Claimed: Unchartered Territory (20 page)

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They’d actually taken her.

Although she’d known the likelihood was heavily weighted in their favor, she had really hoped there was some chance of a miracle they’d fail. Dallas wanted to scream in frustration but thought better of it. For now she’d lay on the hard surface, of what she assumed was a bed and wait for the next move of whoever orchestrated her situation. For all she knew they could be monitoring her remotely.

Time ticked slowly onward and with each dragging second she became even more painfully aware of the damage that was done to her face. The left side blazed like the fires of hell trailed a path down it. How many times had the big freight train hit her? Obviously rendering her unconscious wasn’t enough. Had he broken bones too? If the pain was any indication she didn’t want to see the actual damage done. Dallas knew for a fact that Chezarians possessed the technology to tend to her injuries. It was clear whomever was responsible for taking her didn’t care for her comfort in the slightest.

There was no way of telling time in the dark confines, no window to gauge if it were morning or afternoon. She was nearly quaking with the need to relieve herself when she heard the familiar swoosh of a door folding in on itself to open. External light poured in from beyond her head.

“If that imbecile killed her he will definitely not receive the second portion of his payment,” A female spat in discuss.

Dallas recognized the voice and resisted the urge to groan.

The outside light was soon joined by the full blare of internal ones and Dallas winced form the brightness. Shooting pain radiated from her reaction and this time she couldn’t stop the moan from slipping through her dry lips.

“So the alien whore does live, good? She is of no use to me dead,” the woman said.

Use to her? Dallas hated contemplating exactly what the bitter ex-concubine of Remar could want from her.

Flanked by two male Chezarian guards Kala came into view above her head.

“Sit up,” she ordered.

Dallas complied gingerly not wanting to be manhandled by either of the male behemoths. She squinted up at the trio. “What do you want from me?”

“Shut up, you do not get to ask questions. Things will go much easier for you if you do as you are told,” Kala said cruelly before tossing a bundle of cloth on her lap and stepping back from the bed. “See to it she has a proper cleaning, I want her to be a presentable offering.”

“Should we call a medic?” One guard asked.

“No, he requested no relief from her physical injuries. She brought it on herself so she will have to live with it until he sees fit.” Kala shot her a knowing grin before sweeping out of the room with her head held in high triumph.

He? A picture of the evil faced Chezarian Kala had attached herself to came instantly to mind. One of the guards stepped forward and jerked her to her feet by her bound hands.

“Know this alien female, there is no place for you to escape to. Your High Commander does not make the laws here. I am going to unbind you and allow you to freshen yourself but I have been authorized to subdue you if necessary. Is that clear?”

She nodded slowly and extended her arms forward under the pair of the male’s watchful gazes.

“The bathing room is through there,” he jerked his head towards an opening only a short distance away.

The room they were in was small, and made even tinier by their hulking frames. Gathering up the thin cloth she rose from the bed on wobbly legs. Dallas took quick stock while making her way across the width. It wasn’t quite a dungeon but definitely a sad little space. She noted places that looked like they once might have been windows but were now filled in. The bed seemed to be the only bit of furnishing in the interior and it was considerably small by Chezarian standards. She wondered who had inhabited it before her. The bathing room was just as pathetic but it held the basic essentials needed at the moment. Dallas waved her hand over the pad at its entrance, glad when the door expanded to close out her jailors. She didn’t fool herself into believing that either of the men couldn’t barge in whenever they wanted but she tried not to focus on that point.

Fearful of who might decide to pop into the bathing room she quickly took care of the business of relieving and washing herself before sliding into the garments given her. She didn’t think female Chezarian attire could get any more revealing but the outfit she was given to wear proved her wrong. The thin fabric was sheer white and her dark skin could easily be seen underneath. Instead of the long flowing fabric she was use to the skirt provided could only be considered
incy wincy.
The concept of underwear eluded Chezarians which left little to protect what modesty she could muster in the getup. The tiny strips of crisscross material made it easy for the undersides of her breasts and a little extra to be seen.

