Conklin's Blueprints (7 page)

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Authors: Brooke Page

BOOK: Conklin's Blueprints
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Chapter 4


I stood in the elevator dazed.  Tyler Conklin, my boss, caused my head to fog.  I tried to not let my mind over think what had happened throughout the evening.  He was just being friendly, a nice guy.  I’m sure it didn’t mean anything, as bad as my body wanted it to. 

I walked out of the elevator and straight to my condo.  I opened the door, and Jamie was in the kitchen, pouring a giant glass of wine.  She looked up and grinned at me. 

Walking over to me with the glass of wine, she wrapped her arms around me without saying anything.  I’m sure she had gotten the text from Ashlynn.  Jamie had called her a bitch to her face at least three times, but Ashlynn didn’t get the picture.

“Here, you need this more than I do,” she said sympathetically, handing me the glass.  I took it and sat on the couch as Jamie poured another glass.  Once her glass was filled to the top, she came and sat next to me.

“I would ask if you were fine, but I know you’re not.  Ashlynn is such a bitch.  I’m sure she sent you the ‘Connor-proposed’ text. ” Jamie rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, that bitch even took the kind of diamond I wanted,” I said taking a gulp of my wine.

Jamie looked at me as though confused.  “She sent you a picture?  She just sent me a text.  There were a bunch of people on the sent list; I guess I just assumed she sent you the same thing.”  Jamie was trying to control her anger.

I shrugged my shoulders and pulled out my phone.  Jamie quickly took it from me before I could go to the main screen.

She jerked her head back as she opened the screen.  “Tyler Conklin?  As in, Conklin Architecture, Tyler Conklin?”  She raised her eyebrow. 

Shit, he must have left the contact up.  I squirmed under her stare.“Maybe you are okay,” she smirked.  “Do share.”  She suddenly sat up straight while crossing her legs.

I shook my head.  “There isn’t anything to talk about.  He is my boss.”

“And you just put his number in at 1:00am?”A thought quickly caught her mind, “Oh my God, did you just come from his place?”

I looked at her in horror.  “No!  I was working late, we went to grab something to eat, and that’s it.  I told you I wasn’t going to do that anymore,” I said appalled. 

“Sounds like a date to me, but whatever Becca.”  She focused on the phone and pulled up my text from Ashlynn.  “Did you notice she only sent this to you?” Jamie was fuming.  “Not that I ever thought Connor was the brightest pick of the bunch, but how can he not see what a bitch she is!”

“He probably didn’t know she only sent it to me.”

She shook her head at me, “Don’t stick up for him.  You need to get a new number.  She is probably going to invite you to her wedding!   Or worse, she will probably want you to be in it!  You’re the only loon who puts up with her shit, and she’s fucking your ex-boyfriend!”

I had the sudden urge to giggle at her.  Maybe the wine was starting to hit me. 

She slowly started to laugh with me. “You are handling this very well.  I will never understand what goes on in that head of yours,” she said handing me my phone back.

“Me either,” I said, downing the last of my wine.  Getting up to refill my glass I asked her how her trip was.  I was impressed she was here so soon.  I figured it would be late Sunday night before she came in.

“It was great.  I got some junk food and a good book on tape; the trip went surprisingly fast.  My mother was a wreck before I left last night,” she said rolling her eyes. “But, I am beat.  I am going to get some sleep.  Remind me to tell your mother on Sunday thank you for the new bedspread and furniture.”

Crap, I forgot about family dinner.  My mother insisted we both start coming.  I hope she didn’t expect us to come every Sunday.

“Goodnight,” she called from her side of the condo.  I said goodnight back and downed my second glass of wine.  It was delicious and was going down way too easy.  I filled it again and headed for the tub, as Tyler put it, to drown my sorrows. 

My phone suddenly buzzed, and I pulled it out to look at it.  It was a text from Tyler.  Already?  I didn’t even think he would text me.


Drowning in your sorrows yet?  I should have offered to get you a bottle of wine. –Tyler


My face lit up at his text.


