Confessions Of A Vampire (3 page)

BOOK: Confessions Of A Vampire
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Those were the thoughts consuming me as the music ende
. Before I had the chance to frown that the dance was over,
his lips pressed against my ear and commanded that I follow him to the garden in a few moments. And then he was gone. I stood in the middle of couples dancing, trying desperately to get my balance. I waited for what seemed a lifetime before I sauntered out the side door and into the garden.


I found him with his back to me, the snow falling around him.
I was nervous when h
e spun to face me with a wicked grin on his face, mask still in place. With one crook of his finger I was in his arms and the world made sense again.


As his lips found mine, I felt shy and unsure of myself for the first time in years
but I
couldn’t resist
the longing I felt for this man
. My arms wound around his neck as my lips parted and his tongue sought entrance. He explored my body with his hands, caressing my cold flesh. If my heart actually beat it would have been racing. My fingers tugged on his hair as our bodies sought the release that only the other could bring.


Before I knew what was happening the bodice of my dress was undone and his tongue was teasing my breasts. I couldn't form words but my need was evident in the small mo
an that escaped my lips.


With a smirk that told me that he
was only too happy to oblige
e lifted me, m
y legs sw
up and over his arms as his mouth found mine again. He found no argument when he began to move us towards a secluded gazebo. The heat that radiated from his body warmed mine in ways I'd never known. I'd never
someone who just exuded sex and heat like he did
and I never would again


As he lay me down on the cold wooden bench m
y fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt and I grew impatient
sending buttons flying everywhere as I ripped it from his torso. His laugh seemed to fill the air like the most beautiful of songs and he raised himself up onto an elbow, looking down at me with a devious grin.


No need to rush,


I answered with a growl
, my need urgent
expertly undid the button
of his pants, freeing him as his hands pushed the skirt of my dress up and over my hips. My fangs ran out as he entered me in one swift movement. His grin grew as he arched his neck, offering me what I desired most.


I licked down along the throbbing vein in his neck, teasing him before finally sinking fangs into it.
The groan escaped without warning when the hot, spicy sweet blood teased my tongue. Losing myself in the taste of him, I gulped his blood as if my very existence depended upon it. I'd turned into the primal being that I'd been made to be with just one taste.


Finally pulling back
my eyes locked with his as I licked the last of his blood from my lips. Smiling, I offered him my own neck and gasped when he bit
without hesitation. I saw the shock fill his face as he drank
of my blood, feeling the same pull I did


Neither of us could deny that something unusual was happening but
I was too far gone at that point to even recall my maker's words about blood bonds. My body responded to his and
my nails dug into the
fevered flesh of his back. E
very movement
we made
brought me closer and closer to pure ecstasy. With a deep, guttural growl he pushed me over the edge
I fell wi
llingly. H
e joined me not long after
, whispering words of adoration in my ear


there, spent and content to stay close. I whimpered softly when
he pulled himself off of me watching
in complete fascination as he lowered his head and traced a finger over my inner thigh. In one quick move he bit hard into the sensitive flesh and pulled back with a bloody grin.


Mine.” That growl sent shivers down my spine and I pulled him to me. I could taste my
blood on his lips as we kissed and
I never wanted this moment to end but voices signaled the app
roach of other guests. Offering me a hand, he helped me to straighten my dress and I watched as he hurried to retrieve his pants. As the humans grew closer he bent down and kissed my cheek. Then he simply vanished, right before my eyes, leaving me confused and feeling as if I’d lost my soul and heart in that one brief encounter.


I could feel his uneasiness at what was being said
and it brought me back to the present as I shifted in my seat
. My chuckle was low and almost unheard as I tapped my nails on the arm of the chair
, the memory of that kiss still fresh in my mind


“It was as intense as you think
. I still have that scar on my inner thigh


He blinked, unable to speak and I just sat watching him. I could almost read his thoughts. He was wondering exactly what kind of being my darling Severus was.


The silence was uneasy and palpable. I knew I could end his questions with one little word, but I wanted him to feel everything in ways I had.


“Back then, I was still new to the world of the supernatural and like you are now, I questioned what kind of being could just vanish into thin air. But I couldn't really go around asking the breathers that particular question without exposing my own secrets and risking final death.”


I let this sink in for
a while
before I continued on with my train of thought.


“I studied every book I could get my hands on about the supe
world. My frustration grew and grew until I happened across another who smelled almost the same as him. I tricked this being into telling me what he was and for days I kept the surprise
I felt
from everyone
I wasn’t entirely sure that being in love with his kind was in anyone’s best interest, but it was too late for that.
I was already in love with pure evil and there was no turning back.


