Cherry Bomb (6 page)

Read Cherry Bomb Online

Authors: JW Phillips

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #love, #betrayal, #bdsm, #bbw, #younger man, #older woman, #single parents, #parents and single life

BOOK: Cherry Bomb
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I took the ex-husband’s corvette that I had
made sure to ask for in the divorce. It was the first time I had
ever driven it, but something about high heels and a sports car
gets the juices flowing. I even caught myself rubbing my thighs
together on the ride over to meet Sir. As soon as I shifted into
park at The Dungeon, the cellphone vibrated in my cup holder.


Master: Go through the front door

It will lock behind you

Take the stairs to the right

At the top of them turn left


I held my phone in my hands, making sure I
followed each direction correctly. Sir was right. Anticipation was
the biggest aphrodisiac. Lust bubbled through my veins. I could no
longer deny it; I was wet and totally aroused. I’d never felt so
turned on even when James was actively fucking me. I got to the top
of the stairs, turned left, and almost slammed into a door.

“Come in,” I heard Sir say from a

I cautiously opened the door and stepped into
what appeared to be a padded room. I jumped and dropped the
cellphone at the sound of the lock snapping closed. It was dark,
but well over a hundred candles glowed within the gloomy walls. I
never saw Sir, just suddenly felt his solid body at my back and his
breath swishing down my neck. My heart raced in my chest until he
slid his arms around my waist. His lips worked over the contour of
my ear causing a shiver to prickle down my spine. “You’re too
fucking perfect,” he purred, skimming his lips down the base of my

I gasped, feeling his erection throbbing
through his jeans, and pulsating against my ass cheek. He stepped
back and started to unzip my dress. I was completely his to

“Think of a word you won’t forget,” he said
and slipped the dress off my shoulder, letting it pool on the

However, the soft sound of his voice lured me
in until I didn’t notice I stood exposed in only the underwear, he
had delivered earlier to my home. I felt his index finger trail a
slow, definite stroke down the center of my spine, causing my head
to roll freely.

“Word, beautiful.”


I started to turn around, but he gripped my
shoulders, stopping me. I couldn’t even turn my head. I wanted to
do nothing that Sir might consider defiant.

“Because you need a safe word if you want me
to stop.”

“Do your subs often use one?”

My eyelids fluttered before I closed

“I’ve never had a sub use one before. As an
experienced Dom, I thrive on reading my sub’s body. A true Dom will
stop long before a safe word is needed, but I need you to know you
have the power to stop everything.”

“Red,” slipped out of my lips as he gathered
my hands together. The rope that he used to bind them was soft and
felt of silk.

Everything went dark as he pressed a scrap of
red material over my eyes. Encased in complete darkness, I was
aware of nothing but his touch. He was gentle. Almost too gentle,
as if he was frightened he would chase me away. Then he was gone. I
twirled around and around trying to find him. He was nowhere to be
found. The wait was crippling. I started to hyperventilate then
suddenly the room was filled with the sounds of Nine Inch Nail’s
Closer. My heart beat in rhythm with that awful music. However, a
single tear fell down my cheek. Something told me Sir could have
written the words to that very song. He was possibly more depraved
than I even dreamed. No matter what the state of his mind was, my
body craved his return.

I didn’t sense him anywhere around me until I
felt his hands skim the band on my panties. His touch sent an
electric current through me. I tasted the juice of a cherry as he
ran it across my lips.

“I’ve always loved the taste of cherries, and
tonight, I get to taste the most delectable cherry of them

I no longer felt the cherry upon my lips, but
I soon tasted it as Sir kissed me and swished the cherry from his
mouth to mine. I took three steps back at the intrusion, and bumped
into something soft. He shoved me back. I realized it was a bed. My
back was lying against my hands and the downy softness of a
mattress when I first felt his lips smooth over the plains of my
stomach. He untied my hands only to retie them almost instantly to
what I assumed were the bedpost. He kissed me hard and furiously,
and I was almost positive I would still be able to feel his stubble
jaw, rough and heavy against my face the next day. His broad chest
rose and fell as he nudged his hand over the wet spot on my

“Damn, you’re too much, Mrs. Webb. Already
wet and I’ve just gotten started,” he whispered as he worked the
pad of one of his fingers under the panties I was wearing and over
my clit. I opened my mouth to speak, but a moan escaped

He brought his hand to my face and caressed
my cheek. “Taste yourself. See what exquisiteness I get to savor
tonight.” He placed his finger on my lip. Drawing his index finger
into my mouth, I wrapped my lips tightly around it, sucking hard.
Sir breathed out forcibly. He gently tugged my hair, angling my
head, giving himself easy access to my neck. He nestled his mouth
against the vein pulsing in apprehension.

