Chasing Air (12 page)

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Authors: Delaine Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Chasing Air
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After their jump, they watched the video, sharing champagne and laughter with Trey and the other couple. Ryler insisted that he needed new eardrums from her squeals.

“Okay, time to go.” He pulled her by her hand.

“But we aren’t done, are we?” Makenzie wasn’t ready for the day to end. The experience had her adrenaline pumping ten times that of her trauma nights in the ER.

“Nope, far from done, but we have somewhere to be.”

“What’s next?” She shivered with anticipation.

“Patience, grasshopper.” He laughed at her as he ran a finger down her nose and kissed her sweetly.

“What kind of saying is that?” She wrinkled her nose as she made fun of him.

“It’s from a movie that I can’t recall, but it’s stuck in my head and I say it all the time.”

They returned to her building and he opened her car door, “You have exactly one hour and I’ll be back here in the lobby.”

“Where are we going? How do I know what to wear?”
Could he be more exasperating?

“Hm, wear a skirt, I love your long legs.” His blue eyes sparkled like glitter.

“Bra or no bra?” She wanted to make sure she had his attention.



Yep, she had it. “You said a skirt. You didn’t say a shirt, so I didn’t know if it was a totally topless place or not after what you’ve put me through today, so bra or no bra?”

“Brat. Yes wear a shirt, but I’m perfectly fine with no bra.” He looked like he had just scored.

“Fine, then.” She playfully smirked at him and danced her way to her loft.

If it’s a skirt he wants, it’s a skirt he’ll get and one he won’t soon forget,” she said out loud.




Ryler stood anxiously waiting in the lobby. The first look at her took his breath away. “You look magnificent,” he whispered on her lips.

“Glad you approve. Now, will you tell me where we’re going?”

“Nope, it would truly spoil the experience, but I love that leopard skirt.”

She held his hand during the short drive into Dallas. “As long as I live, I’ll never forget any second of today. I can’t even think of anything I could possibly do that would be more thrilling and take more guts than what I did today, all because of you. Thank you for making me push my own limits.” Her eyes were moist as she leaned over the console and kissed his cheek.

“Does that mean you would go up again?” He met her eyes, searching for her real answer. He recognized the gleam and knew her answer before she said it.


“I win!” he roared.

“You tricked me.” She gave him a pouty face.

“No, I didn’t. I won fair and square.” They both laughed. “I knew you were an adrenaline junkie the first time I met you. Now for the second surprise.” He pulled the car to a stop and parked in front of a building with an ornate sign that read, “Chocolate Secrets.”

“What kind of place is Chocolate Secrets?”

“If I’d tried to describe it, I would’ve never done it justice. It’s truly another unique experience that I know you’ll enjoy.”

They dined in a private room, perfect for enjoying each other’s company. The live music in another room prov
ided beautiful background music, and Ryler took advantage of it several times by asking her to dance. The way he danced conjured images in Makenzie’s mind of something far more physical than just dancing. He held her so close she could hardly breathe, but knew she’d never breathe again if he let her go at that moment.

“I hope you left room for dessert.” He brushed her lips with his fingers.

“Let me guess, they have chocolate, right?” she asked with a breathy voice.

“Just about any way you could imagine, chocolate abounds. I happen to love their champagne sorbet float and tipsy banana split.” His eyes twinkled in the candlelight.

Makenzie studied the dessert menu and unknowingly licked her lips. The sight made him grow painfully hard against his zipper. He wanted her body for dessert, but he didn’t want to rush the experience for her.

Makenzie couldn’t narrow down her choices from the dozens of mind-blowing desserts listed on the menu, so Ryler took over, asking their server to bring a sample of several different things.

When the tray arrived, Makenzie’s heart was as much on fire as the Tipsy Banana Split served flambé’.

The feelings she had developed for Ryler were real and not going away
, no matter how hard she’d tried to get rid of them. She knew she had crested over a point of no return. She adored the way he challenged her and pushed her beyond her limits but still, he had the ability to make her feel safe. The chemistry they shared was something she had only heard about. Just the thought of her connection with him made a warm heat rise in her chest and her heart race.

In the car on the way home Makenzie leaned over the console and rested her head on his shoulder. She drew imaginary circles in the palm of his hand with her finger.

“Keep that up and I’m going to tickle you back when we get home.”



“Then I intend on collecting on that promise.”

He’d waited patiently for her to choose him, and she had.

He pulled the car into the garage and opened the door for her, taking her by the hand. As he led her to his bedroom, the house was dark and all of the lights were turned out. She couldn’t see a thing. She expected him to turn on the lights, but he didn’t. Strange.
What hot-blooded guy doesn’t want all the lights on?