She stepped back into the room and found the guards facing her. Their stoic expressions shifted. One lowered his gaze while the other let his drift slowly over her.

Dallas cleared her throat. “What now?”


Remar’s rage had no limits.

Although the border closures remained in place and he’d tripled patrols to ensure no one could get in or out of the sector he was no closer to finding
. Her trail ran cold at the engineering facility. For the first time in his life he understood what it was to experience fear. The unknown was the worse. Who had taken her? What was happening to her? Was she injured or…

He forced his thoughts from the dark path they began to travel down.

The technician who was initially thought responsible for the delay message denied any knowledge of the transmission and after a brief interrogation, due to the injection of some
root, Remar was satisfied the man had no involvement.

The message had to have been sent remotely.

“High Commander,” a guardsman interrupted as Remar went to check the platform which had been determined as the abduction point. “Patrol is holding a technician from Keltar’s delegation at a border center. He is insisting on leaving and his behavior is very curious.”

“Take me to him.”

Even at first observation Remar could see the nervous agitation pulsing through the male who sat in the Patrol Commanders office surrounded by four patrol guards.

“High Commander, these… these men have detained me for no purpose. I was in the sector on official business and it is imperative that I make it back to my own sector.”

“These men are acting on my orders,” Remar started calmly before taking up residence in the Patrol Commander’s seat. Have you not heard, the sector is sealed?”

“I-I believe I heard something about it but did not think it applied to delegates.”

“And why would you consider delegates exempt?”

“I was told… I assumed the seal was a sector two matter.”

“What do you know of the matter?”

“Nothing, nothing at all,” he answered too quickly.

“So you were not aware the
has been abducted?”

“I-I had not heard.” It was an obvious lie. There was no surprise in the man’s face or words at the revelation. In fact he looked more uncomfortable with each passing moment, his gaze jumped anxiously around the room.

In no mood to play games with the male, “Let us speed this up with a dose of
root,” he said to one of his personal guards.

“No. Please. I will tell you all that I know.”

“Yes, you will,” Remar said as the guard plunged a concentrated dose into the technician’s neck. “And once I know all that you do, you will spend the remainder of your days in the

“It was not supposed to end this way,” the male began mumbling over and over. Perspiration beaded on his face before dripping down his flesh.

Only warriors were trained in the resistance of the Q’ema root, which could require multiple exposures and hours of gruelling interrogation. The dosage given to the technician would tear away at any remaining resistance quickly.

“Were you involved in the disappearance of
Leila Dal’las
?” Remar asked after only a few seconds.

Tears joined the sweat streaming down the technician’s face.

“I-I had no choice, there was a threat against my family.”

If his words were meant to invoke sympathy or leniency they fell on deaf ears. Remar was out for blood and any one with even the slightest involvement would suffer his wrath.

“Who has taken her?”

“It was your former concubine, Keltar’s new mistress.”

The answer served only to anger him more. Remar had gone above and beyond the stipulations of their contract, yet this was how she chose to repay him. “How was this accomplished?”

“Two of Keltar’s trusted guardsmen were responsible for the extraction, I overrode the system to send the communication. That was my only role. I do not know how they removed her from the sector,” he offered up quickly. A combination of fear and the
root had him fidgeting in his seat. “That is all I did. I promise.”

Remar believed his words to be true and after several more moments of questioning it was clear the technician had two roles, sending the communication and being left as scapegoat while Keltar took
back to his sector.  “See what other information he has to offer, I want everything he knows,” Remar said rising from the seat.

Remar was already prepared to disembowel the loathsome leader, and if he harmed one hair on
head he would suffer a far worse fate.


“I do not understand this fascination our males have with you,” Kala said haughtily while marching with regal finesse in front of the trio trailing behind her, destination unknown.

