Cherry Bomb

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Authors: JW Phillips

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #love, #betrayal, #bdsm, #bbw, #younger man, #older woman, #single parents, #parents and single life

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Cherry Bomb

Cherry Lemonade
J.W. Phillips




The hunger for love is much more difficult to
remove than the hunger for bread.

Mother Teresa

Copyright © 2015 J.W. Phillips

All rights reserved

Smashwords Edition




This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or
distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission,
except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review
purposes. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of events to
real life, or of characters to actual persons, is purely
coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademark status and
trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of


Drake Hart
Late December



I was scared. I was always scared. I tried
not being. I really did. And good. I tried harder to be good, so
Mommy didn’t get mad. If she got real mad she would lock me
outside. It was scary on the streets. The men were creepy out there
and were always drinking smelly stuff that made them act happy. A
few even smoked those funny looking cigarettes. And most of the
other mommies were always screaming and beating their kids. I
wished my Mommy would yell at me. I just wished she would look at
me. She used to love me. Before Billy left with his real daddy. I
didn’t have a real daddy. I heard someone say I was some john’s
kid. But John must not want me either.

Now, she left me to take care of this baby
with the softest red curls and dimples. Why did Mommy even bring
her home? Was it not enough that I went to bed hungry at night?
Taking care of me came naturally. Billy, my big brother, called it
the fight or flight mentality. He was a good one to talk. He left
me, and I didn’t even know how to call him to tell him that Mommy
had another little kid like me. Someone else Mommy didn’t love
either. I just wanted someone to love me.

Even God didn’t love me. The old lady next
door with the crazy blue hair told me to pray to God and he would
take care of me. But he didn’t. I prayed every night that God would
take me and Katie away from here – from Mommy and those men who hit
me. One tried to hit Katie but I wouldn’t let him. I would never
let them hurt my Katie.

Then came the day that changed it all.

“I got you, baby,” I said real soft, trying
to ease the tears in my little sister. I had made her a bottle like
Mommy showed me. But she didn’t seem to like it. I tried changing
her diaper but she didn’t have anymore, so I wrapped her up in my
Mickey Mouse shirt. I thought Mickey would make her happy. But she
was so little, I wasn’t sure she knew who Mickey was.

“Please, don’t cry, Katie, I’ll take care of
you. You’ve someone that loves you. I love you.” I snuggled us both
under the chair that I had covered in some old blankets. It was our
private little bunker to keep us safe from that man Mommy brought
home last night. He made Mommy cry. I didn’t like what they did on
the couch while I was watching television. I covered Katie’s ears.
I didn’t want her to be scared too.

I cringed and crawled to the back of the
chair when I heard the front door open and close.
Oh, no, it was
heavy footsteps.
Heavy footsteps meant a man, usually a mad
man. “Shh, Katie, they want me not you.”

The footsteps were getting closer, and Katie
kept crying. “Please, Katie,” I said and started to cry myself. My
jaw already hurt from the last time one of them got mad at me.
“Please, God, I’ll always be good but please let him leave me

“Drake,” I heard the man say, but the voice
didn’t sound mad. It sounded . . . I wasn’t sure but the man wasn’t
screaming. I hated screaming.

“Drake.” I heard again. I peeked out from
under the blanket hanging over us and saw a pair of clean shoes. I
had never seen shoes that clean. I glanced up a little father and
saw a pair of blue jeans and then his face.

I crawled out as fast as I could, holding
Katie tight against me. “Billy,” I said as he kneeled down beside
me. I thought he had forgotten me. That he quit loving me too. But
there he was, throwing his arms around me and Katie.

“Who do you have here, little brother?” he
asked, eyeing my baby sister in my arms. I twisted on my feet. He
had to love her too. She was beautiful and didn’t cry all the

“Katie,” I answered and looked up at Billy,
his eyes were kind. But he was still a man and men hated spoiled
brats that made noise. “Don’t be mad at her. She’s hungry and
doesn’t like my bottle.”

“Drake, are you taking care of her by
yourself?” His face fell. He looked sad. Kind of like that man I
saw one time laying by his little girl after that big, scary man
shot her. Did Katie make him sad? She couldn’t. She wasn’t like me.
She was good.

“I’ll do better. I’ll make her a new bottle.”
She liked the ones I put more powder in but it made Mommy mad when
I made them like that, she said it was being wasteful.

“Drake, where’s Mom?”

I shook my head. “No, she’s sleeping.” I
shook my head some more. “She said if I wake them up he will hurt

He reached for Katie but I clutched her
harder. She was mine.

“I just want to hold her. She’s pretty. She
looks like Mom. Is she Mom's?”

“She’s mine.” I felt the tears again. He was
going to take her to Mommy. Mommy would be mean to her. She might
let that man hurt Katie.

“You’re taking very good care of her.” He
tugged on the shirt I had wrapped around her. “Is this yours?”

I nodded. Billy’s eyes moved over my face and
settled on the black-eye I had. He reached over and stroked the
back of his thumb across it. A shake went down my back. It hurt but
I smiled, hoping he didn’t see me shake. He smiled back but the
smile didn’t reach his eyes.

