Close to You

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Authors: Kara Isaac

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Praise for
Close to You

“A terrific set-up . . . Isaac showcases a strong romantic sensibility and clever plotting.”

Publishers Weekly

“A fabulous debut. Well-written, clever, and warmhearted, this love story with the backdrop of
The Lord of the Rings
will delight romance readers everywhere. Add Isaac to your favorites list.”

—Rachel Hauck,
USA Today
bestselling author of
The Wedding Chapel

“Kara Isaac is a fresh new voice in inspirational contemporary romance!
Close to You
is well-crafted, funny, unique, and ­endearing. A delight!”

—Becky Wade, author of
A Love Like Ours

“Well-written and fun,
Close to You
made me laugh out loud and fall in love. An enchanting romantic escape into the land of Frodo and Aragorn.”

—Susan May Warren, award-winning, bestselling author of
The Christiansen Family Series

“I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a debut novel so much.
Close to You
is filled with warmth, wit, and more than a few laugh-out-loud moments! Kara Isaac has proven herself to be an exciting addition to the world of Christian romance.”

—Carla Laureano, RITA
Award–winning author of
Five Days in Skye
Under Scottish Stars

Close to You
is a tasty blend of unlikely romance, lovably flawed characters, and dialogue just snarky enough to make me want to pull up a chair and watch. Kara's unique voice and fresh premise combine to create a compelling story that lingers like your favorite dessert long after the last page.”

—Betsy St. Amant, author of
All's Fair in Love and Cupcakes
Love Arrives in Pieces

“Kara Isaac is a fresh new voice in the world of inspirational contemporary romance . . . and I can't even decide what I love most about her debut novel. The setting, the romance, the wit—I love it all! I especially loved the undercurrent of hope and redeemed dreams. Definitely an author to watch and characters to love!”

—Melissa Tagg, author of
From the Start
Like Never Before

For Josh

Thank you for supporting (and co-funding!) me chasing the crazy almost-impossible dream, even though my stories are woefully lacking in weapons/explosions/car chases/terrorists/epic gun battles, and contain way too much talking. I love you.


Shire's existence was perfectly summed up by the size-twelve prosthetic feet mocking her from the floor of the Mercedes minibus. Their hairy tops taunted her in ways she didn't even have words to express. Nasty wretched fake hobbit feet.

Leaning back in her leather seat, she stretched out her real size-seven feet and wiggled the toes that poked out from the bottom of her dumpy dress. The green floral material bore a startling resemblance to the curtain clothes from
Sound of Music.
If only. Give her hanging off trees and crooning “My Favorite Things”
any millennium.

Instead, here she was, trapped in her own personal version of Sisyphus's eternal struggle. Or maybe Dante's first circle of hell—Limbo.

Allie attempted to steer her thoughts into a more neutral direction. No one ever mentioned that one of the downsides to an English-lit degree was an endless litany of depressing comparisons for a train-wrecked life.

She stared out the window to her left, where she saw yet another poster advertising the super-extended-version DVD release of the final
movie. No matter where she went, there it was. No escape.

Closing her eyes, Allie attempted to block it all out and luxuriate in her last few minutes of freedom, but even in her mind she couldn't escape the irony of it all.

If life had gone according to plan, she'd be delirious about Peter Jackson's success in turning New Zealand into Middle-­earth for two epic trilogies. Plan.
Her life could not have gone less to plan if she'd set out to do the direct opposite. If only getting her life back on track were as easy as returning a magical ring to the fires of Mount Doom.

Cracking open both eyes, Allie sighed. She couldn't delay any longer: the time had come. Leaning over as much as the extra padding around her waist allowed her to, she grabbed the top of the left prosthesis and shoved her foot in. The rubber suctioned around her lower calf tighter than a swimsuit on a
babe; her foot was now encased in its second home for the next three weeks. She jammed her right foot into the other prosthesis, repeating the process.

The last moments of blissful silence were broken by her phone belting out its most obnoxious ring. Her whole body tensing at the sound of the opening notes rising up from the seat beside her, she eyed the flashing screen. It was always a fifty-fifty call as to which would cause less pain—answering or paying the price later for allowing it to go to voice mail.

Sighing, she picked it up. “Hello, Mother.”

“Allison.” Her mother's clipped tone came across as clear as if she were sitting right next to her. Allie's shoulders loosened
a little. The calls that heralded untold torment always opened with “Allison Marie.”

“Did you borrow your grandmother's heirloom silver salad servers last time you were home?”

“No.” She resisted asking her mother what on earth someone who lived out of a suitcase would want with the family silver. Instead she waited, resigned to what was coming.

