Claiming Olivia (7 page)

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Authors: Yolanda Olson

BOOK: Claiming Olivia
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When we pulled apart we were both breathing heavily. I looked up into his eyes as my hands slid down to wrap around his waist.

“This doesn’t mean I have feelings for you, this means I don’t want to know what it feels like to not have you fuck me again.”

“Tonight you come to my home,” he said as he ran his hands over my breasts.

“I need to change my clothes. And get shoes,” I replied.

“No. I will carry you if I must. We’re leaving now,” he said as he took me by the hand and pulled me toward the lobby doors.

True to his word, when we stepped outside he picked me up in his arms and carried me to his car. He unlocked the door and let me down so I could step in and then walked around to the driver’s side. I barely had time to put on my seatbelt, when he put the car in drive and took off like a bat out of hell.

We got to his place about twenty five minutes later and he came around to my side and lifted me out of my seat. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he fumbled with the lock and let us in. He dropped the keys to the floor and immediately walked a flight of wide stairs and kicked open the door to what I assumed was his bedroom. When he finally set me down he looked at me seriously.

“I am not going to have regard for any pain you feel from this. I want you so  bad, but I will have you on my terms. If you don’t agree to this leave now. If you do agree to this, then tell me. I need you so desperately right now,” he said taking my face in his hands and putting his forehead against mine.

“I agree,” I whispered.

Nodding, he stepped away and told me to sit on the bed. I lifted myself onto the king bed and watched him as he walked out of the room. I couldn’t help but wonder what I had ultimately agreed to. He said he was going to make it painful and he wouldn’t care about how I felt as he was doing it.

In a weird way, I was as excited as I was scared.

Alejandro reentered the room and I noticed he had a hand full of some kind of straps.

“Come to me Liv,” he said.

I stood up with shaky legs and walked over to Alejo. When I was standing directly in front of him, he dropped what he was holding onto the floor except for a pair of handcuffs, and looked at me.

“Tell me something,” he said as he unlocked the handcuffs.

I raised an eyebrow as I kept my eyes on him.

“When was the last time you were properly disciplined?”


He leaned down and gripped me by the throat as he swiftly cuffed my hands behind me.

I gasped and my eyes watered. This was the tightest he had ever had me by the throat and I honestly felt like I couldn’t breathe.

Alejo forced me onto my knees and leaned down to pick up a crop of some sort.

“I asked when the last time was that you were properly disciplined,” he repeated as he let go of my neck.

“Um, when I was a child. I think I broke a lamp and—,” I stopped as he slapped the crop against my back.

“I didn’t ask for a story,” he replied calmly.

Wow, that hurts
, I thought gritting my teeth.

Alejo crouched behind me and ripped my tank top in half, then he reached around and ripped it again until he was able to pull it off the sides.

I sat there as he gently ran the crop down my back, tracing my tattoos and teasing me at the same time. I closed my eyes as the sensation ran through me.

“On your feet, Bella,” he said after a moment.

I stood up unsteadily waiting for him to tell me what to do.

He walked around me and sat on the bed, pulling me toward him. Leaning down, he undid my strings slowly and pulled off my shorts and underwear at the same time.

“You really are beautiful,” he said as he used the crop to push me a few inches away from him. He looked me up and down in appreciation before he stood up again. “Back on your knees, Olivia.”

I dropped to my knees as I was told to and waited. In a few moments, he was viciously bringing the crop down onto my back. I cried out in pain with each, swift sting.

I lowered my head at one point and he cropped me harder. It would be pointless to tell him that it hurt like holy hell because he already told me that he wouldn’t care.

I winced as he cropped me one last time before he leaned down and pulled me to my feet by an elbow. He roughly took me over to the master drawer in the center of his room and bent me over so that I would be facing the mirror.

He used his knees to spread my legs open slightly before he stepped away and went back to his pile. When he came back I felt the cool stream of lubricant he squeezed around my anal opening. I knew what he was going to do now and I was a bit terrified. I had done it once and it hurt and was uncomfortable and I swore to myself that I would never do it again.

