Chasing Soma (6 page)

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Authors: Amy Robyn

BOOK: Chasing Soma
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Chapter 9.

Last night was even better than the night before but I know that tonight will trump them all. We have been moving all day today. All of our furniture is here and the appliances have been set up. Now, Peter and I are moving boxes as Soma and Leah are unpacking. I do not want Soma moving boxes because I am hoping like hell that I have knocked her up already. Leah is dancing around the house on her tippy toes and we are all avoiding stepping on her.

“Daddy, see my room.” Leah grabs my hand and leads me to her room after I drop off the last box with Soma in the kitchen. Leah’s room looks just as I imagined it would. In the far corner is her large two story castle that she can store all of her toys in. The opposite corner has her twin canopy bed. After tucking her in her little bed the past few night, this bed seems much too large.

“Are you sure this bed isn’t too big for you.” I ask knowing she is going to give me the stink eye. She doesn’t disappoint. She glares over at me.

“I’s a big girl.” She says with a hand on her hip, just as her mother does when she is upset. I smile as I lift my daughter into my arms and toss her into the air. She giggles as I catch her.

“You are a big girl, but daddy is always going to worry about you because that’s my job.” I tell her as I sit her in front of the castle. I open its door and look inside. It doesn’t have any of her toys in it yet. I look over by the closet where her boxes are. I go over and start opening them.

“Come on baby girl, let’s unpack.” I tell her and she drags herself over even though she is pouting. I laugh as I start handing her toys to take into her castle. We make a game out of it and before we know it we are finished. She smiles as she puts the last of her folded clothes in her new dresser. I look up and see Soma standing in the doorway. She grins as she looks around the room that is now finished.

“It looks great sweetie. You and daddy did a great job.” She tells her. Leah looks up beaming at her mother. Mother and daughter are so very beautiful that I am left speechless that they are mine. Pride in my family has me jubilant for the future and any more children we will add to this picture. I lift Leah into my arms before I pull Soma against me. I have everything I need in this world, right here.

“Lunch is ready and Peter is here. He is starting on the lawn. He brought some help.” She says with a cocky grin. I want to laugh because I know that smile. It means she is up to something. I can only imagine. I go and look out the window and see him and two boys, pulling equipment down from his truck.

“Whose boys are those?” I ask as I turn back to Soma. She is smiling and I know it has to be some good gossip if it has her this riled up.

“Charlie’s” She beams up at me as though it were answer enough. I start laughing. Yes, my friend certainly has his hands full. I hope he knows what he’s doing. If he feels half as good with her as I do with Soma, then I know he has truly found something worthy of his love. My best friend truly has a big heart. I know I sound like a woman but I want to see him happy with a family of his own. I know better than anyone how happy a good woman can make you and add my daughter. I have never been happier. Now, I just need to convince my woman on forever.

She sits a plate full of grilled cheese sandwiches on the large dining room table that was delivered this morning. She was right, as usual, it is perfect in our kitchen. She ladles up some chicken noodle soup and hands me a bowl before getting her own. When we are all sitting around the table, I look at my family and smile at what a lucky son of a bitch I am.

“I think we should start working on our room next.” Soma says and I have to agree. I want to break in our new bed. I have many ways of doing that in mind. I notice that Leah is starting to droop while she eats and I know it won’t be long before I can have Soma to myself.

“Our room sounds perfect.” I must have shown where my thought are because she rolls her eyes at me and I can’t help but laugh. I can’t help it that my favorite place to be happens to be inside of Soma. It isn’t just her body that draws me to her. She is smart and sassy. She doesn’t have a problem telling me her mind. She is a caregiver and loves with her whole heart. She doesn’t do anything by half measures. She only knows one way, all in or out.

I didn’t mention her looks because it was only the surface and what drew me in initially. She was one of those girls that is stunning yet doesn’t know it. Yes, a rarity among females. She spends less time getting ready than I do most of the time. I should never have walked away. It is the reason I never did move on. What woman could possibly compare to her? I knew that I would only be more miserable if I tried to move on.

Leah slumps forward on top of the table, her hand still full of her sandwich. She is the cutest little girl. I know I am biased. Soma laughs as she gets up and grabs a wash cloth. She comes over and cleans her up.

“Leave me lone.” Leah says as Soma washes her face. I chuckle and then pick her up as soon as Soma finishes. I carry her up to her room and tuck her into her new bed. I kiss her cheek before leaving and shutting the door until it’s cracked open slightly. I go back down and lift Soma up and throw her over my shoulder. She squeals and I slap her on the bottom.

“What do you think you’re doing, Chase?” She asks upside down as she pinches my butt. I slap her on the ass again.

“We need to break in our bedroom.” I tell her as I carry her up the stairs. I rush to our bedroom and shut the door and lock it just in case our little one gets up. I drop her down on our new king size bed. She bounces on the mattress. I start pulling my clothes off and she follows suit.

“You know the sheets are in the dryer.” She says. I arch my brow.

