Compass (18 page)

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Authors: Jeanne McDonald

BOOK: Compass
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She straightened up, drawing her mug to her lips. The gold flecks in her caramel orbs sparkled as her eyes widened. Ryan enjoyed watching her apparent discomfort. He started tapping his fingers against his cooling coffee cup, saying nothing as he waited for her to reply.

“Well, urm, you see…” she stammered.

His lips twitched into a faint smile. “What’s wrong, Lex? Don’t you like my eyes?” He fluttered his lashes at her.

She took another sip of her coffee, swishing the liquid in her mouth, causing her cheeks to puff with the movement of the fluid. He raised a brow, his head bowing a little to meet her eyes. “Lex?”

Her eyes dropped from his gaze. She ran a fingernail under the loose rubber band of her messy bun, seeming to search for the words to answer his innocent but revealing question. He wasn’t about to back down. Because of her reaction, he had to know what she really thought about his eyes.

She gulped down her java before spouting off something in a low, deep breath.

He squinted, trying to make heads or tails of what he thought he heard was really what she said. His heart leapt for joy at the idea that she might’ve actually said, “No one’s eyes compare to yours.”

“I didn’t catch that,” he finally said.

Alexis peered up at him from underneath her eyelashes. Confusion was written all over his handsome face. She rubbed her forehead and closed her eyes. “What I said was…”

Two plates landed in front of them with a smiling Judy staring at the young couple. “Two bacon cheeseburgers with fries. You need anything else? Ketchup? Refills?”

Alexis looked down at her cup. “A refill would be lovely when you get the chance.”

With a quick wink and a smile, Judy waddled off in search of a coffee carafe. She returned before either of them could say anything, topped off their cups, then disappeared back into the kitchen.

Ryan lifted the top bun and pulled the tomatoes off his burger.

“You know you can order it without tomatoes,” Alexis stated, sinking her teeth into her sandwich. A small moan trickled from her lips along with the juicy goodness of the burger. She chuckled and fumbled with her napkin as she wiped her mouth. Ryan had to adjust his pants, as discretely as possible, to compensate for the lack of room that now existed in them thanks to that one little groan. He forced his mind to refocus, which helped to minimize the rising problem in his pants.

“But then I’d missed the flavor of the tomato on my burger.” He popped two fries into his mouth, savoring the taste of the salt mixture on the potatoes.

“Um, okay. That makes no sense.”

He picked up the floppy tomato between his fingertips. “Look at this thing. I like my tomatoes crisp or in a sauce. Since a burger wilts it, I won’t eat it, but I still like the taste of the tomato on my burger, hence me not ordering it without a tomato.”

Alexis shook her head, taking a bite of her burger. “Whatever you say,” she chortled through a mouthful.

As they ate their meal, they laughed and talked about his trip and her first week as a fellow. Ryan reveled in her descriptions of people. He already knew he didn’t like her boss. Doctor Dale Phillips sounded like a real tool, in his opinion. “Mary and I about died when he started ogling Karen’s rack. I told you about Karen, didn’t I?”

Ryan tossed his last fry into his mouth, patting his belly. “She’s the one with the silver spoon up her butt, right?”

Alexis leaned back in her seat, snapping her fingers. “That’s her. She called him out, threatening to contact HR. I’ve never seen anyone backpedal so fast. It was hilarious.”

“It sounds like you had an amazing first week.”

A quaint smile blossomed over her lips as she reached across the table, taking his hand. “It was a good week, but having you here, now, makes it amazing.” She gave his hand a quick squeeze. “Unfortunately, I have to head back. I get off at midnight, but I’m off for the next two days if you want to get together tomorrow.”

Ryan linked his fingers through hers. “I’m home for a few days, so that sounds perfect.”

His chest ached as she slipped her hand from his, reaching for her wallet. He grabbed her arm. “I don’t think so. I’ve got this.”

Alexis shook her head. “You don’t need to pay for me.”

Judy walked over with the check in hand. Ryan took it before Alexis could see it, handing cash to Judy. “No change,” he told the waitress.

“Ryan,” Alexis protested.

“Too late.” He beamed with pride.

She shook her head, her chest bouncing with silent laughter. “Fine. I’ll get it next time.”

As if I’d ever allow that!

They scooted out of the bench seating and walked outside where the night air had started to cool. The sound of planes rumbled overhead, taking off and landing at the airport. No stars could be seen against the dark blanket of the sky. Only the moon hung in the balance of the heavens.

“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” Alexis said, fumbling for her car keys.

“Maybe I can sneak into your bedroom window, tonight, instead.” He wiggled his brows.

“Stalker,” she chuckled.

“You’re the one who downloaded all my pics. I think that’s more stalkerish than my wanting to share a bed with you.”

Even in the dark he could see the blush creep up her neck. He reached out to feel the heat under her skin, trailing his fingers along her cheek. She closed her eyes, tilting her head into his touch. Leaning in, his lips brushed along the shell of her ear, “I like knowing I’m this close to you at all times.” He patted her hip where her phone rested in its safe haven.

“I like having you there,” she panted. She looked into his eyes, brown meeting green, vibrant even under the florescent lighting. “I really did miss you.”

He cupped both sides of her face. Unable to resist the urge to taste them, just once, he pressed his lips to hers, soft and gentle. The kiss was over before it began, but the power behind it left him breathless. He rested his forehead to hers. “I missed you, too. Text me when you get home.”

