Claimed: Unchartered Territory (22 page)

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A high pitched screech, like the sound a wounded hawk might make, pierced and took hold of the air. A chill went through Dallas at what the sound represented.

An alarm.

Outside a scurry of excitement could be heard.

“Something is wrong, the manor is being sealed,” someone declared above their heads.

“For what reason?” Another disembodied voice asked.

The question went unanswered, but fear grabbed hold of Dallas’ heart.

They were so close. Too close to freedom to have it yanked from them. The container jerked, then lurched forward again. Dallas half expected large, beefy hands to reach in and pluck them from their hiding place.

“I have this one,” a male voice called out seconds before their container was lurched sideways.

Through the pile of cloth Dallas felt frail fingers latch on to her arm. She placed a reassuring hand over the steely hold, hoping to project mental reassurance through her touch. There were more rushed footsteps and the sensation of being rolled on an incline for several moments. Finally, the container levelled off and the chaos of before faded away into the distance. Silence engulfed them allowing her mind to play through all kinds of possible scenarios. The rolling stopped and four discernible clinking sounds could be heard.

More silence.

A humming sound filled the void in conjunction with a low vibration. She wanted to relax at the recognizable sound of a glider’s engines engaging. The weightless feel of the craft lifting off the ground brought with it hope. They were airborne, but no one came forth to free them from their hiding place. In the distance two muted clanging sounds could be heard, followed by heavy footfalls. She listened closer but could only make out one set of steps.

“You may cease concealing yourself, we have passed the first check point,” a disembodied male voice said from somewhere over the bin. “Come on with you, there are no guardsmen here.”

Rustling at the opposite end of the bin indicated Kala was responding to the summons.

“Well, help me out,” Kala’s screech came clearly through the padding.

There was an apologetic response followed by more hurried movements.

“Are you waiting for some sort of invitation?” Kala fussed from somewhere overhead.

With the all clear given Dallas and the girl began digging their way out of the cloth tomb. Dallas first glimpse of freedom was inside of the cargo bay of what was probably a waste retrieval ship. Above them a larger than life Chezarian male loomed tall, wide and muscular. With no ladder or any obvious means of getting out she raised her arms above her head, feeling like a toddler. He easily hoisted her then the girl out of the container. From his size she was for sure they could have each grabbed onto one of his long, beefy arms and been lifted simultaneously. Dallas gave him a tentative thank you, but sincerely hoped there wouldn’t be any problems from the man.

He gave her a curious look and something that amounted to smile. “Follow me.”

Kala fell in step immediately while brushing at her clothes in an effort to remove unseen particles.

“I know it was you who did not allow her to leave without me,” the child bride whispered at their side. “Thank you.”

Dallas was warmed by the sentiment. “Actually, I should be thanking you. None of this would be possible without you.”

For several seconds the girl stared at her in confused wonder then nodded. Any further conversation was forgotten as they walked the short distance through the well-worn ship.

“We should probably get a communication to sector two,” Dallas suggested once they settled into the seats their rescuer offered up in the cockpit.

“It’s too risky, “Kala responded. “Someone will probably be listening for a transmission and we’re still too deep in Voren’s sector for anyone to reach us unless they were already waiting on Keltar’s bordering lands.”

Dallas nodded her agreement but would feel a lot better when contact could be made with Remar.

“So where are we off to now?” she asked.

“To avoid suspicion we’ll need to make a stop at one of the waste stations. Delak has been instructed to use the farthest outpost and has arranged transport from there.

Dallas eyed the back of the man now known as Delak.

“Do you trust him,” Dallas whispered grateful their seating was far enough away where she could avoid being overheard.

“With my life. He has always been very helpful.”

Her sincerity seemed genuine. It was these rare snippets which made her appear less like the vindictive, harpy Dallas had come to know her to be.

