Chat (20 page)

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Authors: Theresa Rite

BOOK: Chat
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I was reeling after our session. I
to live with Jason. After he’d pulled a gun on Jack, I felt safe and protected, as stupidly feminine as that may sound. The way that Jason indulged my every need was something that I couldn’t resist. I didn’t want to hurt him or take advantage of him, and I didn’t feel like a burden at all.

I felt like
I was his.

We were
nearly to West Virginia before he turned off the music and slowed the truck. I realized that I’d worried myself right back to sleep, and his strong hand laced through my hair, massaging my scalp. “Hey, babe. Let’s grab some breakfast, okay? Or lunch, really.”

mm-hmm.” I sat up, blinking. Little, black floaters polluted my vision, and I narrowed my eyes.

“What’s wrong?” h
e asked gently, his hand working through my hair again.

I don’t know. I need my glasses, hold on,” I mumbled, fishing my readers out of my purse. “Breakfast- or lunch- sounds good, I’m starving. Where are we?”

“We’re at a rest stop with a Starbucks.”

“Sounds like heaven.”

After we took Joplin out, refueled
, and got food, we were back on the road.

As I played with his radio, skipping through songs, I caught him grinning from the corner of my eye.


“This song.”

I turned the music up, returning his smile. “Are you going to tease me about my Shania crush again?”

Shania Twain crooned “You’re Still the One” as he adjusted his sunglasses.

“Prom. Dancing with you.” He reached for my hand, and I curled my fingers in his. “I think this should be the first song I dance to with my wife.”

I smiled and rested
my cheek against his shoulder. I loved that, even though I knew that he was talking about
, he didn’t directly bring up our wedding.

At that moment I realized, against all of my better judgment, I
to be excited.

I want Jess to be my Maid of Honor.”

He laughed softly, reaching for his phone and handing it over to me. I scanned the text on the screen.

It’s about fucking time. Bachelor party plans in motion. If you let me be your Best Man again, I promise to find hotter strippers this time.

I laughed, raising my eyes haughtily.

time?” I clarified.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know,” he urged, moving around a tractor-trailer. “
Listen, I want to take you out. Dinner, dancing, all of it. As my fiancée. I don’t want you feeling cheated out of a proper… um… courtship,” he finally tried.

I cried, and he grinned. “One minute you’re tying me up and hitting me from behind, and the next you’re dropping words like ‘courtship.’ Which is why I love you, don’t get me wrong.”

“I would like a proper courtship with your behind,” he tried again, and I laughed until my sides hurt.

“Brew,” I managed, trying not to think about him kissing my back as he pushed into me.

“What? That skirt is hot, by the way. I love you in skirts.

I saw the expression on his face, even through his sunglasses, and he glanced out his window. An exit to another rest stop veered off to our right, and he pulled in. This one was far more remote than the one with the Starbucks, with picnic areas behind the basic men’s and women’s facilities.

“Come on,” he managed, cracking the window for Joplin. It was less than sixty degrees, but with the sun, it was quickly growing warmer the further we drove.

He walked around and opened my door. I followed him, eyes narrowed, as he pulled me toward the bathroom.

“We just stopped,” I protested.

He turned, his mouth dropping to mine before I could manage another word. Pressing me up against the side of the stone b
uilding, he held my face steady and his tongue twisted with mine. The electricity between us stole my breath, and my nipples hardened inside my bra.

His mouth dragged over my neck, sucking as I gasped.
“I’m going to fuck you right here, where anyone can see. I’m not going to be subtle. Do you understand?”

His words sent
shivers over my arms, and I exhaled quickly, gripping his t-shirt. Glancing around, I saw a tractor-trailer parked along the curve of the parking lot, a motorcycle, and at least two other cars.

” His name was all I could manage as I focused on his hazy blue eyes.

“Is this too soon?” h
e urged, and I realized he was asking if I was done with my period.

“I’m ready… but…
I’m off the pill,
” I whispered weakly.

His hand slid beneath my skirt. His fingers curled beneath my thighs, squeezing, sliding upward to lift me as I moaned into his mouth.

“I know. Reach into my back pocket, and take out the condom. You’re going to put it on me.”

“Right here?”
I cried, my eyes widening.

Yes. My shirt is long enough to cover your hands.”

He coached me along, and the
new rush of wetness between my thighs took me by surprise. I never thought the possibility of someone seeing me, in broad daylight, sliding a condom onto my fiancé would be so fucking hot.

I found the condom in his pocket, my hands trembling as I fumbled with the wrapper. He took it from me, tore the foil with his teeth, and handed it back.

His zipper was strained against the pressure of his erection; I tried to pull on the tab, and his soft sound of pleasure forced a moan from me.

“We’re going to have to move a little faster,” he whispered,
helping me with his zipper. His rigid cock pushed into my hand, and I gasped in shock, trying to cover him with the base of his shirt while rolling the condom down his thick length.

Are people looking?” I begged, too mortified to glance around us.

,” he said from somewhere deep in his throat, gripping my thighs and lifting my legs to wrap around his waist. My back was pressed to the cool, brick building, and he was tugging my panties aside. His thumb rubbed against my clit, only adding to the throbbing desire that had already soaked my thin scrap of lace.

positioned himself at my opening, sliding into me before I could manage another word. The rush of pure excitement, of knowing that there was the slightest possibility of anyone watching what we were doing, fueled my thumping heart. I gripped his shoulders, moaning softly as his mouth claimed mine.

