Conklin's Blueprints (41 page)

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Authors: Brooke Page

BOOK: Conklin's Blueprints
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“Becca, you dyed your hair?  I barely recognized you!  I really like it!” she said sincerely.  I winced at her, feeling a hint of guilt for being annoyed she was walking over to us when she was giving me a compliment.

“Gage?  What are you doing here?”  Ashlynn asked as she approached us, Connor trailing behind her.  She almost looked flustered when she saw him.  Ashlynn was always annoyed when I hung out with him, which is one of the reasons why I brought him along.

“Clearly, I’m with Becca,” Gage said snottily, taking his drink from the bartender.

Ashlynn narrowed her eyes at Gage and then glanced between the two of us, her mind reeling, trying to put the pieces together.

“You didn’t come with Tyler?” she asked way too calmly.

I sighed and stood tall, taking a long sip of my drink.  “Tyler and I aren’t together anymore,” I finally said once I had downed half of my drink.

Ashlynn’s eyes widened slightly then became cool.  “Hmm, that’s too bad,” she said, twiddling with one of her long blond strands as her blue eyes scanned me.  She was plotting something in her head, and it made me uneasy.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Connor said sincerely.  I gave him a wry smile and took another gulp of my drink.  I felt Gage put a hand around my waist as he stood up tall next to me.  He knew who Connor was, and he knew what he did to me. 

“She’s moved on just fine,” Gage said, wrapping his other arm around my waist, pulling me to his chest.  I let out an awkward smile and looked up at Gage, who happened to be glaring at Connor.  Connor looked between the two of us as though he was going to be quizzed on what we were wearing after dinner.

I gulped and took my eyes away from Gage’s face and pulled away from his embrace. 

“Hey, it’s about time you showed up,” Jamie’s voice came from behind Ashlynn.  “Can I get two Pinot Grigios, please?” she asked the bartender, who looked annoyed we had decided to hang out right next to the busy bar.  Jamie took the drinks and handed one to Sean who came up next to her.

“Jamie, what a surprise to find you next to the bar,” Ashlynn smirked.

Jamie took a sip of her wine and hummed as though she were testing the taste of the wine.  “Ashlynn, what a surprise to find you talking to Becca.  The only person who can stand to be around you,” Jamie said as though it was nothing.  “Well, and him for whatever reason,” she said pointing at Connor with her pinky, her other fingers holding her wine glass.  Gage tried to hide a smile.

Ashlynn rolled her eyes and took Connor’s hand.  “Whatever, Jamie.  Come on Connor, let’s go find our table.”  They walked away, Connor clearly looking flustered by Jamie’s comment.  Jamie had a sly grin on her face as though she had earned a
made Ashlynn flush

“Hi, I’m Jamie, Becca’s roommate,” she said to Gage then introduced Sean.

“Nice to meet you.  I’m glad I’m not the only one who can’t stand that stuck up blonde,” Gage said glaring at Ashlynn.  “She was always the biggest prude towards me and then she made a move on me once during our junior year, and I denied her.  She has been a total bitch ever since.”

I laughed.  I had no idea that happened.  It drove my point home even harder with Ashlynn.  At least one of the men I had been with she hadn’t, and hopefully Tyler was still in that mix as well. 

“Come on, let’s go to our table,” I said as we all wandered through the gloriously decorated museum to find our seats.  Once we did, Gage went back to the bar to refill our drinks.  We were sitting at a table with my brother Michael and his date.  Ray and my sister Heather were assigned there as well but Heather wasn’t sitting next to him.

“Where’s Heather?”  I asked.

Ray shrugged his shoulders.  “She wanted to stay home with Josie.  She said Josie didn’t feel well, but I think she just didn’t want to be seen nearly nine months pregnant.  I have been calling and checking on her every half hour.”

I had almost forgotten Heather was due in ten days.  Gage came back and sat next to me, giving me another gin and tonic.  My parents were seated a few tables down from us, and I could feel my mother’s glare towards Gage and me.  I wasn’t in the mood to put up with her being snooty towards Gage just because she didn’t think he was good enough to be a part of her society.

I quickly glanced around to see if I would notice the Conklin table.  I wonder if Tyler would bring a date.  The thought depressed me.  What if he were with that older woman?

Yuck, don’t think about that!