“I have only heard
spoken two times. It is a very pleasant sound. What does she say?” The child bride piped up breaking into her silent contemplation. Dallas frowned at the budding woman next to her then shot a confused look at Kala.

“She cannot understand you, neither can Delak for that matter.” Kala help up her arm and pointed to the translator. “Not everyone is endowed with a translator. In fact where we are going it may be best if you refrain from talking at all. You will need to keep your head down and your gloves on.”

Dallas nodded her understanding.

“What’s her name?” Dallas asked ignoring the comment.

Kala glanced at the child bride dismissively before looking away. “Nola. And before either of you get it in your heads to think I will act as a translator, please do not.” She looked pointedly between the two with a raised brow, then just as quickly moved to take the empty co-pilot seat next to Delak.

“Nola,” Dallas began by pointing to the girl then back to herself. “Dallas.” She made the gesture and repeated their name respectively with each movement.

“You are telling me your name?” the girl asked tentatively.

Dallas nodded and the younger woman beamed. Maybe a bit of one way communication wouldn’t be too bad, but the first chance she got the girl would be sporting some new jewelry.






Chapter Seventeen

“You are of course, mistaken. Neither your bond mate nor concubine are in my household,” Voren said smoothly but Remar knew his distant cousin well enough to see beyond his outward facades.

“Then you will have no objection to my men searching your manor.”

Voren’s upper lip raised momentarily in a half sneer.

“Of course not, I have nothing to hide,” Voren answered with a tempered tone.

Too easy.

The hologram vanished. Remar’s gut told him Dallas was there or at least she had been, but Voren was too smart to allow his men to search the premises if she were still on his property. They must have moved her. It was the only rational explanation for Voren’s compliance. The question was where to? In terms of developed land the sector was the smallest but still large enough to make searching for a singular person like looking for a rain drop in a waterfall. Still he would rip through the entire sector if need be in order to find her.

Or what remained of her
, the errant thought snuck its way in. Remar shook it off immediately. He would not allow his focus to go down that road. Dallas was strong, a warrior woman.

Remar called for one of his section leaders.

“Do not leave any area unsearched. There are many passages and secret rooms in the manor. Be sure to use the genetic sequencing detector.”

Voren was unaware of the experimental technology Remar’s techs had developed from debris retrieved from an unknown world. Per the treaty, an offer was extended to all sector leaders but only Nelo had sent a small delegation to study the objects. Keltar and Voren both declined sending a delegation and had missed out on some amazing items. The section leader left understanding the importance of the task entrusted to him. If there was something to be found he and the men under his command would discover it.


Dallas wasn’t use to being among Chezarians without her guardsmen. Truly she’d only ventured out three times since the claim challenge. The other two occasions had caused such a public disturbance she’d chose to postpone any more outings.

As far as disguises went it didn’t afford her much sightseeing opportunities, but then again it wasn’t the point of the outing. Kala’s transport out of the sector was in another part of the town then the waste station check point. Where the capital city of sector two fused technology with everyday life style. This town had obviously not made the leap into modernity. Night time had descended over the sector but it seemed to have little impact on the bustling town. They passed through a medieval style market place where the orange dirt was packed to the streets from years of wear. Patrons shoved their way to the booths in an excited clamor to purchase goods. Each booth was illuminated in the glow of artificial light. She wondered if it were to provide light for customers or to prevent thievery. Maybe it was a combination of both. From the shabby dress of some of the Chezarians weaving their way through the throngs of people, and the sorry vendor offerings it was obvious poverty was not foreign to the people in the town.

“Out of the way,” someone shouted in the distance.

Nola, who’d held her hand from the moment they disembarked, tugged her to one side.

Seconds later a beast of burden trampled past them. Its large hooves managed to kick up orange dust. Dallas looked up at the massive creature with the legs of a Clydesdale, body of a bull and long neck. She remembered seeing one in her self-studies of Chezar but a holovid did no justice to the magnificence of the beast. She racked her brain for a name…

“Head down,” Delak reminded stepping into the line of vision of the

It was hard to take in much of the scenery looking at the ground but then again they weren’t exactly on a sightseeing trip.

