Conklin's Blueprints (23 page)

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Authors: Brooke Page

BOOK: Conklin's Blueprints
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The second the door closed I turned into a dragon.

Pushing Tyler against the elevator wall I yelled, “What the hell, Tyler?”  He was thrown back by my audacity and tried to hide his amusement.  “Nothing about this is funny!” I shouted at him.

He quickly turned serious, taking a step closer to me.  “You are right.  You were letting that bitch walk all over you.  I thought you weren’t going to let people do that to you anymore.”

I gritted my teeth and seethed, “She was not walking all over me.  Although, I would assume you’d be able to spot when it’s happening since you are the king of it.”

He narrowed his eyes at me and gave me a deathly look.  I faltered a bit, surprised by the anger in his eyes. 

“I don’t walk all over you.  I just can’t parade you around my office.  I would hope you would understand that.”  He shook his head as though to calm himself down.  With a softer voice he said, “Look, I’m sorry I lied to you, but you have to understand from a professional perspective we can’t be public at work.”

I crossed my arms and looked down at his feet.  “I know.  I just feel like there is more you are not telling me.  I’ve told you what I’m afraid is going to happen.”

He cupped my face with his hands when the elevator door started to open.  “You are so much more to me than you think.  Please believe me.”  He pulled his hands down and took my hand to lead me to the car.  There were only two other cars in the parking lot.  I wondered whose they were.

I tried to believe what he was saying.  I wanted to be his more than anything, if putting up with him being cold and distant to me at work was the price; I decided I was willing to take it.

I squeezed his hand and stopped dead in my tracks.  I was so distracted by his erratic behavior that I completely bypassed the situation he had just gotten me into.  He jerked back from my tight grip. 

“Oh my God, what the hell did you just get me into!”  I gasped.

He bit his lip trying to hold back his smile.  I started to breathe heavily, trying to grasp what I was about to have to do.  Ashlynn was going to be all over Connor and try her hardest to embarrass me because she clearly was infatuated with Tyler--it was obvious how she looked at him.

“Hey, it will be fine.  I will be there with you in full-on boyfriend mode,” He smirked.

I frowned at him, “You do know people are going to see us at dinner, right?”

“We will be okay,” he said with a confident tone, like he was trying to reassure me.  I wasn’t the one who was worried about it.  I just didn’t want anything to backfire and be taken out on me.

“Come on girlfriend.  We have some flaunting to do.”  He emphasized the word girlfriend as he pulled me to his black Maserati and opened the door for me to get in.

Once he was in the car he pulled out his cell and started to make a call as he exited the parking ramp.  “Hi, yes this is Tyler Conklin.  I will need a table for four this evening.  Yes.  In about ten minutes.  Thank you for being accommodating.”  He hung up his phone and kept his eyes on the road.  Did he just call Cygnus? 

“Was that the restaurant?”  I asked questioningly.

“Yes, we did their remodel.  You will notice they are Cygnus 27 now.  I can get a table anytime I want.  Nathan likes to go there a lot,” he said nonchalantly.

Well that was one thing I wasn’t going to have to do.  I felt uneasy as I realized Tyler was in line at becoming just as big of a mogul for this town as my father was.  I didn’t like the spotlight I was already in and reinventing myself with another successful businessman in this city was not going to help me.

But no one knows about you two. 

Oh, that’s right; I just agreed to be his dirty little secret. 

Tyler pulled up to the valet and quickly walked around to open my door.  He handed his keys to the young valet whose eyes grew big as he looked at the car.  Tyler wrapped his arm around me.  I did a quick look around, paranoid someone from our office was going to see his display.  Connor and Ashlynn weren’t there yet, so we decided to wait for them before taking the elevator to the top floor of the monstrous building where the restaurant was located. 

I couldn’t keep still while we waited and constantly picked at my jacket and shuffled in my heels.  My feet were killing me.  I hated wearing Jamie’s stilettos… They were so high.  Tyler noticed my uneasiness.

“Hey, relax,” he said pulling my hands up to his chest.  “This is going to be fun.”  He kissed one of my knuckles and had a humored look in his eye.  My body eased into him as he stroked my knuckles with his lips.

