Confessions Of A Vampire (4 page)

BOOK: Confessions Of A Vampire
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In the darkened room we both heard signs of movement
another part of the house. Not sure of who we'd find, Kieran led the way. Our fangs had run out at the first hint that we might be in a dangerous situation and we were prepared to kill whomever we found.


As we crossed the threshold of the kitchen, my eyes fell on the bloodied body of my sister, Star. I could hear her heart beating faintly and by the blood smeared on the floor, I knew she'd been the one we'd heard moving about.


I rushed to her side and cradled her head in my lap, whispering words of comfort to her. Her breathing was shallow and it was growing close to the time she'd pass. I looked up to Kieran, pleading with him to help her. He shook his head and moved to turn from the room.
As much as I hated the idea of him being her maker, I had to ask him to help her. She was my only family and I’d have done anything to save her that night.


Please, Kieran. You can help her.”


Don't ask for things you can't have
Sunshine. We cannot risk it.”


She will die if you don't.”


Then she'll be dead.”


Please?” My pleading was growing frantic as I felt her dying in my arms. I could not let her go. She was all I had left of my family and I needed to save her.
Bloody tears fell on her face as I cradled her and I pushed my grief to my maker in desperation.


I don't know why he allowed it, but his words gave me hope as he left the room. “Turn her.”


His question pulled me from my thoughts and I had to force myself to focus on what he was asking.


“He let you bring your sister over?”


“Yes, he did. I was just as surprised as you
, to be honest.”


“Is she still...?”


“Yes, Star
is still undead and lives in New Orleans with her lover.”


His smile caught me off guard and I raised a brow at him yet again. This human was starti
ng to surprise me and that is
hard to do.


“How were you able to do it? I mean, she's your sister, wasn't it hard to kill her?”


“Yes, it was the hardest thing I'd ever
had to do,
but it had to happen. By killing her, I saved her.”


“Does she like it? Being vampire
I mean.”


I took some
time to think about this before I answered. “I think she does. She's never complain
ed and Star is not shy
. If she wasn't happy, I'd have known.”


“Did she take to being vampire as easily as you did?”


Again, I took my time thinking this through before speaking. I could almost see it
as I began to tell him the story






Draining her was the easy part. Getting my sister to believe what she was, that was hard. Star wasn't one to believe in foolish notions. She was very grounded
that girl, but sometimes the most unbelievable thing is the truth.


She woke three nights later and clawed her way out of the fresh grave Kieran had buried us in. I'd risen hours before and sat patiently waiting on my new child to join me in the dark and dangerous world she now inhabited.


I brushed dirt from her hair and hugged her tight to me
when she rose
. I
felt her confusion at what she was and how she’d come to be here in this dark forest. I answered her questions as best I could, ignoring my own need to know what had happened to our family. An eternity loomed before us for me to ask those questions.

I explained the process of feeding and how she'd come to be a vampire. I nearly died laughing when my sister kept insisting that vampires didn't actually exist. Popping fangs at her, I ensured her that we did indeed exist. I walked her through the rules Kieran had drilled into my head.
She easily accepted that she would no longer see the sun or eat bacon again. I held back a laugh when she claimed that she’d never been that fond of daytime anyway. All in all she took it quite well until I informed her that her husband and son could never know that she was still “alive”.
  Her tears broke my heart but I still felt I'd done the right thing by turning her.


At least I wasn't alone. I know that sounds selfish
and it probably was
how I felt. With Star around
I stood a better chance of escaping Kieran. He'd tire of us both soon enough and then I'd get my chance to make him see how releasing me was beneficial to him.


I'd learned long ago that if you wanted Kieran to do something, you had to make him see how he could profit from it. With Star around all the time, I had no doubt he'd be itching to rid himself of the two females that annoyed him.

I took her on her first hunt, explaining how we had to be discreet and make sure no bodies were found drained or with fang marks. When she questioned why, I talked about how leaving evidence would lead to fear and mass hysteria among the humans and that would
lower our chances of feeding.


Star was a quick study and excelled at the art of luring prey back
to the dark recesses of alleys or bars. I was very proud of how quickly she picked up on this stuff.
Kieran didn’t say much about it but I knew that his silence spoke volumes. If he’d felt I wasn’t instructing her properly, he’d have spoken up.


The nights passed in a blur and soon Star was venturing out on her own to hunt. As her strength and cunning grew another plan started to form in my mind. Could I use my sister
’s strength
as my way of escaping my maker? Could I risk the thoughts that ran through my mind and filled my dreams?