I didn’t notice them, and I thought maybe they weren’t going to show.  Jamie noticed me scanning the room.  “Becca, join me in going to the restroom?”

I half smiled and looked at Gage.  He gave me a nod saying he would be fine as I got up to join Jamie.  She linked arms with me as we walked through the groups of people towards the restroom.

“I saw Tyler.  He asked me if you were here,” Jamie said, as we entered the bathroom.

“What did you tell him?”  I asked. 

“That you were here,” she said nonchalantly as she dabbed under her eyes, looking over her face in the mirror.

I crossed my arms staring her down in the mirror.  She rolled her eyes and turned to look at me.  “RJ is here too.  I think you should lay some moves on Tyler while RJ is watching then he will find out about you two.”

“Yeah, then it will drive the point home that Tyler can fuck me whenever he wants,” I spat, leaving the restroom.  I swear Jamie didn’t think sometimes. 

I went over to the bar to get another gin and tonic, even though my lips were already numb.  I took a large gulp as I felt a hand on my back.

“Mind your alcohol, Rebecca.”  It was my mother.  I shot my eyes to the ceiling and let out a groan.  I hated when she used my full name. 

“Don’t worry mother, I won’t embarrass you anymore than I already do.”

“Watch your tone,” she said under her breath.  “What are you doing with that boy?  Tyler is here.  He will see you with him,” she chided.

“That boy is Gage, he is a real person too, you know,” I said curling my lip, taking another gulp of my drink.

“You and Gage are from different worlds.  It will never work between you two.  Go make up with Tyler, he is what you need.  Whatever you did I’m sure he will forgive you.”

Whatever I did? 

My eyes frosted over at my mother.  “Did it ever occur to you that maybe he did something to mess it up and not me?”

Her eyes widened at my malevolence.

“Yeah, I didn’t think so.  I know it’s a big surprise to you that I didn’t screw things up with him, or that he even glanced my way, but he is an ass.”

“Rebecca! -”

“I think you have some social ladder climbing to attend to,” I gritted my teeth before she could continue scrutinizing me.  I was sick of her belittling me and treating me like the ugly duck, even if that was exactly what I was.

I quickly stomped away from her through the crowd of people.  Before I reached my table I accidentally bumped into a gentleman.  I started to apologize for my clumsiness and was thrown off when he turned around.

“Nathan, I’m so sorry,” I said, taking a step back from him.

He gave me a half smile and raised his glass.  “Don’t worry about it.  How are you doing?  I haven’t seen you wandering around my floor in a while,” Nathan asked with a smirk, taking a sip of his drink and looking up towards the ceiling.

“Yes well, I’m sure you know why,” I sighed.

“You two should really kiss and make up; Tyler has been a complete pain in my ass the last few weeks.”  His eyes never left the ceiling when he spoke.

“Not my fault,” I said easily, playing with the straw in my drink.

He smirked as he took another sip of his drink, his eyes glued to the same spot.  “I believe that, but I’m afraid he is in love with you, and I don’t think his mood is ever going to be the same until you let him back in.”  Nathan finally took his eyes away from where he was looking and looked at me.  His soft blue eyes were framed by small rectangle designer glasses.  “You and I both know he has issues with RJ.  Just give him some time.  He will come around.”

I pursed my lips at him.  “I don’t care what issues he has.  I won’t let him talk to RJ about how I’m some easy lay.”  I closed my eyes tight feeling a lump in my throat.  I didn’t mean to fill Nathan in on what I had overheard Tyler and RJ discussing.  I let the alcohol make that decision for me.  I needed to go find a glass of water.  Before Nathan could say anything else, I walked past him to find our table just in time for my father’s voice to come over the speaker phone asking everyone to take their seats.

“Are you okay?”  Gage asked.

I slumped in my chair and downed my glass of water then put my hands on my head. “Nope.”

Before Gage could say anything, my father started his spiel on how grateful he was for all of his associates and clients then continued with a prayer before the food was served.

I was grateful for food to be placed in front of me.  I needed to sober up a bit.  I was bound to run into Tyler, and I couldn’t risk losing my head with him.

Jamie was sitting next to me and put her hand on my thigh.  I squeezed her hand and kept my head down.  Her silent comfort made me feel bad for lashing out at her.

