Collared by Wolves [The Haunt of the Wolves 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (4 page)

BOOK: Collared by Wolves [The Haunt of the Wolves 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“Yeah.” Max sighed. “I do know that, but there have been human-werewolf couplings before. And, anyhow, we’ve got more chance with a human than any of the bitches here.”

Callum slapped him on the shoulder—hard. “Max, Max. Have you actually looked around properly yet? There’s plenty of women here.”

Max gave him a look of disbelief and waved an arm around the room. “Show me one that you think would submit to us.
, who are mere betas, let me remind you.”

Gazing around the room, Callum’s eye alighted on a couple of new submissives. As he looked intently at them one caught his glance and openly stared back with an expression of “who do you think you are?”
They were obviously alpha women.
Nope, they won’t do. They’d dominate me given half a chance, even if they are here to be submissives.
He continued his study around the room. There were a number of betas, but all of them were already being eyed up by the alpha men in the room.

Callum grimaced.
Damn them.
It happened every time.

There was a girl on the stage, but she seemed to be firmly under the yoke of Stefan, one of the Masters of the club, who had tied her hands above her head in bondage shackles that dangled from the ceiling while he was showing her how a Dominant could use a whip on a submissive in that position.

Only two omega girls remained, and they had already been collared by Dominants, their yellow collars indicating slave-submissives, girls who wanted to be owned by their Masters twenty-four-seven.

As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he knew Max was right. That only left the human girl who, although in the midst of the other submissives, was somehow separate. The other women had moved away from her as if she could contaminate them.

Women, and werewomen in particular, could be so bitchy. But he was glad they had done this because it gave him the chance to study her more closely. She certainly had a more voluptuous body than normal werewolf women who, like their animal counterparts, had a tendency toward tall, lean frames.

His eyes feasted on the girl’s luscious breasts. She was wearing a red top with a wide neckline and gathered in at the waist that was designed to slip off one shoulder. Unfortunately that also meant it was loose around the top half of her body, but it still didn’t disguise the fact that she had a nice pair of tits, even if the top didn’t mold itself to them as he would have wanted. One thing he had been surprised at in college had been how much more flesh human girls had over the werewolf ones he had known back home.

He grinned and tilted his head to look at her backside as she turned her back more fully to him.
That was also nicely rounded. Oh, he could enjoy her immensely.

A hand thumping his head interrupted his musings. “Hey.”

“Stop eyeing up the girl as if she was some tasty joint of meat,” demanded Max as he stood. “Look at her body language.”

“That’s exactly what I was looking at!” His repartee got him a look of exasperation. “Okay, okay.” Glancing over at the girl again, he could now see a tenseness as if she was totally new to all this. That was good. It meant they could start afresh showing her how it all worked. There was also an eagerness in her, as he watched her slip a shaky hand over her hip, caressing herself as she watched the demonstration.

Stefan finished on stage. “That is just a short demonstration of one type of punishment. We have various others around the room. I suggest you Doms show our subs how they work. And subs, you have been given your safe word. Use it if you feel unhappy with anything a Dom does with you.”

An arm came around his shoulders, startling him. Ford had joined them. “Have you two decided on a plan of action yet? No. Then watch and learn, cubs. Watch and learn.”

Before Callum could stop him, Ford moved swiftly forward and approached the girl. Callum couldn’t hear what they said, but his cock rose alarmingly when his friend took the girl’s wrist firmly in his and he directed her toward a St. Andrew’s Cross on that side of the room.

He watched eagerly as Ford showed the girl how to step onto the blocks to bring her up higher. She was facing away as her hands were tied to the diagonal beams and was spread-eagled. It was a beautiful sight. Callum sighed. It would have been better if she had been naked, but this was only a trial. And he hoped she would pass it. He was keen to have a woman. Any girl would do, but this one would be extra special.

After Callum beamed at Max, they both moved forward in tandem to get closer while Ford took hold of a soft flogger, and after a few swishes, he started running the ends up the girl’s outspread legs.

She gasped and then yelped when the implement was pulled back and her bare legs beneath her short skirt were lashed very lightly. It couldn’t have hurt. It was probably more from surprise.

“All right, Tasha?” Ford checked all the same.

Realizing that Ford must have asked her name when he had gone over to her, Callum smiled. He thought it was a very pretty name.

“Yes, yes I’m fine.”

“I’m fine,
Weren’t you told this during the induction?”

Callum saw her visibly tense. “Oh, God. I’m sorry, S–Sir. I forgot.”

Ford then shushed the girl. “It’s okay. You’re new. I understand that.” He pushed the flogger under the girl’s top, running the furry ends over her back.

She arched into the crossbeams. “Oooh.”
Oh yes, she clearly liked that!
Callum filed that away for future reference.

Removing the tool from her top, Ford then struck her denim-covered bottom a few times before telling her, “Some Dominants will execute their punishment first, and then follow it up with a reward. Personally I like to mix and match the sensations. It adds more flavor to the proceedings.”

Callum could see the girl was trembling. He just wasn’t sure if it was from arousal or fear. Needing to see her face to determine her exact feelings at that moment, he moved to the side. He was the tallest of his friends, but the girl was up on blocks and her green eyes bore into his. He could ascertain excitement and fear in equal measures.

When Ford used the handle to press against up against her pussy, she closed her eyes as her head arched back. “Unnngh.” She was clearly very aroused as she was caressed with the handle. She moaned with disappointment as it was withdrawn.

“I think she likes that, Ford. Don’t you, gorgeous?” Her lovely eyes glittered as she turned to him, her lips turned up in just a slight smile as if she were a little afraid of acknowledging how much she was enjoying this.