“I knew it! Your father is determined to drive me crazy.”

She loved how her mother wielded the designation
your father
like she had no connection with the man.

Allie bit back the urge to say that her father wouldn't know a pair of salad servers if he sat on them. An overwhelming amount of evidence showed that even the most inane of comments could be misconstrued as a defense of him and would cause fire and brimstone to rain down on her head. Welcome to a front-row seat to the most dysfunctional marriage in the Southern Hemisphere.

“Have you asked Susannah?” Her socialite Martha Stewart protégée of an older sister had probably taken them for some dinner party or other and forgotten to return them.

“What would Susannah want with them? She has that lovely set of Chippendale ones.”

Allie fought the urge to bang her head against the window. “Mother, I hope you find them, but I have to go. I'm at the airport to collect some guests.”

Her mother sniffed. Only Veronica James-Shire could imbue even a nasal sound with disdain. “Really, Allison, when is this nonsense going to end? This living like a gypsy, hobnobbing with who knows what kind of riffraff—it's almost more of an embarrassment than your original little stunt. Especially now that Grant's political star is rising.”

She highly doubted her brother-in-law cared about her job, since that would require him giving more than a millisecond's brain space to someone who served no purpose in boosting him higher up the political totem pole.

Allie dug deep and forced some gaiety into her tone. “I'm sure Grant has far more pressing issues to worry about than me. Lovely chatting, Mother. Good luck with the salad servers.” Stabbing the
button, she stood, shoving her phone into the pocket of her dress.

Clomping to the front of the minibus, she lifted a wig of frizzy red hair off her usual seat beside the driver. She tucked her own auburn bob under the cap, tugged at the curls until they sat straight on her head, and then pulled a face at her freckly hobbit self in the mirror. Why couldn't she have been born tall and slender? At least then she would have gotten to be an elegant, regal-looking Elf.

If she'd known she was going to spend three years in PhD torment for it all to end in this, she never would have bothered. In fact, pretty much everything that had gone wrong with her life could be traced back to that fateful decision. She'd give everything she had, which wasn't a lot, to go back and have a do-over.

The clock on the dashboard flashed up the digits that marked the commencement of another three weeks of stuffing her true self down where no one could find her. Time for Allison Shire, Hobbit Hater, to be banished and Dr. Allison Shire, Tolkien Lover, to appear. She'd play the part like her life depended on it. Because it did.

* * *

he last time Jackson Gregory had flown economy long-haul, George Bush Jr. had been president. The last time he'd taken a
bus, Junior's predecessor had been in a bit of trouble over an intern. So he had no idea how he'd ended up spending seventeen hours with his knees up to his eyeballs, on the verge of subjecting himself to almost three weeks crammed in a decrepit road behemoth roaming a country he knew nothing about. On top of all that, he had to pretend to be obsessed with some movies he hadn't even seen until yesterday.

Okay, if he was honest, he was excruciatingly aware of how he'd gotten here. He just preferred to forget along with the rest of the last six months of his life, which had ended with financial vultures picking over the remains of his corporate carcass like it was an all-you-can-eat buffet.

He picked up his pristine guidebook and thumbed through it as the plane commenced its descent to his final destination. Wellington, New Zealand. Home to not even half a million people. It was barely the microbe of a sneeze in terms of world geography. The entire nation couldn't even corral five million within its dual-island borders. Countries shouldn't be allowed to exist if they weren't at least the size of Texas. No, forget Texas. At least the size of Montana.

He kept his expression neutral as he closed the guidebook. New Zealand better have real coffee. Next to him, his great-uncle emitted a rumbling snore from his open mouth. Not that he even needed the sleep, since he'd spent the L.A.-to-Auckland leg ensconced in lie-flat luxury at the front of the plane.

The intercom crackled, and the pilot informed them they were making their final approach. Leaning his head against the cool Plexiglas, Jackson peered down at the choppy waves below. Hills rose around all sides of the harbor, houses haphazardly teetering along the steep sides like something out of a
children's book. A city built in hills right on top of a fault line. Crazy people. All of them.

His eyes scanned the vista as the plane lurched from side to side, bouncing from air pocket to air pocket as it descended closer to the roiling water. He had yet to see any evidence of anything they could land on, not even so much as a large grassy field with a strip cut through it.

At least the one thing he did have left to his name was a decent life insurance policy, the beneficiaries of which he'd had the foresight to change from she-whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned to his parents before he left. Wouldn't that have been the ultimate irony? The woman who had stripped him of everything he'd worked for also getting a few million dollars because of his exit from the planet.

Over his dead body. Which, actually, was beginning to look like a distinct possibility.

