Conklin's Blueprints (31 page)

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Authors: Brooke Page

BOOK: Conklin's Blueprints
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I nuzzled his chest and brought my arms to his front as he held me tight.

“Can I wash you?  I promise I won’t look,” he said into my hair.  He was serious.  He understood walking into this shower exposing my body to him was hard for me.  I knew he needed to touch me to know we were okay, so I nodded my head yes into his chest.  His arms unlocked from around me and reached for the body wash in the built in shelf.  He rubbed it in his hands and then gently started to massage the soap into my shoulders and back.  Once he was done with my back, I turned around so my front was facing away from him.  He eagerly reached around and rubbed more soap along my front.  I took a sharp breath when his hands reached my chest and lingered on them, massaging.  Tyler had his head buried in my neck.  I was suddenly aware how small they must feel compared to when I wore my miracle bra.

“Sorry, they aren’t that big,” I said, sucking in air from his gentle caressing.

“They are perfect; my hands fit perfectly with them.  That’s all I need,” he said grasping both sides, causing me to arch my back into his hands.  He let out a soft moan from my reaction, and I felt the effect I was having on him rubbing against my lower back.

He moved his hands down to my belly, and I squirmed.  I still felt funny whenever someone touched me there.  Tyler must have noticed because he moved his hands over my hips and down my backside the second I started to wiggle.

I quickly turned to face him, still pushing myself against him since I was afraid of his eyes perusing my body, although he was already doing a good job not letting them meander.

I reached for the body wash and squirted some in my hand.  “I think I should return the favor.”

A hint of a smile crossed his lips as his eyes twinkled.  He never took his eyes away from mine as I moved my hands over his body.  When I reached lower, his shoulders fell and his eyes became heavy.  I gripped him tighter and a large gasp of air escaped his nose while his eyes rolled.  He kept his hands on my hips, rubbing circles with his thumbs.

His breathing became harsher with each stroke I gave him.  “We should go into the bedroom,” his voice was raspy as he gripped my hips tighter. 

“No, you spent a lot of time on me last night, now it’s your turn.”

Before I knew it his lips were on me, kissing me passionately.





Chapter 17


The rest of the morning went by with ease.  I packed my things and we headed to the airport.  Tyler was dressed more casually this time.  It was nice for a change; I didn’t feel as frumpy standing next to him.  He was wearing relaxed faded light blue jeans and a black and white flannel button up.  His hair was his usual messy yet styled look, and he wore a pair of black Nike’s on his feet.  He looked young and carefree, the complete opposite of his business attire.  He looked amazing in both.  I had put on my jeans and a dark blue Polo sweater.

The flight went quickly and before we knew it we were waiting for Cooper to pick us up outside of the airport.  Tyler loaded my bag as I slid into the back seat.  He quickly followed suit, not wanting the airport security to get on our cases for taking too long.  They were always hurrying cars along if they were lingering or taking their time in the pick up lane.

I crossed my legs and started to fiddle with my thumbs.  The nervousness was starting to settle in as I chewed on my lip.  I felt Tyler’s hand reach over to my knee.

“Shouldn’t I be the nervous one?” he joked.

I gave him a half smile and looked out the window.  He didn’t know my family.  Yes, this was my idea, and I think my family won’t do anything crazy, but as families go, they were unpredictable.  Jamie just so happened to go away on a “business” trip with Sean and wasn’t going to be joining us.  I switched legs and leaned into the door, gazing out the window, wondering if I shouldn’t have invited Tyler.  Yes, he needed to see a semi-normal family, and now that he was technically my boyfriend, although I couldn’t tell them that, I felt like I needed him to meet my parents.  My parents needed to know who he was, especially if I was going to be going out of town with him from time to time.  My mother would have called me highly irresponsible for going to a city with a man I had only known for a short period of time.

Tyler reached for my hand, “I don’t have to come with you if you’ve changed your mind about me meeting your family.  I won’t be offended.”  Although his words were sincere, I could see a gleam of hope in his eyes.  Hope that I still wanted him to come with me, and I really did want him to be there with me.  I squeezed his hand and gave him a reassuring smile.

“Of course I still want you to come.  My family can just be erratic and… fickle.”

