Checking It Twice (21 page)

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Authors: Jodi Redford

BOOK: Checking It Twice
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Kev’s eyes rolled back just as his body bucked, his strangled shout tangling with Jana’s high-pitched keening cry as she convulsed on top of him. The sight of them coming together was more than Nick could take. Quickly unzipping his pants, he pulled out his dripping cock and stroked himself once, twice, before coming with his own shuddering moan inside his fist. Biting back a laughing groan, he fumbled for a tissue in his coat pocket. “Thank Christ this car can’t talk. The tales it’d have after tonight.”



Once they reached Kev’s condo, they’d all worked up a mega appetite. Apparently car sex did that to a person. Not that Nick would know. Prior to tonight, he hadn’t indulged in the practice since he’d been a teenager, and back in those days he’d been hungry all the time. Both for food and sex.

Hell, maybe he hadn’t changed much since then. Only he drove an exceptionally better car now compared to his old hunk of junk he used to tool around in. And he was crazy in love. That definitely hadn’t been the case back in his youth.

He and Kev took turns washing up at the kitchen sink while Jana disappeared into the bathroom. Glancing sideways, he caught Kev’s eyes on him. “What?”

Kev grabbed a dishtowel and dried his hands. “You’ve never just watched before.”

He shrugged. “I was in the mood to try something different. Did it bother you?”

“I don’t know.” Kev was quiet for a moment. “I’m not used to performing for others.”

“What you mean is you’re not comfortable exposing yourself.” Nick squeezed Kev’s shoulder. “It’s okay to let people in. To show them your vulnerabilities. Not everyone is going to use it against you or judge you for having them.”

Kev averted his gaze. A noise behind them alerted of Jana’s approach. They both turned toward her as she strolled into the kitchen wearing one of Kev’s old college sweatshirts. The baggy thing hung to her knees, and even with the sleeves rolled up was still too long for her arms, but it didn’t stop her from looking sexy as shit.

Kev swallowed, obviously sharing Nick’s sentiment. Jana bit her lip. “I hope it’s okay I borrowed this. My dress got pretty wrinkled, so…”

“Of course you can wear it.” Kev’s tone dropped several octaves. “It looks good on you.”

Her smile lit up the whole damn room. “Thanks. Err, any chance we’re eating soon? I’m freakin’ starved.” A loud growl from her stomach backed up her statement.

Taking his cue, Nick ventured to the fridge and pulled out the cream cheese and crab dip he’d made earlier and plated it with an assortment of crackers. He placed it on the center island. “For your snacking pleasure, milady, while I prepare our feast.”

Leaving her to partake of the savory appetizers, he filled the stockpot with water for the pasta. Soon enough he discovered that the act of cooking for Jana and Kev brought him as much pleasure as their sexual adventures did. It felt like they were a family. It felt…right. So very, very right.

Humming some vague Christmas tune that was a mixed-up jumble of “Sleigh Bells” and “Winter Wonderland”, he drained the pasta and sauced it before calling Jana and Kev to the stove so they could dish up their plates. A few moments later he joined them at the table. He unfolded his napkin and glanced at his meal before looking at the two people who’d become his extended family. Kev had held that position for quite some time, but Jana was a wonderful addition. One he sure as hell hadn’t been counting on. In a million years, he would never have guessed how important she would become to him.

“I’m staying,” he blurted, the words falling free before his brain fully processed them.

Kev stopped with fork midway to his mouth. “Good idea. It’s a long drive back to the Townsend tonight. Especially with the roads getting icy.”

“No, I mean I’m staying. For good. I’m not returning to Chicago.” Well, technically he’d have to in order to vacate his apartment and finalize a few other things, but after that, he was damn well rushing back here and building a happy life. Hopefully with Jana and Kev.

Kev frowned and lowered his fork to his plate. Across from him, Jana’s eyes widened in sync with her smile. Suddenly she bolted from her chair and flung herself at Nick, her hug nearly suffocating him. She peppered him with kisses, her damp, tear-stained cheeks rubbing along his.

