Collared by Wolves [The Haunt of the Wolves 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (8 page)

BOOK: Collared by Wolves [The Haunt of the Wolves 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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When she cried out, “Ohhh, that feels good!”
he knew she was more than ready for the next step.

Dropping the paddle to the floor, he moved in between her legs and undid his trousers, quickly retrieving a condom from his pocket to wrap over his throbbing cock. Pulling her thong down, he slid into her very wet pussy. She was so aroused he went in easily, groaning as her internal muscles clamped on him.

He stood still waiting for her to relax. If she stayed this tight, he was going to come.

Natasha started panting, trying to push back against him, to make him plunge inside her.

Griff laid a quick spank on her hot butt. “Stop it. You don’t get to control this. Remember who is in charge.”

“But I need you to move.”

He exclaimed at her presumption, “Max, do something. Don’t just stand there. Shut her up. Stick your dick in her mouth. That will work.” When the other man looked at him incredulously, he encouraged him. “Go on.”

Max didn’t need asking twice, and his cock was out so fast and into the girl’s mouth even before a second had passed.

She squealed and then went quiet, and Griff had to hold back a chuckle.
Well, that shut her up.
It also took her attention away from him as she was no longer pressing him to move but had relaxed nicely, allowing him to start thrusting into her lovely pussy. She might not be clamping him, but she was still beautifully snug around him. There was nothing better in the world than a woman’s tight vagina.

Getting a nice rhythm going, he glanced over to the beta plunging into her mouth, taking time out from his own ministrations to study the other man. It was rare for Griff to invite someone else to join him, but Max had been helpful in more ways than one with this girl tonight.

It was really very arousing to watch the other’s cock going in and out of Tasha’s mouth. He was aware of how light colored Max’s cock was compared to his darker one, but he grinned knowing his was much thicker, and much longer, and he felt his balls tightening as his orgasm loomed. Gripping the girl’s hips, all the while trying not to let his claws out, he started ramming her, his head going back as he yelled his climax, her own orgasm causing her internal muscles to milk him.

Chapter Ten


Callum couldn’t stand it any longer, and he surged to his feet, the bar stool he was perched on screeching on the wooden floor.

He had been trying to listen out for sounds from the next floor with the superior hearing a werewolf has over humans, but there was too much clamor to be able to hear what was happening upstairs, people talking, drinking, entering the building, music playing. He cursed everyone who made any noise and growled at Ford, who chuckled at him.

As he thumped his drink on the counter, the beer sloshed over the top. He raised his hand to lick the spilt drink from his skin.

Ford turned his head and raised his eyebrows. Callum gave him a look of “what? You gonna stop me?” Ford simply grinned and jerked his head up the stairs, indicating the direction of both their thoughts.

Callum immediately knew what his friend was suggesting and nodded his agreement eagerly, but he had to wait impatiently while his friend, and senior beta, led the way. Ford went slower than Callum wanted to go. He guessed that Ford was doing it deliberately and that his own edginess was clearly visible in the fact that he took two steps and then had to wait as Ford walked one at a time in his carefully measured, if shorter, pace. Ford was good for him, keeping him on the straight path.

“Easy, boy. We haven’t seen them come downstairs, so they must still be there.”

Callum made a face at Ford’s comment and slowed his walk in response. “I know, I know.”

Arriving in the room where most scenes took place and where they knew Max had followed Griff and the girl earlier, he looked around, and his heart went flip when he couldn’t see them at first.


His despairing cry was answered when his friend took hold of his shoulders and turned him to face the other direction.


The threesome was on the other side of the room, and he breathed a huge sigh of relief. He then took in the scene and saw that the girl had been placed over a spanking bench.

Callum started toward it when he stopped at the sight of Max pumping himself into the girl’s mouth. He chortled, but his laughter turned to a frown as he became aware that Griff was just finishing climaxing into the girl’s pussy. He also noted how she bucked in her restraints.

Dammit! He gave her an orgasm.

So annoyed was he that the alpha had given the girl pleasure before him, Callum didn’t notice for a second that Ford had moved away in the direction of the others. Catching up, he started to feel more and more tense with each striding step until Ford turned his head, and slapping the back of his hand on Callum’s chest, he halted them before they reached the trio.

“What?” Callum was confused. Were they going to join in or not?

Ford simply titled his head and said in a quiet voice, “No confrontations. Do you hear me, Cal? Just do what I do.”

That startled him. “What do you have in mind?”

His friend raised his eyebrows and grinned wickedly. “Let’s just see if we can edge him out.”

“Uh?” That was an interesting idea, and one that might work.

Callum grinned back and shared a look of mutual understanding, a look that was incredibly familiar.

The first time they had worked together like this had been when some alpha boys were beating up on Max. It didn’t matter that Callum was little then. He didn’t feel the other kid deserved the beating he was getting just because he had felt the pain of another who had sprained their ankle. Max’s empathic abilities were often a curse as it caused him to double up in pain enabling alpha bullies to strike him easily. It had taken years for him to block the sensation, years during which they had bonded as friends.

When he had started running toward the boys, he had seen Ford approaching from the other side and they had shared the same look then. It was one of appreciation that someone else was prepared to help out, one of determination not to let the alphas bully them, and one of an instant liking. In that moment their friendship was born.

And now they walked toward the bench together as one. Ford moved forward to deliberately caress the girl’s naked backside, still red from what must have been the result of some impact play, Callum guessed, and trembling from the orgasm they witnessed as they arrived. He was amused by his friend’s careful movement, taking advantage of the alpha’s distraction during his orgasm to place his hands on the girl. Not something one did in front of an alpha usually without repercussions.

