Chasing Dragonflies (17 page)

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Authors: Tee Smith

BOOK: Chasing Dragonflies
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Rifling through the kitchen cupboards she snagged the pan she was looking for. It was her favourite. She knew her mum would have kept it. Her mum threw nothing out. Mostly that made for a lot of hoarded junk, but on this occasion she was happy.

She had not needed to cook much, as Patrick was pretty happy to kick her out of the kitchen and do it for her. But she wanted to make breakfast for Dex. That would cheer him up. She hoped.

“Knock, knock,” she called out at her own bedroom door. Feeling silly, it was her own room, but she didn't want to barge in on him.

When there was no answer, she reached out and wrapped her hand around the door handle. As she was about to turn it, the door swung open and Dex was standing in the doorway.

“Sorry sweetheart,” he said swooping her into his arms.

She pulled back and made eye-contact with him.

“What was that all about?”

She felt him tense, his jaw worked back and forth and he closed his eyes. After a long moment he let out a long sigh.

“I don't like the way he talks to you. I don't like the way he looks at you.”


“I know, he's your friend,” he carried on, not letting her talk. “I just want you all to myself, is that such a bad thing?”

“Oh Dex,” she smiled, her heart melting that little bit more. How could she be mad at him when he said things like that? Her lips met his in a passionate kiss. When he finally pulled away she announced she had made him some breakfast and he better come eat it before it went cold.

“Awesome, then after breakfast I want to take you to meet someone.”

Chapter 22

Maddie was nervous about meeting
Dex's dad. She really was not sure what to expect. Although Dex had talked about him quite a bit. Dex must have sensed her nerves as he reached out and grabbed her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

“You'll love him I promise. He's very laid back,” he gave her a reassuring smile.

She smiled back at him, if he was anything like Dex, she already knew she would love him.

Pulling into the drive, she took in the old house. It was a weatherboard on stumps. The house looked well maintained, but the gardens where overgrown with weeds. Obviously neither Dex nor his dad were gardeners. There were three small steps leading up to an open deck. On the deck she could see a man sitting at a small patio table. Her nerves leapt up another notch at the realisation it must be Dex's dad.

The truck came to a rambling halt. Dex climbed out of his door and before she had a chance to gather her thoughts he was standing by her side with her door open. As she moved to get out, he reached out and placed his hands on her waist and lifted her to the ground, his hand coming down and swatting her butt giving her a little giggle.

“C'mon then, let’s go meet the old man,” he leant forward placing a gentle kiss in her hair. He grasped her hand in his and pulled her toward the house.

Dex's dad stood as they approached, he was a stocky man in his late fifties. Not as tall as Dex, similar coloured hair although it was grey around the edges and he still had a headful. He also sported a long beard that hung down to his chest.

“Hey Son,” he called out in a deep booming voice as they approached.

“Hey Dad.” Dex lurched forward giving his dad a man hug, one arm around his shoulders, the other hand still holding hers.

“This beautiful lady must be Maddie?” He stated turning toward her and wrapping an arm about her, pulling her in for a hug.

Maddie was shocked and took a step back, she had not expected him to hug her. Quickly regaining her equilibrium, she schooled her features, not wanting to offend him with her reaction.

“Hi Mister Dexter,” she said quietly, flashing him a smile.

“Nah, none of that Mister bullshit, you call me Charlie.”

“Okay, Charlie.”

“Now grab a chair, I'll go stick the kettle on.”

He pulled a plastic patio chair up for her and gestured for her to sit, unsure she looked to Dex who gave her a wink, showing his approval, so she tentatively sat on the hard plastic. Dex leant over her and whispered in her ear.

“Relax sweetheart it will be okay and if it's not we can go at any time okay?”

She had to love that about him, he was so understanding, and seemed to be able to read her emotions, knowing when she was uncomfortable in certain situations. She reminded herself over and over again, that while he was there, it would be okay.

“I'll just go help Dad with the coffees and be back in sec okay?”

“Yeah sure,” she nodded relaxing back into the chair. It was a pleasant morning with a soft breeze blowing. She was glad she had chosen a top with long flowing sleeves as it could almost be a little chilly.