“I know she’s yours. She’s lucky to have you
too. But is Mom her mom too?”

I nodded again.

Billy stood up. “I’m just going to see if
Mom's awake. You take care of Katie, and I’ll be back shortly,
okay, Buddy.”


He fingered my hair. It felt good to have
someone touch me like that. I waited and watched him walk down the
hall. He was going in Mommy’s room. I wasn’t allowed to go in
Mommy’s room. It was an adult room for adult things. I was scared
again. What if she didn’t think Billy was an adult? I looked down
at Katie who had cried herself to sleep in my arms. I would be
quiet and just listen outside. I knew how to be very, very quiet.
It was important to be quiet and not seen in my house. I
tipped-toed down the hall but stopped when the screaming started. I
placed my hand over Katie’s ear.

“No more of this shit. He’s a baby himself,
taking care of some bastard’s kid,” Billy said in a way that let me
know his jaw was tight.

I shook, I didn’t like him talking about my
Katie. I wasn’t sure what a bastard was but Katie couldn’t be that
ugly word.

“I’m tired, baby. Let me sleep and then we’ll
talk. I had a long night if you know what I mean.” I heard Mommy
laughing. I had forgotten how much I loved the sound of her

“Yeah, I know what you mean. You spent the
night fucking this loser while your six-year old worried over a
baby he shouldn’t even be caring for in the first place.”

I heard that man yell, “Hey.” And I started
to retreat down the hall. But Mommy hushed him, and I couldn’t hear
him get up, so I took a step back toward Mommy’s room to hear. I
wanted to peek in through the crack in the door. But I knew

“Calm down, Drake loves Katie. It doesn’t
hurt him to make a bottle from time to time.”

I always made her bottles. I had promised her
I would take care of her, and that she wouldn’t go to bed

“You are a fucking loser. Did you know that?
I’m taking Drake and that baby, and if you try to stop me I’ll call
the police. They’ll love to see the left side of Drake’s face. It’s
so swollen he can’t even see out of that eye. Hell, did you even
get him a gift at Christmas.”

I didn’t need no stupid present. Santa was a
lie, and only little boys who were good got gifts.

“I didn’t get anything either,” Mommy said,
and tried to calm Billy with those soft sounds.

“Let me go, you bitch. You don’t deserve
anything especially those kids. Their mine now.”

“Did you hear that, Katie? God has finally
answered my prayer and he's helping us leave,” I wanted to scream
but it might make Billy mad if I did. I heard Billy moving, so I
backed away and down the hall, avoiding the noisy creaks. I didn’t
want to make any noise or Billy might decide he didn’t want me



My dedication is too Liz Stephenson. She was
my Sir in so many ways.

However, she is no Sir, but one Hell of a

Drake Hart



I slid the blindfold
around her face and tied it firmly in place. Her head swayed as she
adjusted to total darkness. I leaned in and whispered in her ear,
“Good evening, babe.”

She shivered as I trailed
a finger around her naked waist. I couldn’t even remember what she
was wearing. Hell, I couldn't have cared less. I didn’t even take
the time to learn her name. They were all the same. They spent too
much time styling their hair, carefully applying their make-up, and
picking out that perfect dress; hoping they’d be different. Special
somehow. After a hundred or so fucks, no one was

I know who you are, what
you want, what you desire. I will give you everything you need and
then I will fuck you. Understand?”

She nodded. Shit, she was
already annoying the hell out of me.

Say yes, Sir,” I

Yes, Sir,” she mumbled
then bit down on her plump, fuckable lips.

I needed to fuck that
mouth because nothing else she was doing was affecting my limp
dick. I helped guide her into position on her knees to take care of
business. It wasn’t a forceful push but definitely one to show her
who was in charge.

I jerked her hands above
her head, making fast work of the ropes. I tugged on them, admiring
my handiwork with a knot. Who said no one ever learned anything
useful from Boy Scouts.

Now open that beautiful
mouth,” I said, looming over her.

She gasped as her lips
fell wide open.

Panting already?” I asked
and started stroking the entire length of my cock through my pants.
“You want it, babe? You want to feel how good it is as I fuck your
pretty little mouth?”

Unconsciously, she licked
her lips.

Do you like to suck that
ass you are married to off? Does your pussy get wet when you think
about his cock?”

No, Sir,” she whispered,
bowed her head, and awarded me with that perfect submissive

The helpless look she had
as she knelt at my feet with her mouth wide open almost made my
dick twitch. I causally unzipped my jeans, bringing the massive
head of my dick close to her lips. I didn’t move any closer, making
her work to fit my entire length into her mouth. Fuck, she sucked,
and not in a good way. She couldn’t find a rhythm if her life
depended on it. I would give her credit, she was eager and

Immediately, I grabbed her
nipples and pinched down hard. She let out a scream, letting my
cock fall from her mouth.

You want me to let go, my
pet?” I leaned in and asked.

She nodded as I pinched
down harder.

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