Cinderella's Guardian (27 page)

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Authors: Khloe Wren

BOOK: Cinderella's Guardian
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~ * ~

Conner flexed his neck, moving his head from side to side. His palms were sweaty and he couldn't keep his feet still.

Or his hands.

"Stop fidgeting, bro. She'll be here any minute now. You know brides have to be late. Apparently, it's in some rule book woman have."

Conner appreciated Dom's attempt to cheer him up but it didn't work. The sound of high heels on the tiled entrance brought his head up. He knew it couldn't be Tina. The music hadn't started yet. But he couldn't resist the pull to watch. His heart skipped a beat as Gloria, followed closely by Remi, entered and made their way to the front row. They sat near Jennifer who made sure a space was left for Dale. As father of the bride, he was walking Tina down the aisle. His mum came in soon after and came up to give both him and Dom a kiss before taking her place on the front pew.
If the mothers are here, Tina has to be on her way.

Minutes later the church hushed as the first notes of 'You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings' floated over the space from the keyboardist sitting to the side of the church.

"Ahh, look at my girl. Damn she looks so good now, doesn't she?"

"That she does, Dom."

Conner watched as Kelly walked up the aisle toward them. She had the biggest smile on her face as she slowly stepped up the red carpet. Her black curls were mostly up in a fancy knot high on her head. There were half dozen curls loose, hanging down around her upturned face. The red sundress was a little Christmassy without going over the top. She winked at him and Dom before she stood to side and looked back down the aisle.

Conner heard Dom suck in his breath as Adele came up the aisle in a similar dress to Kelly. Proudly holding a bouquet of red roses, and some little white things—orchids maybe—in front of her as she did the bridal march. She blew Dominic a kiss and winked at him before taking a place next to Kelly.

"What's with all the winking?"

"You'll see soon enough, Conner. Here she comes. Hope you're ready for this."

What the hell was Dom on about? He'd been ready to marry Tina since the first time he'd spoken with her.

Loud gasps from the back rows brought his attention from staring at Dom to the back of the church.

Conner's eyes burned with unshed tears.

His heart froze.

And his knees went weak.

He threw an arm out and caught Dom's shoulder to keep himself upright.

"She's walking. My angel is walking."

"She sure is."

Conner couldn't believe his eyes. His Tina was walking down the aisle.
. She held a crutch in one hand and had the other wound around Dale's arm. As she walked closer toward him, he saw how lovingly her gown fitted her. It was perfect for her. The skirt was light and floated around her ankles, but fell close enough to her legs that it didn't tangle with her feet or the crutch. Her flowers were the same as the girls just a bigger bunch. Her hair was a series of intricate plaits all woven into a pattern starting high on her head and he assumed trailed down her back. Half her hair wasn't up but hung straight down like liquid gold over her shoulders. She was breathtaking. Dominic chuckled quietly by his side.

"Come on, bro. Pull yourself together. She's nearly here."

"She's walking."

"Yeah, I can see that."

"She's magnificent."

"Well, go marry her then."

Somehow, Conner managed to take a step forward as Dale and Tina stopped. Dale took the flowers from Tina, and Adele stepped forward to take them. He then took Tina's hand in his and placed it in Conner's outstretched one.

"I'm trusting you to keep looking after my daughter, Conner. And I expect you to love her forever, son."

"Yes, sir. That's my plan."

With a nod Dale stepped back and from that moment all Conner saw was Tina.


That one whispered word melted his heart. She'd obviously been hiding the fact that she'd come so far in her rehab. Just so she could surprise him now.

"I want to kiss you so much."

He was rewarded with a lopsided grin. "You'll have to wait another few minutes."

The minister chose that moment to begin the service. Not that Conner heard it. He couldn't tear his gaze from Tina. He managed to snap out of his trance enough to slide Tina's wedding ring on her finger and say 'I do.' Then finally the words he'd been waiting for, "you may kiss the bride."

Taking her face between his palms, he leaned in and took possession of her mouth. All their guests cheered loudly and began wolf whistling as he took his time exploring his wife's mouth.

"C'mon, bro. You need to come up for air."

Conner growled low as he pulled away from Tina. He gazed into her dilated eyes as he noticed her lips part to pant for breath.

"Save it for the honeymoon!"

He suspected it was Kit who had yelled out, and he laughed as a rosy blush spread over Tina's cheeks and she began chuckling. He turned, and Tina took her flowers back from Adele before she linked arms with him. They made their way over to a table and signed the certificates before they walked back down the aisle, and Conner felt like his cheeks were going to crack from how wide his grin was. He was the luckiest man alive.

~ * ~

She was now Tina White.

Wife to Conner White.

She turned to watch her husband as the entrees were served. She'd selected the menu with great care and now waited for her husband's reaction. He looked down then straight over to her.

"Is this quail?"

Tina picked up the menu and read the description, "
Rannoch Farm quail half, pistachio nut and veal farce, wrapped with mild pancetta and served with nashi pear chutney
. Why? I thought cats liked to eat small birds."

Just like she wanted, Conner roared out a laugh and moved to kiss her. "I love your sense of humor, baby doll. Although, I'm not sure I'm brave enough to see what's coming for main course."

"Personally I can't wait."

They continued their lighthearted banter as they ate their meal. Once she was finished, she cast a look over all their guests. She nudged Conner when she saw Remi feed her mum from his fork.

"Oh, that is too adorable."

