Crave (Talon Security #1) (19 page)

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Authors: Megan O'Brien

BOOK: Crave (Talon Security #1)
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“Fuck, Sam, that’s amazing.” Declan’s deep voice carried from the back seat.

“Thanks,” I murmured, feeling both numb and intensely alive at the same time. “Holy shit.”

“Holy shit,” Sid agreed, reaching over to clasp my hand. “You did it.”

“I did it,” I agreed, my tone awestruck as I stared at the stereo. I turned to Sid, watching his profile until he turned his gorgeous blue eyes to mine. “Now I just have to keep doing it.”

“Baby, you’ve
doing it. Folks just started noticing.” He held my gaze for as long as was safe before returning his attention to the road.

“Thanks, babe,” I murmured, only loud enough for him to hear.

“Anything for you, sweetheart.”

He meant that, I knew he did.

I sat back in my seat, letting the rest of the song I’d written float over me. My phone rang, jarring me out of my reverie, and I looked down as an out-of-area number flashed on my screen.

“Brad,” I informed Sid.

“Fucking finally,” he muttered.

“Hello?” I answered, shooting Sid a look to behave.

“Sam, darling!” Brad’s voice sang over the line. “I’m so sorry. I know it’s taken me an age to get back to you.”

“That’s okay,” I replied, even though it really wasn’t. “I just needed to connect with you about the plan. Sid and I bought a house and we plan on moving in about three weeks.”

“Oh, honey, that is fantastic!” he exclaimed. “I have news as well. I met someone.”

Well, that explained the sudden drop off in calls and lack of commitment on a return date.

“Oh, yeah?” I asked as Sid shot me a questioning look.

“I think I’m going to stay.” He shocked me by adding, “in London.”

“Wow,” I replied, genuinely surprised. I hadn’t expected that.

“I’ll put the house on the market and have anything I need shipped. It won’t be much since Gerald’s place is quite a bit smaller.”

“So you’re not planning to come back at all?” I asked, my brow wrinkled.

Sid looked over at me in surprise.

“I’ll have to pay someone to take care of it,” he answered, his tone suddenly wary.

I sat through the tense silence that followed, knowing there was more to the story.

When he did break the silence, it was with such a loud wail I had to hold the phone a few inches from my ear. “He’s allergic to dogs!”

Well, that explained a lot.

A quiet, “Ah,” was about all I could manage, such was my shock.

“You probably think I’m awful.” He groaned. “I
awful. I feel terrible and so guilty. I truly do. But I fell in love with Gerald and with the city. After everything with Tom and living in that house that never felt right after we broke up, this is the fresh start I need. But I can’t imagine leaving her. It’s why I’ve avoided calling you.”

Despite my shock and lingering annoyance with his flightiness, I sought to assuage his guilt. We all needed a fresh start sometimes. “I know you love her,” I assured him. “I’ve become quite attached to her. Sid and I both have. We’d be willing to adopt her, if you’re okay with that.” I looked over at Sid to make sure he was okay with it.

He shot me a wink as I tried to contain the hope that was suddenly running rampant through my body.

“Adopt her. Like forever?” Brad asked, and I could hear the indecision in his voice.

What exactly did he think his options were? I fought the urge to roll my eyes. “Yes, forever. It’s not really fair otherwise.” I sighed. “I’m already really attached to her, Brad, and the more time that goes by, the harder it will be. I don’t want to wonder if you’re coming back or if I’m going to have to give her up at some unexpected time.”

After a weighted pause, he answered. “That’s fair. Can I think it over? For a few days? I’ve already gone around and around about this, but I don’t feel quite ready. I really think that little dog is my first love.” He sniffed.

I smiled sympathetically. Despite his flightiness, I had no doubt that was true. “Of course,” I agreed. “We’re out of town at a wedding, but I’ll try to keep my phone on me for the most part. I’m happy for you, Brad. I guess this means Tom’s little stunt didn’t pay off, huh?” I giggled.

“Oh, Lord.” He groaned. “No, definitely not. And thank you for being so understanding.”

“Sure thing. Talk soon.”

“Yes, bye.”