“What’s your safe word?” Sir whispered
against my skin as he worked down to take a nip at the budding
nipple on my left breast.

“Red,” I groaned out between moans as he cut
the bra away from my body. I, then, felt a vibration glide over my
sensitive breast. Fear enveloped me. I was not ready for the pain
part of his games.

I heard the gadget fall to the bed beside my

“These do look stunning on, but you’re not
going to need them anytime soon.” He swept the panties down my legs
as if they were an unwanted guest.

I wanted to smile, but simply couldn’t make
my lips cooperate. I was deafened by the erratic beating of my own
heart as the blood pounded against my eardrums. His long fingers
stroked down the entire length of my leg before tying my feet to
what I suspected was the foot post. I was laid out spread eagle on
a bed and never felt more assured of myself. I could picture Sir
standing over me smiling. The thought made me only wetter. I

Suddenly, I felt something unbelievably soft
being languidly dragged down between my legs. It was a feather. Sir
was rubbing a feather deliberately slow over my stomach and around
my aroused nipples. I tried to anticipate where he was going next,
but between the music blaring in my ears and the beating of my
heart . . . my mind couldn’t concentrate. Sir pulled the feather
along the line of my groin, and yanked a strand of my pubic

“I like this. You need to keep it. It shows
how much of a woman you are.” He leaned in and spoke in to my ear
then kissed the tip of my nose.

The sound of music was transformed into
sounds of nature. My mind was briefly preoccupied by the rustling
of wind and chirping of birds until the feather running over my
body was replaced by the motion of a vibrator flowing over my skin
and heightened nerve endings. It was all too much, between the
ethereal sounds of nature playing in my ear and the soft feel of
the vibration dragging across my skin.

“Oh, Cherry, you’re flawless. I wish you
could see how truly beautiful you are. I want to kiss every inch of
your skin.”

I thought of his crystal blue eyes as he
first pushed the wand inside of me and kneaded his fingers deep
into my left breast. The vibrations rocked my body, sending
shivering pleasure through me. He pushed my legs father apart
before moving to straddle my right thigh. I heard him swallow hard,
making me clench around the dildo in response. He moved his hands
to cup my breast all the while holding the vibrator in me with his

“Fuck, your breasts are perfect, my sweet,”
he said, and gripped my already harden nipples between his thumb
and index finger.

I circled my hips, trying to get closer to
his knee, causing the vibrator to bury deeper inside of me.

He unsnapped one of my hands from the
restraints and placed it over my clit. “Oh, Babe, that’s perfect.
Work that beautiful pussy.”

He moved my hand to work my clitoris with
just the right amount of pressure. I felt his cock grow hard and
heavy against my leg.

He slipped his finger undermine and took over
the massaging of my clit. My vision went dark as the most
astonishing orgasm washed over me in wanton waves. He slid the toy
out of me and left me alone again.

That experience was nothing I dreamed it
would be. I expected to be beaten and humiliated, but now I felt
more cherished than I’d ever felt.

Shocked, he didn't hurt me. Instead, he
brought the blood to the surface and made my skin aroused.

After a few minutes, he returned and dropped
to his knees. Leaning forward, he run his nose along the apex
between my thighs.
No, Drake, not that.
I squirmed as he
quickly jerked my legs apart. His hot breath rushed over my groin.
I practically convulsed and screamed when he first scraped his
tongue along my inner folds.
No, please, stop. I can’t take
I tried to squirm, but it was impossible to move. To my
relief, he stopped and trailed kisses up my bulging stomach to lick
his tongue over my navel. His kisses left a burn along my skin. He
laid down beside me and trailed his hand up and down my body,
gently cupping my breast, he softly bit it. My breast swelled in
his grasp, my nipples hardening. His fingers slowly rolled over the
other breast, elongating the nipple under his touch. I felt every
touch all the way down in my groin.