Dallas half listened focusing most of her attention on memorizing the path they took through the cavernous halls. By comparison the building was more archaic than Remar’s manor. The walls, rough and uneven, had a moist sheen to them. She half expected to see patches of moss growing in some places. The air was musty and stale but as they passed through a four way intersection the design transformed from caveman chic to a familiar style. If she didn’t know better she would have sworn they were on early twenty-first century earth.

Without hesitation Kala made a sharp left which took them down a corridor with smooth plaster styled walls painted in a honey brown with white trim. They stopped in front of a massive pair of double doors that swung open with only the barest touch from Kala. The ballroom sized interior held a large hearth that blazed with a warm fire. Above it a collage of paintings were arranged to form a replica of what Time Square looked like at the turn of the century. Dallas found herself doing a double take at the rendering, the artist was definitely skilled to capture the most detailed nuances.

In front of them Kala made a huffing sound, “It is not my taste but not everyone has my discerning palate.”

Dallas ignored the comment, knowing all the trouble to kidnap her hadn’t been taken to discuss art. Across from the hearth a mini dais sat with two throne chairs, one much larger than the other. Dallas stopped with the guards as Kala ascended to the dais to take the smaller seat.

“You may kneel in front of your betters
,” Kala ordered.

Dallas held her tongue and dropped slowly to her knees on the hard floor. Somewhere behind her she heard the familiar sound of a door closing in on itself. Chezarian technology.

“Come now Kala, is that any way to treat our special guest.”

Dallas recognized the voice even before its owner stepped into view and her heart froze in her chest. Long legs stepped around her, so close a slight breeze brushed her skin. She wanted to recoil from the sensation but thought better of showing any reaction. The man crouched inches in front of her. With the tip of his finger he raised her chin, forcing her to look up at him.

“Actually Kala, I think I rather like the position you have chosen for the Leila. It seems rather apt for what I have in mind.”

Where once he tried to conceal his true nature from her, there was no longer any pretence. Dallas was looking into the true face of Voren.










Chapter Fifteen

“Do not blame me if you cannot keep track of your bond mate Remar. Perhaps she has orchestrated her own disappearance,” Keltar blustered.

Remar ignored the comment. “My anger has been pushed far beyond its boundaries. If you return
to me now I might not drag your naked corpse through your sector after I conquer it.”

The holographic image of Keltar seemed momentarily shaken by the words. “I assure you Remar if I wanted to take your bond mate it would have not been by force. I am skilled in the art of female seduction.”

“Your lack of cooperation can only mean you intended this act as a declaration of war between our sectors.”

“Wa-wait,” Keltar stammered. “There is obviously no friendship between us but I would not commit this crime. I did not even take Kala to my
in case you desired her once more after the newness of your bond mate wore off as she predicted.”

“Interesting that you should mention Kala to me at this moment since you used her to execute my bond mate’s abduction.”

“What are you talking about? I used no one. If anything it is I who was duped by your concubine. She is a crafty one. She said you would only need to see the two of us together to desire her once more. Why not question her yourself on the truth of this?”

“You wish to make a mockery of this abduction with subterfuge? You and your concubine will rue the day you took

“Remar, on the blood of my mother I speak the truth,” Keltar added quickly. “I do not have your mate, nor was I a party to any abduction scheme. If Kala has filled your head with these lies than understand she is playing you false. You need only interrogate her briefly to know the truth of matters.”

Remar was not convinced. “If you are innocent in this then turn her over to me and I will extract the truth of it myself.”

There was a long pause before Keltar spoke again. “She is not here with me, as I said she stayed to be with you.”

“Why would she stay? I have had no further conversation with Kala beyond the dinner.”

Keltar swore under his breath.

“I have it confessed by another party to this action that Kala and two of your guardsmen carried out the abduction, no doubt at your behest.”

“And did this confessor implicate me directly in this involvement?”

“It would not be hard to keep yourself removed from the execution of the plot in order to avoid detection.”

“Then why make it so easy a youthling could trace the crime back to me. This was obviously orchestrated to lay blame with my sector, and I am determined to prove my lack of knowledge or complicity, if you should wish my help?”

