Christmas Delights 3 (19 page)

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Authors: Valynda King, Kay Berrisford RJ Scott

BOOK: Christmas Delights 3
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"Snow. I know, you already said that," Jackson
reminded him, moving his hands slowly down the outside of Peter's thighs. 

Peter smirked and shook his head as he brought his hands to
rest on Jackson's chest. "Not quite. Let's see here. There's presents,
snow, hot chocolate, old movies, great music and..."

"And?" Jackson asked him.

He leaned over Jackson's chest and pressed his forehead
against Jackson's. "There's also sex."

Jackson's hands stilled on Peter's thighs. "Are you

"Maybe," Peter replied without moving his face
away. "Would you be interested if I was?"

Of course he would be, Jackson wanted to say. It was on the
tip of his tongue. So then why couldn't he? "Why?" Great, now he
sounded suspicious. Couldn't ever just take a hot guy up on his offer at face
value? No, he had to be difficult about it. He resisted the urge to roll his
eyes at himself.

Peter didn't appear bothered by his question though.
"Maybe because I want to. Maybe also because you're cute and I've caught you
looking at me. And maybe, just maybe, because no one deserves to be unhappy
around Christmas. I can't make you happy all the time. I'm not the happiness
genie after all. But I can offer you some fun and that might make you feel
better for a little while right now. So what do you say, Jackson? Want to see
if we could be good together?"

"I don't have casual sex," Jackson slowly
admitted, wishing that wasn't his rule. It would be so much easier just to
accept a bit of no strings attached happiness into his life. Wouldn't it?

Peter turned his head and gave Jackson a quick kiss on his
cheek. "That wasn't a no."

Jackson brought his hands up to run them over Peter's lower
back. "No, it wasn't. It was a hell yes I'd love to have sex with you, but
I can’t."

"So go out with me. Get hot chocolate. Come for a
carriage ride in the park," Peter suggested.

All of that sounded like fun. Really it did and he wanted to
accept. But Jackson thought he might have a better idea that didn't involve
leaving his home. "I have a counter offer."

Peter nodded. "Alright, I'm listening."

"How about we stay in and watch some of those old
movies you mentioned? I don't have hot chocolate but I do have tea and we can
get chocolate cake delivered. Also Thai food. There's a place just down the
street that never closes. How does that sound?" Jackson asked him, hoping
for a yes. He hadn't had a date in a while and honestly didn't even know if
this could be considered a date but if two guys hanging out and having sex
could count as a date for most of his friends then couldn't this also be
thought of as one too?

When Peter pulled away Jackson could see that he was
grinning. "I think that sounds like fun. I like Thai food. Sure you've got
the time to spare?"

Jackson nodded. He was very sure. "I'm free the rest of
the day. Most people don't want to do shoots during the holidays or they think
they should get extra attention or extra pay for coming in this time of year.
Too bad for them I'm probably the only photographer in the city that doesn't
care at all about that."

Peter chuckled and sat up. He slid off Jackson's lap and he
was instantly colder without the weight and warmth of Peter against him.
"We'll just have to change that."

Jackson got up as well. "I'll go order."

"Or you could come into the bathroom with me for a
moment. There's that too."

His brows raised, Jackson waited for an explanation. But
when one didn’t come he quietly said, "Just said I wasn't going to have
sex with you."

Peter smirked and got up from the bed. "I got that.
Thanks. Though I could feel how hard you were when I was sitting on your lap.
No, this is just for me. You see, I've been hard since I saw you come out of
the room this morning. I don't want to be that way anymore and being around you
isn't really helping matters. So since I'm not going away right now I'm just
going to have to take care of this matter on my own. And you're welcome to
watch. If you want.  No pressure." He shrugged and Jackson could only
stare at him, his mouth hanging open. When he didn't respond after a few
minutes Peter looked like he was giving up waiting. "So I'll just go find
the bathroom on my own then. See you in a minute. I like anything spicy so feel
free to order for me and Tonya will cover it. She's great like that." He
stepped away from the bed and Jackson could only stare at his ass as Peter left
the room, leaving him still sitting on the bed and feeling like an idiot. Had
he really let someone that gorgeous just walk away?

