Claiming Their Mate (10 page)

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Authors: Morganna Williams

BOOK: Claiming Their Mate
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“Bed rest? What day is it today?” Madison asked, horrified by the thought of that much forced inactivity.

“Monday,” the doctor informed her helpfully.

“I am not staying in this bed until Thursday!” Madison said in irritation. “That’s ridiculous.”

Before either Jared or the doctor could respond, Ethan was back in the room and bending over the edge of the bed almost nose to nose with her. “You will do as you’re told, mate. You will not leave this bed without assistance until the doctor says you can. Are we understood?” he growled, his eyes still swirling with amber.

Madison swallowed hard and squirmed beneath his stern regard; usually Ethan was more easygoing than Jared. Unable to help it, she looked down and nodded her head in agreement, responding to the raw dominance in his gaze.

“You will answer me out loud, young lady,” Ethan demanded.

“Yes, sir. We’re understood,” she said softly. When Madison looked up and saw the twinkle of amusement in Jared’s eyes, she almost stuck her tongue out but managed to control herself.

“I will see you Thursday,” the doctor said on his way out the door, leaving Madison alone with her two mates.

“I don’t think I’ll have to worry about you setting a toe out of bed with Ethan on guard, little mate,” Jared said with a grin as he leaned down to kiss her on the top of the head.

“Very funny,” Madison muttered darkly.

“Of course there is no need to worry, I will take care of her,” Ethan said, quickly stripping off his pants and climbing back in bed to wrap himself back around her.

Irritatingly enough, Madison realized she was already tired out from the doctor’s visit so she didn’t resist when Ethan tugged her back down and into the cradle of his body.

She watched sleepily as Jared dressed. “Now that you’re awake and the danger has passed, I have some pack business that must be attended to. I will see you both later. Take care of our girl, Ethan.”

Madison felt Ethan smile into her hair and nod at the alpha.


* * *


It wasn’t nearly as hard to comply with bed rest over the next several days as Madison had thought; her head hurt and she was so tired most of the time, she slept. Ethan explained that while she hadn’t lost enough blood to require a transfusion, it had been enough that her body was fatigued and working hard to replenish itself.

Every time she woke, either Jared or Ethan were there pushing fluids, mostly water but sometimes juice as well. Madison drank whatever they offered, finding herself much more thirsty than usual.

By Thursday, she was starting to feel better and was beginning to get restless. Madison had never been so happy to see a doctor in her life when Dr. Fredrick walked into the room.

This time Ethan excused himself immediately; the doctor looked relieved. Since Jared was off doing some pack business again, it left her alone with the doctor.

“Do you still have the headache?” he asked as he looked into her eyes.

“For the most part it’s gone unless I lean down or the light is too bright.”

“Good.” He quickly finished his examination then stepped back and gave her a smile. “You are one very lucky young lady. You can get up for a few hours each day and by Monday you should be able to resume normal activities.”

Madison thanked him and climbed out of bed, deciding her few hours started with a shower.

She was in the bathroom before the man even made it out the door. Smiling, she climbed underneath the hot spray and groaned in pleasure as the water cascaded down her body.

When the water was suddenly shut off, she squeaked in dismay.

“What exactly do you think you’re doing, young lady?” Ethan asked succinctly, an arched brow and the little muscle ticking in the side of his cheek demonstrating his disapproval.

Madison glared up at him. “Taking a shower.”

“No,” he said, wrapping a large fluffy towel around her and picking her up to carry her back to the bedroom.

Madison twisted in his arms. “Put me down right now! He said I could get up and I want a shower!”

“I said no, Madison. He said you could get up for a few hours each day, that didn’t mean go jump in a hot shower until you get lightheaded and fall,” Ethan lectured. “Now settle down before you hurt yourself.”

“I don’t want to settle down! I want a shower!” Madison yelled, still bucking and twisting against his hold.

Ethan sat down on the edge of the bed and dropped his struggling burden face down across his knee with her upper body supported by the bed. “If you won’t settle down by yourself, I will settle you down, little girl.”

