Compass (23 page)

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Authors: Jeanne McDonald

BOOK: Compass
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“Boots or wedges?” Alexis lifted the two options to her chest, checking them against her chosen outfit of a denim miniskirt and a red empire waist tunic. “I really should get a cat,” she mused. “At least then I’d stop talking to myself.” She tossed both pairs of shoes aside, grabbing her black flats instead. “Practical and cute.”

She pulled at the tunic while stepping into her shoes. “Maybe a t-shirt and jeans would be better?” Her brow furrowed as she contemplated her chosen wardrobe. Her hair was down, makeup polished, but her level of discomfort and uncertainty was verging at the corner of panicked and terrified. She took in two deep breaths, allowing the memory of waking in Ryan’s arms to comfort her.

“Good morning, Lex,” his sweet voice resonated in her ear. Warm tingles rushed up her spine, and left their impressions on her skin. She sighed in contentment, all of the previous night’s events nothing more than a memory.

Grinning, she turned her face to meet his. “Don’t you mean good afternoon?”

“It’s good whatever it is.” His lips pressed to hers, light, gentle, and so brisk that had her whole body not exploded with want and need she wouldn’t have realized the kiss even occurred.

She pressed her fingertips to her lips, smiling. It only happened once. Afterward, he spent the day lavishing her in his usual innocent, friendly kisses ─ the tip of her nose, her forehead, her temple ─ all just as sweet, but not intimate like the stolen kiss in bed.

The ringing of the doorbell pulled her from her musings. Alexis had been excited when Ryan suggested they accompany Reagan and Declan to the Texas State Fair. Not only would she have the chance to finally meet the illustrious Reagan, but she was curious about this event her father and little brother had told her so much about. She still couldn’t wrap her head around some of the food items they’d claimed were amazing. It seemed as if everything in Texas, from chicken to beer, could be fried.

She gave herself one last glance in the mirror, fluffing out her hair. Being used to wearing scrubs, she reveled in the fact she could wear something that wasn’t shapeless. She flattened the tunic over her stomach. Her heart rattled against her chest, the panic back in full force.

Here goes nothing.

She skipped downstairs, excited to see him. They’d only been separated for twelve hours, most of which was while she slept, but it felt like an eternity to her. She pulled in a ragged breath as she reached for the knob. Throwing the door open, she came face to face with the boyish grin of Ryan Fisher. His toned, sculpted chest was sheathed in a fitted black t-shirt with the caption “If I was flying, Goose would still be alive”, paired with faded jeans and sneakers.

At the sight of him, her heart skipped a beat. The corner of his shirt was tucked in revealing the wonderful way his jeans hugged his hips. Her mind reeled with the way his hard body had wrapped around her, cocooning her in his strong arms. His dark hair was disheveled and his jaw was darkened by two days worth of stubble. A pair of aviator sunglasses covered those green eyes that she knew were bouncing behind the darks shades. His lips twitched into a grin sending her heart into full arrest.

“Wow! You look amazing,” he complimented, rubbing his chin.

“And apparently overdressed.” Her head bobbed up and down, noting the casual nature of his attire.

Ryan glanced down at his watch. “We have time if you want to change into something different.”

The initial plan was for Ryan to drive Reagan and Declan to come pick up Alexis, but after mulling over it the entire day, Ryan gave up his chance at locker room access. Alexis tried to convince him that she was okay with the idea, but Ryan wouldn’t hear it. She stopped arguing with him after she saw the determination in his eyes. The line had been crossed in the sand and she wasn’t to be alone with Declan again. Not that it mattered to her. While she considered Declan a handsome man, her feelings for him were nothing more than platonic.

“So I
overdressed.” She stepped back, letting him in her apartment.

“Not at all!” his voice rose as he ripped his shades off his face.

“I’ll go change,” she stated with a chuckle.

Ryan grabbed her by the arm, pulling her to his chest. The musky scent of his cologne filled her nostrils, making her wobbly at the knees. She wrapped her arms around his back, holding herself steady against him. “You look amazing. Don’t change.”