Nope. He jumped off the bed and hurried after Peter. He
found him in the bathroom, one fist already around his stiff cock as he stepped
into Jackson's large shower. The water wasn't on but he appreciated the man's
interest in keeping his space clean.

"Did you change your mind?" Peter asked him with a
wink as he leaned forward and pressed his free hand against the wall of the

"Oh shut up," Jackson replied, grumbling as he got
into the shower as well and undid his jeans. "No sex," he reminded
Peter as he pulled up his own shirt and quickly started stroking himself.

Peter grinned. "Whatever you say, boss."

Jackson rolled his eyes and watched as Peter smoothed his
hand over his beautiful length. His stupid no sex rule was in serious jeopardy
but he knew that he could do this. At least he hoped so. If he couldn't he was
in trouble. He'd made that rule for a reason. Hadn't he? He'd thought so at
least. But what was it?

Oh yeah, he was trying to be a good guy. And good guys
didn't usually have sex on the first date. He didn't at the very least. He
wasn't sure about other guys since all of his friends seemed to fall strictly
in the other category.

He reached out, eager to touch Peter's chest, his stomach,
his arm. He wanted to feel the connection he was lacking from standing a foot
away. It wasn’t the same as what he really wanted from Peter but as their
climaxes hit and mixed together in the floor of his shower, he hoped it would
be the start of something more.

Pulling Peter close, feeling the other man fit against him
in a tight hug as he kissed him, was probably one of the best morning kisses
he’d ever had. More would come, he was nearly sure of it. But he was excited to
stay in the moment for a little while longer and see what this Christmas season
could bring him. Something different than loneliness and misery, that was for
damn sure and it was all because of a naked man that could turn into a giant
spotted cat. He found himself laughing against Peter’s mouth as he pulled away.





Caitlin Ricci


Caitlin was fortunate growing up to
be surrounded by family and teachers that encouraged her love of reading. She
has always been a voracious reader and that love of the written word easily
morphed into a passion for writing.


[email protected]


Other Works by Caitlin Ricci:


Serving Simon from Extasy Books

Magically Delicious from Extasy Books

Out in Colorado Anthology from Storm Moon press

Cuddling Anthology from Dreamspinner Press

The Dragon’s Treasure from Devine Destinies

Whip It Up from Total E-Bound

Almost Paradise from Extasy Books

Betrayed by Dragons from Devine Destinies

Saving His Sky Captain from Amber Allure

Dark Menagerie Anthology from Storm Moon Press

Pack Business from Extasy Books

Dragon Flight from Devine Destinies

Loving Her Curves from Extasy Books

Her Good Luck Charm from Amber Quill

Family Bonds from Extasy Books

Celtic Calling from Extasy Books

Christmas Reunion,
AJ Henderson


Eric hadn’t looked forward to Christmas so much in a long
time.  After living away from his family for several years, he was excited to
be moving back home in time to spend the holidays with them.  A surprise from
his past turns an already amazing Christmas into one that he’ll never forget.


Edited by Becky Reeves

Proofed by Mary Gresham

hid his grin behind his coffee cup.  His Mom was bustling around the kitchen,
chattering non-stop, not even pretending to pause to give him time to respond
to anything.  The aroma of sugar cookies filled the air, and Christmas music
was playing softly in the background.  If Eric closed his eyes, he could almost
pretend like he was ten years old again, waiting to sneak a cookie when his
Mom’s back was turned.

His father joined him at the breakfast bar, knocking their
shoulders together as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

“She’s so happy that you and your brother are both going to
be here for Christmas this year.”

“What, and you’re not?” Eric asked with a smirk.

“Smartass.  You know I am.  It’s been too long since you
were home.”