“Let us be more careful,” Kala said loud enough for the group.

Dallas wholeheartedly agreed wanting to avoid detection more than anyone else. One sighting of an
and Voren’s men would be on to them in no time. They walked for what seemed like forever. Nola stumbled a couple of times at her side her short gait took on a light limping quality but she kept any complaints to herself. The surprise of it all was how well Kala kept pace without a single utterance to discomfort.  The further they walked the more the crowd began to empty out and the darker the streets became. The twin moons seemed to be providing more light than the town’s version of street lamps. Nola huddled closer, her limp becoming more pronounced.

“I hope we get their soon. I do not like this part of the sector,” Nola mumbled.

Their language barrier prevented Dallas from responding but she was in complete agreement.

“Stay close, we are being followed,” Delak said lowly. The tension evoked by his word was instant. Dallas wished she had a weapon at her disposal. Delak might be a big guy but it didn’t mean he was a skilled fighter.

“Do you think Voren found us?” Nola asked quietly.

Dallas gaze caught hers, and she wished she could send reassuring vibes.

“I will not go back there,” the girl croaked.

She wondered if what Kala said earlier were true. Had Voren kept his creepy hands off her or had he subjected the poor girl to things it would take a memory eraser to cure.

“Hello friend,” a male voice called out but from behind them. The rapid footfalls coming in their direction indicated the stranger wasn’t alone and the group was gaining on them quickly.

“Be on your way,” Delak’s voice boomed all the while he continued to shepherd the females ahead of him.

“We just wanted to know how you got so lucky? Allow us to take just one of the females off your hands. We will reward you handsomely by letting you keep your life,” the stranger jeered.

The comment put Dallas on instant alert and she had to stamp down the desire to shoot the Chezarian a scathing look over her shoulder. Was this how life was for people under Voren’s leadership, women could be so easily plucked from their families? Were claim challenges even used? She wanted to scream that her mind even shifted to the archaic competition, but it was a viable option to what the man was suggesting.

“You insult my bond mate and daughters. Now be gone before you taste my temper,” Delak snapped.

“He is a rather large fella,” a different voice included jovially.

“Yes my friend but no match for five skilled mercenaries such as ourselves,” the original voice taunted.

“Run!” Delak said with a slight shove to Dallas back. The push was hard enough to knock her off balance but Dallas took off without further encouragement pulling Nola at her side.

“Delak,” Kala called coming to an abrupt halt.

“Take her,” Dallas said shoving Nola’s hand into Kala’s.

“What are you doing?” Both women screeched.

Truth be told she didn’t know, but the thought of someone else in jeopardy because of her didn’t sit well with Dallas.

“Delak needs help. We’ll catch up, now go.” Before either could try to stop her Dallas was turning back to the altercation. She had to give it to Delak, he definitely had some moves and seemed to be holding his own against the men but she thought she could even the fight somewhat. No sooner had Delak’s beefy fist connected with one of the assailants another circled behind him to lock his arms behind his back while another came to swing a hard blow at his jaw. Dallas picked up speed reaching down as she went to grab up a rudely made free bar one of the men probably dropped during the skirmish. She lunged for the head of the man who held Delak.

That ought to even things up, she thought as the startled man released his hold. Delak took full advantage by grabbing the two men closest to him and slamming their heads together.

Down they went.

“So the girl wants to play too,” the man she’d hit in the head said shaking off the blow. “Why don’t you take off the hood so I can get a better look at you?”

As he spoke he squinted into the darkness of her hooded face.

“Eat shit,” she muttered.

The man frowned his lack of understanding.

Of course, anything she said to him would sound like gibberish without the translator. No matter. She plunged the stick into the confused man’s genitals. He screamed and doubled over in pain. Feeling merciful, Dallas gave him a hit on the back of the head guaranteed to keep him out of the ensuing skirmish for a long while.