A plane flew overhead and she watched it as it sped across the sky, wondering where it might be headed. Once upon a time, she had thought she might travel. Her and Tom. Indonesia had been on their immediate list, maybe Europe after a few years of working, before they settled and started a family.

“Here we go then.” Charlie's voice wrenched from her thoughts back to the present. He placed her steaming mug of coffee on the table, then walked to the opposite side of the table with his own. Dex pulled up a chair, settling in beside her.

“Thanks Charlie,” she smiled at the older man.

“You're very welcome, it’s nice to have some pretty around here to dilute the ugly for a change,” he chuckled at his own joke. “So where are you from Maddie? Do you live nearby?”

“Ah, yeah just in the foothills actually.”

Charlie nodded, “Nice. What about work? What do you do for a living?”

“Ahh,” she looked around feeling unsure about all these questions. Surely Dex had told him about her?

“Dad, it’s not the Spanish inquisition,” Dex scorned.

Charlie lifted his hands up in front of himself. “What? I'm just making small talk.”

“It’s okay Dex,” Maddie soothed, moving her hand on his thigh and smoothing it over his jean clad leg. “Sorry Charlie...I have had a bit of a hard time recently. My dad held me captive in the shed in my backyard for six years.”

“Madd...” Dex blurted, giving her a stern look. Obviously he had not told his dad. She would have once thought everyone knew. She had been surprised when she learnt that Dex didn't know, now his dad as well? Maybe they did not have a television.

“No it's okay... he asked,” she smiled at him, looking to Charlie who sat staring at her from the other end of the table. “So to answer your question, no I do not have a job at the moment. I have to have physio once a week still. I nearly died from pneumonia and my brother’s girlfriend saved my life. Right before my mum killed my dad.”

Charlie suddenly began coughing, his face turned red, then purple as he doubled over in his chair, choking. Dex leapt from his chair and closed the space between him and his dad in one large stride, bringing a hand down on the centre of his back.

Maddie was horrified. Had she done this to him? Maybe she had said too much...she seemed to have a habit of doing that.

“Oh gosh, oh Charlie,” she ran to his side and stroked his shoulder as he gasped for air struggling to regain his breath. She knew only too well how that felt. “I am so sorry,” she gushed. She looked at Dex, pleading to him with her eyes. “I'm sorry Dex.”

“It's okay Love,” Charlie placed his hand over hers where it rested on his shoulder. “I'm sorry, shit girl. I never expected you to tell me that.” He shot an angry glance at his son.

She leant over him, looking into his eyes, a darker blue than Dex's. “Are you sure you're okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, I'm good.”

“I'm sorry, I would have thought Dex would have told you,” she apologised as she took her seat back across the other side of the table and picked up her coffee, taking a sip.

Charlie shot his son another look that Maddie could not quite decipher. “Hmm, seems he only tells me what he thinks I need to know.”

“Sorry Dad,” Dex said hanging his head, before turning to Maddie. “I didn't think you would like me spreading your story all over the place, I know you don't like people to know.”

“Pity,” she barked out. “It's people's pity I don't want. I lived through six years as a prisoner in my own backyard and all people want to do is pity me.” Her voice raised a little and she took a deep breath to try to calm herself. “It's still my life, not talking about it doesn't mean it never happened.”

“Are you the young girl that was on the news a little while back?” Charlie piped up.

“Oh so you have heard of me?”

“I don't watch much telly, but I was out in the truck one day when they had something on the news. Wasn't your dad that copper? He was involved with the Marco Brothers investigation wasn't he?”

She waved her hands in the air, “Oh that was a long, long time ago now... must be ten years or more.”

“So it was him. I met him a few times, he seemed like a good bloke. Just goes to show you can never tell, doesn't it?” he said looking at Dex.

Maddie stiffened, she hated to hear people talking ill of her dad. She knew she would have to accept it. Charlie went on.

“You're doing okay now though? Jeez it can't have been easy on you.”

“Dad,” Dex admonished.

“I'm getting my life back on track now, thank you Charlie.” She appreciated, finally someone who wasn't scared to talk to her.

“That's really good love.” He turned to Dex, extended a leg out and kicking him under the table.

Maddie brought her hand to her mouth to stifle a giggle. “You better be looking after her then you little shit.”