Was it desperation to get
back that made Keltar’s statement ring true? “I cannot believe I am saying this but I am willing to accept your aid, but know this if you are involved in any way my vengeance will be slow and painful.”


The hard marble floor dug painfully into her knees but at least it helped to distract her from the throbbing pain in her face.

“You will speak to the high Commander with respect,” the superiority in Kala’s voice was irksome, to say the least. To think she’d felt sympathy for the Chezarian woman.

“And you will speak to me with respect, concubine. You forget, I am still the bond mate of a High Commander, while you apparently sell yourself to the highest bidder. I assume Nelo is next on your rounds?”

Dallas didn’t flinch, when the woman rose from her seat, nearly tripping on her way down the dais in a fury to reach her.

“Stop,” Voren’s voice boomed with a note of amusement. At first Dallas didn’t think she would. The guards, who’d taken up position on either side of Dallas stepped forward. Their action registered quickly with Kala who promptly retreated back to her perch.

“Are you going to allow her to speak to me that way?” Kala huffed.

Voren gave Kala a cursory glance, “Whether I do or not is completely up to me. Do not question me again and do not take any action against
without my express consent. Have I made myself clear?”

“Yes, of course. Forgive me for overstepping,” she bowed her head slightly in submission before turning her dead pan stare at Dallas, who took a mental note of the interaction.

“As you can see
I do not wish any more harm to come to you. In fact it is my wish that you are as comfortable as possible.”

“We must have a completely different understanding of comfort.”

Voren threw back his head and let loose a hearty burst of laughter. The sound grated on her already frayed nerves.

“Such a rare treat you are. Even in the face of uncertainty you maintain your strength. So that we are clear all you need to do is ask and your every wish will be granted.”

Had he said he were the wonderful Wizard of Oz with the ability to send her back to earth she wouldn’t have been more surprised. Dallas looked between the pair. Obviously his declaration was news to Kala as well.

“Alright, then I’d like to be taken back to sector two.”

The jovial look on Voren’s face wavered. “That is not an option.”

“So there are limits to your…er...generosity?”

”You are an intelligent female, why would I take such risks to acquire you only to turn you back over to Remar?”

She shrugged. “Change of heart or just coming to your senses. Remar may show some leniency if you end this now,”

He grunted. “I believe Remar is to be thanked for your over valued sense of self. No matter, you will learn your proper place, I am a great instructor. Right about now your bond mate is most likely preparing himself for war against Keltar’s sector. So you see, you are far safer with me than in a war zone.”

Her heart lurched at the danger he and the rest of his sector might be in.

“You started a war between two sectors just to get me. It would seem that you are placing great value on me as well. Am I supposed to be flattered?”

“You may be if you wish, but my reasoning for starting the disturbance has nothing to do with you. Of course you will prove to be the perfect catalyst and I hope will be a wonderful spoil of the inevitable.”

Dallas’ stomach rolled with his smug admission. Innocent lives would be lost and chalked up as collateral damage because of her.

“Chezar is in need of a little mixing up among the sectors. For too long we have lived in this unnatural state.”

“You mean peace?” she clarified.

Voren shuddered, his face souring as if he’d eaten something distasteful.

“Peace,” he spat. “Equals stagnation. Are you familiar with the Treaty of Mutual Assurance?”

“The unified peace accord signed by your fathers.”

Something akin to admiration shone in his eyes. “You have taken to learning Chezarian history?”

“I do live here now.”

“What the history documentation fails to mention is that only one sector has made significant advancements since its signing. It is no surprise that as author of the treaty sector two has prospered the most since inception. Technologically and agriculturally Remar’s people have thrived.”

“But the treaty allows for the sharing of information. If asked I’m sure Remar would extend-.”

Voren shot up from his seat. The anger radiating off of him was palpable. “You think I have no pride and should go grovelling to him. The house of Mala was once a proud, conquering clan. This war will restore us to our former greatness.”

“How? By scavenging off destruction? You’ll be the conquerors of desolation and waste.”