I’m heading there now, and don’t worry, my roommate welcomed me at the door with a full glass.  Are you on your way to the airport?   –Becca


Glad to hear it.  And yes, I am on my way to the airport now.  I plan on sitting in Starbucks and doing some work.  I will accept interruptions. –Tyler


I set my phone down on the counter of the bathroom and held onto my wine, contemplating what was going through this man’s head.  If I had told Jamie everything, she would tell me he was interested, but that just couldn’t be the case.  I wasn’t well bred.  Yeah, I came from a classy family, but I was the odd duck of the bunch.  If anyone saw me standing next to my sister, Heather, they would think we were from different families.  She had long chocolate brown hair and big beautiful brown eyes while I had dull light brown hair that I tried to liven up with blond highlights.  My eyes were a very dull blue that didn’t stand out.  I remember for family pictures one year when I was 12 my mother bought me blue contacts so my eyes would pop out.  I tried not to think anything of it.  Heather had beautiful tan skin while I could only get a tan if I basked in the sun all day.  I had to work for my tan while Heather’s came more naturally.  The only thing I had on her was my schooling.  She had gotten pregnant when she was 19.  Luckily it was with her boyfriend, Ray Martel, a man who met our parent’s approval.  He was 24 at the time and was a promising young man at one of my father’s buildings and the son of the city’s judge.   Now she is 22 with another one on the way.  Things worked out for her in that sense.  My parents still demanded she go to school.  So she takes classes every now and then, nothing in particular.  She wanted to be a trophy wife like my mother, and she was doing a very good job at it.

My brother, Michael, was a poster child as well.  He was the top in his class at Michigan State University and had an office full of patients.  He was a podiatrist.  Michael got the good genes like my sister.  Brown hair, brown eyes, tan skin.  They were both spitting images of my father.  I looked just like my mother, but somehow she was beautiful, and I was average.

I started to run the bath water and began to undress.  I examined myself in the full length mirror.  Uh, I hated that I had stretch marks.  They were faint, but I could still see them.  I poked and prodded at my body, obsessing over where I felt too big or where I needed more help.  I said I was a C cup, but really was a B.  I could squeeze into a size four, but felt more comfortable in a six.  The problem was my butt.  It was out there.  I worked so hard to make it taut, but it still had its presence, and because of it I would never be a size two.  I looked a lot better than a year ago; I could give myself that much. 

I hopped into the bathtub.  It stung my toes, but was very welcoming.  I had a very good buzz going, and it helped me to forget about Connor and Ashlynn.  Instead I started to think about Tyler.  He was so attractive, tall and broad, at least 6ft, and had a chiseled jaw with the perfect amount of scruff with it.  I thought about what it would be like to run my fingers over it.  His lips weren’t too pouty, and I’m sure he knew how to use them.  I thought of his eyes and sighed.  They had such softness to them, but yet could go hard instantly.  Tyler had shown me his softer side tonight unlike in the elevator.  I liked that about him.  Will had said he didn’t say much, but tonight he was quite talkative.  Maybe he just puts on a hard exterior at work?  I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.  He would never go for me.  I would be put in the friend zone because that is where I always went. 

Once the water became colder I drug myself out of the bath.  My muscles were so relaxed, and my skin felt smooth and delicate.  I put on my robe and drained the bath water.  Grabbing my phone and the empty wine glass, I went into my room and lay on my bed.  Should I call Tyler?  What would be my excuse?  I didn’t want to talk about Connor with him; ex-boyfriend baggage is not a good conversation starter.  Maybe I will just send him a text…


You will be happy to know my sorrows are down the drain, and I successfully remained above water. –Becca


A ping came on the screen almost instantly.


I was beginning to worry.  Glad your sorrows are gone, that jerk doesn’t deserve your tears.  Sorry I wasn’t there to lend a shoulder to cry on-Tyler




I figured it would’ve been very un-lady like of me to invite you in… -Becca


I bit my lip.  Another instant ping.


You should go to sleep.  I think the wine is starting to talk.  Goodnight Becca. –Tyler


I huffed.  Well, I would be embarrassed about that in the morning.  I threw my phone to the side of my bed and buried myself under the covers and zonked.