Alejo slid a finger into me and moved it slowly in and out as he began to loosen me up. It wasn’t as bad as my first anal experience because I could tell that he had lubed his finger as well. It was when he slid the second finger in that I took back my initial thought. With two fingers inside me, he began to move faster and faster which was causing me to squeeze my eyes shut tightly in pain.

He had a firm grip on the handcuffs and was pushing them into my back with one hand as he continued to use his fingers inside of me.

“Ow,” I cried out.

He chuckled.

I knew why. He planned on putting himself inside of me and that was longer and thicker than his fingers; if I was having trouble with
he was going to destroy me and he knew it.

Another minute or so of finger fucking torture and he started to use his tongue. He licked my ass, moving his tongue in and out. I found myself enjoying what he was doing, especially when he let go of the cuffs and reached a hand under and began to rub my clit.

“Oh God,” I whispered as he continued licking and rubbing me.

It was one of the most euphoric things I had ever felt and I didn’t want it to end any time soon. Alejo rubbed me faster before he slid two fingers into my wetness. He was much more skilled than I could ever imagine. His tongue was magic and his fingers felt like Heaven.

Suddenly he stopped what he was doing and stepped away from me.

“Stay like that,” he said.

I looked up at the mirror and watched his reflection. He was just standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and looking down at his handiwork. I felt my wetness begin to drip down my leg and I saw Alejo smile. I didn’t know what he had planned next but I just stayed where I was, bent over and looking at him in the mirror, taking him in.

“I’m going to uncuff you now,” he began, “but I want you to stay just like that.

I nodded as he proceeded to unlock the handcuffs and toss them to the side. I felt his hands as he ran them down my thighs and I felt him as he grabbed his desire and slowly started to rub it against my wetness. I sighed happily as he continued to tease me, then I gasped in surprise at the feeling of the lubricant sliding down my ass into my opening again.

“Wait,” I said as he started to push into my ass.

“No,” he breathed as he forced himself into me causing me to cry out in pain.

I understood why he was standing there now. He was giving me a chance to tighten back up before he forced me open again.

It hurt and he knew it would.

Alejo grabbed me tightly by the hair and arched my back so that I would be facing the mirror.

“Watch me,” he said breathlessly as he continued to thrust into me.

I grunted in pain and pleasure as Alejo looked me in the eyes while he moved. I wanted to tell him to stop, especially when I felt myself tear but there was no stopping him. I could see it in his eyes.

“Please...” I finally managed to say.

A wicked grin slid across his face as he pulled out of me.

“On your knees then,” he said as he forced me down and shoved his throbbing dick into my mouth.

“Good girl,” he whispered as he rammed it in and out of my mouth causing me to gag.

Alejo was turning out to be a sadistic lover and I wasn’t sure how I was going to be able to survive the rest of this evening’s soiree.

I pushed my hands against his taut stomach to try to get him to stop and he swiftly struck me across the face.

“I didn’t say you could touch me.”

My eyes watered as he continued to gag me on him. A few more vicious thrusts and it was over. He let me go and I fell over to the floor in heap of pain and ecstasy. He didn’t let me rest for long. I winced as he grabbed me by a head full of hair and forced me to my feet, before shoving me roughly onto the bed.

I scrambled as far back away from him as I could, but he came at me like a crazed animal. It was intoxicating the way he wanted me so desperately. He climbed on top of me and held me down as he slammed himself inside of me and began to move with painful purpose.

“Eres mi chica traviesa,” he whispered as he continued his vicious thrusts.

I moaned loudly and dug my fingernails into his back. I didn’t want this to end but I wouldn’t be able to bear it any longer if it continued.

Almost as if to answer my prayers, the doorbell suddenly rang. Alejo stopped moving almost immediately and looked at the clock on the nightstand, then he looked down at me.

“Get up,” he said while catching his breath.

“I can’t,” I responded.

He reached down and lifted me over his shoulder and walked over to one of the large closets that sat against the wall. He pulled one of the doors open and set me on my feet.