“I’m sorry
Dad, it’s

His father smiled, “No, don’t apologize.  Your mother and I
understand, and we couldn’t be more proud,
know that.  Now, how about you create a diversion so that I can snag a couple
of those cookies.”

“William Donovan, I heard that!” his mother scolded

His father grinned, and crossed the kitchen, sweeping Carol
into his arms.  Eric smiled.  He hoped that someday he’d have the same kind of
a connection as his parents.  He knew that they were both delighted that he was
home, and he couldn’t wait to tell them his news; he had a feeling that his
mother would probably start crying.  He was anxious for his brother and
sister-in-law to arrive so he could tell them all at once that he was moving

Eric had gone to the University of Maryland for his
undergrad, and since the school was only an hour away from his parent’s house,
he’d been able to come home all of the time.  His grades and test scores had
earned him a place in the engineering master’s program at the University of
Michigan, and he’d spent the last two years in Ann Arbor, only able to visit a
handful of times.

He’d graduated at the top of his class, and had just
accepted a position at a nearby aeronautic engineering firm where he would
start after the New Year.  That gave him two weeks to find an apartment and
catch up with his family.  It felt so good to be back home.

Eric was pulled from his musing by the arrival of his
brother, Adam, and Adam’s heavily pregnant wife, Grace.  That was another
reason Eric was so excited to be back; he couldn’t wait to be an uncle.

Coats and boots put away, and greeting exchanged, Eric
gathered his family together in the living room to tell them the news.


* * * * *

Four hours later and even his mother’s drill sergeant-like
attitude hadn’t put a damper on Eric’s enthusiasm.  He’d been moving furniture,
hanging lights, and running errands
all at his mother’s direction
to prepare for her annual neighborhood Christmas party that evening.

She’d been hosting the party for as long as Eric could
remember.  He’d looked forward to it every year when he was little, and then
dreaded it when he’d hit puberty.  There were no boys his age in their
neighborhood, they were all at least a couple of years older or younger, so all
of the neighborhood women focused on him, commenting on how he’d grown, and did
he have a girlfriend.  He’d suffered through that for two years before Dillon
and his family had moved in on the next block.

Dillon was the same age, and he and Eric soon became
inseparable.  Where Eric was pragmatic, Dillon was idealistic and carefree. 
They balanced each other, and Eric had never been happier than when he was with

They shared all of their high school milestones, from
navigating the halls as a freshman, to learning to drive, first jobs, first
beers, first everything, even their first kiss.

It was the first day of summer break following their
junior year, and Eric was so nervous he thought he might throw up. He’d never
been scared to tell Dillon anything, but he’d also never had anything so
potentially explosive to share.

Dillon had given him an ultimatum on the last day of
school:  Spill whatever secret Eric had been trying to hide for weeks, or find
someone else to hang with for the summer.  Eric had been stunned; he’d really
thought that he’d covered his anxiety, but he should have known better; Dillon
had always been able to read him.

Eric climbed into their old tree fort.  He couldn’t count
how many nights they’d spent there over the years, and the sense of familiarity
calmed him a bit.  Dillon was already there, absently thumbing through a
discarded comic.

Eric sank onto his sleeping bag, crossing his legs, and
chewing on the side of his thumb.  He glanced at Dillon from the corner of his
eye and noted that Dillon’s face was a neutral mask.

Eric took a deep breath, and thinking that it would be
best to just get it over with, blurted out, “I’m gay.”

Silence filled the air, and after a few seconds Eric
risked a glance at Dillon, afraid of what the mask might have turned to with
his revelation.  The look of confusion he saw was much better than what he’d
feared might be there.

Dillon cleared his throat, “And?”

“And?” Eric repeated dumbly.

“Dude, you’ve been hiding some big secret for weeks now,
acting shady, and being weird.  I seriously can’t take it anymore.  Just tell
me already.”

Now it was Eric’s turn to look confused.  “I just did.”

“That’s the big secret?  That you’re gay?  That’s it?”
Dillon said incredulously.

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