Our bodies melded as though they were made to fit, in any position, at any time, without the slightest
graceless movement. His mouth was choreographed against my neck, as though it had been determined centuries ago that he would be mine, and I would be his.

The depth of what I was feeling, even pressed to the stone wall of a rest-stop building,
rocked me from deep inside.

I opened for him, and he grunted against my lips. “
That’s it, baby,” he coaxed, his hips fitting to mine with every thrust.

You feel so good
,” I heard myself murmur, and he answered me with a demanding kiss.

So do you,
” he promised, even as the pulsing heat from my core began to build to uncontrollable heights. “There is a man watching us. He likes watching your face while I fuck you.”

Gasping, I tried to turn my head, but Jason kept my face locked in his hand.

“He wishes that he was the one fucking you. But he never will. No one else ever will.
Only me, for the rest of our lives,
” he continued, and I could feel his muscles straining as he held himself back from release.

I was let
ting go. Being watched was an utter turn-on, I finally admitted to myself. He balled my skirt up to my waist, and I knew then that the man had a full view of Jason’s cock pumping in and out of me.

“He wishes your pussy was his. You’re so fucking hot and tight, and he knows it. Show him your face when
you come,” he ordered gruffly, thumbing tight circles over my clit. The assaulting awareness of each sensation forced me into a state of delirium. I no longer cared that a stranger was watching us.
I wanted.
I wanted from deep inside, and my starving body eagerly took all that he offered. My head rolled against the stone building, and I tipped my face upward to the clear, blue sky.

Oh God…
oh God Jason,
” I moaned, unable to remain quiet any longer.

He covered my mouth
with his hand and turned my face toward the parking lot. I kept my eyes closed, crying out into his palm. He dropped my skirt and kissed me as the spasms took us both over.

His filthy talk was enough to make me come alone. I clung to him, slick with sweat and my own body’s dampness, my eyes locked in his.

,” he eased, pulling out of me and unrolling the condom. “Okay, baby, hold on.”

He pressed the length of his body against me, dropping the condom to the grass and zipping.

“Is he looking?” I cried, and he exhaled a laugh, kissing me again.

“He’s pulling away. I think he’s more embarrassed than you are.”

“I can’t believe… I can’t believe we just…”

“…we just made up for some lost time, San. We have a lot of that to do,” he urged,
flashing the Jason Brewer Grin and adding a perfunctory kiss to my lips. “Starting now.”



“Home sweet home.”

Joplin barked, taking off through the elegant entryway and climbing two stairs at once. Sandy dropped her bag to the floor, nearly breaking into a run herself to get to the sliding glass door across the living room.

We’d spent the entire remainder of the drive to North Carolina planning for the wedding. She ended up calling her mom and walking through the details with her, brainstorming with me about dates, colors, vendors, and the details of the event.

I left everything up to Sandy. I’d give anything to marry her within the hour, but I wanted the course of our relationship to be
at her pace and on her terms, not mine.

She and her mom had nearly planned the entire thing for August 14
before we were half-way through North Carolina.

“Jason, this must have cost a fortune. We’re right on the shore,” she squealed, covering her mouth as she gazed out the salted glass window. The Atlantic
Ocean spread before us, consuming our peripheral view for as far as the eye could see.

It was clear that the owners of the house had spared no expense. The fixtures were all newer and nickel-plated, and the white cabinets of the enormous kitchen had glass doors that hinted
at the contents of the cupboards. Before I could say a word about then, Sandy turned and shrieked.

“The cabinets!
The glass!”

“You’ve always wanted those,” I said with a smile, moving to stand behind her and slide my hands around her waist.

“Is it ridiculous that I’m a little more in love with these cabinets than I am the view?” She giggled, resting her hands over mine on her stomach.

That’s one of the reasons I love you so much. You’re easy to please,” I said against her ear, and I felt her shiver in my arms.

“I’m not that easy, Brew,” she replied softly.  “You just know what you’re doing.
With me. I don’t know how you know, but you do.”

“I just touch what I want. It’s purely selfish.”

She laughed, turning in my arms to face me. “And the way… that you talk to me. Or write to me, or text… I never thought that dirty words would turn me on like that.”

I cupped her chin in my hands. “It’s not too much,” I clarified,
more of a statement than a question, and she shook her head.

“No.” She considered me for a moment, finally arching one eyebrow. “Did you talk like that to Elaina? And she didn’t like it?”

The myriad of expressions that must have passed over my face forced her to laugh.
I gave her a smile. “You want me to talk about Elaina?”

She snuggled into my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her.
“It’s okay, forget the man-manual and the dating rules, I don’t care if you talk about Elaina. It doesn’t make me jealous or weird me out.”

“Weird you out?”
I laughed at that, kissing her softly. “I haven’t heard that expression since high school.”

“You make me feel like a kid again.”

I grinned, slowing my kiss, taking my time to feel her melt in my arms. “Me too, babe,” I admitted. “And yes, I tried to be myself with Elaina. And she hated it- said the words were crass, and made her feel cheap. So if you feel that way, stop me.”

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