“Bye.” I ended the call and looked down at Trixie, who was curled up in my lap. “Well, I didn’t expect that.”

“Getting tons of surprises today, aren’t you?” Cade spoke with a deep a chuckle.

“I guess so. You okay with that?” I asked Sid.

He shrugged. “Of course, babe. You love her, so I love her.”

I sighed. “Well, we’ll see. He didn’t sound sure,” I fretted.

He reached over and squeezed my hand. “I bet he’ll come around. In the meantime, let’s focus on having some time to just enjoy ourselves over the next few days.”

I nodded. I could do that, definitely.


ey!” I exclaimed exuberantly after we’d pulled up to the curb of Piper and Ryker’s house and she’d come out to greet us. Her two dogs, Roxie and Tank, leapt about our feet as I held a quivering Trixie in my arms.

Piper wrapped me in a hug, laughing. “What happened to your standard greeting? I kind of miss the ‘what’s up, bitch.’” She quoted my frequent greeting to her in years past.

I laughed. “What can I say? I’ve matured.”

“Right.” She laughed as she turned to give Sid and Caden hugs.

“This is my girl, Danika,” Cade introduced Danika as she reached out to take Piper’s hand.

“And this is Declan,” Sid chimed in, cocking his head toward Declan, whose eyes were shifting up and down the street, constantly ready for an unknown threat.

“Glad to have you guys.” Piper grinned as she shook Declan’s hand. “Ryker had to run out for a bit, but he should be home soon.”

We followed her into their two-story house that had been Piper’s childhood home. She’d struggled at first when her dad had moved away, leaving the house to her, with how to make the place feel like theirs, but Ryker had helped her through.

“Wow, it looks so different,” I marveled, looking around the entryway and living room. They’d painted and brought in new furniture. They’d knocked down walls as well, making the space feel much more open. I smiled, looking at the framed pictures on the walls, the original photos from her childhood now mixed in with new ones of her and Ry and his club, who had become like family to Pipe.

“It feels like you.” I smiled at her.

“Yeah,” she agreed blissfully. “Okay, so you four are upstairs,” she continued, looking at Sid, Cade, Danny, and me. “Declan, I hope you don’t mind, we made some room in the office down here.”

“Sounds good,” his deep voice rumbled. “I don’t really need to be up in the honeymoon quarters with these two.” He rolled his eyes, jerking his chin at me and Sid. “I get enough of it at headquarters.”

“Thanks for putting us up.” Sid smiled, elbowing Dec in the side. He grunted and we all laughed at their antics.

“Are you kidding? This is so awesome!” She beamed. “I’m so excited to have everyone together. A bunch of the club is coming by in a bit for a BBQ to welcome you guys—we’ll have a packed house.”

“Awesome,” Sid replied. He looked to Cade and Declan. “Let’s bring in the gear, yeah?”

They both nodded and the three of them headed out to begin unloading the completely packed Suburban. Between the weapons, instruments, and the fact that Danny and I were girly girls at heart and had packed at least two outfit changes for every day, there was a shit ton of stuff to unload.

“You guys want a beer? Cocktail?” Piper asked as Danny and I followed her into the kitchen.

“Beer sounds great,” I replied.

“For me too,” Danny agreed. “Great house,” she commented.

“Thanks.” Piper smiled, handing us each a beer. “It’s been a process. How was the drive?”

“Eventful.” I laughed. “Between Caden’s stomach forcing us to stop more than once, hearing my song on the radio, and potentially being able to keep this little girl here, it was definitely full of surprises,” I shared, holding Trixie in my arms.

Piper’s eyes grew round with surprise. “Holy shit, your song was on the radio!”

I grinned. “Yeah. Shocked the hell out of me.”

“I’d think so. That’s amazing, Sam. I’m not surprised, but I’m thrilled for you.”

I clinked my beer bottle with her water glass. “Thanks.”

The sound of suitcases rolling and feet thumping up the stairs filled the room. I grimaced, looking at Piper apologetically. “We brought a lot of shit.”

She laughed. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

By the time the guys had unloaded the Suburban, Ryker had returned, rolling up on his Harley looking every bit the badass I knew him to be. With hair that always looked like he’d raked his fingers through it and startlingly bright green eyes, Ryker was a gorgeous man.