“Oh, stop it.” She smacked her hand on his back. “Declan and Reagan will be dressed like you so, I’m going to change.”

Ryan tweaked her nose. “Always stubborn.”

“You know me.”

“That I do.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. As she stepped out of his embrace, an overwhelming sense of attraction engulfed her. She licked her lips, blinking a few times to wipe away the image of her ripping that shirt over his head to reveal his hard body beneath. Ryan tilted his head, his brow raising. “What?” he asked, a mischievousness to his tone.

“Nothing.” She backed away, shaking her head. “Nothing at all.”

“That wasn’t nothing!” he called after her as she dashed up the stairs and dressed in her favorite blue t-shirt matched with a pair of comfy jeans. She glanced in the mirror, giving herself an approving nod before bounding back downstairs.

Ryan had sat down on the couch and was playing a game on his phone. He looked up at her and his face lit up. “Oh, yes. Much better.” She dropped down on the sofa beside him. He twirled a lock of her hair around his finger, letting it spring back down to her shoulder. “Not that what you were wearing wasn’t amazing, but I’m afraid I might’ve spent the day beating up every man who looked at you instead of enjoying your company.”

Words hung in her throat. She tried to look away, but the magnification of his gaze melted her in place. She cleared her throat and swallowed, forcing herself to speak. “Thanks,” she rasped.

He turned off his game and shoved his phone in his pocket. Smooth and graceful, Ryan lifted from the couch and turned to Alexis, offering her his hand. “Now, let’s get out of here. I’m ready for a fried Twinkie.”

Alexis wrinkled her nose, but accepted his hand. “That sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen.”

Ryan tugged her from the sofa; the force of his pull landed her hard against his chest. He smirked, taking her hand and placing it over his firm stomach. Alexis could barely breathe. The closeness of their bodies, her palm resting over his tight abs, had turned her mind into mush. She blinked, trying to clear her head, but then his stomach rumbled against her palm, tickling her. She twisted her hand away, taking a step back, her eyes wide with laughter. The distance between them allowed her to think, but also left an ache in her chest she couldn’t define.

“I’m not worried about a heart attack today, Gorgeous,” he stated, holding his hand out to her. “All I care about is getting some food in my belly.” He patted his stomach with his free hand. “And maybe checking out some new cars.”

Hesitant, she extended her hand to him. “Well, all right then.” She forced a soft giggle, her mind whirling with a million and one thoughts, but all carrying the same connotation ─ don’t get hurt. Ryan linked their fingers together, drawing her to his side. She exhaled at his touch. “Lead the way.”



“Doc!” Declan caterwauled as Ryan and Alexis approached him and Reagan. He rushed up to Alexis, pulling her into a hug. His eyes cut to Ryan at the same time, a facetious smirk pulled the corners of his mouth. “I thought you’d never arrive.”

The sun was beating down on them, but there was already a nip to the early fall air. Mid-morning crowds, clad in burnt orange and crimson, were standing in line for the biggest day of the year at the Texas State Fair.

Reagan sauntered over to them, her full lips pursing into a devilish grin. Since she was slated to cover the game, she had to choose her attire wisely. No orange or red for her, but instead a light green V-neck shirt and jeans, and her press pass dangling around her neck. Her hair was pulled up and her sunshades on. She really was a beautiful woman, but Ryan had never felt
spark, that unquenchable desire for her, like he did for Alexis.

“Hey there, Flyboy.”

Ryan greeted her with a one armed hug, but his eyes remained honed in on the idiot lavishing his girl with attention. “Hey, Ray.”

“Go, Sooners!” a random person from the crowd yelled out!

“Go back home. Texas rules!” another shouted in return.

“You missed the fun in the locker room. Declan made an idiot out of himself.”

“And that’s supposed to surprise me?” Ryan chuckled.

Declan tucked Alexis’ hair behind her ear as he leaned in to whisper something to her. She took a step, shaking her head.