“I don’t give a shit if it’s covered. The mattress is going to see our bodily fluids plenty. We may as well break it in good, now.” I tell her as I stalk closer to her. I am ready to devour my woman. I do not want her to even be caring about what is going on around us only the sensations I am giving her body. I want to play her body like the keys of a piano. Stroke after stroke of my fingers against her ivory skin.

“I’m not sure I can give you gentle today.” I tell her as I watch her pull her panties down her long legs. My mouth goes dry as I think about how good her thighs feel wrapped around my head as I eat her to orgasm. I need to taste her desperately. I need her juices sliding down my throat and putting out the fire in my belly. I grab her ankles and pull her to the edge of the bed.

“Who says I want gentle.” Fuck, she just dropped the gauntlet. My beast is no longer tethered. I will have her. I cup her ass and dive into her hot pussy, tongue first. This is the meal I was craving. I shove my tongue as far as it will go into her channel to gather as much of the sweet nectar that I am craving as I rub my nose against her nub. She cries out and more of her syrupy essence spills on to my tongue. I groan as I suck and slurp my way to ecstasy.

“Oh fuck.” She shouts as her thighs tighten around my face. I growl and lick up her slit until I suck her clit into my mouth. I shove two fingers into her drenched pussy and feel her tighten around me. I can’t take much more before I have to get in her. My cock is dribbling down the shaft. It wants its fun too. I just need a little more of her flavor. I like to be able to lick my lips and taste her as I fuck her. It makes me cum even harder.

Her legs start to shake and I know she is getting close. I bend my fingers until I find that spot inside of her with my finger tips and I run it. She shouts my name as her legs stiffen and her back bows. Her walls tighten around my fingers and then the wave goes through her. She shakes and moans as the pleasure pulses through her. She is the most beautiful woman in the fucking world when she cums. She lets go of all of her inhibitions and just feels.

I flip her over and pull her up on her knees.

“Keep your legs together.” I say as I get behind her and thrust inside of her warm, tight depths. I groan and throw my head back at the way her pussy feels, gripping me tightly. I start to sweat as I wait for her to become used to my invasion. Fuck, I may die if I can’t move soon. She moves under me and that is all I need to let me know she is ready for more.

“Hold on baby.” I say on a moan. I pull back and quickly thrust back inside of her. Her suckling passage acts as though it doesn’t want me to leave any more than I do. I grab her hair and start to ride her hard. She mewls and arches her back, letting me know she is enjoying this wild ride as much as I am. I lean down and take her mouth, sharing her sweet flavor with her. I pound her harder. At least now we know that we got a good sturdy bed. I think as I pummel her so hard she slides forward on her knees. I follow after her.

I do not relent. I want her to feel me as we have dinner tonight. I want her to feel me during the most important meal I will ever have. I want her to know that I am her man and I will be the one to always satisfy her needs.

“You feel me, baby?” I ask as I thrust so deep that I bounce off of her cervix.

“This is me showing you how much I love you. Do you feel how much I love you?” I ask as I continue to fuck into her like a man on a mission. My mission is twofold. First, to show her what she means to me and second, to impregnate her. I want to see her swollen with my seed this time. I want to be there for the entire process.

“I love you.” She cries out as her pussy clamps down around my cock and starts to suck it in deeper.

“Fuck yeah, I love you so fucking much.” I say just before I explode. It is the only description I could use. I explode. I feel it start in my spine and work its way up until it releases explosively. I coat her walls with my cum as I jerk and moan. I shove in until I hit her womb and let the rest soak into the place I need it the most. She falls forward and I fall with her. I am not ready to pull out of her, so I roll us on to our sides. She leans her head back and stares at me.

I kiss her softly as we catch our breath. I love this woman more than I ever thought was possible. I love her with every fiber of my being. I love her with every breath I take. I want her to know exactly what she means to me and that is what I will be showing her tonight. Hell, I will be showing her every night. This night is important though because that ring that I bought her four years ago will finally be resting on her finger, if all goes well. Fuck, it will, even if I have to keep convincing her. It will be where it belongs.

I smile as I slowly start moving inside of her again. Soma is right, one orgasm is never enough with her.













Chapter 10.

A light touch to my cheek is what is waking me from my sleep. As usual since Chase reentered my life, he fucked me until I passed out. I could get used to these afternoon naps. I smile as a feather light touch ghosts across my cheek again. I crack open my eyes to see Chase holding a rose that he lightly brushes the petals across my cheek. I smile up at him. He is wearing his military suit and he looks gorgeous. I really am a lucky girl.

“Wake up my love.” He says as I stretch. I feel a twinge as my sore muscles protest. It is either from moving or from all the loving I got before falling asleep. The man has a voracious sexual appetite. He always has but it seems even more so now. He enslaves my body with his ardor and I never want to be without him again. I have become an addict again. He makes me his slave. I crave his body and what only it can do to mine. I am his.

“I want you to wear what I set out for you at the end of the bed.” He points to a black dress that I have never seen before.

“Your shoes are by the door.” He points and all I see is a box. He must have bought this for me while he was gone yesterday. I smile up at him and nod. Tears clog my throat. It is a wonder I was ever able to live without him. I can’t imagine my life without him in it.