"It is pretty sweet. You weren't around when Remi first came here. He'd been searching for Adele for over twenty years. He was a shell of a man, but within days of finding his long lost daughter, he'd packed up and moved from France to here. He began to live life again as he got to know Adele and Kelly but your mum has been the one to truly make him smile. Huh, looks like your dad is getting lucky in love too. Must be something in the air."

He turned to nuzzle her neck as she glanced over to where her dad sat with his arm draped around Jennifer's shoulders as they both ate and chatted to each other with a soft look in their eyes.

"I've been wondering about something."

"It seems I've managed to keep you wondering about a few things tonight."

Tina felt rather proud of herself. She'd managed to keep so many things a surprise for her new husband.

"Indeed you have. And I'm really looking forward to finding out each and every one. But this second, it's the name holders that have me puzzled. Why a glass slipper?"

"You do recall the whole Cinderella thing don't you?"

Conner briefly closed his eyes as he shook his head with a chuckle. "Yeah, I remember. So, tonight, am I your prince charming or your knight in shining armor?"

"Well, it is our wedding. I certainly hope you don't need to do any rescuing here. So you're wholly my prince charming tonight."

Dominic suddenly rose to his feet, tapping his glass to get everyone's attention.

"I do believe it's that time of the evening for me to say my bit. And I can't listen to them get mushy with each other any longer. So best man speech it is!"

Everybody had a good chuckle as Dominic no doubt planned before he continued on with his speech.

"Let me begin by saying just how stunning Tina looks tonight. To see her walk down that aisle was amazing. Some of you might not realize that before today Tina's been in a wheelchair recovering from a badly injured leg. She's been rather sneaky, and I'm not ashamed to admit, I helped in her attempts to pull the wool over my little brother's eyes. You see, Tina's been walking with sticks for a while now. But she wanted to keep it as a wedding surprise for Conner. A special gift from her to him on this special day."

"You were in on it too? How many people did you recruit, baby doll?"

"As many as I needed. I wanted to see your face as I walked down the aisle to you. It was worth every moment."

Conner held her gaze with his as Dominic continued with his speech. Conner didn't say a word but the look in his eyes said it all. She could see he was filled with love for her. She'd never tire from seeing that look.

The sound of everyone applauding snapped them from their intimate moment and she blushed at having missed Dominic's speech. She was sure he'd tease her about it later.

"Well, c'mon, get out on the dance floor. First dance time."

Tina squealed in surprise as Conner scooped her up out of her chair and headed to the dance floor to the sound of laughter and applause. He slid her down his body as the first notes of Savage Garden's 'I knew I loved you' came over the speakers. Holding her close to him, he held her weight so they easily glided around the floor as the lyrics rolled out through the room.

"Hmm, so you 'dreamed me into life' did you?"

Conner whispered close to her ear and she felt warmth spread throughout her body.

"I thought the lyrics were perfect for us."

"They certainly are. I definitely loved you before I met you."

Tina sung a couple lines quietly so only Conner could hear her.

A thousand angels dance around you, I am complete now that I've found you.

She saw the gleam of tears in his eyes as she blinked back her own. He was so beautiful. She put a palm to his face and caressed his cheek. "I love you, my husband."

His smile was both breathtaking and heart breaking as he lifted her up in the air and kissed her. "And I love you, my wife."

The song finished and Dominic's voice announced the father daughter dance. Her dad swaggered up to her and spoke in a voice rough with emotion, "may I have this dance?"

The first notes of 'I loved her first' by Heartland came on as her Dad took her hand and pulled her into his arms. He'd asked for this song. Aside from the beautiful pearls she wore, it had been his only request so naturally she'd given it to him. Now as the lyrics played through her mind she couldn't stop the tears that flowed. Just as she'd done with Conner, her father leaned close to her ear and softly sung a few lines, "
and a place in my heart will always be hers, from the first breath she breathed.

Tina enjoyed holding her father close as they twirled around the dance floor for the rest of the country song. Memories of good times she'd had as a child with her dad flooded her mind. Him pushing her on the swing in their backyard, the same swing Conner had sat on with her. Taking her swimming at the beach in the summer, and the way he'd played in the surf with her, making sure she laughed for the best part of the day. Then newer memories surged forward, him rushing into her Sydney hospital room, panic written clearly in his features. He'd crumpled beside her bed as he clutched her hand to his mouth. He'd been heartbroken for her. His love for her obvious, even though they hadn't seen each other for so long. She tightened her arms around him as the song ended.

"Thank you, Dad. For everything, but mostly, for always loving me."

"Oh, sweet pea, keep that up and you'll have me in tears. You'll always be my girl, and I'll always love you. Now, your man's looking edgy, and you'd best reassure him you're crying happy tears."

Carefully wiping her eyes with a tissue her dad pressed into her hand, Tina allowed her dad to help her walk over to Conner. Tucked into her husband's warm hard body, they danced away until Dominic announced it was time for dinner to be served. Connor again swept her off her feet and carried her to their seats.

"You realize I can walk now?"

"And do you realize I will always want to carry you?"

As they reached their table, plates were set down before their seats. Tina felt the laugh begin in Conner's tummy before it rumbled up his throat and he threw his head back as the sound escaped his mouth.

"Whole baked trout? Let me guess, because all cats like fish?"

"That may have had something to do with it."

She felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment as she realized everyone was watching them. She looked out over all their guests. It was easy to pick who knew about the shifters. Those who didn't were looking confused while everyone else had a knowing smile.

"I'm not sure I want to know what you have planned for dessert, sweetheart."

She chuckled as he lowered her into her seat. "Well, I couldn't think of anything dessert wise so we just have chocolate soufflé—but it is going to be served with cream."

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