Meanwhile, Callum joined Max around the other side of the bench, gathering the girl’s hair in his hands so he could see her face as she sucked fiercely on Max’s cock, her cheeks hollowed in her effort.

Glancing over, Callum tried to hide his grin as Ford deftly insinuated himself between the girl’s legs as Griff pulled out of her and was busying himself putting his cock back in his pants.

The alpha then noticed what was happening. “What? Hey!”

Ford ignored Griff as the three beta wolves took over touching, caressing, stroking the girl. Callum reached down to fondle one of her breasts, pleased again with how full they were, rubbing his thumb over her hard, pointing nub, and felt her jerk as he did this.

“Jeez, Callum, or was it Ford?” queried Max. “Whatever one of you just did, she clearly liked it as she moaned around my cock. Do it again. I’m close.”

However, no one got a chance to repeat what they were doing as Griff forcibly pulled Ford away from the girl, so much so he nearly fell to the floor, the heels of his shoes scraping against the wood of the floor as he tried to keep upright.

“Get out of my way. She’s
declared the angry man.

The alpha towered over Ford. Even though Ford was the senior beta of their threesome, he was really quite small. But despite that, he wasn’t prepared to back down this time and straightened, his body tensing, fists clenching as he stepped forward to confront the other man.

Callum immediately stood from his crouched position and swiftly moved around the bench to defend his friend.

Immediately claws were released by the three of them, their fangs dropping as they snarled their anger. Hackles rose and muscles tensed as the two faced off the larger werewolf.

He barely heard a high-pitched voice coming from behind him. “Oh God, please stop.”

Frowning at the interruption, he glanced back irritably and saw Max had pulled out of the girl’s mouth and was shushing her. Callum knew she’d be all right with his friend, the empathic one of them, and noticed Max started to release her restraints. It had only taken a moment to look the other way, but in that instant Griff had taken hold of the collar of Ford’s shirt and was lifting him off his feet.


The tone of the alpha’s voice indicated harm would come to anyone who stopped him, but Callum wasn’t going to let his friend be hurt. He growled and braced himself to leap.

But he wasn’t expecting Max to join them, pushing in between them all forcing the alpha to let go of Ford, who was looking a little pale at the manhandling he had just experienced. It was surprising enough that Griff did let go, and Ford fell back a few steps, his hand at his throat.

“Stop it, the lot of you.” Max’s voice was low, but insistent. Out of all of them, he had stayed totally in human form. The rest of them had instinctively made partial changes, the hair appearing on their arms and the dropping of their fangs just the beginning. In a moment they would all have turned fully, and a repeat of the fight of the other night had been looming. “If you don’t halt now, Tasha will leave us. She’ll go and choose someone else. Is
what you want?”

That was enough to arrest their confrontation, and their transformation from human to wolf, as nearly in one movement they all turned to look at Natasha, letting their wolves leave their bodies.

She was now free of the bench and urgently trying to pull her thong back up her legs with trembling hands. She slowly backed away from them. Callum could see how nervous she was.

“He’s right. I d–don’t want any of you. I didn’t come back for more fighting. I had a good evening, and I thank you for that, but I don’t like this aggression. So I’m going now. Good night.”

Having got that out and with all of them standing there stunned by her announcement, she turned tail and practically ran out of the room.

“Fuck it.” Callum was the first to respond. He was so angry he brushed past Griff, who, being off balance, staggered back before pushing off the wall to surge at him.

But Callum wasn’t interested in continuing any fight. He just gave the other man a look of derision and stormed off in the other direction, hoping to release his tensions elsewhere, trying to forget that they had lost the girl—yet again.

Chapter Eleven


Natasha’s chest was heaving when she came to a full stop outside the club. It was partly from running, but also from anxiety that they would come after her and want her to continue what they had started.

She leaned back against the building, her trembling palms flat against the wooden wall, as she dipped her head and let her mind take in what had happened that evening.

What she had said to them was true. She’d had a good time—a fabulous time, in fact. Raising her head, she touched her lips with trembling fingertips as she remembered what they had done.

“Dear God,” she whispered. “Did I really give one of them a blow job?” A laugh left her.
Well, that was a first.

It had been totally outside of anything she’d done before. Oh, she’d had lovers, well, three to be precise, one in college, two since, but all three had been strictly vanilla and thoroughly missionary. She’d never given fellatio before and hoped she’d done it right. She guessed she must have as the one she’d done it to, Max, seemed to like it.

Natasha chuckled as she recalled his words about her moaning while she sucked him. Well, it wasn’t surprising she had made noises considering how the others had been touching her after Griff had finished fucking her.

That reminded her that she had been sucking off one man while another had been pounding into her pussy.

“Jesus. I can’t believe I just had a threesome.” She giggled. “Oh. My. God. My aunt will have an apoplexy.” Her voice, still husky with arousal, sounded strange to her ears.

Never in a million years would she have thought she’d have a ménage. But it had been amazing. More than amazing, but there weren’t enough words to describe it, and the climax she had experienced as he finished hammering into her had been off the wall.

Her breathing started to quicken as she recalled how it had felt, and her panties felt damp—again.

“Oh God.” Natasha chuckled at how the memory of what she had done caused her to get wet all over again, particularly as her last boyfriend had called her frigid. Well, it was true it took a lot for her to get aroused. Clearly she needed a different stimulus, and maybe she had found it.

That gave her something to think about. But was it the fact that they were werewolves, or was it the BDSM?

BOOK: Collared by Wolves [The Haunt of the Wolves 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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