Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness (133 page)

Read Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness Online

Authors: Fabrizio Didonna,Jon Kabat-Zinn

Tags: #Science, #Physics, #Crystallography, #Chemistry, #Inorganic

BOOK: Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness
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Bhikkhu, T., 18

Balanced mini breathing exercise with counting/

Biederman, J., 319–320, 323–324

holding, 399

Biegel, G., 71, 465

Baliki, M. N., 370

Bien, T., 289–296, 477–487

Banquet, J. P., 49



Binge eating disorder (BED), 181, 260, 261–262, 271

Braaten, E. B., 325

Binswanger, L., 347–348

Brach, T., 410

Biological factors/mechanisms, MBCT, 88–90

Bradley, K. A., 465

Birchwood, M., 354, 360

Bradwejn, J., 88

Birnie, K., 383–400

Brady, M. J., 384–385

Bishop, S., 19, 197, 208

Brainard, G. C., 180

Bishop, S. D., 176–177

Brandsma, L., 260

Bishop, S. R., 105, 141, 153, 154, 159, 162–163, 172, 267,

Brannan, S. L., 51

322, 323, 386

Brantley, J., 171–184

Bissett, R. T., 93

Breast and prostate cancer, 372, 389, 390

Black, A. L., 465

Breathing, mindfulness of, 478

Black, M., 115

Breathing space, 230, 233, 234, 238

Blair Simpson, H., 211

Brefczynski-Lewis, J. A., 51

Blaskey, L. G., 323

Breslau, N., 299, 301, 305

Blazer, D. G., 432

Brewin, C. R., 100, 101

Blenkiron, P., 111

Briere, J., 301, 305, 308

Bless, H., 194

BrintzenhofeSzoc, K., 383

Bleuler, E., 342

Broderick, P. C., 72, 163, 325

Bliss-Moreau, E., 74

Brosschot, J. F., 175, 176, 179

Block-Lerner, J., 153

Brotto, L. A., 389

Blomqvist, M., 326

Brown, D., 4

Blood pressure, 390

Brown, K. W., 1–2, 59–77, 93, 153, 154, 156, 160, 163,

Boden, S., 370

310, 322, 323, 391, 465

Bodhi, B., 43, 64, 65

Brown, M. A., 354

Bodlund, O., 434

Brown, T. A., 93, 163

Body, mindfulness of, 481–482

Brownley, K. A., 260, 262

Body awareness, 485

Brownstein, A. J., 116

Body image, 259, 260, 265, 267, 371, 384

Bruce, A., 434

Body scan, 144, 180, 182, 210, 213, 225, 227, 235, 236,

Bruce, B., 261–262

270, 271, 275, 327, 358, 359, 373, 375, 420,

Bruehl, S., 370

421, 435, 436, 441, 455, 458

Brugha, T., 219

Bogdan, A., 389

Bryant-Waugh, R., 266

Bögels, S. M., 88

Buchalter, E. N., 433

Bohart, A., 198–199

Büchi, S., 375, 377, 378

Bohus, M., 245, 325, 447, 461

Buckley, P., 245

Boland, R. J., 222

Buckley, T. C., 304

Bonanno, G. A., 299, 301, 305


Bond, F. W., 160–161, 270

classical meditation literature, 40

Bonner, G., 296

historical, 29

Bonyhay, I., 264

physician, 31

Bookheimer, S. Y., 323

views of mindfulness, 29, 65

Boos, N., 370

Buddhism, Theravadin, 60, 64

Bootzin, R. R., 389

Buddhist practice, 28, 33, 102, 408

Borderline personality disorder (BPD), 11, 85, 88, 125,

Buddhist psychology, 1, 4, 6, 7, 17, 18, 26, 31, 39, 61,

134–136, 181, 245, 268, 447

102, 134, 414, 415, 473

mindfulness and, 245–246

Buddhist tradition, 3, 26, 31, 33, 40, 45, 48, 105,

Borkovec, T. D., 11, 173, 181

470, 480

Bornholt, L., 321

Buis, T., 161, 199, 267

Bosio, V., 193

Bulik, C. M., 260, 261, 265

Bottom-up information processing, 32

Bulik, S. M., 265

Bouchard, C., 194

Bulimia nervosa (BN), 260–261

Boulton, M., 262

definition, 260–261

Bourgouin, P., 211

treatment of, 261

Boustani, M., 433

Bunce, D., 160–161

Bowen, S., 155

Bunge, S. A., 74–75, 211

Bowers, W. A., 270

Bunting, K., 308

Bowlby, J., 130, 131, 138

Burgess, C., 383

Boyatzis, R., 29

Burti, L., 343

Boyd, K., 384–385

Bush, G., 50, 320, 323



Bushnell, M. C., 369

precontemplation, 293

Buttenmuller, V., 69

relapse, 294

Bydlowski, S., 262–263

Chapman, A. L., 247

Bystrisky, A., 18

