Checking It Twice (19 page)

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Authors: Jodi Redford

BOOK: Checking It Twice
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He was head over ass in love with Jana. He’d had the best of intentions last night. Namely, to administer the swift kick Kev needed before he completely fucked up his life. But in the process, karma came full circle. How the hell could he criticize Kev for walking away from Jana when, in essence, that’s exactly what
was doing? It made him a damn hypocrite. He’d waited his whole life for someone like Jana. A woman who filled his heart with joy and happiness and a mile-long list of other emotions that’d take him a lifetime to name.

Bottom line, walking away from her was
a fucking option. But she didn’t just need him. She needed Kev too. And that was the monkey wrench in everything.

During the drive home last night, he’d been cautious with Kev’s emotions, not pushing him too hard in regards to the amazing experience they’d shared with Jana. Regardless, a blind man would have been able to pick up on Kev’s broodiness. Nick didn’t doubt for a second that Kev had not only loved their sexual adventure but also been affected by it.

Hell, it’d been impossible to miss. He’d seen a side to Kevin that’d never been present with any of the past women they’d been with. Not even Heather. Kev might be battling his feelings for Jana, but when he made love to her, it was too clear that it was love. It’d been there in the way he’d touched and kissed her. Written all over his face when he entered her for the first time, and later when he came.

For anyone else, love was a relatively simple and welcome acceptance. But Kev was far from being a simple man. No, his moodiness during the drive was a sign that his private demons had merely slunk to a dim corner of the room last night and bided their time.

He’d damn well find a way to help Kev slay those demons once and for all. For Jana and Kev’s sake. And yes, even for his own. He was irrevocably tied to them now, his heart and happiness resting in their hands. For someone who liked to be in charge, it was a tough pill to swallow, but he couldn’t deny the reality of it.

Giving his plate of uneaten eggs and toast a disinterested glance, he swiped his bill and left a few singles for a tip before heading toward the diner’s main checkout. It was still early. Not even nine. Plenty of time to swing by the Dockside before they opened for lunch and Kev became too swamped with work to talk.

Less than half an hour later he pulled into the Dockside’s parking lot and made his way to the front entrance. Inside, he was greeted by Christmas music piped through the central speakers and the faint drone of a vacuum somewhere in the distance. A middle-aged man mopping the bar area offered a nod before returning to his task.

“Sorry, the kitchen won’t be open for another couple of hours,” a female announced behind Nick.

He turned and met the woman’s friendly smile. “Actually, I’m here to see a friend of mine. Kevin Monahan.”

“Hmm, then you’re out of luck, I’m afraid. He won’t be in at all this weekend.”

Recalling Kev’s excuse about not staying out late because he had to go into work early, Nick gritted his teeth. That fucking liar. “Thanks. Guess I’ll have to try him at his house.”

The woman cocked her head to the side. “Did you say you’re a friend of Kevin’s? Maybe you can help me with something. We’re planning a surprise going-away party for him next Sunday, but I wasn’t sure how to get him here without giving up the jig.”

“You want me to bring him?”

“Would you mind?”

“No, not at all.” Of course, he’d rather there was no need to throw Kev a going-away party, but he couldn’t exactly tell her that. “What time do you want him here?”

She gave him the specifics—and her profuse thanks—before a situation involving a shortage of Bacardi behind the bar drew her attention elsewhere. His frustration with Kev preoccupying his own thoughts, Nick retreated to his vehicle and drove the short distance to Kev’s condo.

Sure enough, Kev’s SUV was sitting in the drive, the couple inches of fresh powder decorating its hood all the confirmation Nick needed that the vehicle hadn’t left its spot since yesterday. Blocking Kev in, Nick pocketed his keys and stalked toward the front door. He bypassed the bell and pounded on the door instead, the act of taking his frustrations out on the inanimate piece of wood substantially more satisfying.

Just as Nick’s fist was growing numb, Kev threw open the door. Eyes bloodshot and hair a spiky mess, he glared at Nick. “What the hell are you doing? My neighbors are probably going to lodge a complaint with the way you’re carrying on.”