“Hurry baby, I will be waiting in the dining room.” He leaves the room and I hear him in the hallway talking to Leah. I love how well those two get along. I know it couldn’t have been easy learning that he had a daughter he had only just met. He has handled things better than I could have imagined. I know without a doubt that he loves us. He shows me in everything that he does. I wish that I could turn back time and give him the time to watch his daughter grow. I know he craves that.

I get up and grab the dress he bought me. It is breathtaking. It is something I would have picked out for myself. I throw on a pair of my black lace panties and forgo the bra since it is backless. Just having the silky material against my skin makes me feel sexy as hell. He did a great job. I walk over to the box by the door and find a pair of black suede pumps. I slide them on and they fit perfectly.

The man surprises me at every turn. I open the door and rose petals are spread across the floor leading to the stairs. I follow them down and into the kitchen. There I find Leah in a very pretty dress. Her hair is in a simple ponytail but it is neatly done. I smile as I think about Chase getting her to hold still while he did her hair.

He has a bottle of champagne in a chiller sitting on the table. A dozen roses are in a beautiful vase in the center of the table. Dinner is already prepared and sitting in varying bowls and platters. I am truly shocked. When did he have time to do all of this? Leah is practically vibrating with excitement. Chase helps her into her seat before turning and holding my chair out for me. I grin at him as he slides me under the table.

“How about some champagne for my ladies?” He pulls the bottle out and I arch my brow at him. He smirks at me.

“It’s sparkling apple juice.” He says with a chuckle as he pours some in our daughter’s cup and then in our flutes. It looks like he has thought of everything.

“Is there a reason other than the new house we are celebrating?” I ask him as he scoops up some Chinese food onto Leah’s plate. I giggle as I recognize the noodles as belonging to a restaurant in town. He must have had it delivered while I was still sleeping. It is nice not having to cook this evening. He looks over at me with a nervous smile. I am about to ask him what has gotten into him when he stands up and comes over to me before dropping to his knee beside me.

“I bought this for you four years ago. I couldn’t get rid of it. I carried it in my wallet when I wasn’t away overseas and when I was overseas I wore it on the chain with my dog collar. It was a constant reminder of you. It made me feel closer to you, even when I thought you hated me.” He pulls something out of his pocket and shows me the ring resting in his palm. My breath hitches. He bought this for me before I broke up with him. Tears slide down my cheek as I think about all the wasted time.

“Shhh, it’s alright my love. I think that we were both so young and full of so many dreams that it took us being apart to know what is truly important.” He pauses and kisses me lightly before continuing.

“I love you with everything in me. I can’t be without you again. I need you as my best friend, my partner and my wife. Please, do me the honor of being my wife?” He says the last part against my lips as  tears continue to run down my cheeks. I can’t believe he just asked me to marry him. I have dreamed of him doing this since we started dating six years ago.

“Yes, I will marry you.” I tell him happily. He slides the ring onto my finger. He takes my mouth and we kiss with abandon until a little voice calls us back. Chase jumps up and goes over to our daughter. He kneels beside her.

“I promise to be the best daddy I can be.” He kisses her cheek as he pulls something out of his pocket and places it on her wrist. She smiles when he pulls away and shakes her wrist so that the light hits the gems and sparkles.

“Look, mommy.” She says as she holds her wrist up. That is when I notice the engravings.
Leah Sterling.
It’s his last name that draws attention. He wants her to have his last name. I’m not surprised, I just hadn’t thought about it since he has had me so distracted.

“It’s beautiful sweetie.” I tell her and she smiles up at her father with adoring eyes. I wish not for the first time that I could give them back the lost time they had. I know I can’t and I will always feel guilty for that but we have a future now that we can do with it as we choose. I choose never to be apart from him from this day forward.

“I’m meeting my team in Vegas and I think it is a perfect place to get married. What do you think?” He asks and I smile. My parents wanted nothing to do with their pregnant teenaged daughter so when they left town three years ago I stayed. I wouldn’t invite them to any wedding of mine. I only had one person I would want there.

“Can Charlie come? She is my maid of honor.” I tell him and he nods his head before chuckling.

“Since Peter is my best man, I think it works out perfectly.” I start laughing too. Who knows, perhaps there will be a double wedding. I watch the two people I care about most as we finish our dinner. I have never been happier and so very much in love. I loved him before but now it is so much more intense. I can’t imagine ever being without him. He has given me the best gift ever given to me, my daughter. Someday there will be more. It didn’t escape my notice that he has been purposely trying to get me pregnant. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if I was carrying his child as we speak.

I know he wants to enjoy it from the very beginning. I only hope that this pregnancy is easier than the last. I was constantly sick.

“What has you so far away?” He asks as he takes my hand.

“You have given me everything I ever wanted. I am so happy.” I tell him and he cups my cheek.

“It is me that is grateful. I get another chance to make the most beautiful woman in the world mine. She gave me this beautiful daughter and has made my life complete.” He says as he leans over and kisses me again and I melt. He always knows the right thing to say. I only hope to make him as happy as he has made me.



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