He wrapped me in a friendly hug and shook hands with everyone else before his warm gaze turned on his wife-to-be. “Hey, baby.”

She blushed as he pulled her in close to his side. “Hey. I think we’ve got them settled. Everyone else should be here soon, right?”

He nodded. “In about an hour, I’d guess.” His gaze turned to Sid, his expression serious. “Want to brief me on the latest? We can step out back.”

Sid nodded as he wrapped an arm around me, kissing my temple. “I’ll just be a minute, babe.”

I nodded as he released me and followed Ryker and Declan out to the back deck.

Piper clapped her hands and just barely stopped herself from jumping up and down. “It’s so freaking amazing to see you two together! You’re so fucking cute!”

I blushed as Caden snorted. “Yeah, really fucking cute and occasionally nauseating.”

I turned to glare at him. “Like you and Danny are much better?” I accused with a lifted brow.

Danika giggled. “She’s got you there, baby.”

An hour later, the backyard was packed full of Knights MC members and their women. Sid stood with his arm wrapped around me talking with Cole, their VP, while I talked with his wife, Scarlet.

It was a gorgeous evening with a clear sky full of stars and a hint of a chill in the air.

Connie and Ettie soon joined us, two of Piper’s friends who I’d met the last time I’d been in town.

I looked down around the yard where little kids, all very close in age, toddled around. “Is there something in the water in Hawthorne?” I quipped as I leaned in to hug each of them.

“Maybe.” Connie laughed, her blue eyes shining in delight. “We all got pregnant around the same time.”

“Jesus,” I muttered. “Better stick to beer, then.”

“What’s that, babe?” Sid asked, picking up on the tail end of our conversation.

“I was just saying there seems to be a fair amount of knocked up happening around here,” I explained, gesturing to all the kids running around and babies wailing. “Might be something in the water.”

Everyone laughed as Sid dipped his head low, pressing his lips to my ear. “Wouldn’t mind you having a sip or two.”

I blushed crimson as he kissed my neck before returning to his conversation with Cole.

I spotted Piper sitting under one of their trees, and went to join her, scooting close to her on the comfortable-looking bench. “Having fun?” I asked.

She nodded, looking more peaceful than I’d ever seen her. “It all sometimes still feels like a dream.”

“I can relate to that,” I agreed, my eyes on Sid as he talked with Cole and Axel, Sophie’s man. “We bought a house. Or really, Sid bought a house,” I amended.

She turned to me with surprise. “That’s amazing, Sam! Where?”

“Right down the street from Cade and Danny. He wanted me close for when he’s overseas.”

She nodded thoughtfully. “That’s great. I’m so happy for you guys. Any talk of getting married?”

I shook my head. “It’s all been so fast. We’ve only really been us for a short time. Moving in together feels like enough for now, anyway.”

“It would be fast for a couple just getting to know each other, but you two have been working up to this for years. I’d just go with what feels right.”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “I’m still learning how to be more open. How to verbalize what I’m feeling. We both are.”

“You’ll never stop learning—or at least I hope you never do. That’s what Ryker taught me. We’re constantly making each other better. It’s a process.”

“Yeah. Having something so horrifying happen to me really opened my eyes to how fragile life is. No sense holding back. I learned a lot about myself. I’m stronger than I realized. In a fucked-up sort of way it was kind of freeing.”

“That is sort of fucked-up,” she agreed with a short laugh. “But I get it. Traumatic experiences have a way of shining a light on parts of your life you couldn’t otherwise see.”

That was so it. I knew she’d get it.

I looked up at the trees overhead. “We starting back here tomorrow?” We had a lot of work to do to turn their backyard into a venue for a wedding.

“That’s the plan.” She nodded. “We’ll have more help than we need. I don’t think it should be too bad.”

“Nah, it’ll be fun,” I agreed, laughing as Roxie and Tank made their way through the backyard with Trixie in tow. The sight of Piper and Ry’s Boxer and Pitbull mix shepherding our tiny Chihuahua around was hilarious. “Looks like she got over the fear of being eaten.”

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