Chasing Soma (7 page)

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Authors: Amy Robyn

BOOK: Chasing Soma
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I have a surprise for my girls today. We have only been back from Vegas for a few days and I noticed something was missing in our house. I want to make sure we have absolutely everything to make the house a home. It hit me today, the one thing that I had as a child that always made me feel at home. I just picked it up. I just hope the girls like it as much as I do.

Soma just married me and made me the happiest man in the world. The guys from my team fell in love with my girls and were only too happy to join in the wedding party. It made everything perfect. To top it off, we had my name added to Leah’s birth certificate and her last name changed to Sterling. These two females have made my life complete. Crazy and never dull but complete. I know there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for them.

I pick up the large box from the front seat before I make my way up the steps and into the house.

“Soma, Leah, I have something here for you.” I chuckle as I hear their feet on the stairs. They come down the stairs as Soma scolds Leah for running down the stairs. They are so beautiful that I can’t help but grin like a sap. I sit down on the floor and place the box in front of me. Leah claps her hands excitedly and rushes over to the box. I think she has gotten used to me surprising her with gifts. I know that I am spoiling her but I just can’t seem to help it.

I help her pull the lid off as a wiggling puppy pops his head out. Leah squeals as she lifts the puppy out of the box. She starts crying as she pushes her face into the thick fur.

“Why are you crying, baby girl?” I ask her. She finally lifts her face and her red eyes continue to leak.

“A puppy.” She hiccups out. I look up at Soma for some help and she chuckles.

“She is so happy she is crying.” She shakes her head at me as though she thinks I am dense. It is taking time for me to understand girls. I was never one and I never had a sister. The only experience I have is Soma. Soma rubs Leah’s little back as the puppy wiggles in her arms.

“You have to name the puppy.” I tell her as she rubs her wet cheeks against the fur.

“Princess.” She says and I start laughing.

“It’s a boy dog.” I tell her and she smiles up at me.

“Prince.” She says and I lift her and the puppy into my lap.

“Prince it is.” I tell her as I pet the little guy. He lets out a tiny bark and Leah giggles. I am so glad I went ahead and got him. I didn’t know that Leah would be this happy with him. I made the right choice.

“I need to go and get his things out of the car.” I tell Leah as I sit her back down next to Soma.

“Wait, before you go, I have a gift for you.” Soma says as she hands me a white plastic applicator. I look down at it and see the word PREGNANT in the small window. I freeze before looking up at her. She smiles at me timidly and I can’t stay frozen any longer. I shout out as I lift her into my arms and spin her around. She laughs and throws her head back. I sit her down and press my lips to hers. I am so overcome with emotions that I know that I am shaking.

“Really? We are having another baby?” I have to ask even though I have the proof still tightly clasped in my hand.

“Yes, really.” She tells me as she presses her body against mine, making me harden painfully against her stomach. My baby is inside that stomach right now. I put my hand against it and look into her eyes.

“I will love you and our children for the rest of my life.” I tell her and she smirks up at me.

“I sure hope so because I will love you and our children for mine as well.” I cup her cheek and just stare down at the face I fell in love with so many years ago. I never thought I would be here now. I thought I had lost her. I am so glad I came back when I did. I would never have known that the feelings I had for her as a boy would pale in comparison to how I feel about her now. Not only has she given me her love unconditionally, but she has given me a family. She has given me a daughter I already love and hopefully a son to love just as much.

Life is perfect with her and my children. I will never look back again. It is only forward. I look forward to the future and all of the dreams that I once thought were lost to me. Now, I know those dreams were only delayed. I have never been happier.

Sneak Peek: Coming Home

Chapter 1.  8 years old. Sammy

I was staying at my grandmother’s house the night my world changed. My parents were having a date night like they did every week and I loved every moment of it because I got to spend time with my very loving grandmother. I was just finishing my breakfast the next morning and contemplating whether or not to start packing up my dirty clothes or go outside and play for a while. I was eight so of course I leaned on the side of playing first. The doorbell rang as I was getting ready to step out the back door.

“I’m sorry ma’am.” Is all I heard of the male voice when I hear an anguished cry, I stopped in my tracks and headed back to my grandmother who is now being held up by a police officer who looked completely uncomfortable.

“Grandma.” I shouted as I rushed to her side. She sucked in a deep breath and seemed to get herself under control and was able to step away from the officer as I rushed into her arms. I know now that she pulled herself together for my benefit. She would only show how sad she was when she thought I was sleeping and I would hear her weeping. I wanted to be strong like her but I would cry, often without my permission. 