The risk made me question if we could pull it off and actually survive. Kieran had impressed
on us
the strictness of the rules of our kind. I knew that the consequences could be life altering
if I destroyed my maker,
but something inside of me screamed to be free of his control
and true death didn’t sound like a bad punishment if it meant getting away from him


A few short months later it would all come to an end. No amount of planning and plotting could have prepared us for what actually happened.
It was a late summer night, the crickets
loudly in the forest
as Star and I walked back towards our townhouse. We'd been in Nottingham for a few weeks
then and the time was rapidly approaching that we'd have to move on. The humans were starting to question the unexplained deaths and local buzz was that they weren't buying the mysterious illness story. They'd soon be looking at the three strangers who'd arrived just before the bodies started piling up.


As we walked I voiced my need to be free of Kieran. Star listened closely and nodded in all the appropriate places. I could see the concern on her face as I laid out the plan that would free us both from his control.
I talked of marrying him and then murdering him in his downtime. If I timed it just right, he’d never see it coming. If questions arose by our kind we could easily say a human employee figured out what we were and got him before Star and I could wake.


It was risky
but everything worth having is at some point. What we'd gain would far outweigh the risk
I rationalized. If we could pull it off and make ourselves look innocent, we'd have everything we ever dreamed of. My grin widened when my sister agreed to
me and we agreed that we'd start it immediately.


And that's just what we did. The next night
after we
and fed, I set the plan in motion. It wasn't hard to lie to my maker
I'd been doing it since I felt the first pull to be free. But this time the lie
could destroy me and my sister, but I
went ahead with the
plan without


Kieran was vain and
so it wasn't that difficult to convince him that I wanted to marry him. I spoke words of love and how I'd been lying to myself for years because I was afraid he wouldn't love me in return. I told him how I thought he'd only seen me as his progeny and that my heart ached to belong to him fully. I wanted more than just a maker/child relationship and hoped he felt the same.


I could see the doubt in his eyes and quickly launched into how our marriage would benefit him. I explained that not only would I be at his side, I'd warm his bed every night. I nearly choked on my own lies as I rambled on about how he was the best lover I'd ever known and my body only felt alive when he was inside of me.
I carried on about how the money I’d amassed through my kills and stealing would belong to him as well after our marriage and I could see he was starting to buy into it. It wasn’t long before I had him, hook, line and sinker.


Fool that he was, he agreed to a marriage
n one condition.


Kieran wanted his freedom to fuck his meals or anyone he wanted while I had to promise that I'd save my body only for him. Hatred consumed me but I smiled and agreed. I'd have done anything to get him to go along with this and I knew this wouldn't be an eternal sentence.


He insisted the marriage take place the next night and I agreed wholeheartedly. The sooner we married the sooner the rest of my plan could fall into place. I allowed the kiss he claimed, trying to hold back the bile that
in my throat. I fumbled for an excuse to be away from him. The only thing I could think of was that I needed to find a dress sexy enough to tempt him into our marital bed. I breathed a sigh of relief when he bought the excuse and
raced from the room to find Star.


I sat with my sister, neither of us speaking. The knowledge that Kieran could hear anything we spoke
us quiet. We couldn't risk him knowing anything about what we had planned for him. So we sat in silence, trying not to worry that we'd both meet final death if anyone caught wind of what we were about to do.
Exchanging glances we each tried to give the other strength for what was to come the next evening.


We went to our coffins worried that our nights were numbered. Downtime was a welcome relief from the doubts and I welcomed death with open arms that night.


following evening
dawned dark and dreary. It was as if Mother Nature knew that all Hell was about to break loose and had planned the perfect setting. I took my time with rising and dressing. It wasn't the night to be careless and Star and I exchanged
glances over the vanity as we applied our makeup.


Everything needed to go perfectly and we were
on edge. The door slammed downstairs, causing us
to jump. Kieran's scent wafted up the stairs and we knew it wouldn't be long before I'd be his wife under our laws and the human



Star left me with my thoughts as she went to ensure that Kieran had everything set. Perching precariously on the edge of my chair I exhaled a long slow breath I hadn't known I'd taken and stared at my reflection in the mirror.


The white dress seemed out of place on my pale body. I'd never wanted to marry
and yet I was about to walk down the aisle
. I had strong opinions on the subject that had caused many arguments with my mother and father. Looking back
I think I was a bit ahead of my time but none of that mattered that night. I would go against everything I believed in just to gain my freedom from a vampire I hated with a deep passion.

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