Conklin's Blueprints (12 page)

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Authors: Brooke Page

BOOK: Conklin's Blueprints
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“I think we need to make a trip upstairs,” Jamie teased.  I kept staring where Tyler was standing. He wasn’t watching me as intently now, and someone came up to him and started talking to him.

“Jamie, we can stay with Sean.  I don’t need to waste my time with him.”

She huffed, “Oh please, Becca!  He was totally eye fucking you.  We are going up there, and you are going to give him the confident moves I know you have.”

The waitress brought us our drinks, including a dirty girl scout shot for each of us that Sean had apparently sent our way.  I tipped the shot back as seductively as I could.  The alcohol was making me feel incredibly confident and sexy.  I wanted him, and I didn’t care anymore if he would turn me down.  Jamie quickly stood tall and grabbed her drink with one hand and my wrist with the other. 

We walked by Sean’s section, and he greeted Jamie by wrapping his arm around her waist, leaning down so he could speak in her ear.  She giggled and playfully slapped his chest then whispered back into his ear. His face turned beet red while his grin grew larger.   She took a step back from him and took my hand again.  I shook my head at her.  I’m sure she said something extremely provocative that would keep his mind reeling for a while.

We headed upstairs in search for Tyler.  I saw him standing with a group of people in another VIP section that was roped off next to the bar that looked over the dance floor.  A young guy around our age came up to us holding a beer.  “Hey ladies, want to join my party?” he slurred.  Jamie and I laughed at him; he was very goofy.  He had green eyes and brown hair and was vaguely familiar.  If Jamie wasn’t going for Sean, I’m sure she would try and work her magic on him.  Although, I got the feeling he was already very drunk.

“Where’s your party?” Jamie smiled at him.  Maybe he was with Tyler?

“Follow me,” he said leading his hand towards were Tyler was, raising his eyebrows suggestively.  I hope this guy wouldn’t be hard to get rid of once we got into his section.

I took a sip of my drink and followed him.  Once we got in, Jamie pushed me towards where Tyler was.  He was still looking over the railing.  A sudden splurge of confidence ran through my veins.  I held my chin up high and seductively walked over to him.  I trailed my finger down his arm so he knew I was there.  He jerked his arm away quickly and whipped his head towards me.  I jumped back at his sudden movement, thrown off a little bit, almost spilling my drink.  He sucked in a deep breath when he saw me; clearly he was thrown off by my audacity.

Gaining back my composure, I flirted, “Looking for someone?”  I knew he was looking for me, the alcohol in my throat told me.

His surprised look turned sultry.  He cocked his head, “I think I just found her.”  I slowly bit my bottom lip in his response and took a step closer to him.  Taking a sip from my drink, I checked him out from head to toe.  He was wearing work clothes, black dress pants and a dark green button up dress shirt with the top two buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up.  His hair wasn’t as tame as it usually was, and was a bit floppy on his head.  His appearance went right to my libido.  I wanted this man.

He laughed as I undressed him with my eyes.  “What are you doing here?  I thought you weren’t into clubbing?”

I shrugged my shoulders and took another sip of my drink.  “I’m here with my roommate, Jamie.  She wanted to come out with some people from her work.” I looked over at her.  She was trying to entertain the guy who let us in.  Tyler followed my gaze and grinned. 

“Ah, and it looks like she met my brother, Mitch.  It’s his birthday.  We promised him we would come out for drinks.”  I followed Tyler’s eyes over to another section where Nathan was sitting, talking animatedly with someone, holding a drink of dark liquor in his hand.  His tie was loosened around his neck and his sleeves were rolled up as well.  I never would have imagined seeing him so casually.

While I was looking over at Nathan, Tyler was devouring me with his eyes.  I smirked at his expression.  He liked what he saw and that only got me closer to what I wanted.  He shook his head as if to take his mind off something.  “Come on, let’s go save your friend from my drunken brother.”  I followed him from behind and put my hand on his lower back.  I felt his body tense, but instead of pulling away, I simply caressed him with my fingertips.  The alcohol was making me brave.

There you are.  I wondered where you ran off to…” Mitch slurred, looking at me.  I half hid behind Tyler, wanting to wrap my arms around Tyler’s waist so Mitch would know I wasn’t interested, but I didn’t have that much alcohol in me yet. 

Tyler quickly chimed in, “Mitch, this is Becca.  She just started working in the commercial architectural department.”