“I can’t see you.” She began to tremble with excitement.

“Exactly,” he paused. “I want you to trust me, Makenzie. Just feel me.” He held her hand. He could hear her breaths in quick pants. He could feel her racing pulse by the pulse point in her wrist.

He let his finger drag up her body, finally resting his hand on her jaw. He kissed her passionately until he felt her body relax and say yes. She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. Their passion ignited flames between them. She felt the fullness of his erection through his clothes, his hips pressed against her. Bathed in only darkness and total quiet surrounding them, she would’ve sworn that she could hear their hearts beating.

He slowly unzipped the back of her red silk tank and let it puddle on the floor. Ah, she wasn’t wearing a bra. He knew it already of course, he’d felt her hardened nipples against his chest when they danced.

“Hmm, no bra?”

She could sense that he was smiling. “Ask and you shall receive,” she countered.

“Music to my ears.” He was quick with a comeback, always matching hers.

He kissed her mouth with uncaged desire. She was finally going to be his.

“Can I have my more now?” she asked in an almost choked whisper, a total plea for him to love her.

He wanted to show her his answer. He carried her to the bed and laid her on her back. He stroked her thigh before going even higher with his hand. He felt her complete nakedness, no panties. That surprised him. He loved how she always managed to meet him with such a fun and playful spirit.

He pleasured her body, enjoying every inch of her skin. With only darkness, she was forced to feel what he delivered and he did it well, giving her an orgasm that completely sent her over the top. But she still wanted more. She wanted everything, all he had to give and she craved to give him what he wanted as well.

“Make love to me, Ryler.”

“I am.” He grinned. She couldn’t see it, but she knew.

“No, you’re pleasuring me, but I want more. I want you to love me.”

“I do.”

And he did. It came so naturally to say. He wasn’t ashamed of how he felt about her.

“I love you, too.” Her words shocked both of them.

He knew how he felt about her, but he thought it would take some time and coaxing before she finally admitted her true feelings about him.

He paused. There was complete and utter silence in the room and the moment was frozen as her words still hung in the air. He had hoped for this, but he wasn’t prepared for it.

He turned on the bedside lamp. He wanted to see her eyes, see her commitment to him. He needed her to see him as well, all the man he was and would ever be for her.

“When did you decide you loved me?” he quizzed her.

She paused for a moment. “The first night I was here with you and slept upstairs. I knew then that we had something special, I just tried to fight it. There’s so much about me that you don’t know. I...”

He knew she was about to confess her past, to reveal things she hadn’t shared with anyone. He needed her to know that she was everything to him.

“Shhh, I love you, Makenzie.” He kissed her sweetly. “Now I want to make love to you, to give you more.”

They spent the rest of the night making love to each other, pleasuring, and discovering each other. They were still awake and talking when the glimmer of first light began to break through the shadows in the room.

“Come with me, I want to show you something.” He grabbed the blanket off the end of the bed as he led her naked to the back door.

“Come sit outside with me under the blanket and watch the amazing sunrise. It’s beautiful here in the mornings.”

After they had been warmed by the faint heat of an early morning sun, Ryler took her back to bed. When he reached for another condom, she said, “You don’t have to use that if you don’t want. I’m on the pill, not that I needed them for anything exciting. There hasn’t been anyone in a long time.” Her voice was quiet with almost a quiver at the end.

“You’re sure about this?” He knew this meant she was giving of herself completely. That last wall holding her trust at a distance was finally crumbling before his very own eyes. Her heart was open and exposed to him.

“Yes, I’m sure. I’ve never felt safer than with you.”

As they loved again, Makenzie realized what her declaration meant. She was completely and utterly in love with Ryler Buchanan. There was no turning back for her.





Three days later, in New York


Tony Brillo phoned his boss, Drew Donati. “Some things are popping up on internet searches. We need to meet.”

“Can you come to my office?” Drew was in the middle of prepping for his case in court.

“No, this needs to be private, you know where.” Tony quickly hung up.

Tony Brillo was a computer hacker and eternal criminal engaged in cybercrimes. He was employed by Drew Donati to run background checks and do research on all of Drew’s clients and cases. He also was the one who hacked into the NYPD computer system and changed records whenever necessary. He kept constant surveillance of any internet searches done on the Donati family.

An hour later, Drew and Tony were meeting at a pizza joint down by the bridge. “What’s got you spooked, Tony?”

“An IP address in Dallas, Texas, has been searching you and Judith. Who do you know in Dallas, dude?” His voice was sarcastic.

“No one. What did you come up with?” The color suddenly drained from his Drew’s face.

“I have an address and physical location. Getting a team there just as soon as you cleared it.”

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