I knew what had happened. I knew my parents wouldn’t be returning. My grandmother would never have reacted the way she had unless it had to do with her only daughter. My mom was all that had kept her going after she had lost her husband. My mother had only been three when it happened. He worked in a coal mine that collapsed, killing him and eleven other men. My grandmother had been devastated. From the stories, they had a beautiful whirlwind romance and they had still loved each other greatly.

My grandmother never dated or even thought of marrying again. Mom was her lifeline and after that day I became her reason to live. At least I would like to think that I was that for her, when my mother died but I think it was a struggle for even with me. Oh, she loved me. For sure. I never once doubted that I was much loved but I think a piece of her died the day my mother did. No woman should have to bury a child.

I remember my grandmother calmly telling me what happened, until my ears were ringing and I could no longer hear her words. I turned and fled out the back door. I ran through the woods. I had been down to the stream several times with my parents. They would take me there in the summers after a date night, so that I could wade in the water and search for crawfish. Being pinched once or twice by their claws didn’t discourage me. It was a place of warmth. A place where we had been happy.

I ran, letting the branches whip my face and pull the hair from my scalp. I didn’t feel any pain over the pain I was feeling in my heart. I didn’t stop until I reached the stream, where I collapsed down on the bank and covered my face with my hands. I couldn’t hear, due to my ears still ringing and I could barely see through all my tears. I had no idea I wasn’t alone until two sets of arms wrapped around me. I look up to see the boys that live on either side of my grandmother.

The boys are two years older than me so they never had much to do with me. Yet, here they both are lending me their shoulder in my time of turmoil. I will never forget how they sat there patting my back, without asking questions. They just supported me as though they really cared. How could they when they barely know me? I remember thinking but it did not keep me from dampening their shirts with my tears. That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship that has meant everything to me.


Chapter 2. 15 years old. Step

I have feelings for my best friend. The girl I have protected and cared for since I was ten years old. Why am I feeling this way? I know that my body has been going haywire lately but every time she leans in to me lately my cock hardens painfully. I can’t stop staring at her lips and wondering what they taste like. Her beautiful strawberry blonde hair and her large green eyes had always made me feel protective. Now, they make me want her in a way I have only just begun to understand.

What is worse is that I think Trevor, my other best friend in our trio, is feeling the same damn way. I have caught him staring at her longingly. Trevor is the good looking one. He has all the girls chasing him and yet he pays them no mind. He only has eyes for Sammy. We want the same woman. Worse, our best friend who is two years younger. She isn’t even in high school with us yet.

I do not want this to ruin the friendship we have. It has meant everything to me. I live with my father who drinks too much and goes long periods without remembering he even has a son to take care of. If it wasn’t for Sammy’s grandmother I would have starved. She fed me many times when my father would be on one of his benders. Yet another reason why I should avoid getting into a relationship with her. I wouldn’t want to disappoint her grandmother.

I asked Trevor to meet me at the stream. I want to talk to him about what is happening. I fear that I will lose one or the other if we do not stop and discuss things. I do not want to lose either of them. Trevor and I have been friends since we were five. Both of our parents were neglectful but his at least kept a fully stocked fridge. He would sneak me food after he found me staring in his window one morning as he ate his cereal.

I didn’t have the pride then to turn down a meal. I was starving. I think I would have taken a beating to have food and that is saying a lot. Thankfully Trevor was good to me and brought me food often until we met Sammy and her grandmother who thought I was far too skinny and in need of fattening up. I owe so much to my friends and that keeps me from starting anything with Sammy.

I see Trevor at the stream. It is too cold this time of year for any kind of wading or fishing so he is skipping stones and seems to be deep in thought. I wonder if his dilemma is the same as mine. I am sure it has to be. I wonder if he is feeling the same way as I am about Sammy. I know the looks I have seen him giving her glances full of longing but I wonder if it is with the same intensity.

His thick black hair is overly long right now because of course his parents can’t be bothered to take him for a haircut. I am surprised Sammy’s grandma hasn’t cut it herself yet. She usually does when she sees our neglect. She is all of our grandmothers even though we aren’t related by blood. You can’t choose who you are related to but you can choose who you surround yourself with. She is a good woman.