“Fickle?” he said curiously.

I giggled, “Yes, fickle.  Do you not like my choice of words?”

“No, I just haven’t heard anyone actually use the word fickle.”  His smile was wide and infectious.

“There’s a smile,” he said leaning his head against the head rest while looking at me.

He was trying to calm my nerves, how sweet of him.  My heart fluttered under his lazy grin and I couldn’t help but return the same look.

Cooper dropped us at Tyler’s condo so we could get into the Maserati and make the trek to my parents’ house.  Tyler held my hand the entire way, calming my nerves for how my family might embarrass me in front of him.

We drove down the wooded driveway to my parents’ large estate.  They lived on a golf course on the north side of town.  My parents had built the house when I was seven and they had no intention of moving.  It was way too big and unnecessary for two people to live in, but my mother loved it, and my dad really didn’t care, as long as she was happy.

We pulled up into the driveway of the finely manicured home.  It was dark and dreary out, a typical early November day in Michigan.  The mums in the yard were surprisingly vibrant with their burnt fall colors and the bushes were trimmed and ready to hibernate for the winter. 

I tightened the belt around my gray pea coat as I walked up to the front door.  Tyler walked beside me with ease.

“I’m just going to warn you, my mother doesn’t think before she speaks sometimes.  Take everything she says with a grain of salt, okay?”  I said just as we were walking up the steps to open the front door.

“Will do,” he said simply, pulling the storm door open for me to open the front door.  I turned the knob holding my breath, hoping this would all go smoothly.

Once the door opened, my mother gracefully came walking to the front entryway.  She was wearing what she traditionally wore on a Sunday, Polo khaki’s and a button up blouse with a Polo sweater over top.  My father would be dressed similar.  They always looked as if they were right out of a catalog.  She assessed me with a smile as I walked in, studying everything about me from my hair to my clothes.  I was used to this.  Then her eyes found Tyler and grew big, but quickly shifted back to me.  She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed.

“Becca darling!” she said rubbing my back.

“Hi Mom.  Sorry we are a little late.  This is Tyler, Tyler this is my mother, Missy Stine,” I said pulling away and gesturing towards Tyler.

Tyler held out his hand to her and flashed his dazzling smile.  I thought I saw my mother’s cheeks turn pink.  “Hi Mrs. Stine, I believe we met at the children’s hospital fundraiser a year back?  It is lovely to see you again.  Thank you for letting me join your family this afternoon.”  His voice was full of charm. 

“Yes, I believe we did.  We are very happy you could join us,” my mother said shaking his hand with a smile.  “Well, come on in.  Heather should be here shortly, and Michael is with your father in the humidor downstairs.”

Tyler and I followed her through the hallway into the large living room.   Tyler sat down on the plush yellow furniture in the open room.  The ceilings were sky tall and the room was decorated elegantly.  I sat down next to him on the couch waiting for my mother’s inquisition.  Tyler put his arm on the back of the couch behind me and gave me a reassuring smile.

My mother couldn’t contain the grin that was spreading across her face.  “Can I get you two anything to drink?  Water? Wine?  I believe there is some Sam Adams in the fridge.”

Before we could answer, my father and brother came into the large room talking.

“I still don’t understand how you got your hands on those Cubans, Dad,” Michael said with confusion. 

“I told you, they were a gift,” my dad said, making his way to his favorite brown chair.  Before he sat down, he noticed Tyler and me sitting across the room.  He frowned, but then an expression came across his face like he had known all along.

Tyler stood up once my father’s eyes met his.  “Mr. Stine, nice to see you again, sir.”  Tyler said, holding his hand out to my father.  My father gave him a heartfelt smile and shook his hand.

Oh, of course he already knew both of my parents, the up-and-coming mogul that he was.

“It’s very nice to see you again too, Tyler.  I assume you aren’t here for business?”  my dad said, his eyes moving between Tyler and me.

“No business today.  Becca invited me to join your family for dinner.”

I stood up and gave my dad a big hug.  “Hi Daddy.”

My father’s face softened as I hugged him.  He loved his little girls.

Just as my dad let me go, Michael came up behind me and squeezed my side.  I jumped a mile and let out a yelp.

