Crave (Talon Security #1) (14 page)

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Authors: Megan O'Brien

BOOK: Crave (Talon Security #1)
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“That was quick,” I replied, impressed.

“We’re not fucking around here, Sam,” he replied impatiently.

I looked up at him, surprised by the tone of his voice. “I didn’t think you were,” I assured him.

He blew out a breath. “Sorry. I’m just wound a little tight and I hate seeing you scared.”

I wrapped him in a hug. “I was scared,” I admitted. “But I knew I couldn’t be in better hands. I’m just so glad you’re okay.”

After I put some clothes on, Sid led me out to the living room where we found Tom no longer hog-tied but still restrained with his hands behind his back, sitting on the couch.

Trixie was jumping all around him, obviously excited to see him.

That made one of us.

“I’m so sorry,” he explained to Declan and Theo, who stood over him with their arms crossed. “I had no idea anyone was staying here. I must have gotten Bradley’s travel schedule wrong. I thought he’d be home. I thought we could talk,” he blathered. His eyes shot nervously to Sid and me as we entered the room.

“You guys, seriously?” I scolded them. “You still have him handcuffed?”

Theo shrugged, a small smile playing on his lips. They were just fucking with the poor guy, that much was obvious.

“Dec and I got called out of bed at 3:00 a.m. thinking we needed to be ready for battle,” Theo replied. “I missed my beauty rest. He can stay like that a little while longer.” He grinned lazily.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Sid, hoping he’d be more reasonable. Instead, I found my man glowering down at the ground. Counter to Sid’s dark mood, Theo and Declan seemed to almost be enjoying themselves.

I held out my hand to Declan and Theo. “Give me the cutters,” I ordered firmly.

“Oh, fine.” Theo sighed, bending over to cut Tom loose himself. “Maybe next time, you’ll call first,” he suggested with a cocked brow to Tom.

“Definitely,” Tom agreed emphatically, rubbing his wrists briefly before bending down to pick Trixie up. “How’s my sweet girl?” he crooned. He looked over at me, curiosity evident in his eyes.

“I’m house-sitting for Brad,” I answered his unspoken question. “He didn’t want Trixie to be alone. I’ve also come into a bit of trouble, so the guys here are a bit on edge.”

That was putting it mildly.

His nervous gaze shot around the room, taking in the testosterone-fueled space.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, my head cocked to the side.

“I miss him.” Tom sighed. “He hasn’t been taking my calls. I thought if I forced him to see me that we could talk.”

“Middle of the night break-in is a bit stalker-ish,” Theo pointed out.

Tom’s cheeks grew red. “It’s something we’ve done in the past. You know, to keep things fresh?”

Declan cleared his throat and shot a look to Theo as though to say “you asked for it, buddy.”

I nodded, ignoring the guys and their childish antics. “I’ll tell him you wanted to see him,” I told Tom, feeling bad for the guy. He’d wanted to surprise his ex-boyfriend and instead ended up hog-tied, terrified, and was now feeling embarrassed on top of all that.

He nodded with a tired sigh. “I’d appreciate that. I’m sorry I scared you. I honestly had no idea anyone else was here.”

“It’s okay,” I replied as he stood up. “It gave us all an unexpected safety drill.”

Sid snorted and I shot him a look as Tom moved toward the front door. He handed Trixie over to me with one last kiss on her head.

With one final look around his former home, he disappeared through the front door.

My shoulders slumped with exhaustion the minute he was gone.

“Let’s get you back to bed,” Sid murmured, putting a solid arm around my shoulders.

I nodded gratefully before I shot a look to Theo and Declan. “Thanks for coming, guys.”

“You know it,” Dec replied with a chin lift. “Night, Sam.”

“Night,” I murmured.

Sid tucked me into bed, dropping a kiss to my forehead. “I’m gonna see the guys out. I’ll be back in a second, baby.”

I was asleep before he even closed the bedroom door.


id’s mood had been pensive all morning. I’d tried to draw him out into conversation but he’d remained sullen and removed. Finally, I’d given up and allowed the silence to take over. He’d disappeared upstairs after breakfast.