Trevor looks up at me with his almond shaped, sky blue eyes. There is the reason all the girls want him. He could probably even get up a girls skirt now if he wanted to. I never envied him though because the only person my body responds to is Sammy. I thought at one time that it had to be because it was forbidden. Though, as time goes by it has only grown in intensity and I no longer believe that is the reason.

I walk over and sit down next to Trevor and start gathering my own flat rocks to skip across the water. We are quiet for a while as we enjoy the peace and tranquility that we have always had in our spot. I let the trickling sound soothe me as I breathe in the crisp air of winter. It is invigorating and comforting. This is one of the few constants in my life. This and my two best friends.

“I know why you want to talk.” Trevor says as he throws another stone.

“I saw the way you look at her too.” He says as he turns to look me in the eye, daring me to lie to him about it. I wouldn’t lie to him even if I could.

“Yeah, I noticed that we both like her.” I look away as I says this. Here comes the hard part.

“You know neither of us can be with her or we risk our friendship.” I tell him as a shudder works through me as though my body is revolting against the very idea of not pursuing Sammy.

“I know but we will have to stay away from her then and I really hate doing that.” He says as I nod my head. I do not like it either but what choice do we have.

“I don’t either but you know that we would end up fighting over her and it would ruin our friendship with each other and her too.” I tell him. We make a pact then and there that we will avoid her as much as we can. Unfortunately that also meant I wouldn’t have meals anymore at her grandmothers table. I would miss that nearly as much as I would miss her.

I am going to miss the walks along the stream as we talked about nothing or everything. I will miss the way she smiles and how good she smells. I know what I am doing is right but that doesn’t make it any easier. I will keep you in my heart always. I think to myself as I look over at where her house is barely visible through the trees.

Chapter 3. 18 Years old. Trevor

I sit in the place where my heart broke into a million pieces. I know that sounds like a pussy talking but it doesn’t change its truth. Yesterday, I saw them kissing. I saw his arms around her, under this very tree, as their lips moved against one another’s. We had agreed that neither could have her and yet he broke that promise the first chance he got. I have been in love with Sammy for as long as I can remember and agreeing to walk away, nearly destroyed me and it was all for nothing.

I punch the tree again and the skin on my knuckle opens. Blood starts to flow down my hand. I shake it off and curse. I can’t get it out of my head. Stefan promised to stay away from her. Yes he is Stefan now because Step died yesterday. What would I have done in his place? My conscience says. Fuck. I would probably have kissed her. Damn it, I can’t even be mad at him.

A twig snaps behind me and I turn to see her standing there looking at me and then down at my hand. A "V" forms in between her eyes with worry. I do not want her worry. I want her heart. I want her soul. I want her lips against mine as they had been with Step.

“What’s the matter?” She asks so innocently and it pisses me off. How dare she ask me that?

“Oh please you know I saw you kissing Step yesterday. Have you forgotten? You were right here and he was mauling you like an animal.” I know it’s an over exaggeration but the knife in my heart is still turning as my world has slipped off its axis.

“Oh.” Is all she says? Oh. One word. One single fucking word. I take a step toward her. She doesn’t retreat. I am thankful for that. I reach out and run a finger down her soft cheek. She inhales sharply and takes my hand. She examines the damage to it. I am not feeling any pain. I am enthralled by her light touch. Her tongue pokes out between her teeth as she always does when concentrating. I groan as my pants grow impossibly tight.

She looks up at me through her thick reddish, blonde lashes. She is the most beautiful girl in the world and I am unable to deny myself any longer. I take her in to my arms and slam my lips against hers. She gasps and I use the opening to slide my tongue in to tangle with hers. She does the unexpected and melts into me with a moan. My knees nearly give out at the taste of her sweetness. She is better than I ever imagined and I have imagined plenty.

I pull back and look at her dazed expression and her swollen lips. I do the only thing I can and go back for more. This time she opens to me immediately and our tongues dance together as we learn each other. I will never forget this moment and I know that there will never be another woman for me. She is it. I am about to tell her just that when a curse sounds from behind us.

“Mother Fucker!” Is what Step shouts before he swings me around and punches me in the nose. I hear the crack and know that it is broken. Step is tall and large, greatly in part to free school lunches and I sneaking him breakfast every morning. I do not stand a chance against his ham like fists but I try anyway. We both fall to the ground swinging. I got in as many licks as he did but mine did less damage and the last thing I remember is hearing Sammy screaming.



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