Charles, E., 245

Chartrand, T. L., 62

Cheng, J. Y., 325–326


Cheyne, J. A., 156

Cacciapaglia, H., 384

Child, emotional, 131, 132

Cachelin, F. M., 262

Child abuse (physical/sexual abuse or

Caddell, J. M., 301, 305, 306

neglect), 303

Cahn, B. R., 3, 45, 48–49, 89, 180, 324

Children, guidelines for working, 426–427

Cairns, H., 289

family systems, 423

Callaghan, G. M., 161

mentoring and embodiment, 426

Callieri, B., 344–345, 359

metta, 427

Calugi, S., 259

practices, 426

Campbell, T. S., 390

Child sexual abuse (CSA), 304

Campbell, W. K., 71

Cho, Z., 88–89

Cancer, 383

Chödrön, P., 114, 202

Cancer diagnosis and treatment, impact of

Christopher, K., 17–33

negative effects, 383–384

Chronic low back pain, psychological interventions

positive effects, 384–385

for, 369

posttraumatic growth (PTG), 384

Chronic pain, 369

spirituality, 384–385

mindfulness for, 373–378

Cantwell, D. P., 320, 325

Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire (CPAQ), 378

Carano, A., 262–263

Chronic Pain Values Inventory (CPVI), 378

Cardaciotto, L., 69, 71, 157

Chu, J. A., 304

Cardinal, R. N., 325

Cianchetti, C., 320


Cingulate cortex, 50

formal caregivers, 433, 434, 437

Ciompi, L., 342

informal caregivers, 434, 437–438

Cirillo, D. J., 443

Carlson, L. E., 69, 73, 91, 153, 156, 176–177, 198, 309,

Clark, D. A., 190, 200

372, 383–400, 434

Clark, L. A., 153

Carmody, J., 73, 159, 211

Clark, T., 319–320

Carmona, P. E., 91–92, 179–180, 238–239

Classen, C. C., 304

Carrere, S., 71–72

Classical concepts, 26

Carriere, J. S. A., 156

Claxton, G., 68

Carrington, P., 10

Clay, A. L., 111

Carson, J. W., 370

Clinical implications of neurobiological

Carter, C. S., 100

studies, 52–54

Carter, O. L., 89

Clinical vignette, mindful breathing exercise, 313

Carver, C. S., 73–74, 385

Cloitre, M., 300–301, 302, 303, 304, 310

Casey, B. J., 320, 325

Clore, G. L., 69

Casey, K. L., 51

Coaching, 321

Cash, T. F., 259

Coan, J., 71–72

Castro, C. A., 305

Cognitive-affective neuroscience, 8

Catania, A. C., 115–116

Cognitive and affective mindfulness scale (CAMS-R),

Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene
, 370

156–157, 156–160

Cautious optimism, 386

Cognitive and behavioral effects, 46–48

Cecero, J. J., 69, 156

Cognitive avoidance, 142, 262

Cekic, M., 324, 326

Cognitive behavioral group therapy (CBGT), 88

Cella, D., 384–385

Cognitive-behavioral theory and feelings of emptiness,

Center for mindfulness (CFM), 467, 468, 471, 472


Center of narrative gravity, 63

Cognitive behavioral therapy, 190, 321, 340, 346–347

Chadwick, P., 157, 354, 355, 356, 357, 359–360, 363

as adjunct to standard care, 346–347

Chambers, R., 71, 73, 91–92

“Cognitive fusion”, 102

Chang, J. Y., 260

Cognitive processes, 9

Change process, mindfulness of

Cognitive processing therapy (CPT), 299

action, 293

Cognitive Remediation Program, 321

contemplation, 293

Cognitive restraint, 259

determination, 293



Cognitive rigidity, 264

Cranson, R. W., 89

Cognitive vitality, 54

Craske, M. G., 72, 103, 181, 325

Cohen, L. R., 310

Crespo, M., 434

Cohen-Katz, J., 73

Crespo-Facorro, B., 51

Cohen-Mansfield, J., 432

Creswell, J. D., 52, 60, 74, 75, 103, 153, 180, 322,

Combat, 304–305

324, 325

Compas, B. E., 383

Croon, M. A., 259

Compassion, 19–20, 104–107, 105, 413, 465

Crowther, J. H., 265–266

caring and, 465

Csikszentmihalyi, M., 68, 250

components of, 105–106

Cumella, E. J., 260

curiosity and, 469

Cummings, A. L., 117

emotional memory and mindfulness, 104–107

Cunningham, L. L., 384

mindfulness, 101–104

Curbow, B., 383

kindness and, 465

Cuthbert, B., 49

training, 106

