Chaps and Hope (Mossy Glenn Ranch 1)

BOOK: Chaps and Hope (Mossy Glenn Ranch 1)
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A Total-E-Bound Publication

Chaps and Hope

ISBN # 978-1-78184-251-5

©Copyright Bailey Bradford 2013

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright February 2013

Edited by Eleanor Boyall

Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

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Published in 201
3 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a
heat rating
and a

This story contains 134 pages, additionally there is also a
free excerpt
at the end of the book containing 10 pages.

Mossy Glenn Ranch


Bailey Bradford

Book one in the Mossy Glenn Ranch Series

It’ll take hard work for Carlos, Troy and Will to turn the Mossy Glenn Ranch into the successful business it used to be, and even more challenging will be making the place their home.

and Will met in Where There’s a Will. They found each other and a love not many people could imagine. It worked for them, and they’ve been handed a chance at a new life and a home of their own.

The Mossy Glenn Ranch, owned by three siblings, Nick, Rory, and Annabelle, used to be flush with success. Then the previous owners destroyed almost everything, selling their heritage right out from under the three.

They bought part of it back, and asked Carlos and his partners to make the place successful again. It’s a chance Carlos grabs with both hands once his guys agree, but there are challenges for all of them, and Will’s desire to make the place specifically LGBT-employee friendly and safe may cause more trouble than they already find when they get to their new home.

From a situation in town that reminds Will all too much of his own abusive past, to the surprising support of many of the townsfolk, the trio find themselves facing new challenges and reaching for the love and support that grows stronger between them.


To new beginnings and second chances, and those not afraid to grab onto both.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Jones: The Walt Disney Company/

International Gay Rodeo Association: International Gay Rodeo Association

Wrangler: VF Corporation

Bambi: Walt Disney Animated Classics

Craigslist: Craigslist

ACE Hardware: ACE Hardware Corporation

McDonald’s: McDonald’s

Amazon:, Inc.

Oscar: The
Motion Pictures
Arts and Science

Botox: Allergan, Inc.

XTube: XTube

Viagra: Pfizer Inc.


Chapter One

“Wow, I don’t know about this,” Troy muttered, looking out of the passenger side window. There were freakin’ mountains. They made Troy feel small and he didn’t like that at all.

“I think it’s beautiful,” Will said, leaning against Troy. Will, lithe guy that he was, always sat in the middle of the truck’s bench seat. Will loved being in the middle, whereas Troy only loved it in certain situations—like when he, Will, and Carlos were all naked and fucking like bunnies. Troy pulled his gaze away from the intimidating ginormous mounds and cast it towards the stoic, chiselled cowboy driving so competently.

Carlos could be a mountain, Troy decided. Their mountain, his and Will’s. It had taken Troy a while but he’d come to believe he could depend on Carlos—and Will. Sometimes he thought he was the weak link in their relationship, but he tried not to let his insecurities get the best of him.

“I missed this when we were in Texas,” Will continued, and he began to stroke Troy’s thigh, just teasing at the inside seam of his jeans. “South Texas is so damn flat, and dry, God, it’s awful. Nice people though.” Will shifted and nipped Troy’s jaw, drawing every bit of Troy’s attention then. Will’s eyes gleamed with the knowledge that he’d just made Troy’s dick so hard he was surprised it didn’t drill right through his jeans. Troy knew Will’s expressions better than he knew his own.

“Sexy men,” Will added, dragging fingers across Troy’s rigid length.

“You two gonna put on a show, I might just have to pull over,” Carlos rumbled, and Troy’s dick got just
much harder. Carlos was still looking straight ahead, watching the road, as far as Troy could tell. He either had awesome peripheral vision, or he knew his men quite well. Probably the latter, Troy thought as he sucked in a sharp breath. Will rubbing his balls was guaranteed to make Troy whimper unless he bit the crap out of his lips.

“We could put on a show for you, Cowboy,” Will purred, using his pet name for Carlos. “Or you could pull over and join in, ’cuz I’m gonna be all over Troy and his big dick in just a few seconds.”

The whimper Troy had been trying to hold in burst free in a gush of warm air, blood surging through his veins at the promise in Will’s voice. Dimly, he was aware of Carlos cursing in that low, rough way he did when he got horny as hell. The truck swerved, bumped along for a few seconds as Will bent and blew on Troy’s denim-covered dick.

Troy grabbed a handful of Will’s sweet, round ass with one hand and the Oh Shit bar with the other. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, sliding down as much as he could. Someone—Will, most likely—unbuckled his seat belt, and Troy made another one of those embarrassing sounds as Will unfastened his jeans.