Dex reached a hand out and took hers with a huge grin. “Am I looking after you Maddie?”

She smiled back at him, before looking to Charlie. “Yeah he's doing alright,” she laughed.

“And what about that little princess of yours? When are you bringing her out for a visit with her grandpop?”

“Soon,” Dex sighed. “Melody's being a bitch. I'll work on it okay?”

“You bloody better, I love that baby,” Charlie gruffed.

“Yeah I know Dad, me too.”

They stayed and chatted for another hour. Charlie told embarrassing stories about Dex as a child, like the time he ran down the road sans pants because he heard the ice-cream truck. About his first girlfriend who broke his heart, when he was seven and she told him she loved Jack instead. She was sure she even saw a little colour in Dex's cheeks when he told her about the crush he had on his high school teacher, Miss Perkins who was just out of school herself.

It felt good and normal to just sit and chat, Maddie knew right away she would come to love Charlie. She missed her own dad and of course no one would ever take his place. But maybe Charlie might help ease the pain of his loss.

When they left Charlie wrapped her in his arms and gave her a big bear hug. Whispering in her ear, “You make sure you let me know if that boof head doesn't treat you right okay girl?”

She giggled into his chest. “Thank you Charlie.” Deep inside she knew she was not just thanking him for what he had just said, but thanking him for accepting her. It gave her a warm fuzzy sensation, knowing that Charlie was in the world and he was on her side.

Waving good-bye they headed off back down the road.

“I like your dad,” she smiled over at Dex.

His own smile, brightened his whole face, “I knew you would. I hope you love Shyla just as much. I'm going to try to take you to meet her next weekend, if you want to meet her?”

“Oh I would love that,” she beamed. She really was looking forward to meeting Dex's little daughter. Knowing he was taking her to meet Shyla, made her very happy.

Chapter 23

It was two weeks before
she finally got to meet Shyla. Dex had grumbled something about her mother being a bitch. He really didn't talk about her at all. She knew he had been married, but every time she tried to broach the subject he would shut her down.

Now they stood on the doorstep, waiting for her to come to the door. Dex knocked for a second time and they heard a voice calling out that they would be there in a minute. Maddie wrung her hands, not knowing what to expect. He placed his hand in hers, pulling her closer, silently reassuring her.

The door swung open and standing in the entrance was a short plump woman, with shoulder length strawberry blonde hair, she was not what Maddie had expected.

“Melody,” Dex nodded at her.

“Lincoln,” she answered back curtly.

Maddie had not heard anyone call him by his first name. Even his dad called him Dex. Hiding behind Melody's legs was the sweetest little girl Maddie had ever seen. Long blonde hair, pretty blue eyes and a little pixie face.

“Shyla,” Dex called out to her and moved forward to take her hand as he entered the house. Melody moved out of the way and allowed them both to enter.

“Hi Melody, I'm Maddie,” she smiled at the woman and extended her hand to shake.

“Oh shit, sorry Madd,” Dex offered.

“Language Lincoln,” Melody admonished him.

“Oh yeah sh...I mean, sorry. You didn't hear daddy say bad words did you Shy?”

“She hears everything,” Melody rolled her eyes.

Moving towards the living area with Shyla's hand in his, Dex reached around and took hers as well, bring them both to the couch and gesturing for her to sit.

“So how has my girl been?” he sat with Shyla now at eye-level.

“Good Daddy,” the little girl beamed. “Mummy took me to the park and....and...and we went on the slide and the swing.”

“That's awesome baby girl,” he smiled looking up at Melody who stood watching them interact with her arms folded across her chest.

“Shyla, I brought a friend with me today, would you like to meet her?” Dex asked his daughter taking both her tiny hands in his big ones.

Shyla nodded excitedly. “Mummy told me, you have a girlfriend.”

Dex let out a small laugh, “Yes I do baby girl, but you know what?”

“What?” she asked shaking her head.

“You're still my number one girl.”

“Yay,” Shyla squealed and jumped up and down. Dex turned and smiled at Maddie. She couldn't help but think he was so incredibly cute with her. So soft and tender.

“Shyla,” he called gaining her attention again. Taking her hands he moved them to Maddie's knees. “This is my girlfriend Maddie.”

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