His interest was piqued and I knew he was on the edge of his seat waiting to hear exactly what Severus was.


“My husband is a demon,
ear. A very powerful one at that, but I didn't know that back then. All I knew was that I'd never tasted blood that delicious or addictive. I wanted more. But it wasn't just his blood that I craved. It was all of him. The smell of his skin, the taste of his lips, the heat of his body, they all called to me. I'd never known a man like him
and I never would again
. It would soon become an obsession, trying to find him.”


He smiled and I knew by that gesture that he'd never really understand the need I felt to find the demon that would one day become my husband. And as much as I wanted to delve right into our relationship, I knew it would have to wait.
There were other stories that needed to be told if he were to fully understand this thing I called a life.


“We're getting ahead of ourselves with that though. First I would need to get away from my maker and make it on my own. And then there's my family and how I came to be reunited with one of them. If you're interested in hearing things in order
that is


“Oh, we can go in any order you wish, Mrs. Severus. I'm here to listen and record, nothing more.”


I nodded once more and reached for the glass of Diet Coke laced with blood that a servant had brought in while we'd been talking. Taking a sip, I grinned at how delicious it still was to me. I wasn't sure I'd ever get used to human food again, but I was giving it a shot
since we’d discovered that vampires could consume human food as long as it had blood in it.
So much had changed since I was turned. I shook the thought away and looked back at the young man with a warm smile.


“I think we should go back to how I escaped the mad man that turned me.” And with that I was taken back in time again.







For t
wo years I'd suffered at Kieran's hands before he finally gave in and allowed me to visit my family. I missed my mother and sister most of all and longed to be back home with them. Being with Kieran Blood had taught me that my human life hadn't been that bad and I should have been more respectful of my family. And while it was freeing to be able to do as I pleased, a small part of me would always hope for a miracle and I'd wake from the nightmare that had become my life.


I was so happy when he agreed to allow me to at least go home and see that they were okay. He instructed me that I could never reveal myself to them because they wouldn't understand what I was now.
I argued that it was my choice whether I tell them what I was or not but he stopped me quickly.
Before allowing me the opportunity to decide for myself, Kieran took me back to London and showed me exactly what my family thought had happened to me.


My confusion grew as we approached the cemetery.
I questioned what we were doing t
here and he led
to a
headstone that stood at the back of the graveyard. I blinked back tears as I read my own name etched in the marble. I sank to my knees and ran my hand over the
letters, letting my tears fall. It had all become too clear that I could never reclaim the life I’d had. For the first time since I’d risen a vampire, I understood. I was dead.


I guess it
never crossed my mind how my absence had been explained and I'd never asked either. I
took it for granted that my family had
just accepted
I'd run away.


That night my maker filled me in on how he'd brought a body to the road just down from the estate we'd been at that fateful night and placed my dress on it. The young woman was my size and had the same blonde hair but her face was unrecognizable thanks to Kieran. I understood that he'd needed to make it believable but it still hurt to know that my family thought I'd been murdered
but it didn’t make it any less painful to know that I’d caused them some measure of grief


Rising to my feet, I brushed the bloody tears from my face and accepted that in their minds and hearts I was gone forever. I knew Kieran was right, they'd never understand what I was and telling them would alert the rest of the world to our existence. I couldn't risk that.


I resolved to just be happy being able to see them from afar.
Just k
nowing that they were alright and happy was more than I deserved.


A few nights later, my maker and I made our way to the farm I'd spent my entire human life on. As we reached the edge of the field, I knew that something was wrong. The horses were still out and night had fallen hours prior. It was unlike my father to leave them out on a cold night and I looked at Kieran with concern.


Seeing the change in his demeanor told me he sensed something was off as well. We cautiously made our way to the house, circling it to check for any movement before we stepped towards the door. My heart sank when I saw it cracked open. I listened intently for any signs of life and heard none. Kieran kicked the door open and stepped inside the dark house.


I followed closely on his heels, scanning the room for signs of movement. We crept towards the back parlor, both of us nervous and on edge. He entered the room before me and spun back around trying to shield me from the bloodbath that lay out before our eyes.


My scream echoed throughout the house and sent the horses into a frenzy outside. Before me lay my mother and father,
bound and
shot execution style. Next to them lay the bodies of my youngest brother and his new wife. I buried my face in my maker's chest, sobbing uncontrollably. Seconds passed before he
tilted my face up and
put a finger to his lips indicating that I needed to be quiet.

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