Mitch splayed a devilish grin.  “Well, would you like to come and draw up some plans with me?  I have got a lovely pencil you could use…” He went to reach for me.  Tyler quickly pushed Mitch’s shoulder away and glared at him.  He was being possessive of me, or maybe it was protective?  I hoped it was both.  Mitch returned his glare. 

Tyler quickly smiled and gave him a laugh.  “You know, there were some twins on the third level playing pool asking who the birthday boy was.  They wanted to give him a present.” 

Mitch’s eyes widened and his devilish grin returned.  “Excuse me ladies, I have to attend to a birthday present.”  Jamie rolled her eyes then turned to me with her, you’ve got him now, grin. 

“I’m Jamie, nice to finally meet you,” she said, holding her hand out to Tyler.  Tyler raised his eyebrow and glanced over at me.  I blushed at her comment.  Jamie laughed, “Come on Becca, let’s get you another shot!” She reached passed Tyler and tugged on my arm. 

“Please, let me get it for you,” Tyler said, stepping past us to walk over to the bar in their VIP section.

“What the hell was that, Jamie?” 

She smirked at me, “Oh get over it, I totally just distracted that dumbass so you could go make your moves, and they are working.  You are so going to get it tonight!” 

I laughed nervously, “I doubt it.”

She lifted my drink to my mouth.  “Drink more.  He was totally possessive of you when Mitch was going to maul you.  He wants it too, it’s so obvious!”

Tyler came back with three shots.  He handed me a shot glass and one to Jamie.  “On three!  One, two, three!” Jamie shouted.  We all tipped our glasses back, Tyler never taking his eyes off me.  I licked my lips as I pulled the shot glass from my mouth.

“Well, I promised to go spend some time with Sean; it’s his birthday as well.  It’s nice to finally meet you Tyler.  Becca, can you get home on your own?” she asked, glancing back and forth between the two of us. 

Before I could say it was fine, Tyler spoke up, “I will take you home,” his eyes smoldering into mine.  I gulped at his stare.  Jamie clearly felt like she was intruding as she slowly slipped away.

Before she did, she whispered in my ear, “Have fun.”

Tyler kept his eyes on me.  “Want to go sit down?”  I shook my head no and smirked up at him.  He cocked his head and furrowed his eyebrows with a half grin on his face.  I slowly ran my finger down his chest, following it with my eyes.  Once I got to his abdomen I took his hand and pulled him with me.  His breathing became shallow.  The only way I could tell was from his chest flexing up and down under my finger tip.  His eyebrows shot up as he walked behind me.  I pulled him down the stairs and onto the dance floor.  He stopped just as we were starting to enter the crowd of dancers and jerked my hand back, “Becca, I don’t dance.” He was suddenly serious.

As seductively as I could, I leaned up and whispered, “Good thing for you, I do,” my lips touching his ear.  He took a sharp breath in and gulped as I pulled him onto the dance floor.  I worked my way around him, turning my backside on his front.  He shook his head and held his hands behind his neck.  He was smiling, a whole hearted boyish smile.  I turned to face him and grabbed his hands from behind his neck, putting them on my waist, urging him to move.  He tilted his head down towards mine, shaking it back and forth, with the same grin on his face.  Once a few songs went by, he gripped my hips to get my attention.  “Come on.  If I am going to dance, I need more to drink.” He took my hand and led me back upstairs.  He seemed so young and carefree on that dance floor.  Even though he was incredibly awkward and not smooth, it was humbling to see.  He wasn’t just an uptight business executive but a 28 year old guy, out on a Saturday night for his brother’s birthday.  Once we got back into the VIP section, Tyler motioned for me to sit down on the couch.  Tyler went to go get another beer and a long island for me.  Nathan sat down just as Tyler was getting back.

“Well Becca, I think you are the first person to ever make my little brother blush,” he smirked, looking at Tyler while he took a sip of his drink.   Tyler rolled his eyes and sat down next to me.  He handed me my drink and smiled at me.  My cheeks heated brighter from his smile and not from Nathan’s comment.

“Your vision is blurred, big brother,” Tyler said, putting his arm over the back of the couch behind me, careful not to touch me.  I pouted in my head.

Nathan laughed care freely, “That it is, little brother!” He tipped his glass back and finished the remaining dark liquid.

Tyler took a swig of his beer and looked over at me.  He gently caressed my shoulder with a single finger.  Tilting his head to the side, he bit his lip then shook his head at me.  He couldn’t stop grinning.  Was he drunk?  I didn’t even care; I wanted him so badly.  Even if he was going to turn into the cold businessman I had seen off and on throughout the time I had known him, I would be okay with it.