Reagan leaned into Ryan. “Nope,” she chortled. “So, that’s Alexis?” She nudged him in the side. He pulled his eyes away from Declan long enough to catch a glimpse of Reagan’s expression. Her lips were flat, her nose wrinkled and flared on one side, and her eyes burned in Alexis’ direction. Ryan blinked, and the look on her face was gone. He shook his head, figuring Declan’s antics were messing with his head.

“That’s her,” he replied.

“Are you kidding me?” Alexis exclaimed, shoving him away.

Ryan felt a surge of anger swell up inside him. His breath was shallow and ragged, his fists balled at his sides, ready to smash Declan’s face into the pavement.

“Ah, that’s not what you said the other night. ‘Best sex you ever had,’ if I recall correctly,” he announced, proud and sardonic.

Alexis crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes wide and a twisted grin lighting her face. “I’m afraid you’re mistaken. That’s
what I said.”

“Bullshit!” Declan protested. “You said…”

“I said you’re the worst I ever had.” Her hands bounced up and down in an apologetic manner. “I realize a man with your ego size could never understand, but it’s not like you could help it. After all, you do have a penis the size of a twelve-year-old.”

“Ohhh!” Reagan yelled, laughing and clapping. “She so busted your ass!” She turned to Ryan whose jaw was locked, seething at the man he called a friend and roommate. Reagan rammed her elbow into Ryan’s bicep. “I like her. She’s got spunk.”

A sense of pride swelled up inside him. Alexis looked back at him with her eyes bouncing and her beautiful smile that melted him right to the very core. Drawn to her, his feet started to move. Before he knew what he was doing, he was at her side, pulling her close to him.

Reagan smacked her hand on her jutted hipbone. “Well, do you plan on introducing us or what?”

Ryan tilted his head to Alexis, the feel of her against him caused his chest to ache and his body to tingle. The heat of her skin against his electrified him, her softness tantalized him. He wanted her. No, needed her.

Ryan lowered his hand to Alexis’, linking their fingers together. He cocked his head to Reagan and smiled. “Reagan Summers, this is Doctor Alexis York.” He extended his hand out to Reagan. “Alexis, this is Reagan.”

Alexis smiled, stepping away from Ryan. She extended her hand to Reagan. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Reagan took her hand but instead of shaking it, she pulled Alexis into a hug. “It’s great to finally meet you, too. Fishmouth, over there, has told me so much about you.”

Ryan snapped his mouth shut and hung back to give the two women space. All this time he’d kept them apart, not for them, he realized, but for himself. They each represented a different side of him, both equally as important. It scared him to have them together, but now that they were, he couldn’t understand what had frightened him in the first place.

Declan slipped in beside Ryan, draping his arm over his shoulder. “Lighten up, man.” He jerked Ryan back and forth. “The woman you fucked and the one you want to fuck seem to be hitting it off. It can’t get any better than that, unless they agree to a threesome.”

Ryan shrugged out of Declan’s embrace giving him an evil eye. “You’re a dick. You know that?”

Declan lifted his shoulder in a half shrug. “That’s all you got?” He leaned into Ryan, both men watching the women as they chatted. “Because I’m telling you now, if you don’t get your shit together, I’m going to take her off your hands.” Ryan stiffened, his fists balled tight at his sides. “I don’t hear any objections. I guess that means free game.” He patted Ryan on the shoulder and started to step away.

Ryan grabbed him by the back of his burnt orange Longhorns t-shirt, a curse rumbling from his chest. Declan laughed, not taking his eyes off the two women as Ryan held him steady. “Listen here, Buddy,” Ryan growled, “You lay one finger on her, and I swear to God, I’ll skewer your nuts and give them to a vendor to fry up as a new Texas delicacy. You got it?” He released Declan’s shirt with a swift downward tug, forcing the collar to tighten around Declan’s throat.

“Now there’s my best friend,” he wheezed, trying not to choke. “‘Bout time you decided to fight for her.” Declan fixed his shirt and walked away, joining Reagan and Alexis.

Declan clapped his hands together, rubbing them together. “You ladies ready to go in? I’m starved. I need me some Fletchers,” Declan stated, wrapping his arms over each woman’s shoulders.

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