Crave (Talon Security #1) (20 page)

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Authors: Megan O'Brien

BOOK: Crave (Talon Security #1)
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Piper laughed. “She’s running the show. I’m still getting used to seeing you with a dog.”

I nodded. “Lots of change lately. Almost all of it good.”

She turned to me with a mischievous smile. “Speaking of which, I’m pregnant.”

I nearly choked on the sip of beer I’d taken. “Holy shit, there really is something in the water in Hawthorne! When did you find out? How are you feeling about it?” I questioned in shock.

She laughed. “I found out right before you guys got here. I would have told you sooner, but this is the first moment we’ve had alone. It wasn’t planned but I’m happy. And Ryker, well, he’s something way past happy.”

I didn’t doubt that. He’d been bringing up the baby topic for a while now.

I wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “You’ll such a great mom, Piper. The very best.”

Her expression grew sad and I knew she was thinking of her mother who’d passed away. “I learned from the best.” She nodded.

Ryker immediately strode over, always in tune with Piper. “Okay, babe?” he asked, looking concerned.

She looked up at him and offered a reassuring smile. “Yeah, honey. Was just thinking about mom. I told Sam about the baby.”

He took her hand, guiding her to stand up so he could wrap his arms around her.

“Congratulations, Ry. You guys are going to be fantastic parents.” I smiled

He rested his chin on his soon-to-be wife’s head and held her close. “Thanks,” he replied warmly. “Let’s get you to bed, baby,” he murmured in Pipe’s ear. “Night, Sam.”

Piper shot me a grin and a wave as he guided them toward the house.

“Night, guys,” I replied.

I watched them walk away, Ry’s arm slung protectively around Piper’s shoulders.

They’d loved each other since they were kids. It was beautiful to watch them together now, days from their wedding and already starting a family. I was so happy for my friend. No one deserved it more.


fter three days of preparing for the wedding and getting to know the members of the Knights and their wives better, the morning of the wedding dawned bright and clear. I woke up uncharacteristically early, too excited to sleep.

“Hey, baby,” I murmured, leaning over to kiss Sid in that sweet spot right below his ear.

“Hmmph,” he muttered. “What time is it?”


One of his eyes cracked open in adorably sleepy surprise. “You? Up early?”

I laughed. “I know, I know. I’m just too excited. Today my best friend is getting married!”

He pulled me down to his chest, sweeping his hand up and down my bare back. “Yeah.”

“Thank you for working it out so we could come,” I added, snuggling into his warm body.

He kissed the top of my head. “I’m glad we’re here too. It’s been fun.”

A soft tap sounded on our door. We both looked over in surprise.

“Come in,” I called quietly.

Piper peeked her head in, looking sheepish. “Are you up? I waited until the sun had at least sort of come up.”

I laughed quietly. She’d probably been up for hours, if she even slept at all. “Yeah, I’m up. Give me just a second.”

She nodded, shutting the door.

I dropped a soft kiss on Sid’s gorgeous mouth. “Go back to sleep, babe. I’ll go tend to the bride.” I grinned as Trixie crawled out from under the covers, jumping down off the bed. I threw on a pair of sweats and a hoodie.

I found her waiting in the hall and she immediately took my hand and pulled me down the stairs, all three dogs clambering after us.

“Shit, it sounds like a stampede. We’ll wake the whole house.” I laughed in a hushed tone.

“I didn’t sleep!” she wailed quietly once we hit the kitchen. “I’m going to be such a wreck! I can only have one cup of coffee. That won’t be nearly enough!”

I wrapped her in a quick hug. “It’s okay. You’ll be too excited all day to know you’re tired. You won’t even think about it, promise.”

“Shit, I hope so. Ryker passed out almost immediately. Lucky bastard.”

I shot her a sympathetic look as I started to make coffee. The two of them had decided against the tradition of spending the night before their wedding apart. Ryker had said he’d spent enough nights without her as it was.

I loved that for her.

We sat at the eat-in kitchen table sipping coffee and watching the sun come up over the backyard, now set as a gorgeous stage for a wedding.

The large space had been cleared, with white chairs set up on two sides to create an aisle. We’d strung gorgeous lights through the trees and hung paper lanterns from their branches. Ryker had surprised her by building a beautiful arbor under which they’d be married.

It looked magical. I told her as much.

“Yeah, it turned out even better than I’d expected.” She grinned.

It wasn’t long afterwards that Sid and Caden wandered into the kitchen with Cade looking half-asleep. “Coffee?” he croaked. Like me, he’d never been much of a morning person.

“There’s a full pot,” I told him as they both filled their cups and came to join us. Sid sat next to me, scooting my chair as close as he could get it, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

It was a perfect moment, just the four of us, like it used to be. I looked at my friends, feeling a warm familiarity that lit me from the inside out. So many things had changed, and yet our friendship had remained the same.

“Remember that time Cade brought that girl home and she tried to steal his wallet?” I said, now able to laugh at the situation, which had not been at all funny at the time.

“Christ, you didn’t even wake up, man.” Sid chuckled, ribbing his brother. “The girls had to pin her down when Piper caught her trying to sneak out.”

“Don’t remind me,” Caden mumbled. “At least I knew her name. Sid.” He added, looking pointedly at Sid.

He didn’t need to clarify what he meant. We remembered all too well that particular incident, when Sid had brought home a girl who very hysterically reminded him of her name when he’d forgotten it after a one-night stand.