I left him alone, knowing he needed to work through whatever had crawled under his skin. I called Piper, desperately needing some girl time, even if it was just over the phone.

“How’s my favorite bride-to-be?” I smiled when she picked up the phone.

“A bit frazzled,” she admitted. “We’re in the final countdown now, though.” I could hear the smile in her voice.

“Under two weeks away.” I grinned.

“But you’re coming a few days beforehand, right? Like we talked about?” I could hear the hope in her voice.

I winced. “Well, Pipe, I’m still working on Sid,” I admitted. I’d brought the subject up time and time again only to be met with the same noncommittal response.

“Still?” she exclaimed. “I thought after he talked to Ry, he’d feel okay about it.”

“Me too. He’s wound pretty tight these days, and we had an incident last night. It turned out to be nothing,” I rushed to add. “Brad’s ex-boyfriend broke in, trying to surprise Brad. Even though there wasn’t a real threat, I think it set something off with Sid.”

“Shit,” she muttered.

“I still think I can get him to come around. I’ll do just about anything to be at your wedding.”

“I know.” She sighed softly. “I’m not trying to put extra pressure on you. Your safety is the most important thing.”

“Watching you get married is also really freaking important,” I replied firmly. She’d asked me to be her maid of honor and I’d be damned if I missed the opportunity to stand up with my best girl. “I’ll talk to him later,” I promised. “Or, er, maybe tomorrow,” I amended. “Cade’s having people over for his birthday tonight. Hopefully I can get him loosened up. He’s had almost no time to unwind. He needs it, we both do.”

“I know what you mean.” She sighed. “Hopefully at the very least you guys can have some fun after all your recent adventures. Speaking of which, tell me about last night, sounds like a good story.” The curiosity was evident in her voice.

“You could say that,” I muttered dryly, and launched into last night’s escapade.

Sid stayed holed up upstairs for most of the day. I had spare time so I figured I’d change my hair up by losing the pink tips and adding some purple streaks. I thought it looked pretty badass. For my outfit, I chose my high-waisted jeans, a gray blouse Sid had once complimented, and my favorite pair of boots.

You headed over soon?

Cade’s text came just as I was getting ready to find Mr. Mercurial upstairs.

HBD! Yes! We’re coming as soon as I can pull your brother out of the town of grump
I responded.

Isn't he the mayor?

Cade’s response made me laugh out loud.

Ha. We’ll see you soon.

I ventured out of my room only to find Sid on the stairs. “Hey, I was just coming to find you,” I told him, fighting the urge to run at him full speed and wrap my entire body around him like a vine. It had only been a few hours, but I’d missed him.

His eyes narrowed as he took in my outfit.

Not the expression you want to see on your man when you’re all dolled up. “Why are you all dressed up?”

“I’m not all dressed up.” I rolled my eyes. “And it’s Cade’s birthday—remember?” I demanded lightly. “We need to get going. He just asked when we’re going to be there.”

He snorted. “We’re not going to his house.”

My heart pounded at the same time it froze. As much as I loved being with Sid, I’d been looking forward to Cade’s birthday for the last week, anxious to let loose a little. To feel normal. Plus, it was one of my best friends’ birthday. “What the hell do you mean? Of course we’re going. He’s your brother and one of my best friends. We were just talking about going yesterday; what’s changed between then and now?” I demanded. “If this is about last night,” I continued, forcing myself to use a calmer tone of voice, “Tom was no actual risk. I know you know that but I feel the need to say it out loud,” I clarified. “And even if it had been—a real risk I mean—look how quickly everyone responded.” I dared to take a step closer, wanting to breathe the same air he did despite his mood. “You had it handled before it even began. This is your brother’s birthday. He wants us there. I want to be there,” I said firmly.

I was rambling again.

Ordinarily he’d rescue me from such a plight, but he was in no mood. “Sid. Come on, babe,” I tried softly. “Is there something I don’t know about? Something new?” I prodded.

“No. Fuck it, let’s go,” he grumbled, grabbing his keys.