“Fuck ’em.” Shoving past Kevin, Nick stormed into the entry. “I stopped by the Dockside, but you weren’t there. Obviously.”

“I decided not to go in. There’s no law against that.”

He wasn’t completely mollified. “We need to talk about last night.”

Wariness flickered in Kevin’s eyes. “I think it’s better if we don’t.”

“Why? So you can pretend it didn’t happen? That’s extremely unfair to Jana.”

Weariness dragged at Kevin’s already haggard features. “I told you it was wrong to foist my issues on her.”

“You’re hurting yourself as much as her by denying your feelings. You love her.” Nick sucked in a deep breath, preparing the words that Kev most needed to hear. “Being afraid of that love won’t make it go away.”

“I know that.”

There was a dull flatness to Kevin’s tone that didn’t comfort Nick in the least. “I hope you realize that if you cut and run on her, it’ll be the biggest mistake you’ve ever made.”

“You damn well know I’m moving to Vegas.”

“She’s more important than a fucking job. You know

Kevin’s expression went from mulish to locked down. “I don’t want to fight about this. We only have so much time before you’ll be heading back to Chicago. Is this really how you want to spend it?”

Tension knotting his muscles, Nick dragged a hand through his hair. “No, it’s not.”

“Then no more arguing, all right?”

He reluctantly accepted Kev’s extended hand as the momentary ceasefire it was intended as, but inside he refused to allow it to be the final word on Kev’s decision. Not by a long shot.



After the heated start to their morning, he and Kev made a point to keep on good terms with each other for the rest of the day. Kev’s contribution to their truce was a hearty home-cooked breakfast, something Nick more than appreciated since his empty stomach was grumbling at the callous way he’d ignored his eggs back at the diner. While Nick set the small table in the kitchen, he sent a grin toward Kevin. “Like old times, eh?”

“What? Me slaving away doing all the work?” Kev grunted. “Yeah. Exactly like old times.”

“Hey, I’ll have you know it takes precision and skill to align the forks and knives just perfect.”

Kev looked unimpressed. Shaking his head, Nick situated the juice glasses. “Fine. I’ll make it up to you by cooking dinner tonight.”

“Are you sure you remember how? Seems to me like you’ve been spending more time with your kinky lubes than grilling steaks and sea bass like some of us. You know, real man’s work,” Kev taunted with a grin.

“Oh ho ho no. A real man works with lube. And enjoys every fucking second of it.” He waggled his brows.

Kev’s snicker petered off as he absently poked at the sausage sizzling on the griddle. “Have you, uh, thought about using any more of that stuff? You know, with Jana? She seemed to really enjoy what you used on her last night.”

He’d bet his last dollar that Kev was thinking about it and dying to go another round or two with some Bodylicious action. And that was a good thing. It meant that despite his demons, he wanted to be inside Jana again. Probably just as badly as Nick did. “Thought has crossed my mind.” He chuckled.

“Aw shit.” Kev slapped the metal tongs onto the counter and groaned. “I totally forgot I’m supposed to be taking her to see
The Nutcracker

“So?” The more time Kev spent with Jana, the better. Maybe it’d make him see what a damn fool he’d be if he walked away from her.

“So it means you can’t make dinner tonight.” Kev narrowed his eyes at Nick like he’d somehow planned it that way.

“What time does the show get done?”

Kev shrugged. “Jana has the tickets. All I know is I’m picking her up at three.”

“Well, call her and find out.”

Kev tapped the handle of the tongs, a telltale flush creeping along his neck. No doubt he felt awkward after last night.

“You did realize you were going to have to talk to her at some point today, right?”

Shooting him a glare, Kev stalked toward the cordless sitting at the end of the counter and punched in Jana’s number. A few seconds later he cleared his throat. Despite that, his voice still came out gravelly. “Hey.”