I barely touched the food that was on my plate, pushing it around as though it would look like I had touched it.  I couldn’t think straight.  Nathan told me Tyler was in love with me, and I wanted him so badly.  Tears were threatening my eyes throughout dinner.  It felt like everyone at our table could feel my unsettled and erratic energy as we ate in silence.

My father and mother came walking over to our table as we were finishing dinner.

“Becca, you look lovely.  I like your hair,” my dad said.  I gave him a soft smile.  He was always so loving and sweet.  If only my mother could be that way instead of judging and edgy.

“Thanks Daddy,” I whispered, frantically blinking my eyes so the tears wouldn’t fall down my cheeks.  I quickly stood, tugging on Gage’s arm for him to stand with me. 

“Dad, this is Gage,” I said. 

Gage held is hand out to my father.  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Stine.”

My father shook Gage’s hand and gave him a warm smile.  “Very nice to meet you too, Gage Stark.”  Gage gave him an odd smile, probably wondering how he knew his last name.  I would have to tell Gage that my father knew everyone, and I learned not to ask how a long time ago.

“Nice to see you again, Gage.  How is your mother doing?”  my mom asked with her fake plastered smile. 

Gage’s jaw clenched as he let out a soft smile.  “She is great.  It’s nice to see you again, Mrs. Stine.”  Gage took my mother’s hand and shook it.

“Enjoy the party kids.  Roger is on call with the limo when you are ready to go home.  I won’t tolerate any of you driving home with alcohol in your systems,” my father said, staring down all of the men at the table.

As my parents walked off to the next table, Gage turned to look at me.  “Want to dance?”

I turned to look at him with a,
no not really
, look.  He shrugged his shoulders.  “I’m going to go get some champagne, do you want any?”  I nodded my head yes and took a seat, playing with the party favor that was left on the table.  Sean was sitting talking to Michael, and Jamie was off who knows where.  Michael’s date was playing with her hair, staring into her compact. 

I decided I wasn’t enjoying my company, so I headed to the bathroom while Gage was getting drinks.  I walked past the fossil exhibit on the wall and was about to turn into the bathroom when a hand gently grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a small room labeled ‘Dolls’. 

“Hey,” a scruffy voice said that I knew too well.  I searched the room, my back to Tyler.  There were glass cabinets filled with all kinds of dolls, small and large from different eras.  Fitting Tyler would pull me in here since he always called me baby doll.

I didn’t say anything, because I didn’t know what to say.  He walked up behind me, and I felt his breath on my ear as he spoke. 

“You look beautiful,” he said, his voice raspy. 

I took in a sharp breath of air as his hand touched my forearm.  I yanked my arm away from him as I spun around. 

His eyes were heavy and swarming blue and green as he stared at me.  “It’s nice to see you,” he said taking a step closer to me.

I stepped back so I was pressed against the glass.  “I didn’t come to see you,” I croaked, veining any chance of sounding believable.

He shuffled his feet and looked around the room.  “But you came to see Gage,” he said, sounding irritated.

I narrowed my eyes at him.  He wasn’t allowed to turn this around on me.  He was the one who screwed up everything.  “I didn’t come to see him, I came with him.”

He scowled back at me, his eyes looking pained.  “Why did you come with him?  Just to make me jealous?  Because it’s working, okay?  You proved your point, now please, forgive me,” he begged.

I looked at him with longing, tear threatening eyes.  “I’m not ready to forgive you yet,” I whispered.

He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw.

“Becca?”  Gage’s voice came through the room.  I looked past Tyler as his eyes opened and were on fire.

“I’m coming,” I said, attempting to meet the fire in Tyler’s eyes, but my fury had run out, and instead of meeting his fire, I met them with water, my eyes glassy.  I nudged past him out to Gage and took his hand, pulling him onto the dance floor.

Gage wrapped one arm tightly around my waist and held my other hand with his close to his chest.  I looked over his shoulder, fighting back tears.  I was emotionally exhausted, and I didn’t want any more drama.  My heart couldn’t be shattered any further.

“You don’t have to look so miserable Bs,” Gage said, trying to look at me.

“I just can’t fake it anymore,” I murmured.

I heard him smile, “You never were good at faking it.”

I pulled my head back to look at him.  “Bec, I have always been able to tell when you were upset, which unfortunately was a lot.”

I gulped, trying to rid the lump in my throat.  Yes, I was unhappy a lot because I had poor self-esteem and always seemed to believe everyone when they put me down.

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