Voren didn’t answer, but he didn’t need to, his answer was in the malicious stare he gave her as he settled calmly back in his seat.

“As an
I think you should understand best of all.”

“As and Earther I do, completely. So many nations and people have been destroyed because of war.”

Voren leaned forward with interest. “And the victors, how did they fair?”

“They lived in fear of the sins of their past being revisited on them.”

Voren scoffed at her reply.

“Only a weak leader lives in fear. The time for change is here. Remar has become far too complacent, Keltar is no more than a temperamental child, and Nelo is no better than a lazy female. I shall easily take Keltar’s land to the west whilst he fortifies his strong holds against Remar on the east. Nelo’s lands will be easy enough to procure. By the time the others have realized what has happened Remar’s army will be battle fatigued and like youthlings to the slaughter.”

“You did not mention taking Nelo’s land before?” Kala words were spoken softly but Dallas could see instant anger blazing in her eyes.

“Did I not?” Voren looked as if he were giving thought to the mater. “Perhaps not.”

“You know I have family in Nelo’s southern sector.”

“Family who you renounced at the opportunity to become a concubine to any man with a hefty vault.”

“It was not like that,” she said quietly.

“No? Then enlighten us.”

For long moments Kala remained silent. A veil of indifference fell over her face. “You are right. I have no one left in that region of importance.”

“As I suspected.”

Dallas gave Kala another once over. Curiosity, anger and pity all warred within her when she looked at the alien female.

“For now, I do have some available time to be a proper host. Tell me what is it I can do to make your stay here more pleasant?” Voren directed at Dallas.

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask to be taken to a medic but his next admission stopped her.

“Understand for every request I will expect something in kind. I believe on your world this is known as
quid pro quo

She wasn’t the slightest bit interested in learning what the trade-offs might be. Whatever discomfort she was experiencing would be worth it by comparison, she was certain of it.

“Well?” Voren asked at her continued silence.

“Other than going back to sector two there’s nothing you have that I might want.”

His brows furrowed in anger until she thought his ridges might forever form a sharp arrow.

“Take her back. Some more time in her current room with no food might change her disposition,” Voren declared.

Dallas took that as her cue to rise on wobbly legs.

“Come Kala, I require the warmth betwixt your thighs.”

As Dallas was escorted from the room she counted herself far luckier than the Chezarian female.


“What news have you for me?” Re mar demanded by way of greeting.

“I will ignore your unpleasantness since it is obvious your hearts ache for your
. I do have one of the accomplices in custody. He was discovered trying to make his way across my sector into Nelo’s provinces. A full confession has been made in which he and another were hired by Kala to extract your mate. We have yet to locate the other guardsman, but it could be he and Kala have sought sanctuary.”

“Any information on

“Not as of yet but you are welcome to question him yourself before he is tried for treason against my sector.”

“I will be there before the first sun sets.” Remar announced.


Sensory deprivation was obviously part of Voren’s torture tactics, along with starvation. Dallas inched her way along the wall to the darkened room relying on memory to get her to the bathing room.

Fifteen steps was all it took and although the bathing room was also pitched in darkness she was able to feel her way around until she found the cylindrical faucet. Cupping her hands beneath it started the cool water flowing into her palms and she drank greedily. At least that was something. Her empty stomach grumbled in disagreement as it had done several times since her return. Thirst quenched she retraced her steps back into the main room and onto the stiff bed. Her mind replayed the events since her awakening. Even if she pretended to warm up to Voren she had a strong feeling he wouldn’t let his guard down enough for an escape.

The door to her room folded open again allowing light to penetrate it depths once more.

“It’s time to take your meal,” a guard called in.

Her stomach clenched at the mere mention of food but she remembered Voren’s offer clearly.

“I still decline.”

“Your presence is requested personally by the High Commander.”

Great. He’d probably make her watch them eat until she begged for sustenance.

“I’m not hungry.”

She heard the sound of at least one guard entering the room. Not liking the possibility of being forced she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

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