At the last possible moment, a strip of tarmac appeared out of nowhere; the only thing between it and the ocean was a flimsy fence and a sea wall constructed of large boulders. The plane dropped onto the concrete like it had discovered gravity and bounced a couple of times, the engine whining as the pilot hit the brakes. Peering out the window, Jackson caught a glimpse of a set of squat buildings as they taxied off the runway and the flight attendant droned on about staying seated, moving overhead luggage, and using cell phones.

The eyes of the elderly man sitting next to him fluttered open, gray orbs appearing underneath sparse eyelashes.

Stretching his spindly arms out in front of him, Louis—Jackson couldn't bring himself to call him Uncle Louis when he had only met the guy a couple of weeks ago—rubbed his
hands together and grinned with the glee of someone seventy years younger. “Here we are. You ready for the trip of a lifetime, Jack?”

He bit back the correction on the tip of his tongue. He'd left Jack behind in the cornfields of Iowa well over a decade ago and had no desire to find him ever again.

Something twinged in him at the unbridled excitement on his great-uncle's face. The old man honestly thought he was being accompanied by a fellow Tolkien fan. Jackson stuffed the feeling of unease back down. The old guy would never know the truth. And Jackson would be whatever he had to be for the next three weeks, do whatever it took, to get Louis to write the check he so desperately needed.

* * *

llie stood at gate 17 waiting for her remaining tourists to disembark. Taking a final glance at her client clipboard, she pondered the list of names, nationalities, and ages that would soon become faces. Hans and Sofia, a German couple on their honeymoon. Elroy and Esther, an American father with his tween daughter, and Louis and Jackson, an American man in his late eighties and his aide.

The remaining two, elderly twin sisters from England, had already arrived and were getting settled in at the Museum Art Hotel.

The Germans and father/daughter duo were clearly true believers, as they'd been peppering the office with obscure questions that only true Tolkien obsessives would ask. The English sisters had forwarded a list of requirements as long as Allie's arm already, marking them out as high-maintenance. Only
the American and his much younger attaché were an unknown quantity, all details having come through one of their travel partners in the States.

She steeled herself, shoved her clipboard under her arm, and held up her sign with the Southern Luxury Tours logo and six names listed. The obsessives came first, virtually tumbling down the gangway in their eagerness and duly exhilarated by her ridiculous costume. It even earned her a rib-crushing bear hug from Hans, who turned out to be built like a tank. Handing the guests off to Marge, their driver, to go and collect their baggage, she waited for the final pair.

A few minutes later she spotted them. The elderly man had a cane but a surprisingly sprightly gait. His face was lined, but the slate eyes that peered out from under bushy eyebrows still held a lot of life. His aide was made for television. Dark hair, blue eyes, chiseled jaw, the whole cliché. Though rumpled, he screamed money from the soles of his Armani shoes to the tip of his trendy haircut. The whole ensemble would have been attractive if his expression hadn't been that of someone who had just sucked a very sour lemon.

She struggled to keep her face in friendly neutral.
Just what she needed for the next three weeks.

The older gentleman walked straight up to her and held out his hand. “You must be our guide. I'm Louis Duff and this is my aide, Jack Gregory.”

The flicker of a wince crossed the aide's face when his boss called him “Jack.” So he preferred “Jackson.”
She filed the tidbit away for future reference.

“Please tell me you at least have real coffee in this country.” The guy spat out the words in a voice that sounded like he'd
eaten gravel for breakfast. What a charmer. Clearly he'd missed a few crucial pages in the
Lonely Planet
guidebook she could see poking out the top of his leather man-bag. In particular, the ones where they'd christened Wellington the coolest little capital in the world and raved about the amazing coffee and food scene.

She ignored him and smiled at the older man as she shook his hand. “Lovely to meet you, Mr. Duff, and welcome to New Zealand. I'm your primary guide, Dr. Allison Shire.” Her academic title was out of her mouth before she realized. Usually she introduced herself as Allie. Let people work it out as they went along that she was probably the best-qualified tour guide on the planet. She didn't even know why this time was different, except there was something about the assistant that grated on her—and they hadn't even really met beyond his upturned nose. Like she needed to prove herself in spite of her ridiculous garb.

Mr. Snobby didn't even bother to hide his surprise. “Doctor?”

She stared him down—or up, considering the top of her head only just passed his shoulder. “Would you like a copy of my PhD?” She held back where it was from. She'd keep that in reserve. Let him think it was from some third-rate place. She could see from the way he'd looked around the terminal that he'd already written her beloved country off as something barely higher on the international food chain than some war-ravaged African nation.

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