The fact that it was day—a bright, sunny one—rather than night, and that they were out in the open didn’t faze Troy at all. After you’d inadvertently made a porn tape, like he and his lovers had back in the bar Troy used to work in, you tended not to be so shy. Troy had never been much on the shy side to begin with, but he really had forgotten about the security cameras in the storage room.

Hell, no one in their right mind would have been thinking about anything other than the two sexy men he’d been with, was still with. A little sunlight and possible exposure wasn’t going to stop any of them. Besides, Troy trusted Carlos to take care of them.

There was a subtle scent on the wind, an almost sweet odour that somehow added to Troy’s stimulation. Eyes closed, Troy moaned softly at the first flick of Will’s tongue over his slit. Everything else ceased to register when Will sucked his crown into the tight, wet confines of his mouth.

Troy’s worries along with his doubts and insecurities melted away under the skilled tongue and hard suction. He heard the metallic sound of Carlos’ seatbelt being unfastened then the grunts and murmurs as Carlos moved to lean over Will. His mouth was taken and ravished by the expert kiss Carlos laid on him. Troy quivered and keened as his balls drew tight.

“Not so quick,” Carlos growled against his lips, following the command with a bite on Troy’s lower one. “Got us pulled over in a nice, private spot. No reason to rush this.”

Troy would have begged to differ. He was desperate to come. Even so, even lost as he was in his own needs, he knew Carlos would have his way. Mainly because Troy and Will wanted him to.

“Mmm,” Will hummed as he sucked Troy’s cock in deeper.

Troy gasped and Carlos was on him again, plundering his mouth in a kiss that was every bit as good as being fucked. Troy managed to get a handful of Carlos’ shirt, scraping his blunt nails over Carlos’ chest as he did so. His other hand he kept on Will’s tempting ass.

Will’s mouth was divine, but Troy wanted more. He needed to thrust and fuck and be taken—he needed to be in the middle now. None of his fears could slip into his head then, when he was being loved on like that.

Will bobbed down and took Troy in to his throat. Troy jerked his head aside and yelped, struggling not to squirt like a virgin getting his first blowjob. He let go of Will’s ass to try to grab the base of his own shaft. Will swallowed and Troy kicked his feet, forcing his climax back through sheer determination.

“Want in,” he panted, and hoped to God his partners understood. “Fuck me,” was the best he could get out to possibly clarify his needs.

Carlos got it, though, and Will must have too, because Troy, big, muscle-bound guy that he was, found himself pulled out of the truck shortly after hearing the door open. He prised his eyelids apart as soon as his feet hit the ground. Carlos burned him with a hot look then cupped his jaw firmly, almost painfully. He slanted his mouth to Troy’s again and kissed him with a savage intensity that made Troy quake from somewhere deep inside all the way out to his toes.

Meanwhile, Will pulled on his jeans, shoving them down. “Lift your foot.” Will tugged, and Troy did so. He was melting under Carlos’ onslaught, unable to truly focus on anything else.

Until a slippery hand stroked his cock, smearing it with lube. Troy jolted, eyes flying open as Carlos spun him around. His own hole was rubbed, slicked up while at the same time Carlos nudged him towards Will’s sweet bottom. Will was bent over the seat, propped up on his elbows and peering eagerly over his shoulder. His pucker glistened and gaped just enough that Troy knew he’d stretched himself, and Troy could just shove in and fuck until he shattered.

Troy took Will’s ass cheeks in hand and spread them apart. He noted the way Will’s nuts were already pulled up right before Carlos growled at him to get on it.

“Yeah, what he said,” Will panted, reaching beneath himself to palm his cock.

Troy didn’t need to be told twice, although thinking was becoming difficult what with Carlos pushing a thick finger into his ass. Carlos’ hands always looked long, lean, his fingers almost delicate despite the scars on them—and yet, when Carlos slipped a finger into Troy’s ass, it felt like he was being opened up with something a helluva lot bigger. Troy moaned, his pucker burning around the intrusion.

Carlos muttered something unintelligible and pushed another digit in. “Come on, honey. Can’t fuck you until you get on in Will, and look at Will. He wants you to fuck him so bad, so hard and long. Gonna have to slap that ass a few times while you’re riding him.”

“Ungh, please,” Will whined, shaking his rump. Troy obliged him with three sharp smacks that were every bit as hard as Will liked them to be. Will yelled and raised his butt for each one, even though they left his skin bright, fiery red. Before the last slap finished ringing out, Troy thrust into Will’s hole, giving them both the rough fucking they liked. Sex wasn’t always this way, but when it was, they all revelled in it.