Madison glared back at him over her shoulder. “Don’t you dare!”

His only answer was to rip the towel off her naked posterior to deliver a sharp swat to the exposed area. Ethan brought his hand down hard and fast several times in quick succession, then turned Madison upright to sit on his knee.

It had been a very short and relatively mild punishment but Madison found herself crying from almost the first swat. Her damp skin had increased the sting each smack left in its wake.

Madison cried softly against his chest; her bottom hurt now and she was tired. Realizing Ethan was right about the shower made her cry harder.

“Shhh, baby, it’s all right. Calm down before you make yourself sick,” he crooned softly to her while rubbing her back.

When she calmed down to the occasional hiccup, Ethan eased her back under the covers and spooned in behind her back.

“I just wanted to take a shower,” Madison told him miserably.

“I know, baby. If you’re a good girl I’ll let you take a bath later,” he said, kissing her softly on the ear.

“Promise?” she asked with a yawn.

“I promise.”


* * *


Later when she woke, Madison didn’t feel well at all. Her stomach hurt and she felt feverish.

Ethan and Jared frowned down at her flushed features in concern. “Ethan, fetch the doctor while I check her temperature.”

Ethan nodded to Jared and ran from the room. Jared turned Madison over in the bed. “Rest here for a minute. I’ll be right back.”

Madison only nodded, too tired to argue with him.

Jared was back in a few seconds, peeling the covers from her shivering body and lifting her to lie across his lap.

“What are you doing?” she asked, frowning over her shoulder at Jared.

“Taking your temperature,” Jared told her calmly.

Madison jerked her body in an attempt to get off his lap. “I don’t think so!” she yelled, looking in horror at the big jar of Vaseline with a thermometer sticking up out of it.

Jared held her in place easily and delivered a sharp swat to each bottom cheek. “Be still, young lady. I promise you as bad as you’re already feeling, you don’t want a sore bottom to go with it.”

“But you can take my temperature the normal way!” she cried out in protest.

“This way is more effective and gets a more accurate reading,” he informed her as he used the fingers of one hand to spread her bottom cheeks wide then slid the greasy glass thermometer into her bottom.

Madison jerked and whimpered as it easily slid into place; she groaned when Jared twirled it a few times before holding it still.

The whole thing was terribly embarrassing; she wanted to die when Ethan walked in with the doctor while Jared still held her in place over his lap with the thermometer sticking out of her bottom.

Madison closed her eyes as she imagined the sight she made, naked across her mate’s knee with him holding her down and open, the thermometer peeking out between her cheeks, Jared’s hand prints clearly visible on each one.

She did the only thing available to her at the moment, covering her face with her hands and pretending she wasn’t there. The tell-tale trickle of moisture between her thighs mortified her as her body responded to Jared’s dominance the same way it always did.

“She said her tummy was upset,” Jared told the doctor as he removed the thermometer to read it. “One hundred, at least it’s a very low grade temp.”

“How long since she’s had a bowel movement?” the doctor asked.

“Could you please not talk about me like I’m not here? Sheesh, I can answer the question myself!” Madison said loudly, still refusing to look at anyone.

“I think it’s been a few days,” Ethan said as if she hadn’t spoken.

“It’s the lack of activity, I’m sure. A good enema will set her right as rain,” the doctor assured them before leaving the room again.

“An enema?” Madison asked. “Haven’t you people heard of laxatives?”

“Laxatives are full of chemicals that aren’t necessary when there are more natural alternatives,” Jared said firmly, turning Madison in his arms and standing with her cradled against his chest. “Ethan is already preparing the enema, baby-love; we’ll have you feeling better in no time.”

“I don’t want an enema!” She began to struggle to get out of his arms as he carried her toward the bathroom.

“Madison, settle down right now. You will take the medicine the doctor prescribed,” Jared said as he carried her through the bathroom door.

Madison grabbed the door frame in an effort to keep from going in the bathroom and getting the dreaded enema, but Ethan came and uncurled her fingers from the door facing and Jared walked on in with her. The way they could gang up on her was so unfair. The rule of three sucked!