I took a long sip of my drink through the straw, fluttering my eyelashes at him.

“Wow, you sure know how to suck on that straw, Becca!” Mitch shouted about ten feet from us.  He was dancing in between two girls.  Tyler and Nathan both rolled their eyes at him and looked at each other.

“You get to take care of his drunken ass tonight,” Tyler said, pointing at Nathan.

Nathan sat up and leaned forward very lazily and un-Nathan like.  “The only drunken ass I am taking care of tonight is me,” Nathan laughed.

Tyler’s face tightened.  Nathan slowly smiled at him.  “He will be fine.  Tony’s here and he isn’t drinking.  He will take care of him.”

Tyler took another drink of his beer.  Then looked down at me and gave me a tight smile.  I quickly felt dog tired.  Between all of the alcohol and sitting down for a while, I felt like I was about to pass out.  Tyler noticed. “Let me get you some water then I will take you home, sound good?” He stared at me intently.  His eyes were amazingly greener than blue tonight, and I suddenly felt a little more energized after looking into his eyes, imagining them above me.

Tyler slowly got up to get me some water, my eyes following him all the way to the bar.  My erotic thoughts were interrupted by Nathan’s voice.

“I don’t know what is going on with him, but I’m pretty sure it has to do with you,” Nathan said, pointing his finger at me.  I sat up a little straighter remembering what Tyler had said about his family.  Nathan saw my discomfort and quickly said, “He hasn’t been a giant crab ass lately.  Keep it up, whatever you are doing.”

I smiled at him trying to hide my confusion.  If Nathan didn’t have a problem with me, and Mitch clearly didn’t care about anything, then who was he ashamed to bring me around?  I quickly finished my drink before Tyler came back, hoping it would bring me back to my original plan.  I didn’t want to chicken out, but I wanted to be coherent enough to know what was going on.  Tyler came back and handed me a large glass of water.  I took it gratefully and enjoyed the cold crispness.  It tasted so good and brought me back to reality, just a little.  Once I was finished with the glass I stood up, and almost stumbled forward from standing too fast.  Tyler quickly caught me and smiled down at me.  “Come on, let me get you home.”

I giggled a little as we left, waving to Nathan.  “Have fun,” he teased as we left.

We stepped outside into the cool air.  It felt so nice compared to the heat in the club.

“Let me call a cab quick,” Tyler said, reaching for his pocket.

I gently touched his arm and said, “It’s not too cold, let’s walk.  My place isn’t that far away.”

He looked me up and down and raised an eyebrow.  “Are you sure?  I don’t want to have to carry you half way,” he teased.

“Ha ha ha, I will be fine, and… I’m not wearing heels,” I snickered, lifting my foot and wiggling my toes as though he could see them.

He tried to hide his amusement.  “Okay, if you say so.”

We slowly walked downtown amongst the young crowds of club goers.  I snaked my arm threw his and leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked.  He flinched at first, but then relaxed into me.

We stopped in the park along the railing, just as we had the first night we went to the coffee shop.  I leaned into him, hoping he would wrap his arms around me.  I felt so comfortable and confident with alcohol running through me.  He shook his head and chuckled.  Sliding his fingers up and down my arms he said, “You’re funny when you are drunk.”

I pulled my head back and looked up at him.  “I am so not drunk yet,” I said seriously at first then let out a little giggle.  He smiled down at me, our faces nearly inches from each other’s.  His expression became serious, and his hands slowed running up and down my arms, stopping on my forearms.  I never wanted anyone to kiss me so badly.  I leaned up and closed my eyes, hoping he would get the picture.  I felt his nose touch mine then his mouth was on mine.  My lips were no longer tingling from the alcohol but tingling from the sensation of his lips working against me.  I allowed his tongue access to my mouth as a slow low groan escaped him.  It was like he flicked a switch inside of me with his tongue.  I brought my arms up to his head and ran my fingers through his hair.  Our bodies flushed together, I noticed his arms were still at his sides.  Why wasn’t he touching me?

He slowed down the kiss and gently pulled away, keeping his forehead on mine.  I was still breathing heavy.

“I need to get you home,” his voice was raspy, with ulterior meaning.  I slowly opened my eyes and turned to start walking.  He took my hand and squeezed it, causing me to pick up my pace.  He wanted to be alone with me just as badly.  I could feel it in his kiss.

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