“Sup, Becca.  You better let up on the treadmill; those love handles are starting to disappear.”  he teased, trying to pinch me again. 

I hit his chest, “Do you have to do that every time you see me?”

Michael laughed as he wandered across the room into the large kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out an apple.  My mother was getting out wine glasses and cups for everyone. 

“Michael we are going to eat soon!” my mother scolded him as he took a loud bite.  “Max, why don’t you and Michael take Tyler downstairs to the bar and get him whatever he wants.  Becca, can you help me in the kitchen?”

I looked apologetically to Tyler.  He shrugged his shoulders as if it wasn’t a big deal and followed my obnoxious brother and father down into the walkout basement.

“Becca!”  My mother’s voice was in a harsh whisper.  “Why didn’t you tell me you were dating Tyler Conklin!”  I started to put ice in the cups.  Before I could muster something to say, she started talking again.

“He is quite the catch, very successful and handsome.”  She almost had a hint of pride in her voice, maybe even a little shock.

“Yeah, he is a great guy,” I agreed.  But the reasons I liked him weren’t the same reasons as my mother.  She would never understand that though.

“How long have you two been dating?  I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” She pouted, pouring wine into glasses.

I rolled my eyes and turned to look at her.  “Mom, I told you not to look into this.  Yes, we are dating… but we want it to be kept quiet, because of work.”

My mom got that gleam in her eye.  “Okay, okay, I won’t pester you anymore about it, but I still wish you would have told me about him.”

My father and brother came rumbling up the stairs with Tyler behind them.  They were all laughing and holding beers in their hands.  I enjoyed seeing them all get along and seemed to be willing to accept Tyler.

The boys settled down in the living room while I helped my mother with the drinks and brought them into the dining room.  Normally she didn’t do this, the personal chef did.

“Where is Miss Ellie?” I asked.

“She had some family thing to attend.  She made a roast yesterday, and it is heating in the oven.”

“And Roger?”

“He is visiting his sister.  Since you didn’t need him to drive you he thought he would take the day off.”  She said, fidgeting with the silverware so it fit perfectly with the napkins.

My mother and I joined the boys in the living room.  I sat down in between Tyler and Michael on the couch.  Tyler instantly put his arm on the back of the couch, letting his fingertips rest next to my shoulder.

“So, Tyler…how long have you and Becca been dating?”  My mother blurted out while sitting next to my father in a similar brown chair.

My face turned bright red. 
I thought I just told her to drop this?

Tyler spoke, “A few weeks now.  We met at work.” He didn’t have a trace of unease in his body.  I was so thrown off by my mother’s question that my body was frozen to the cushion.

My dad leaned in his chair towards my mother and started scratching his chin. 

“Well that is just lovely,” my mother damn near giggled.  She was overly enthused by Tyler and ecstatic by his infatuation with me.

“Yeah the last guy Becca dated was a real stiff,” Michael snorted.  “What the hell ever happened to that loser?”

My eyes went to the ceiling, pretending Michael wasn’t even here.

“Michael, I told you not to bring him up!” my mother scolded.

Michael gave a confused look, and then it hit him, “Oh that’s right, he is tapping your hot little friend Ashlynn.  I don’t understand what she sees in him,” he said shaking his head.  My mother shot him a nasty look.

“I mean, I can’t stand that chick.  Don’t worry Becca, they are both idiots,” he said looking flustered and a little embarrassed.

I rubbed my face with my hands, wishing they would all start talking about themselves instead of me, which is what they normally would do.

Before anyone else could say anything to mortify me further, Heather burst through the door holding Josie, with Ray behind her carrying a large diaper bag.  Josie squealed when Heather put her down and leaned against the counter with her hands on her belly.

“Auntie B!!!” she yelled running over to me.  Her little arms shot up to me, and I pulled her into my lap. 

“How is my favorite niece?”  I said pulling her in for a hug.  Her little fingers ran through my hair as she giggled.  She turned her head and saw Tyler then quickly burrowed into the other side of my chest away from him.  I smiled down at her.  She was so shy.  I lifted her up with me and walked over to Heather to give her a hug.

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