Crag (10 page)

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Authors: Kate Hill

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic, #General Fiction

BOOK: Crag
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For a full minute there was silence, then loud cheers erupted throughout the room. Coral stood beside Lily, her hands full of freshly washed clothes. She dropped the clothes, and the two women embraced tightly, neither caring about the blood on Lily’s hands.

Laughing in spite of her tears, Lily turned to Crag. His expression hadn’t changed as he concentrated on stitching up the man’s chest. When he finished, he washed and dried his hands.

She approached him and slipped her arms around his waist. He hugged her so tightly she felt his heart beating wildly against her cheek. His fingers threaded through her hair. Neither spoke, and when the embrace ended, they continued with their work as if nothing had changed.

Chapter 9

That night, a celebration was held outside. The healthy attended, as well as the off-duty Knights and apprentices. Coral, Gem, and Lily spent the day cooking the meat Sir Rain and several villagers hunted that morning. A few men and women who had managed to salvage flutes and stringed instruments from their homes spent the day huddled in a group practicing so they could entertain that night.

“We’re going to sing,” Coral told Lily, motioning with her head toward Gem. Gem didn’t seem to notice as she kneaded bread, the smile on her lips never fading. The Knight who had brought the message that the war had ended had also brought news of Gem’s husband. He was doing well and his regiment would be arriving in
within days. Lily said a silent prayer that Coral’s husband would also be so lucky.

“I used to sing all the time,” Lily said.

“Were you good at it?” Coral asked. “Because Gem and I can just about carry a tune.”

She shrugged. “I was told I didn’t cause any severe headaches.” In truth, her voice had been praised in her village, but it was just a small part of the world.

“Why don’t you sing tonight?” Gem suggested, glancing up from the dough.

“Oh, I don’t know. I haven’t felt like singing since my village was attacked.”

“Yes, but now’s a time for celebration,” Coral told her.

She was right. One song couldn’t hurt, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, Lily wanted to sing.

That evening, fires burned outside the houses. People talked, danced, and ate. Lily sat on the steps beside Crag who, like the other healers, lurked in the doorways so as not to be far from their charges.

“I can’t believe it’s really over.” Lily looked up at him.

He nodded, unsmiling, his arms folded across his chest.

“Are you all right?” She stood so close to him their arms brushed. “I know you must feel torn about this, since
is your homeland.”

He shook his head. “I’m glad they retreated. Not a bit of good came of this stupid war.”

“Lily!” Coral, tugged her arm. “Time for you to sing.”

“Sing?” Crag raised one of his dark eyebrows.

She smiled at him, feeling a sudden wave of shyness. “Just pray my voice doesn’t crack. It’s been a long time.”

She felt his eyes on her as she approached the group of musicians by the fire. They played a familiar folk song she knew about the birth of the Twin Goddesses.

At first she felt a bit nervous, but after the first smooth notes, she relaxed and enjoyed the song. Somehow, singing provided comfort and release she hadn’t felt in over a year.

When she finished, the crowd shouted, clapping. Lily smiled and curtsied. Apparently she hadn’t lost her talent over the months her voice had rested.

“Lily, that was wonderful!” Gem shook her shoulder.

“Why didn’t you tell us you had such talent?” Coral scolded. “You could have been singing all winter and gave us escape from the gloom.”

Lily smiled softly. “I just didn’t feel much like singing.”

Turning back to the steps, she noticed Crag and Blaze standing in the doorway together.

“Your words are sweeter than any songbird, Water Flower,” Blaze told her. He opened his mouth to speak again, but inside came the call for a healer.

Crag turned to answer, but Blaze shoved him gently aside. “I’ll go.”

The Knight left Crag and Lily alone, staring at each other.

“That was beautiful,” he said.

She glanced down at her shoes. “My husband used to think so.”

“You never told me his name.”


“He was lucky. So lucky.” Crag’s knuckles brushed her cheek before he disappeared into the longhouse.

Her face tingling from his touch, she watched him go and sighed. Now that the war was over, what was to become of them? He’d surely return to
, to the fortress of the Ruby Order, and she… she still had no idea where she wanted to go or what she wanted to do. Suddenly she realized she might never see him again, and the thought was almost too much to bear. It was almost like losing someone she loved again. She thought about the desire he’d expressed to make their feeling for each other known. Perhaps he’d been right. Lily shook her head. She didn’t want to rush into a relationship she might later regret, just because she feared parting from him now that the war was over. They’d clung to each other out of desperation, but they each had a life to lead. Crag was almost a Knight and Lily – well, for the first time she was completely free to choose her own path.

A shadow fell across the steps, and Lily glanced up at Crag. He extended his hand to her, and she took it, rising.

“Sir Blaze told me to take a couple of hours off.” His lips twitched upward in the slightest smile. “I’ve almost forgotten what those words sound like.”

“Are you going to rest?”

“I was hoping you’d walk with me.”

Lily’s hand tightened on his as they crossed the settlement. With everyone still celebrating, they slipped, unnoticed, into the storage shed.

“I’m getting a little tired of this,” he said.

“Don’t talk, Crag.” She looped her arms around his neck. “Just make love to me.”

“Lily,” he whispered against her lips. Sweeping her into his arms, he took several steps and placed her atop a stool, so she was almost at eye level with him. His hands slipped inside the front of her dress and he caressed her breasts, his thumbs stroking her nipples. When her eyes slipped shut, he said, “No, look at me.”


“Look at me, Lily.”

She stared into his eyes, nearly drowning in the emotions gleaming there. Crag kept much to himself, so much that at times he seemed more like the rock he was named after instead of a living, breathing man. Looking into his eyes reminded Lily of how human he was – how full of masculine desires.