When she saw the large black rubber enema bag and the long thick tubing ending in a wider nozzle, Madison began fighting harder to get down.

“I told you to settle down, young lady,” Jared said as he sat her belly down over the counter. His hand began to fall hard and fast on her upturned bottom until she was sure it glowed bright red. “You’re behaving like a child.”

“Pardon me if I don’t want that big tube stuck up my ass!” she yelled over her shoulder.

Jared’s only response was to deliver another series of hard swats on the under curve of her backside that left her howling.

“Are you ready to behave yourself and take your medicine?” he asked.

“I don’t want an enema,” she sobbed softly.

Jared rubbed a soothing hand over her lower back as Ethan spread her bottom cheeks apart. “Shhh, baby-love, it’s for your own good. Let us take care of you.”

She gasped when she felt the tip of the lubed nozzle slide into her, kicking her feet almost reflexively as it was seated deeply within her.

“Good girl,” Ethan crooned to her. “Now I’m going to release the clip and you’ll feel a warm rush begin to fill you up.”

Madison whimpered softly as the clip was released and she felt something warm flow into her, beginning to fill her insides uncomfortably. Her belly began to swell and cramp even more as more of the fluid filled her until finally when she was sure she couldn’t take any more it was over.

Ethan slid the nozzle from her bottom and began washing the tool for future use while Jared held her in place over the counter.

“Please let me up! I need to go!” Madison cried as she felt the urgent need to sit on the toilet.

“We need to give it just a minute, baby. Hold it for just a little longer,” Jared told her.

“I can’t, please!” Madison cried, suddenly feeling frantic with the need to go. Thankfully, Jared finally decided they’d waited long enough and lifted her from the counter, sitting her down on the toilet.

When it was obvious neither man planned to leave, her humiliation was complete. Madison couldn’t hold it any longer and released into the toilet.

“See, don’t you feel better?” Ethan asked.

Madison just glared at them both. Jared began stripping his clothes off as Ethan did the same then turned to fill the tub.

“Do you need help cleaning up, baby-love?” Jared asked tenderly.

“No. I think I’ve suffered enough indignity for the time being,” Madison said darkly as she finished up and rose from the commode. Honestly her stomach already felt a lot better but she had no intention of admitting it to the Neanderthal brothers.


* * *


Ethan smiled at the pretty little pout on their mate’s face. She was angry with them about the enema but she’d get over it. When it came to her health and protection, both he and Jared would always do what was best for her whether she liked it or not.

He was ready to bond with her; waiting had been torture but now she was close to being well. It was time to talk seriously with Madison about the rule of three.

He knew they were fated mates but Ethan needed to make sure Madison was happy with the arrangement. He couldn’t live with himself if she felt forced like Simon’s mate Winter.

Though he knew the situation between Simon, his mate, and their alpha was nothing like his own, he had to be sure.

Ethan climbed into the oversized tub as Jared scooped a protesting Madison high in his arms.

“Put me down, I’m still mad at you,” Madison told Jared in no uncertain terms.

“I know you are, baby-love, but we acted in your best interest and I will not apologize for that. Come, a bath will make you feel better,” Jared told her as he lowered her into Ethan’s waiting arms and climbed into the tub at the opposite end.

Ethan groaned as Madison settled in his lap, the curves of her luscious bottom wriggling over his groin.

Madison sighed in pleasure as she sank into the hot water. “A bath might be nice but maybe I didn’t want to share it with you two Neanderthals.”

Jared laughed and picked up one of her feet and began rubbing it, wringing a moan of pleasure from her.

Ethan settled her in place between his legs with a smile and soaped up a washcloth. Madison relaxed against his chest as he ran it over her skin in a circular motion. Closing her eyes, she gave herself over to the feel of his hands on her body.

Jared continued to rub her feet and legs as Ethan washed her and soon their angry little mate was purring again.

Chapter Ten



After their bath, Jared and Ethan settled Madison on the sofa in their bedroom between them. She was surprised to find she’d forgiven the enema so quickly but she enjoyed being snuggled between them.

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