I looked up at him hazily as he worked busily behind me before hoisting me up and placing me, arms and legs spread, on some kind of rack that was attached to the door.  Alejo secured my wrists with leather straps before he reached down and secured my ankles. I could feel the blood and juices flowing down my leg and my insides felt battered and bruised. And now here I was being mounted like a trophy on display.

He gently kissed my feet before he stood. I closed my eyes tightly for a moment, trying to steady my breathing. I felt his hands gently grip the sides of my face.

“Please don’t hate me for this,” he whispered as he placed his forehead against mine.

The doorbell rang again and Alejo disappeared, naked and covered in sweat out of the room.

I looked up at the ceiling, feeling my arms starting to ache. I glanced at one of my wrists and tried to wriggle myself out of it but it was no use. He had tied these way too tightly.

I sighed.

Suddenly I heard muffled voices making their way to the bedroom door. I looked over and felt my heart drop when I saw the brunette who had looked at me so snottily when she was having dinner with Alejandro.

She walked over to where I was on display and smirked. Alejo angrily told her to get away from me.

Before she did she looked me up and down and then removed her dress. She walked over to where he was standing waiting for her, and kissed him passionately.

I turned my face away.

I didn’t want to see this. I didn’t want to be in the room if this was going to happen. I pulled on the straps again wanting desperately to disappear.

“Olivia,” Alejo said sharply. “I need you to watch.”

I felt the bitter tears sting my eyes. I refused to look. I refused to even open my eyes. I could hear what was happening and I knew she was on her knees. I heard the condom wrapper as he tore it open and I also knew when he placed her on the bed and entered her from the sound of her moaning and the rhythmic creaking of the bed.

“Olivia,” Alejo said again.

With my eyes closed tightly I shook my head to let him know that I refused.

“Hey!” she said angrily as I heard her body hit the floor.

I felt his hands on my face again and he was breathing heavily.

“Tell me why.”

“Alejandro regresa,” the brunette said angrily.

“Olivia, look at me,” he pleaded. I opened my eyes slightly as the tears spilled. “Tell me why. Why was it so hard for you to watch?”

“I’m not interested in watching you fuck someone else,” I replied through grit teeth.

“Dime por qué,” he said.

The brunette angrily approached us and grabbed Alejo by his arm and tried to pull him back toward the bed, but he shoved her away dismissively.

She swore loudly and angrily as she grabbed her dress and put it on. I couldn’t quite make out what she said to him on the way out. I would imagine that the slamming of every door she went through on the way out was a way of telling him that she didn’t want to see him again any time soon.

“If this is what you had in mind for tonight, you could have told me and saved us both the trouble,” I said with fresh tears spilling over.

I wasn’t sure if I was crying because I was more hurt emotionally or physically.

“I had to know,” he replied quietly.

“Know what? If I wanted to be hung on a rack bruised internally and barely able to breathe while you fucked someone else? No thank you!” I spat angrily.

“Is it because you care about me?” he asked searching my eyes.

My heart raced slightly. I didn’t expect that question because I didn’t expect that feeling so quickly.


“No. It’s because I don’t like to be borderline sexually assaulted, then made to witness you tenderly fuck someone else. I wouldn’t want to watch
do that. Now let me down Alejo. I want to go back to my room.”

Three emotions quickly passed over his face. Anger, disappointment, and then acceptance.

I waited impatiently while he undid my  wrists and ankles. He helped me step down from where I was hanging and looked at me with a peculiar look on his face.

As I began to walk past him, he gripped me by the shoulder to stop me.

“We’re not done yet,” he said quietly.

“Oh yes we are.
done. I don’t want to be with you anymore. That was completely unnecessary; you could have just asked me if I felt something for you. Not subject me to all of the brutality then ...” my voice trailed off in disgust.

I looked around for my clothes and started to gather them as Alejo watched me in silence. It was strange how quickly his moods could change. But I tried not to think about it while I placed my belongings on the bed. As soon as I started to put my panties on, he came up behind me and grabbed me by the throat again. I gasped in shock as he pushed my head back against his chest and pushed gently on my chin to look up at him.

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