There was a pause on Kev’s end as Jana said something. Whatever it was made him smile before he looked in Nick’s direction and quickly smothered it. “I was calling to find out what time the play gets over tonight. Nick has promised to make us dinner.” Another silence from Kev, followed by him raising his brow. “You didn’t have to… Jana… Okay, I’ll let him know.” He glanced at Nick again. “She bought a ticket for you too.”

“She didn’t have to do that.” But the fact she did made him ridiculously happy. As did the promise of spending more time with her and Kev.

“She says for you to shut up.” Grimacing, Kev put his hand over the receiver. “Actually, what she really said is too profane for me to repeat. Let’s just say it involved donkey balls and a midget and leave it at that.” Kev held the phone back to his ear. “We’ll pick you up at three then. Yeah, I’m really looking forward to seeing you too.” A definite huskiness underscored his admission.

Nick kept his thoughts to himself as Kev hung up the phone, but hope filled his chest. Tonight would not only give him more time with the two people who meant everything to him, it’d also grant him a chance to prove that their relationship was something that should be held on to tightly and never let go.

Chapter Fifteen

Nick took one look at the skintight, red satin number peeking from Jana’s coat as she hurried down her porch steps and knew there was no damn way the stage show would be holding his attention tonight. Glancing in the rearview mirror, he noticed Kev’s consuming focus was also glued to Jana.
Make that
of us who won’t be able to concentrate.

Kev shoved open the door before Nick had a chance to make the first move at helping Jana inside the car. Nick scored the homefield advantage though by being armed and ready with a brief albeit hungry kiss for Jana when she leaned across the console and hugged him.

Her face flushing, she smoothed a lock of hair behind her ear. “I’m glad you’re joining us tonight.”

“Thank you for the invitation. What do I owe you for the ticket?”

“Nothing. It’s my Christmas pressie to you.”

Far as he was concerned, her being in his life was the biggest gift of all. Brushing his knuckle over her cheek, he gave her one more kiss before dropping his hand and squeezing her thigh. Her breath caught in her throat. It took him a second to recall the last time they’d been in a similar position. Only then he’d had his fingers buried in her pussy. The memory a wicked snapshot in his mind, he backed out of her drive. For a moment he debated directing Jana to hike up her skirt and award him and Kev a preshow performance on the way to the opera house. But then another possibility hit him. One that tightened his balls. “Where are our seats? Balcony…mezzanine…?”

“What kind of cheapskate do you take me for?” Her expression smug, she dug the tickets from her beaded clutch and waved them in the air. “Box, baby.”

Turning the car in the direction of the freeway, he caressed her thigh and grinned. “Excellent.”

Roughly forty minutes later, their trio walked through the entrance of the opera house. The interior was an opulent, baroque spectacle—a startling contrast to the building’s starkly modern façade. Beautiful as Nick found the décor, it was Jana’s giddy response to her surroundings that enchanted him most.

She twirled in a circle, oohing and ahhing over every small detail. “No matter how many times I come here, I’ll never get tired of it.” She extended her pinky. “Makes me feel all fancy-schmanchy.”

Grabbing their elbows, she herded Nick and Kev toward the stairs. On the next landing, an attendant scanned their tickets and led them toward the box where their seats were located. As they sat down, Nick scoped the neighboring boxes. Most were empty, the majority of the crowd filling the main floor below them.

A familiar rush pounding through him, he stretched out his legs and continued to watch the spectators streaming into the theater. Several more people piled into the adjacent boxes—not enough to be problematic to his plans.
enough to add a delicious edge to the excitement.

Jana leafed through her program, happily gabbing away. Completely oblivious of what was in store for her.

Oh, the fun they were going to have.

Roughly half an hour later, the lights dimmed, signaling the show was about to begin.

Nick’s mouth hitched at one corner.
In more ways than one.

Anticipation sweet and heady, he leaned his elbow on the armrest, making himself comfortable. The orchestra started up, instrument’s tuning with a flowing harmony of strings and flutes. The massive velvet curtain parted, revealing an enormous Christmas tree, a decoration party in full swing. He glanced toward Jana and took in the awed delight splashed across her animated face. His heart swelled, right along with his cock.

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