Caught in his embrace, she placed her palms on his hard chest. The warmth of her hands against his body sent delicious tingles up his spine. “It’ll be after midnight, Ryan. I don’t want to wake you. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Tonight,” he pronounced. “Please.”

Pushing up on the tips of her toes, she placed a kiss on his cheek. “Okay. As soon as I get home.”

“Thank you.” He hated when she released him to leave. All he wanted to do was hold on to her for dear life and never let her go. He craved to feel her lips on his again. The urge was so strong and deep in his gut that it consumed him. Left was a memory that would burn through him for days to come.

Moments later, he stood in the middle of the parking lot watching as she drove away. The ache in his chest was different, stronger after having kissed her. It was a friendly kiss, but the power of it affected him in such a way that he knew he’d never be the same.

When her taillights disappeared around the corner, he climbed into his own vehicle to head home. His cell phone vibrating in his pocket greeted him

You made my night. Thank you for dinner. Goodnight.

The message ended with a heart emoticon. He couldn’t contain his smile, but the ache in his chest throbbed, reminding him that she wasn’t his. He chanted the word “friends” over and over in his mind.

He sent her a quick reply:

This doesn’t get you out of texting me later. LOL. You’re welcome. Talk soon. xx

He pressed send and drove home where he unpacked and waited for her goodnight text.



“You’re still here? I thought you left over an hour ago.”

Alexis glanced up from her computer screen to catch sight of the curvy doctor wearing pink Minnie Mouse scrubs as she entered their shared office space slash conference room. Mary’s blonde hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, and she held an electronic tablet against her chest.

With the last notation complete, Alexis closed her laptop. A sigh of relief escaped her lips. “I had a few last minute things to do before I left.” She stretched her arms over her head, her joints popping.

“Seriously, woman. I think we can handle things while you’re gone.”

Alexis waved her off. “I know, but Alana Burk has chemo tomorrow, and I want to make sure Karen doesn’t fuck it up. I swear if her Dad wasn’t…”

Mary sauntered to the conference table and dropped down into the chair across the makeshift desk from Alexis. She propped her feet on the table, laying her tablet in her lap. “Big, bad surgeon with a small prick and a God complex,” she chuckled, “yeah, I get it.”

Alexis laughed. “I want to slap her so hard at times...”

“Slap who?” Dale exited his office, taking his usual seat at the head of the table. His silver hair was combed back, and he was dressed as if he were about to head to the gym. His long nose offset the narrow shape of his face making him handsome in an unconventional way.

“Karen,” Alexis admitted.

Dale snarled and stood up, barely having gotten comfortable in his seat. Ever since Karen turned him into HR, for staring at her breasts, he kept his distance from her. Even the sound of her name caused the man to cringe. “My money’s on you, Lexi, but make sure you knock her out, because that woman’s got claws.” He curled his fingers, scratching at the air.

“And you know this from experience?” Mary quipped.

The ghostly expression on Dale’s face sent both women into a fit of laughter. “I think that’s my cue to leave.”

“So soon, Doc?” Mary teased. “We’re curious how many claw marks she left on your back.”

With a roll of his eyes, Dale raised his hand in a huff. “You gals are trouble.”

“That’s why you keep us around,” Alexis interjected.

He shook his head, winking at her. “Stop playing with fire and go home. Doesn’t your man come in tonight?”

No matter how many times she told Dale that she and Ryan were nothing more than friends, he refused to believe it. Deep down, she didn’t want to believe it either. Since that first night at the diner when Ryan kissed her, everything had changed. The power in that one, sweet, innocent kiss consumed her very soul. It’d been months since that kiss, and while it hadn’t happened again, she longed for it. There was an invisible barrier that prevented them from overstepping the friendship line. Many times she told herself it was for the best. She’d hate to lose Ryan again if things didn’t work out between them, but her heart disagreed.

Oh, but when they were together, there were times Alexis felt like her whole body would combust at his stolen touches and misplaced kisses. Her skin hummed with want and need, aching for the fire that sizzled through her veins.

“Yes,” Mary answered for her. “He’s on the red-eye, right?”

Alexis shook her head, having not realized she’d zoned out. “Um, yeah. Red-eye.”

“Y’all have any plans for your two days off?” Dale inquired, his hand on the door handle.

“Other than meeting at the diner when he comes in, no.”

“Well, sometimes no plans make for the best weekends. Have fun while the rest of us slave away. See ya tomorrow, Mary.” He pulled the handle and walked out, waving at them from the glass.

“Goodnight,” the two women spoke in unison.

Mary rubbed her shoulder, rolling her neck as she did. “Well, I guess that means you wouldn’t want to get a bite to eat with me? Shane’s gone for two more days.”

Mary and Alexis had developed a bond beyond work. They both had men in their lives that flew the friendly skies. It meant many lonely nights, but together they were able to look past Shane and Ryan’s absence. Mary never asked about Ryan and Alexis’ relationship beyond day to day details, and Alexis was grateful for her lack of intrusion.

Over their few months together, Alexis had learned a lot about Mary. Mary had grown up in Green River, Wyoming. Not much could be found in Green River, besides coal mines. To say she hated her hometown would have been an understatement. All her life she knew she was meant for something more than being a coal miner’s wife, and felt she had the right to reach for her dreams. She had ambitions and aspirations the rest of her peers seemed to lack. Most seemed happy with what they considered to be their lot in life, but not Mary; and for that she became an outsider.

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