“It was really fun getting her out of the house,” Piper put in with a laugh.

“Good thing I only have one name to remember now,” Sid replied, his voice a low rumble as he kissed my temple.

I knew he wanted to reassure me but I didn’t need it, not anymore.

“We had a good time,” I mused, sinking into Sid’s side, grateful for this time together, knowing the rest of the day would be jam-packed with preparations.

“Hell yes, we did,” Cade agreed.

We sat in companionable silence, watching as the sun rose higher in the sky. It was a blissful few moments, just the four of us. Danny joined us as Piper and I started getting breakfast together.

Ryker emerged soon after. “You okay?” he asked Piper. “I was surprised you weren’t in bed.”

Piper shrugged. “I didn’t sleep that well. I was too excited,” she shared as he wrapped an arm around her. “But I’m not worried about it,” she told him, delivering a quick wink in my direction.

That was my girl.


The sun was just beginning to dip in the sky as I stood beside the arbor with Ettie, Scarlet, and Connie, watching Piper and her dad walk down the aisle. Axel, Ryker’s brother, looked handsome as the best man as he stood beside Cole, Wes, and Mack, all members of the Knights.

The lights twinkled overhead as I fought against the lump in my throat. Piper had loved Ryker all of her life. I knew this was her dream come true and my insides were bursting with joy for her. My eyes found Sid looking sinfully handsome in the second row. His blue eyes looked intently back at me, a tenderness there that I’d never tire of.

My dream had come true as well. I’d never felt so lucky.

In a short but beautiful ceremony Ryker and Piper exchanged vows, before he claimed her in a kiss that would make anyone blush.

The backyard erupted with whoops, wolf whistles, and cheers as he dipped her low.

“All right, everybody.” I spoke into the microphone a few minutes later. Cade, Sid, and I had set up our makeshift stage earlier in the afternoon. I searched for Piper, finding her off to the side looking stunning in her vintage wedding dress as Ryker stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her. I nodded toward her. “My best girl here asked us to play a couple songs for you guys.” I grinned, looking over at Sid, who winked at me. He looked distractingly delicious in his dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow, highlighting his muscular forearms as he held his bass.

The crowd whooped as Cade hit his drumsticks together, launching us into the first song of our short set.

I let my voice carry as we broke into our own flavor of “Brown Eyed Girl,” a special song for Ry and Piper. I delivered a wink in her direction, watching her cheeks grow pink as Ryker murmured something in her ear.

I loved to perform and realized I’d missed it. With everything that had happened in the past few weeks, it was an amazing feeling to let it all go and just be in the moment. I grinned over at Sid, watching how happy he looked. I knew with certainty then that this wouldn’t be the last time the three of us stood on a stage together.

We all had different dreams that weren’t conducive to being in a full-time band. Toward the end, those last few shows had felt more like a burden as we fought against the current of life. Now, playing together was just for the pure joy of it—I’d never felt so free.


The Knights knew how to party, that was for sure. With music blasting, drinks flowing, and conversation buzzing around us, I allowed myself to get swept up into the contagious joy.

Sid pulled me in close for a dance on the makeshift dance floor.

“I’ve never danced with you before. One of many firsts for us, sweetheart,” he noted with a smile as he guided us in a slow sway. “Always wanted you in my arms like this.”

I looked up at him as his mouth dipped down to briefly meet with mine.

“Did I tell you I like this dress?” he said, his gaze sweeping over my body appreciatively.

Piper had chosen a beautiful lavender color but allowed us to buy our own dresses. Mine was strapless with a cinched waist and a silhouette that hugged my backside. “You may have mentioned that,” I replied dryly.

“I’ll like taking it off you later even more.” His deep voice rumbled as he pulled me close against the bulge in his pants.

I swallowed hard, nodding eagerly.

“You feel ready to get back?” he asked.

I shrugged, my eyes shifting to the side. “Yes and no. As much as I want to start making plans for the new house, I’m not looking forward to facing the uncertainty of what’s happening. I just want it to be over.”

He pulled me closer, his arm wrapping around me protectively. “I’m gonna take care of it, baby.” His low growl was a promise that I believed with utter certainty.

“I know. I love you, Sid.”

“Love you, too, baby.”

After the raucous party, Sid and I fell into bed and into each other’s arms. Ryker and Piper had left an hour earlier to start their honeymoon.

In a clash of tongues and quiet moans, we lost ourselves in each other as I dreamed of the day where I stood up in front of everyone I loved and declared Sid the love of my life. When I declared him mine.


aby, you know I love you, but you seriously need to get rid of some of this shit,” Sid groused. It was two weeks later, nearly moving day, and we were at the storage facility where my things had been moved while I was in between places.

I looked around at the various boxes and clutter. “It’s not that bad,” I huffed.

He lifted a brow as he held up a pair of white cowboy boots with tassels.

“Hey, those are classic!” I protested sweeping them out of his hands. “These were badass on stage.”

“Maybe if you could take a time capsule back to 1980.” He chortled.

“Okay, well maybe this doesn’t need to be an exercise we do together,” I grumbled, gesturing to the storage closet.

He chuckled. “Keep what you want, babe, we have the space. Just saying… this?” He held up a blue jean romper I’d told myself I could pull off. “I don’t see you needing this.” His eyes were bright with humor.

“You have no eye for fashion,” I complained. “But fine. If I haven’t worn it in say, three years, I’ll get rid of it.”

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