Cutler, H. C., 465

Compassionate mind, 104

Cycle of existence
(samsara), 102, 133

Compassion circle, 106

Cytokines, 389, 390

Compassion-focused therapy, 107

Complementary and alternative approaches, 321

Complex PTSD, 302–303, 304


Complex trauma, 302–303

Dagnan, D., 157

Compton, W. M., 219

Dahl, J., 181

Compulsions, 190, 290

Dalai Lama, 1, 105, 106, 219, 465

Concentration meditation, 27, 41

Dalle Grave, R., 259

Concept of illness

Damaging emotions, 417

in eastern
western cultures, 5–6

Damasio, A. R., 104

Conditioning, 31, 127, 291

Dan, B., 325

Confidence, 201–202

Das, L. S., 181

Consciousness, 29, 31, 60

Davey, G. C. L., 194

Constans, J. I., 201

Davids, T., 18

Construct our experience, 30–31

Davidson, J. M., 49

Contemplation, 293

Davidson, M. C., 323

“Contentment system”, 99–100

Davidson, R. J., 25, 51, 53, 60, 89–90, 105, 180, 372,

Contextual behavioral approach, 307

465, 473

Contextualistic metaphor, 112

Davies, B., 434

Contextual psychology, 112

Davis, D., 369–370

Conti, L., 146

Davis, D. D., 101

Continuum, 25, 26, 320, 408–409

Davis, R., 262, 263

Conway, K. P., 219

Davis, R. B., 443

Cook, C. L., 325–326

Daydreaming, 326

Cook, S., 391

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)

Cools, J., 239

DBT Mindfulness Skills, 248–251

Cooper, Z., 261, 265–266

“describe” skill, 249–250

Coping, 114, 223, 309, 387–388

“nonjudgmentally” skill, 250

Cordon, S., 59–77

“observe” skill, 249

Cordova, J. V., 71, 72

“one-mindfully” skill, 250–251

Cordova, M., 105

“participate” skill, 250

Cordova, M. J., 384

“wise mind”, 249

Core affect, 67, 68, 69, 70

, 370

Corrigan, F. M., 102, 103

Deagle, E. A., 259

Corsini, N., 265

Deaver, C. M., 259

Corstorphine, E., 263, 264

Decentering, 9, 140, 159, 161–162, 194

Cotton, S. P., 384–385

Deci, E. L., 68, 73–74

Courtois, C., 302

De Cort, K., 201

Cousins, M. J., 369

Defusion, 114, 199

Cozolino, L., 100

De Girolamo, G., 343–344

Craig, A. D., 51

Deikman, A., 104, 199

Craighead, L. W., 263, 271, 275

Deitz, S. M., 115–116

Crane, C., 221–241

Del Grande, E., 221–222

Delmonte, M. M., 49



Delusions, 31, 345, 353

“Doing” mind, 468

DeMartino, R., 407

“Doing” mode, 194, 207, 224, 453, 454, 468

“Dementia Praecox”, 342

Dold, K. H., 384

Dennett, D. C., 63

Donaldson, E., 141

Dennis, T., 99–107

Donnelly, J. M., 383

Depraz, N., 62, 65–66, 68

Donovan, S., 3, 45

Depression, 73, 85, 87, 90, 91, 137–138, 219, 226

Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC), 75

Depue, R. A., 99–100

Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLFPC), 50

Desai, S., 303–304

Doubt, 40

De Silva, P., 190, 193

Dougher, M. J., 160

Desire, 7, 32

Doyle, S., 433–434

Destructuration, 357

Dozois, D. J. A., 69, 103, 265–266

Detached mindfulness, 140

Draganski, B., 326

Detachment, 127, 140, 199

Drevets, W. C., 51

Determination, 293

Dreyfus, G., 61, 64, 65

Detweiler, M., 270

Drop out rate, 374

Deurr, M., 10

Drossel, C., 111–122

Dexter-Mazza, L., 246

Drugs, 131, 136, 176, 290


ana, see

Dubitzky, J., 263

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), 85, 153, 181, 246,

Duggan, D. S., 222

268–269, 300

Duncan, S. L., 74

application of, 269

Dunkley, D. M., 266

biosocial theory, 246

Dunn, B. R., 49–50

change, 246

Dunne, J. D., 18, 60

dialectics, 300

Durham, R. C., 347

future research, 269

Durrence, H. H., 384

model, 11

DV-SA Questionnaire, 363–364

phases, 268

Dynamics, process of, 141

skills training, 246

Dysregulation, emotional, 1, 4, 8, 9, 11, 17–29, 33, 39, 41,

targets, 246

46, 50, 52, 53, 59–77, 93, 94, 99–107, 117, 120,

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