The next morning came too quickly.  I looked at my alarm clock and it was 8:30am, way too early for a Saturday.  I rolled over and felt something poking me under my rib cage.  It was my cell phone.  I pulled it out and glanced at it.  I had three missed calls, a text, and a voicemail.


I wouldn’t have thought you to be un-lady like at all, simply wanting a friend to talk to.  I hope you weren’t offended by me saying the wine was talking. –Tyler


I smiled at the text then listened to my voicemail.


“Well I’m guessing the wine put you to sleep rather fast since you haven’t replied to my texts.  I hope you have a great weekend… and thank you for a wonderful evening. ”


He sounded so nervous.  Almost worried?  I told him I made it out of the bathtub, what else did he have to worry about?  I was suddenly super embarrassed by my un-lady like comment.  I totally insinuated I wanted him to come upstairs for other reasons!  How was I going to face him at work?  The wine pushed the fact that he was my boss out of my mind.  I really need to watch how much I drink.  I decided to text him.


Sorry, I fell asleep.  Wine can have that effect on me.  I had a wonderful evening too.  Thank you for the tea.  I hope your flight sat for a while on the tarmac so you could sleep longer. -Becca


.  Gosh, is he always this quick on his phone?


Watch out for that wine, and you are very welcome for the tea.  Unfortunately I was sitting next to someone who was snoring, and was unable to sleep.  I will be the one not responding to texts on Sunday if you so choose to send me any. -Tyler


Snorers are the worst.  May I suggest ear plugs? -Becca


Couldn’t you have suggested that last night? -Tyler


I giggled.


Sorry, my mind was on wine and bubbles. -Becca


And on your dreamy eyes.


Better that than ex-boyfriends and ex-friends.  I better get back to my meeting.  No one wants to stay here longer than they have to on a Saturday.   Have a good weekend. -Tyler


Thanks, you too. -Becca.


Now I was wide awake.  I plugged my phone in since I passed out without thinking to charge it the night before, and decided to hit the gym before Jamie got up.  When I walked out into the kitchen I was in shock; she was sitting on the barstool drinking coffee and playing with her phone.

“You’re up awfully early for a Saturday,” I said.

She blew out her nose and kept playing with her phone.  “I have a ton of crap to unpack.  I was so tired last night I left half of it in my car.  As you can see, I am getting very far.”

Going to the gym got put on the back burner and I decided to help Jamie unpack the rest of her things.  It took us four elevator trips to get the rest of her stuff.  We could have had the bell man do it, but we were both so independent. And why not?  We were perfectly capable.  We finally got all of her things unloaded by dinner time and decided to order out since cooking sounded like no fun.  We agreed on Chinese. 

“Uh, how can you eat that plain chicken and veggie crap.  A little bit of fried rice would spice things up for you.”  She nudged me.

“After last night, my life is spicy enough,” I sighed. 

Her eyes narrowed.  “Spicy because of a picture text?  Or spicy because of your boss?”

“Both.  Ashlynn called me three times today.  I don’t want to answer it.  It’s not that I want Connor anymore, it’s just uncomfortable territory.”

“And the other spice…”Jamie hinted.

I tilted my head and narrowed my eyes at her, “The other spice is my boss, and I doubt he is into me.  He is dropped dead gorgeous and way out of my league.  I wouldn’t be able to keep up with him.”

Jamie giggled, “Oh I’m sure you could keep up with him.”

I threw my head back and laughed, “That is so not what I meant!”

We both laughed. “Besides, moving here was to get away from men.  Jumping into something the week I got here would be bogus.”

“Who said you had to jump into it?  See how it plays out.  He practically owns the company; he has to be good husband material,” she said, sitting up and putting her empty plate in the dishwasher.

She almost sounded like my mother.  I didn’t want someone just because they would be good husband material.  That was what Connor was and look how well that turned out.



By Sunday morning Jamie and I finally had our condo looking and feeling like home.  We both slept in and took our time getting ready to go to my parents for Sunday dinner.  They lived about 20 minutes from the city.  I hadn’t had time to get a car yet, so I told my mother it would be okay if Roger chauffeured us.  He arrived timely and met us at our front door.

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