Will’s ass gripped Troy’s length, rippling around it as he sank in balls-deep. Troy loved watching his dick split Will open. He loved the drag against his cock when he pulled out almost completely. He loved everything about fucking Will, and—“Shit,” he hissed. He loved being fucked, too, and Carlos’ cock was thick, thick and long, and pushing through Troy’s pucker. Troy didn’t even think Carlos had his fingers all the way out when he’d started pushing in, because holy hell, that had been some burn, but Carlos was soon holding his hips, and that was good, so good.

It was perfect, better than perfect, if that was possible. Troy kept his hips pressed to Will’s ass and he bent over him, the better to receive Carlos’ cock. As soon as that thick shaft was so deep inside him Troy thought he could taste it, Troy swivelled his hips.

“Damn it,” Carlos huffed. He tightened his grip on Troy, bruising him, marking him, and Troy shivered with the pleasure of being owned by these two men. He owned them just as much, and it was times like this that he knew it in every cell of his DNA.

Carlos thrust in even further and Troy gasped, pleasure shooting through his ass. Will moaned and dropped his head to the seat. His hand was still on his cock, and Troy had to brace himself because he knew it was going to get wild. He grabbed the headrest and got his other hand on to the floorboard just in time. Carlos pulled back, Troy following for a few inches, then Carlos slammed back into him, driving Troy’s cock deep into Will’s ass.

The truck rocked or the Earth moved, or maybe it was just Troy’s head spinning. Whatever, he didn’t have time to figure it out because Carlos set to fucking him like Carlos was starving for it. Probably was—they were all three kind of sluts for each other.

Troy lowered himself enough to drag his teeth over Will’s nape. Will shrieked and followed that up with, “More!”

“Gonna give it to him,” Carlos rasped, ploughing Troy harder.

Troy’s teeth clacked together and he came up to his toes with the force of the fucking. He hammered into Will, each thrust pushing whimpers and curses from him. Troy arched his back, getting a deeper drive in, and Carlos cursed just before he laid a harsh slap to Troy’s backside.

“Oh,” Troy panted, his vision sparking with red and black spots. His balls drew right up, getting ready to shoot him into orbit. “God. Damn!” Whether he actually got the “Again” out, he couldn’t say, but Carlos laid his hand down once more, the sound loud despite their panting.

Troy powered into Will’s ass then like a madman, need ripping through him. Will’s “Uhn uhn uhn,” sounds were driving Troy insane, just like Carlos’ harsh breaths and jabbing hip bones that would leave marks on Troy’s butt. His hole burned and ached from the pounding, and his prostate was about too sensitive for much more. Carlos was nailing that gland consistently.

“Now,” Carlos barked as he shoved in again. He punctuated the order with a pinch to Troy’s hip, and that bite of pain gave Troy just what he needed to come.

Troy howled, his throat aching as he tensed from calves to neck, his cock throbbing. Will’s ass clutched him almost too tight, milking his shaft in irregular constrictions. Will keened, and Troy was jostled by another hard thrust from Carlos. Then Carlos gave that rusty sound he made when he came, and hot cum warmed Troy’s ass deep inside.

Will grunted when Troy collapsed on him. Troy would apologise later, when he could speak. He was doing well to just fucking breathe at this point.

Carlos’ raspy breaths gave Troy a sense of joy, knowing he’d helped push Carlos to that point. Oh, he knew it wasn’t just him. Carlos’ cock might have been up his ass, but Will was just as integral to Carlos’ pleasure as Troy was. The three of them made up a maybe unlikely partnership, but it worked for them, and damn it, they loved each other on top of it all.

“Gotta move,” Carlos warned right before easing his softening dick from Troy’s ass. “Get you two to the ranch, I’m gonna have to show you some more rope tricks.”

Troy’s already aching throat went dry at that promise. Carlos was the only man Troy had ever trusted enough to let tie him up. He was kind of becoming addicted to it.

“Need…to…breathe…” Will got out. Troy stood up, stumbling until Carlos caught him by the shoulders.

“Yeah, y’all make my legs shaky, too,” Carlos said, and it was the easy way he admitted things like that that helped Troy. Carlos was a strong, tough cowboy, but he had no trouble admitting his needs, or the way his men affected him. That he didn’t view those things as weaknesses assuaged Troy’s fears about being a wuss when it came to falling in love.

“Make all of me boneless,” Will mumbled, flopping onto his back and promptly sliding gracelessly to the floor board. “Ouch!” he said as he hit, his legs flying out and arms flailing.

Troy was still more fucked out than agile, but he lunged for Will at the same time Carlos did. Despite thumping into each other, they managed to keep Will from falling to his ass on the ground. Soon they were snickering, and Troy’s heart hadn’t felt so…so full, since they’d started their trek for the Mossy Glenn Ranch in Montana.

He was beginning to think they might just be able to make themselves a home here.

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