“You didn’t have to wait for us,” Connor said pulling me out of the trance Tyler had on me.  I immediately took a step back from Tyler as they walked up to us.  Connor seemed a little flustered and Ashlynn looked like she freshened herself up in the car.  Her hair was fluffed and her eyes were darker.  I felt a lump in my throat as she eyed Tyler. 

Tyler quickly pulled me to his side.  “It’s not a big deal, we just got here,” he said rubbing my shoulder affectionately.  He took my hand and led me into the elevator while Connor and Ashlynn followed.  The second we were off the elevator we were greeted and taken to our table. 

My parents always took us here when we were little kids.  I loved looking out at the city.  Since the restaurant was on the 27
floor, you could see the city skyline.  It was so cool at night, and since I had been gone for five years, it seemed as if the city had grown and more lights were shining bright. I tried to look unnoticeable, but I didn’t recognize any of the staff.  Hopefully the chef wouldn’t come out to personally bring us our food because he would know who I was.  Maybe I would get lucky and he wouldn’t recognize me either.

The waiter brought us all wine glasses and the wine menu.  I was so not into this classy dining.  I wonder if they would give me a weird look if I asked for a bottle of Bud Light.

“Shall I get a bottle of the Louis Roederer?”  Tyler turned to ask me.  Like I cared, I was happy with boxed wine.  Jamie and I had a few good nights on that.

“Oh the Cristol, I would love that!”  Ashlynn jumped enthusiastically, leaning towards Tyler.  How did she end up on the other side of him anyway?

Tyler gave her a tight smile then asked the waiter for the bottle.

“Well, Becca… there is something I have been wanting to ask you.  I was hoping I could take you on a girl’s day and ask you but you are just so busy at work it seems,” she pouted.  My throat got tight, what more on earth could she possibly want from me?  

The waiter came back speedily and popped the top and started to pour it into our glasses.  I took a hasty sip.  It was very good.  It should be considering it was $380.  I hope Tyler didn’t think this was what I always wanted, to be basked in fine dining and expensive tastes.

Ashlynn cocked her head to the side and held Connors hand on top of the table.  “Becca, I want you to be my maid of honor in our wedding.”  My eyes popped open along with my mouth.  I didn’t know what to say.  I was going to be done with her after I finished those plans.  Tyler nearly choked on his wine.

“Ashlynn, I…”  I was lost for words.  I searched the table, trying to find something that would help me focus on what she just asked me.  My eyes returned to her face.  Her eyes looked so young all of the sudden.  It reminded me of when we were little girls.  There was a time when Ashlynn would do anything for me, and in a weird way, she still would.  Yes, she had to have everything, but that included having me.  She saw me as a person she never wanted to let go, and she had told me that numerous times after she and Connor got together.  “Yeah, I will be your maid of honor,” the words came out as though I were talking to a child, a long lost friend.

I felt Tyler’s eyes dart to me.  I was afraid to look at him.  I was letting her walk all over me, and he was going to point it out.  My heart was starting to constrict again.

“When is your wedding?”  Tyler asked, holding his wine glass inches from his lips.

“Well, Connor thought we should wait until he was done with law school but I won’t be able to wait that long, so we were thinking early May.”

Yeah, I bet ‘we’ were thinking about it.  Clearly Connor was flustered by the date.  The last thing he wanted was to be dealing with wedding arrangements in his final year of law school.  I’m sure it was hard enough for him to get out this evening by 6:30 from his internship.  I felt pity for him dealing with Ashlynn’s selfish demands.

“May huh…” Tyler took a sip of his wine.  “Becca, that might be a lot for you to take on in May, considering the Enterprise Yachts account will start building the end of April.”

I furrowed my eyebrows at him.  We didn’t even have that account locked in yet.  And why would they need me that far along in the game?

It was as though he read my mind.  “They will probably want you on site, and from what I hear, it is going to be along the coast.  You won’t be in town much.”  He shrugged his shoulders as he spun his wine glass on the table.  A small smile came across my face.  I realized what he was doing.  He was trying to give me an out and was making up the whole thing.

“I’m sure Becca can manage it,”  Ashlynn snubbed.  “She has always made time for me.  That’s why she is such a good friend.”  She was so sincere when she said it.  I felt like I was being pulled between the two of them.

“I will be able to work it out,” I whispered.  Tyler sat back in his chair and pulled the menu off the table.  I could tell he was disappointed in me for giving in to her demands.