Ford raised the flogger again and this time her upper back was lashed. There weren’t many things one could use on a person’s back without fear of harm, but this was such a soft tool it was perfectly safe. Beside which, he could tell Ford was holding back, not wanting to scare her. He certainly would have been more forceful with a werewolf.

Callum was getting very impatient. He wanted to touch the girl himself. When Ford pulled up her skirt and insinuated the flogger into her panties, he couldn’t hold back, and with a groan, he moved forward. He tried to push the girl’s top up, but being tied at the bottom, it wasn’t working, so he gripped the flimsy material and ripped it downward, the noise of tearing sounding unnaturally loud.

She jumped but didn’t say anything. Callum was stunned. Her breasts were uncovered as she was braless, and they were glorious. He bent quickly, taking one tight bud in his mouth, his tongue doing the lashing now. He chuckled around her nipple. He could taste vanilla.

Her body was shaking as Ford rubbed the handle along her slit hard and fast and Callum hefted her breast in the palm of his hand to hold her still as her trembling increased.

“Yeeeeowww.” The girl’s climax came quickly and violently as she shuddered in her bonds. He let go of her breast and watched her, enjoying the sight of her orgasm, the intensity causing her to struggle to gain breath.

Movement caught his eye, and Max had moved to her other side, pushing a hand in between her and the cross to fondle her clit. Meanwhile, Ford was kissing down the length of her back.

Callum grinned. This was their usual style, and they’d had several foursomes in the past, each of them so in tune with the others they instinctively knew what the girl, and they, needed. Only this time he felt the girl tensing, trying to move away from them, pulling against her restraints.

He frowned. It was going so well. What was wrong?

“No, no. No more. Please. Oh God. What’s the safe word…
Please stop.”

Chapter Five


“The lady said ‘stop.’”

Natasha shuddered in relief as a deep male voice penetrated her emotions. It sounded vaguely familiar. She felt the bonds tying her to the cross start to undo at the imperious command of the unseen person.

“We were stopping anyway. There’s no need to get your hackles up…Seamer.”

As the ropes loosened, Natasha dashed them from her arms, flinging them to the floor and hurriedly moved away from the equipment, afraid that if she stayed where she was she would get tied up again. As she looked up, she could see the man who had intervened was the one she had spoken to downstairs, the dark one who had teased her about being a scaredy cat.

She shivered. She wasn’t sure if he was any better than these three. Actually, if she was honest with herself, the men hadn’t been hurting her, but she just hadn’t expected all three of them to fondle her so explicitly at the same time. It had frightened her, and she had panicked.

Dammit, the first scene I do and I go and ruin it.

The new man, Seamer, she recalled was his name, wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him as the others glared daggers at them.
Uh-oh. What the hell have I got myself into?

“I think she’s had enough of you three. Why don’t you let someone take over who knows how to do it? It’s time she had a real…being.”

A real “being”? What does that mean?
There was no time to ponder this bizarre sentence when the one who had sucked her breast so deliciously moved menacingly forward.
He looked huge and frightening.
Was a fight about to start? Over
of all people. That was unexpected. It was difficult enough to find one person who wanted her, but four!

She glanced up. Seamer didn’t appear to be scared in any way. He just snorted and pushed her behind him. As she watched, she could have sworn he suddenly looked bigger himself. Bigger even than the other one. His shoulders seemed to broaden and biceps enlarge. How on earth did he manage that? She shook her head at the ridiculousness of her thoughts.
No, don’t be silly. That’s impossible. He must have just stood straighter or something.

Natasha shuttled back, trying to distance herself from these arrogant men, and was glad she did when the other two who had taken part in the scene joined them. It was now three against one.

Oh God.
What have I done?

As the tall, blond, breast-sucking man swung a fist at Seamer, she held back a cry, jamming a hand into her mouth. She hadn’t come here for this. It was too much. Too scary.

However, the man obviously saw the blow coming and ducked, thumping the first one squarely in the stomach. As the blond doubled over, the remaining two pounced on Seamer, one grabbing his arms behind him and the other planting a punch on his jaw.

She gasped. It didn’t seem to faze him, and he bent his knees to throw off the one behind him, but clearly Seamer hadn’t reckoned on the one he had hit in the stomach pulling his feet out from under him.

Natasha cried out as her rescuer went down under three large bodies. She looked around her, hoping that someone in the room would help, pleading with them to assist. But they were all standing around almost disinterested in the fight, some ignoring it altogether.
What sort of club is this that they don’t break up a fight? Aren’t there supposed to be monitors or something?

“Can’t you help him?” she begged the person nearest to her as he idly wound a flogger around his hand in readiness to strike the girl tied with her arms aloft.

All she got in response was a sarcastic chuckle and the man turning away to attend to his sub.

Turning around anxiously, Natasha wanted to do something—anything—to stop this as she heard snarls and growls from the men fighting on the floor, their movements a blur.

And then something happened which she was not expecting, not in a million years. Suddenly from under the bodies a wolf emerged. She screamed, her voice echoing around the room. It was a very large wolf, very dark, almost black. His amber eyes gleamed almost in delight as he bared his fangs, saliva dripping from his mouth.

Holy shit!
Where did that come from? And where was Seamer?

As she frowned trying to puzzle out this inconceivable happening, the air began to shimmer. Her eyes went round as she viewed this phenomena, and in an instant the three men taking on Seamer all turned into wolves—one very pale, one lightish brown, one medium brown.

Howls went around the room, and Natasha had to clasp her hands over her ears. She wanted to shut her eyes tightly closed but didn’t dare. Her heart threatened to jump out of her chest, it was pounding so much. She also had an uncontrollable urge to pee in her fright. Holding herself rigidly against the wall, she hoped none of them would come anywhere near her.

BOOK: Collared by Wolves [The Haunt of the Wolves 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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