Claiming Their Mate (13 page)

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Authors: Morganna Williams

BOOK: Claiming Their Mate
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She craved their sexual dominance and their punishment. Madison smiled as she rose from the bed and studied her bottom in the mirror; it was still bright red from Jared’s spanking.

Grinning, she sang to herself on the way to the shower, reveling in the way each movement seemed to awaken the sting in her behind. It would be sad when it faded but Madison was sure she’d be able to come up with something to earn another punishment.

It was her intention to keep her mates on their toes; she wouldn’t want them to become bored.

Tonight was the full moon and she would be accompanying the pack on their moonlight run. She was excited to be included and knew it was an important step in cementing her position with the pack as the mate to both their alpha and his second.

She was a little puzzled about how she would possibly keep up with a pack of wolves running through the woods, but Madison knew her mates would take care of her so she wasn’t too worried.

After her shower, Madison opened the drawer on the nightstand to get her lotion and laughed out loud when she saw a note where the rabbit vibrator had been. It simply said

Love filled her as she thought about Ethan and Jared; their joining to complete their rule of three bond had been overwhelming in its intensity, but instead of frightening her, it had filled her with peace.

Madison hadn’t realized anything was missing, but now she was complete in a way she wouldn’t have been able to understand before.

She felt so sorry for Winter, to have felt this with one true mate and have the bond abused in such a way by their unscrupulous alpha. Gage had taken a true thing of beauty and made it so ugly and warped that even the love she’d felt for Simon had been lost in the end.

No one should die feeling so lost and alone. Even if Selena had succeeded in killing Madison, she wouldn’t have felt lost or alone because she’d known that Jared and Ethan were searching for her. They loved and needed her; Winter had nothing left to look forward to except the hope of escape and even that was stolen from her when Selena slit her throat.

She sighed; it was such a waste.

Shaking herself from the sad thoughts, Madison instead focused on the coming run and being with her mates.


* * *


Madison straddled Jared’s broad furry back, clinging tightly to his neck as he raced through the trees as if she wasn’t there.

The ride was exhilarating; the night seemed so bold and bright around her, the scent of the woods and the earth filling her nostrils along with the scent of wolves, of her pack. She realized that somehow through their bonding Jared and Ethan had shared some of their senses with her, at least when they were in close proximity and in their wolf forms.

Ethan ran alongside them, the rest of the pack at their heels, then he gave one excited yip then raced ahead with a long howl.

Jared slowed as the rest of the pack chased after Ethan. Stopping by the stream at the edge of a large clearing Jared sat, allowing her to slip easily from his back.

He changed almost immediately, standing before her naked and proud. “You will rest here while the pack hunts, mate.”

Jared built a small fire and seated her on a rock between the fire and the stream. “Stay on this side of the fire and do not stray away. Call out if you need help. One of us will hear and come immediately.”

Madison nodded.

Jared frowned and tilted her face up to his with a finger beneath her chin. “Use your words, mate. Do you understand you are to stay here and not wander off? There will be no exploring the area without one of us at your side. Are we clear?”

She made a face. “Yes, Jared. For heaven’s sake, I’m not two years old. I understood you the first time.”

He immediately turned her to the side and delivered two sharp swats to her bottom, making her dance in place. “This is an evening of celebration and I want to experience only the joy of sharing it with you and our third, but I will not hesitate to discipline you if your attitude doesn’t improve, young lady.”

“Yes, sir.” Madison was immediately contrite; Jared was only seeing to her safety.

Jared pulled her unresisting body against him and kissed her deeply; she moaned into his mouth in encouragement.

He grinned and set her away from him. “Much better, mate. Stay here; we won’t be gone long.”

A loud baying howl filled the air and Jared cocked his head in excitement before shifting into his wolf and giving an answering cry as he bounded away.

She smiled indulgently as he quickly disappeared from view; the excitement of the hunt was upon them.

Jared and Ethan had explained she couldn’t be there for the actual kill when they stalked and killed the deer. There was too much chance of her getting bitten or scratched in the wolves’ frenzy to bring down their prey.

Jared and Ethan would return to her as soon as the kill was completed and would cook a little of the meat to feed her, to show the pack would always see to her needs.

It was a symbolic moment, one shared with every human mate to help her bond with the pack as a whole and not just her mate.

It wasn’t long before her two wolves came back into view as they loped toward her. Each carried a large strip of meat between his teeth; Ethan brought the meat to Madison and placed it in her waiting hand before shifting.

Jared did the same then shifted to stand beside him and picked up a long stick to spear the meat with and held it over the fire.

Soon the rest of the pack surrounded them in wolf form, sitting and watching.

Jared and Ethan prepared the meat silently, watching her as they cooked for her. When it was ready they removed it from the fire and took turns feeding her by placing small morsels of the delicious roasted venison between her lips.

When she’d eaten all she could, each man bent to the stream and cupped water for her to drink from their hands.

Satisfied, she sat back with a smile.

“The pack will provide,” Jared said loudly, and the wolves howled their approval.

One by one the wolves left until Madison was left alone with her mates once more. Jared and Ethan both studied her hungrily. Madison felt her breasts swell and grow heavy in response to their gaze and grew wet in arousal as her body prepared itself for her mates.

She stood and lifted the shift dress she’d worn over her head, dropping it at her feet to stand as naked as they were beneath the light of the moon. Jared cupped her face in his hands and pressed a kiss to her lips, so gentle and sweet it was almost chaste, belying the heat in his eyes.

“I love you, Madison, my mate… my heart.” He kissed her again before moving to stand behind her and pulling her back against his chest. She groaned at the contact and pressed back against the heavy erection she could feel pressing into the base of her spine.

Ethan approached and kissed her just as sweetly. “I don’t know how I lived my life before we found you. I love you, mate.”

Madison felt tears fill her eyes as her heart swelled again with love for them. “I love you both more than I could have ever imagined. I’m so glad you found me.”

Ethan pressed his body tightly against her front until she was firmly sandwiched between them, eliciting needy groans from all of them.

Jared nibbled lightly on his mating mark, causing another rush of wetness between her thighs. Madison tilted her head to one side to grant him better access as Ethan drew one nipple deeply into his mouth and suckled.

Madison began to writhe between them, needing more. “Please… I need you both now,” she panted. She didn’t know if she’d been caught under the spell of the moon or it was just her mates, but Madison knew she needed them both without all the teasing foreplay they generally liked to engage in.

She bit at Ethan’s lips sharply, demanding what she needed from her mate.

He growled in response and sank to the ground, pulling her down on top of him, guiding her to straddle his thighs and take his pulsing cock deep in one sure thrust.

Madison howled with pleasure and began riding him hard and fast, but it wasn’t enough. She looked over her shoulder at Jared and held a hand out to him. “I need you. I need you both inside me. Please.”

Jared quickly moved into place, Ethan holding her open for him as he gathered her slick honey and spread it across her anus. Then he was there pressing inside her to join the three of them in the dance they all craved.

“Yes!” Madison cried out as they both sank deep inside and soon they were all moving together in a frenzy of need.

This was a fast coupling, all of them moving together hard and fast until they cried out their pleasure to the big moon.

Jared and Ethan howled loudly and soon their voices were joined by the other wolves of the pack engaged in similar activities as they all celebrated the joining by the rule of three.

As their hearts slowed, Madison felt for a moment they all shared the same heartbeat. They were one. She smiled, snuggling down between her mates. The pack were her people, Jared and Ethan her very existence.

She belonged in a way she’d never dreamed possible. She was home.



The End

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More Stormy Night Books by Morganna Williams



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Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

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