His hand slipped beneath her skirt, and he gently explored the soft folds of her flesh. His fingertips caressed her pussy while his other hand continued stroking her breast. All the while, his eyes remained fixed on hers.

As his touch aroused her, his fingers grew slick from her wet pussy, and his caresses became quicker and more demanding. Lily’s eyes fluttered as pleasure overtook her.

“Don’t close them,” he said in a husky voice. “I want to see pleasure in your eyes.”

Oh, she was feeling pleasure! His long, strong fingers knew just where to touch her and exactly how much pressure to use. Lily’s breathing quickened and her pulse throbbed.

“Crag,” she said, her voice strangled with passion.

“I’m here, Lily.”

“Please don’t stop!”


“Oh, Crag!” she cried out, unable to keep her eyes from closing as an orgasm tore through her.

Before the last ripple left her, she felt Crag’s cock slip into her. He grasped her wrists and pinned them to the wall, his mouth claiming hers as his hips drove against her. His tongue circled her lips, then thrust into her mouth in time with his ramming cock. Pleasure built again, so deep that Lily would have shrieked as she climaxed had his mouth not captured the scream.

Crag held her, stroking her hair, his cock still hard inside her. His chest rose and fell against her cheek, and she closed her eyes, leaning her full weight against him for several long moments.

"Come, Lily." Crag took her hand and tugged her to the floor.

She glanced at him in question, especially when he asked her to kneel. She did as he requested, craning her neck to see over her shoulder. He raised her dress over her back, blocking part of her vision, so she faced the floor and waited. Though she felt a bit awkward, almost animal-like, on her hands and knees with her privates exposed, the position was strangely provocative.

His palms caressed her buttocks and lower back, kneading and stroking. Sighing with pleasure, she wiggled a bit when he covered her entire bottom with kisses. His tongue laved her hips and lower back, then traced shapes on her buttocks while his fingertips stroked and teased her thighs. His touch was gentle but exciting, and her clit tingled for him.

One of his arms snaked around her waist and he used one finger to circle her clit. Suddenly she felt the tip of his cock pressing against her damp slit. Closing her eyes, she moaned as he entered her.

While he thrust slowly, tenderly, his hands warmed her back and buttocks. Lily wiggled with pleasure, her hands gripping the wooden floor and her heart pounding.

Grasping her hips, Crag increased the speed of his thrusts.

"Oh, Lily," he murmured, slightly breathless as passion grew.

"Oh, yes," she panted. "I love hearing your voice, Crag. Tell me how it feels."

"Good. It feels so good." His deep voice sounded husky with passion. "You're so hot and wet. So soft. I wish I could stay inside you forever."

Lily wished the same, but it was impossible. Already their desire had reached ecstatic heights. Neither could prolong it any further. Their cries of fulfillment mingled as he pumped into her. Lily shattered, throbbing and bucking. He kept a firm hold on her hips though she felt his hands tremble as he came, lunging hard into her straining body.

Crag's softening cock slipped from her before she sank deeper onto the floor. Crag gathered her close, leaning against a barrel with her cuddled on his lap.

Lily squeezed him tightly and whispered, “What we’ve shared has meant much to me, Crag.”

“And to me, Lily. You’ve been the only relief I’ve had in longer than I can remember.”

Relief. He was right. That’s all they were to each other.

“Now the war is over,” she drew a deep breath, “and so this has to end.”

His eyes held hers and he swallowed as he gently pushed her from his lap and stood. “If that’s what you want.”

“It has to be. You’re going to be a Knight and I – I’m not ready for another relationship. Not now.”

“I understand.” He ran a hand through his hair and glanced at her, his brow furrowed. “Such decisions can’t be rushed. Even if we take years to make some choices, we still can’t know we’ve made the right ones.”

Lily nodded.

“I’m going back to the longhouse,” he said.

“Why? I thought you wanted to get away.”

“I did.”

Before she could say anymore, he was gone. Lily sighed. Her mind told her she’d made the right decision, but somewhere in her heart – a heart that still mourned
and despised
– she couldn’t believe what she and Crag shared was truly at an end.

* * * * *

One week after the war ended, the casualties finally stopped arriving, and a week after that, those who were strong enough to travel left to find new homes or return to their old villages to help rebuild. Some wished to remain in
and make it their home. Lily decided to stay for a time. Crag was still there as well. As she’d asked, he made no attempt to bed her again. He seemed as distant as when she’d first met him, and such an attitude made it much easier for her to realize she’d made the right decision. Perhaps he was actually relieved she’d made their parting so simple and hadn’t been the sort of clinging woman who’d try to interfere with his life in the Ruby Order.

Relief finally came for the healers and the Knights on duty. Fresh Knights and brand new apprentices rode in, all draped in black or gray on fresh mounts. It was time for a rotation of service, and Crag, along with the other Knights apprentice who’d done their duty in
, would be given the first step toward Knighthood in a ceremony preceding their dubbing in

Though there was still much work to be done, rebuilding had proceeded smoothly, and with so many new, healthy Knights, apprentices, and villagers,
scarcely resembled the pit of suffering and death it had been for so long.

Now that Crag had some free time, Lily noticed he spent much of it practicing empty handed fighting with Sir Blaze. Sometimes, when he was off duty, she’d see him riding across the fields towards the woods. She learned that when he’d been placed in service in
, he’d given up his horse to the guards for their use. Now that service was over, his animal was returned. It was a beautiful horse, tall, sleek and completely black except for four white socks.

One morning, Lily followed Crag to the stable for a closer look at the animal.

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