this. I walk over and sit next to Chance, our thighs touching. I cross my arms over my chest, not knowing what else to do with them. I stare straight ahead, afraid to look at Chance.

He sighs, obviously irritated by my behavior.

"You're gonna make me do all the work, huh?" he mumbles as he turns slightly to face me. "Put your back to me," he instructs.

I turn to look at him, eyebrow raised in question.

"Just do it," Chance demands, brows furrowing in anger.

I shift on the couch to put my back to Chance. I tuck one leg under while the other remains off the couch. I uncross my arms and let my hands sit in my lap. Chance shifts some more behind me before he places his hands on my shoulders. I stiffen immediately.

"Jesus, relax. I'm not going to try to fuck you," Chance snaps, his hands starting to knead at the tight muscles of my shoulders.

I force myself to calm down. He isn’t doing anything unusual. Guys can rub other guys shoulders. No big deal. He digs his thumbs in, pulling a groan from me. I didn't mean for it to come out, but it did. Chance keeps quiet, which makes me relax a little more. I hang my head and let Chance rub my shoulders.

"That's better," he murmurs quietly as he continues to work his magic on my aching shoulders and neck.

I take a deep breath, blowing out some tension as I exhale. I need to chill, get myself ready for the inevitable. I have to kiss Chance -
kiss him. Not just a peck on the lips, but full out, dueling tongues kiss him. And I have to make it look believable. I can do it.

Chance’s hands move from my shoulders and slide down my arms then back up, repeating the movement then changing direction when he reaches my shoulders again. His hands smooth down over my chest from behind. He then presses his lips on me, right where my neck and shoulder meet. I jerk, tearing myself away to land on my ass on the floor between the couch and the ottoman.

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