I was so wet; the juices flowed down my
thighs. My breath became more ragged as Sir moved his hand down my
waist, across my hip, and cupped my groin. One finger slipped in as
his thumb circled over my throbbing bud. I cried out as he fucked
me with two long fingers. He started to palm my clit as he pushed
his fingers harder and harder inside of me. I screamed out Sir and
clenched the sheets in total release. Suddenly, he sat up and
tugged the blindfold off my eyes. He was staring down at me with
heat in his eyes.

“I want you to watch as I fuck your amazing
body.” He trailed a finger down my breast, pinching a nipple.
“You’re fucking unbelievably perfect.”

He threw off his shirt. I couldn’t help but
let my eyes roam from the intent look on his face, over his ripped
torso, and down to the impressive V formed by the muscles at his
lower waist. He languidly unzipped the faded jeans he was wearing.
His heavy, veined cock plopped in his hand. I involuntarily licked
my lips at the thought of taking him into my mouth. The act of oral
sex had always been a turn-off for me but I wanted nothing more
than to choke on his dick.

He reached over to the edge of the bed and
grabbed a foil packet, and then moved on top of me. Swiftly, he
untied me, freeing me up to hold him. He moved between my legs,
spreading them father apart, and made quick work sliding the condom
onto his considerable length.

“Hold me,” he whispered. His hands were on
either side of my head. He hovered over me, staring down into my
eyes. “I’m going to fuck you, Mrs. Webb.” With those words, I felt
the sting of his invasion. Neither the vibrator nor his fingers
prepared my body for the size of his girth.

His mouth was slightly gaped as he moved
inside of me. I held onto his forearms, matching each thrust with
one of my own. He shifted to his elbows so I felt his weight as he
moved more franticly in me. He was still staring at me with an
unfamiliar look of lust. He pounded harder, picking up speed in a
relentless rhythm. Something started to build in me, stronger than
I ever felt before. My thoughts scattered as my body quivered
uncontrollably beneath him. He pushed into me three more times,
before his face scrunched together in his own release. He rolled
off of me as he took deep but even breaths.

“You didn’t hurt me.” I finally managed to
say after a few moments of collecting my thoughts.

“I didn’t want to hurt you. I’m soon going
hurt a person who deserves nothing but kindness. Neither you nor I
needed pain tonight.”

“Why? Why hurt someone if you don’t want them
to hurt?”

“Sometime a little pain is better than a lot
of pain. I’ll show you.” He shifted over on top of me and took a
nip at my ear.

“How can you stand to show a woman who is so
rubenesque pleasure?”

“Rubenesque?” His face twisted in pure

“Fat,” I blurted out before turning my face
to look at a flickering candle, rather than him.

"I know what in the fuck that means." He
gingerly yanked on my hair, pulling me to my feet. He seemed
pissed. He fished a remote out of his jean pocket and punched a
button causing the lights to slightly brighten. He pulled me to a
set of mirrors. At first, all I noticed was his bulging muscles
covered in tattoos. Years of practice kept me from focusing on my
own body. That was until he started kneading my breast into his
oversized hand.

“I could kill your husband, right now. He has
built it up in your mind that this voluptuous body is anything
other than the treasure it is. I’ve fucked size zeroes that didn’t
hold half the passion you hold in this stunning body.”

“Thank you,” I said, leaning my face against
his shoulder and closed my eyes.

He pinched my chin in his hand, forcing me to
look at myself. “These breasts,” he whispered as he worked his
finger over my nipples. “They’re full and womanly. I dream of
breasts like these.” He slid his hand down my waist. “This
waistline has borne three children.” He did his heart-stopping
smirk. “I do my homework. No, it’s not flat anymore, but it’s
something so much more. It’s a life-giving vessel that any man
would be honored to get to caress. These hips.” He slipped his hand
down father to hug my thigh. “God, to watch them move causes my
dick to stand at attention. I didn’t have you here tonight to prove
a point or even get my dick wet, but because I have wanted to fuck
you since you walked into my club.” The lights fully came on. “And
I’m going to fuck this beautiful body for the rest of the night.”
He raised my chin with the back of his finger and kissed me. “My
name is Drake Hart, by the way.”

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