Ashlynn squealed and jumped up and around the table to give me a hug.  “Becca, I’m so glad we are still friends after everything.  You so understand!”  she shouted in my ear.  I pulled back trying not to look uncomfortable. 

Thankfully the waiter saved me from further embarrassment and was ready to take our orders.  I quickly tried to look over the menu before it was my turn.  Maybe I would just order what Tyler got?  He seemed to eat pretty healthy.

“I will have the winter spice pork chop, please.  Can I get your Yukon gold potato mash instead of the white bean stew?” Tyler said smoothly.  It sounded good to me, minus the potato.  The waiter nodded and turned to me.

“I will have the pork also, but instead of the potato can I get asparagus please?”

Ashlynn let out a giggle as the server took our menus. “Since when do you order vegetables, Becca?”

My face turned scarlet. 
Please don’t bring up my erratic food habits.

“I just feel like having asparagus,” I simply said, sipping my wine.  I might need something stronger to get me through this.

“Are you still trying to lose the rest of that baby fat?  Can’t get rid of that last bit though?  You can always call me and ask for help.  They say the last 10 pounds are always the hardest.” Her eyes danced as she said the words.  I wanted to crawl under the table and hide.  My dress suddenly felt too snug and I was worried people were staring at me saying, why would she ever wear that dress, she looks horrible!  I crossed my arms as though it would make a barrier between me and my onlookers.  Just as I was starting to feel more comfortable with myself she had to go and say things to knock me down a level.

I saw Connor nudge Ashlynn and give her a glare.  So I wasn’t the only one who thought that comment was inappropriate for the dinner table.

I felt Tyler’s hand rub across my thigh.  “I can attest to the fact that Becca does not have any baby fat.”  He leaned into my ear and whispered, “You are very delectable baby doll.”  Just when I thought my face couldn’t turn any more red, his whisper turned into a nibble. I saw Connor’s face out of the corner of my eye and he looked like he had swallowed his wine the wrong way.  Ashlynn looked just as caught off guard by Tyler’s proclamation.

Tyler slowly pulled back from my ear keeping his eyes on me.  He wasn’t trying to contain his smirk.  It was nice of him to say that to try and defend me, but I was worried it was all for show.  I gave him a tight smile back.

“Well I’m sure Jamie isn’t helping, she was always a wino,” Ashlynn snorted. My cheeks heated again but out of anger.  Jamie was the best thing that ever happened to me.  She got me through the whole mess Ashlynn put me in.

“Jamie is the best friend anyone could ever ask for,” I said in a low tone.  Ashlynn was thrown back by my statement. 

Yeah, back off my best friend you boyfriend stealer.

Wow, where did that come from?  I thought to myself.  I instantly felt bad for my snide comment in my head.  Tyler was smiling into his wine glass. 

“Last I knew she had you parading around Florida getting drunk and screwing any guy that would happen to hit on you,” Ashlynn sneered.  Her eyes were alight with fire.  She wanted to be the best friend and was horribly jealous of Jamie.  My eyes were starting to glass over.  I never wanted Tyler to know just how promiscuous I was.  It was bad enough he knew I had put myself in a situation where a complete stranger could have taken advantage of me.  Oh why did Tyler have to be here!

Tyler leaned over the table putting both hands on the edge as though to hold him steady.  The words that came out of his mouth next were in a dangerous whisper, “Jamie won’t ever make a pass at me.  That’s why she is a best friend.”  He turned his head to face Connor who, like me, looked like he wanted to run for the hills.  “And if she did make a pass at me, I would turn her down in a heartbeat and call her out on it.”  Tyler’s tone was so intense and caused me to feel something completely opposite of what I thought the controversy would do.   I was completely turned on. 

I brought my hand onto his vice grip holding the table.  As soon as he felt my touch he softened and let me take his hand.  The look he gave me was pure affection.  If I didn’t know any better I would say it was full of love.  Connor was pale white.  I knew he felt bad for everything that had happened.  Tyler didn’t need to make him feel any worse.  Ashlynn was the one who needed the firm hand.

Ashylnn had jealousy in her eyes.  I was afraid her inner Medusa was going to come out.  Thank God our waiter arrived with our food to help ease the tension.

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