Laughing, he scooted her onto his lap and stroked her hair before tucking a wayward strand behind her ear. “I take it you’re okay with my decision?”

“Of course I’m okay, you blockhead.” The happy, misty-eyed look she bestowed on him made her pronouncement the sweetest he’d ever heard.

He glanced in Kev’s direction and found his best friend eyeing him skeptically. “You’ve decided to give up everything in Chicago and move here? Just like that?”

“All I have in Chicago is an apartment. My happiness isn’t there.” He divided his attention between Kev and Jana. “It’s here. I’ve been alone and miserable for too damn long. I’m sick of it.”

A shuttered expression descended over Kev’s face, heightening the stubborn lines bracketing his mouth. Nick expected him to say something. To point out that Vegas was a long way from Michigan. Instead, Kev picked up his fork and began eating again, apparently taking his frustration out on the ravioli.

He remained quiet throughout the rest of dinner, allowing Nick and Jana to do most of the talking. Nick knew Kev was pissed at him and probably thought his decision to move to Michigan was a ploy to guilt trip Kev into staying. While he sure as shit wanted Kev to keep his ass here, it hadn’t been his ulterior motive. What he’d said about Chicago holding nothing for him had been the God’s honest truth. He could run his business anywhere, and where he wanted to be was with Jana. And Kev.

He just prayed like hell that Kev woke up soon and saw that this was damn well where he belonged too.

Chapter Sixteen

Christmases in the Colton household always tended to be loud, outrageous affairs. Now that the Coltons had expanded into being the Colton-Hollister-Maguire clan, holiday get-togethers were even more boisterous. After introducing Nick to the whole gang, Jana directed him and Kevin on the ideal placement for the mountain of gifts they’d helped her lug inside Bram, Lacey and Ry’s crowded bungalow.

While the guys situated the presents under the enormous spruce, Bram crooked his arm around her shoulder and shook his head with a
ing noise. “So now you’ve weaseled two slaves into your evil clutches. Poor unsuspecting bastards.”

She elbowed her brother in the ribs. “It’s freakin’ Christmas. You’re supposed to be nice to me, idjit.”

“I’m saving it up for New Year’s.” Grinning, Bram bussed her on the cheek.

Jana scanned the jam-packed room. “Where are Ma, Pops and Grams? Everyone knows
supposed to be the last one to arrive.”

“Ma called ten minutes ago to say they’re still waiting on the apple pecan caramel pie.”

Her stomach rumbled at the mention of her Grams’ world-famous calorie-laden dessert. “They’re forgiven.”

Lacey approached and offered to take everyone’s coats while Bram went to fetch some beers being kept chilled on the deck. As Lacey accepted Nick’s jacket, she flashed him a welcoming smile and extended her hand. “Hi again. Sorry I didn’t have a chance to properly introduce myself the other day. I’m Lacey.”

Nick caught Jana’s frown. “I stopped by the Dockside a few days ago looking for Kev.”

Lacey’s gaze turned speculative as she swept their trio appraisingly. One corner of her mouth hitching upward, she settled her focus on Jana. “Want to give me a hand in the kitchen?” Not waiting for a response, Lacey snagged Jana by the elbow and herded her across the room. Once the kitchen door snicked shut behind them, Lacey gave Jana the stink eye. “Now it’s all clear.”


“Your line of questioning about how to deal with being in love with two men.”

There was no point in evading the topic, particularly since Lacey’s shrewd expression made it all too obvious that the gig was up. Jana exhaled softly. “So, any advice for me?”

“How serious have things gotten between you all?”

“I’m sleeping with them both.”

Lacey nodded. “The vibe coming off the three of you was pretty much a dead giveaway.” Grinning, she held a hand to her forehead and sighed melodramatically. “I remember the good ole days, when the boys could barely keep their hands off me.”

“Oh puh-lease. Like
changed with you three horndogs.” She gave Lacey’s nonexistent baby bump a deliberate stare.

Lacey coughed delicately. “Okay, we still have our moments.”

“Mm-hmm.” Jana leaned her arm on the massive center island’s granite countertop and fidgeted with the beveled edge. “To answer part of your question, Nick’s decided to move to Michigan. That’s a good thing.”