“Well, this’ll be fun,” I muttered under my breath, watching him prowl toward the garage. I looked down at Trixie, who sat watching us both. “We’ll be back soon.”

The fact that I’d gotten used to checking in with the dog was mildly scary. Pretty soon I’d want to Skype with her too.

Cade and Danika’s house was packed by the time we arrived. Sid had maintained his sullen mood and I’d left him to himself, still baffled as to its cause. I was determined not to let him ruin one of the only opportunities I’d had to socialize in weeks.

“You came!” Danny exclaimed when we walked in the door. Her eyes sparkled in delight as she wrapped me up in a hug. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages.”

I smiled. “Yeah well, we’ve been trying to keep a low profile.”

She nodded sympathetically. “You must need a drink.”

“I must,” I agreed wholeheartedly. “You want something?” I asked, turning to Sid.

“Nah, I’ll go catch up with Cade.”

I watched him, trying to assess if I should press him yet again. Instead, I let him be with a simple nod, allowing Danny to snag my hand. “Sarah’s here,” she shared as she pulled me toward the backyard.

I’d invited Sarah, wanting her to get to know Cade and Danika. I knew they’d both like her. “Great!” I beamed, forcing some enthusiasm despite Sid’s mood weighing heavily on my shoulders.

We found Sarah and the three of us sat in the backyard under their beautiful lemon tree, sipping cocktails and watching the revelers. Between the tattoo shop, our former band, and Caden being Caden, he knew a lot of people.

“Your house looks great,” I told Danika, admiring the sweet one-story house and fenced in backyard. “I love seeing Caden so domesticated.” I winked.

Danny smiled. “I’m long overdue for thanking you, Sam. You gave him that nudge I think he needed to take things to the next step.”

I shrugged. “He would have done it anyway. It was time.”

“It turned out to be a nudge for more than just Caden. I’m so happy to see you and Sid together.” She grinned. “It’s where you both belong and it’s about damn time.”

I nodded. “I’d like to think so. We still have some stuff to sort out. What’s next, mostly. House-sitting for Brad has bought me some time, but not much. And our communication still needs some work,” I muttered dryly. “He’s pissed about something but he won’t talk about it.”

“Yeah, he looked kind of grouchy,” Sarah put in.

“When he’s upset, he completely shuts down.” I shook my head in frustration. “He’s always been like that, but being on the receiving end of it as a friend is much different than a girlfriend.” I took a sip of my drink, watching as the man himself came out to the backyard with Caden. “I’m nowhere near perfect but I want to try. For him and for me.”

Sarah clinked her glass with mine. “That’s half the battle. And I have to say even this conversation is progress for you, Sam. You didn’t used to be so forthcoming.”

“True,” Danny agreed. “I have to say, honey, it sounds like this is your first fight—as a couple, anyway. Never easy.”

“Just wish I knew what we were fighting about,” I muttered, unable to take my eyes away from Sid. His presence was so compelling. He still took my breath away.

Danika, Sarah, and I sat catching up and drinking cocktails for quite a while before Danny went to go see the birthday boy and Sarah headed home. I sat taking in the party, enjoying the ability to people watch. I was just getting up to find Sid when a guy I recognized as a friend of Cade’s stopped in front of me.

“Hey, you’re that lead singer from Cade’s band, right?” he asked as he sat himself down next to me. “Sam, right?”

He was a good-looking guy with closely shorn blond hair and colorful tattoos running up and down both muscular arms.

“Yeah,” I replied. “We don’t play anymore but I still write music.”

I realized I was more and more comfortable with that explanation. Cade, Sid, and I, we were all working on our own sense of happy. It was harder and harder to regret the band breaking up. It had allowed us all to follow our dreams.

He offered a charming smile. “I saw you guys play a couple of times; you were great.”

I couldn’t tell if he was hitting on me or just being nice. Nevertheless, I kept my tone neutral as I replied with a simple “Thanks.”

“Sam.” Sid’s growl came from my left as I swiveled my head to look up at my man. “Let’s go.”

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