Three down, two to go, Dallas thought sizing up the remaining males quickly who were in the process of attacking Delak. She inserted herself into the battle by stepping in front of the smaller of the two. When Delak looked as if he would protest she nodded her head toward the larger opponent hoping he would catch her meaning. Drawing the attention of the smaller man away from Delak Dallas purposefully side stepped to gain his complete focus. The man’s eyes shifted once more in Delak’s direction as he and his attacker exchanged powerful blows.

“Eyes front you mother fracker,” she yelled.

That did the trick. The man squinted as if it would help him see beyond her covering. It was an easy enough distraction. Not wanting to risk contact or prolong the battle she took him out in the same manner as the first man. A hard hit to the groin, another over the head and the man was done. She turned to Delak who was busy exchanging blows with the other behemoth. Back on earth people would have paid good money to watch them have a go at each other. Dallas glanced around for any voyeurs. The street was dark and empty. If anyone were in the surrounding buildings they didn’t make themselves known but then again she got the impression it was exactly the part of town where people did their best to go unnoticed.

“We don’t have time for this,” she muttered wacking Delak’s opponent over the head. The stick broke from the force of the blow. Dallas tossed the useless wood to the ground in frustration. Delak landed another blow that left the man staggering backward, Dallas helped him the rest of the way down with a drop kick. Delak followed up by stomping the face of the downed man.  There was a loud crack and Dallas winced as the man went still.

She looked around at the fallen group then back at Delak.

“Let’s go.” She nodded in the direction Kala and Nola had gone.  The words might have been lost on him but he caught her meaning, and the pair broke out in a run. She sincerely hoped the women hadn’t run into any more unsavory sorts.


Remar sat on the dais with a relaxed comfort that said ownership.

Voren entered the room quickly followed by two of Remar’s personal warriors. He crossed the room without missing a step at seeing the leader perched on his throne.

“I invited you in, and this is how you show respect?” Voren said with barely contained composure.

“No, you allowed my men entry because you did not think you would be discovered,” Remar was having a hard time controlling his own temper. He held up on article of clothing for the soon to be deposed leader to see. “
wore this on the day she was taken, and you would have me believe you know nothing of her abduction?”

An evil smile broke across his face slowly. “But she is not here, so you and your men can now leave my sector.”

“Your sector?” Remar said slowly.

The look on Voren’s face wavered but he remained silent.

“You violated the treaty and will be held accountable for your actions, but what takes precedence is finding
.” Remar waved one of his men forward. The male quickly procured an injection and moved toward Voren.

“You would not dare use that on me. I am the High Commander of this sector.”

“Not anymore,” Remar responded before giving a nod to proceed. Voren moved quickly intending to knock the injection out of the guard’s hand but Remar’s surrounding guards were even quicker in easily subduing Voren. The fake veneer of calm fell away quickly. His skin flared a bright white color and he snarled menacingly at the others who held him in place.


The rendezvous site reminded Dallas of a dilapidated warehouse. Where once there was a ceiling, a gaping hole was left in its place and debris littered the ground as a testament to years of neglect. She looked up through the roofless center, large enough to fit one small transport vessel. The night sky above was filled with distant planets and suns twinkling their star lights. One of the twin moons could be seen from her vantage point and for the briefest moment Dallas felt as if she were transported back to the garden at Remar’s manor, somewhere she felt safe.


“You really should not have risked being captured,” Kala scolded.

Dallas threw Kala a look meant to silence.

“You’re right, I should leave my future abductions up to you and your cronies exclusively.”

“I helped you escape,” Kala answered incredulously.

“You can’t get brownie points for undoing something you caused.”

“For a female she was surprisingly helpful,” Delak vouched.

“Shut up,” Kala said stamping her foot for added emphasis.

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