“And Kevin?”

An ache cinched Jana’s heart. “He hasn’t changed his mind about Vegas.”

Lacey wrapped Jana in a comforting hug. “I’m sorry.”

Refusing to let the heaviness of her emotions ruin Christmas Day, Jana sucked in a shaky breath. “Enough about me. Did you ever get in to see the doctor?”

For the next fifteen minutes or so, Jana managed to distract herself from the complications plaguing her love life by listening to Lacey excitedly babble on about first trimester fetal development, prenatal vitamins and a thousand other pregnancy issues that made Jana’s brain fuzzy and her stomach queasy. By the time her mom and grandmother bustled into the kitchen, she was more than ready to let the pair of them commiserate with Lacey about the joys of morning sickness.

Sneaking from the kitchen, Jana escaped into the rear hallway. She gave a surprised start when she noticed Kevin standing farther down the corridor, his attention riveted to the large family portrait hanging on the wall adjacent from the master bedroom.

She tiptoed towards him, the thick pile of the carpet masking her stealthy approach. Her dastardly plan of luring him into the bathroom for a quickie make-out session evaporated the moment she spotted the pain and sorrow etched in stark relief across his face. “Kevin?”

He jolted at her voice. After a slight hesitation, he glanced in her direction, the dark shadows vacating from his eyes. He offered her a faint smile. “Hey.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” His gaze flickered past her to the end of the hall. “We should get back to the party.”

She returned her focus to the portrait before reaching for his hand and snugging it within hers. “Holidays can be rough when you’re away from your family.”

He looked at her for a long moment without saying anything. It wasn’t the first time he’d clammed up when she brought up his parents. She only knew the barest minimum about his dad, and even less about his mom. “D-do you miss not having them around?”

Rather than answer, he cupped her nape and pressed a light kiss to her temple. “We better see what Nick is up to.”

Heart cramping at being shut out yet again, she nodded and let him lead her down the hall.



Shortly after seven, his arms loaded with even more presents in comparison to what he’d showed up with, Kevin staggered to the open rear door of the Navigator. He watched Jana and her family engage in one last round of hugs and kisses, a deep, familiar pang of longing hollowing out his insides. Turning his head, he caught Nick’s sympathetic gaze on him. Feeling overexposed and vulnerable, Kevin stacked the presents in place and secured the door latch before striding to the front of the vehicle and sliding behind the wheel. Nick climbed into the back.

A moment later, breathless and rosy-cheeked, Jana hopped into the passenger seat. The adoring look she bestowed on him and Nick increased the tightness in Kevin’s chest. “Thanks, both of you, for coming today. It meant the world to me.”

Nick leaned forward and brushed his lips over hers. “I enjoyed myself immensely. Your family is awesome. And I’m not just saying that because your grandmother hit on me. Although that incredible pecan pie had me considering her offer.”

“You’d have to arm wrestle all the old coots at her retirement community. Some of them are awfully damn spry too.” Her laugh petering off, Jana buckled her belt and peeked at Kevin. “You’ve been really quiet the past couple of hours.”

He shifted into reverse and backed out of the snow-dusted driveway. “Just tired.”

She nibbled her bottom lip. “I hope you had fun. I know my family can be overwhelming sometimes.”

“Yeah, I did.” Offering her a reassuring smile, he reached across the console and squeezed her knee.

Giving a contented sigh, she snuggled closer to the divider and stroked his hand, keeping it anchored in place for the duration of the ride home to his condo. It’d become a ritual the past few days for her and Nick to spend the night. With his emotions at an all-time low, Kevin was grateful to have their company, since the last thing he wanted to do was wallow in his loneliness.

Soon as they were parked, Jana freed her seat belt. “Do you think the gifts will be okay in the car overnight?”

Kevin pocketed his keys. “No, we better bring them in. Why tempt thieves?”

“Especially Snuggie thieves,” Nick piped up. “Those are the worst.”

“Don’t you get any ideas about my Snuggie, bub.” Jana wagged a finger at Nick. “I saw you scoping it out earlier.”

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