Chaps and Hope (Mossy Glenn Ranch 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Chaps and Hope (Mossy Glenn Ranch 1)
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“Bozeman’s a couple hours away,” Carlos began, stopping when his lovers’ expressions fell. He hoped he had a solution for that. “I’ve got in mind a long, hard night of fucking, so maybe you two hot-heads can fool around in the truck, put on a little show for me so neither of you go off at the first touch in the hotel room.”

Will shook his head, but he was fighting back a smirk, Carlos could tell. “Carlos, our sexy cowboy, you ought to know that there’s no such thing as a
show when it comes to me, and to that monster cock of Troy’s.” Will sidled up to him, eyes dancing with that mischievous light that Carlos adored. “And you know I can come again and again, like a never-ending fountain of spunk.”

Carlos huffed out a laugh at that, because yeah, Will had the shortest recovery time of any man Carlos had ever known—and he could come five or six times a night, no problem. It was…awe-inspiring, really.

“Well then, why don’t you two get on in, maybe get in the back seat so y’all can sprawl, let me see you take that big cock of Troy’s so deep into your throat you can’t taste or breathe nothing but him.” Carlos’ cock was going to fall off from being so fucking hard for so long. He might even end up having to stroke himself off while he was driving, then take his own sweet time tying up his men and marking their asses up. He could always let Troy fuck him, too. It’d been a while, and Carlos did love the way Troy’s dick stretched him.

Carlos rubbed his hands together, eager to get moving. He got in the truck and noticed Will was already all over Troy, biting, whining, pinching at his turgid nipples. They were a right fine sight to see, and Carlos just hoped he didn’t wreck from being distracted while driving them to Bozeman.

Chapter Three

Will squirmed on the bed, the skin on his butt still flaming hot. He’d had both Carlos and Troy fuck him earlier—not at the same time, though Will was eager to do that, along with a few other things that would probably scare his lovers.

Or maybe not, because Carlos, despite his calm, cowboy appearance, is wicked-kinky. Thank God.
Will had experienced more than one shock when Carlos did something, like insert a finger or two alongside his dick. Will shivered and bit back a moan at the delicious memory of that. Troy had licked him clean after, and that had made Will hard all over again. Insatiable definitely was his middle name, although it only applied to Troy and Carlos. Will wasn’t stupid enough to risk the relationship he had with his men just ’cause something pretty or butch caught his eye.

And besides, he knew he could be a bit much to handle. He was damned lucky because he’d never expected to find one man to love him, much less two. Trying his best not to wake either of his lovers, Will eased off the bed. Usually he wound up in the middle of the love-pile, but this time he’d dozed off on the edge of the mattress. If his bladder hadn’t been throbbing he’d have gone back to sleep, but now that he was awake…well, he was awake.

Will tiptoed to the bathroom and managed to take a leak without turning on the light. The hotel suite they had for the night was fairly decent, with a kitchen-living area sectioned off behind sliding doors. Will had winced at the beige, beige, beige colour scheme, but at least the place was clean.
And beige.

A quick rinse of his hands and Will quietly made his way into the living area where his laptop was. He’d set his bags on the couch because Troy and Carlos had been all over him as soon as the door closed. Will grinned and rubbed at his wrists. The rope had chafed him just enough to mark him. Troy would have matching bracelets left behind from Carlos tying him up as well.

They hadn’t talked about anything other than what they were doing to each other, but Will’s mind was percolating with ideas for the ranch. Granted, he had no experience with cattle or horses or whatever other livestock ranchers raised, but he did know people. His strength in this whole endeavour might just be in dealing with the people to be hired. He could run background checks on them, too, which would also be a good idea. Too bad he couldn’t make a psych evaluation part of the application process. He’d had enough of dealing with nutjobs when he’d been a PI.

Granted, most of the real nutjobs had been his own family members since he worked for his father. Will shivered, glad to be away from him and the rest of his family. Being disowned was a blessing in his case. He’d been physically, mentally and verbally abused by everyone in his immediate family except his mother, who had long ago had her spirit broken. Really, if it weren’t for Carlos and Troy, he’d be in a bad way right now.

Which was part of the reason he wanted to make the ranch successful. Troy would need some reassuring—okay, a lot of reassuring, probably—but Will knew he’d do everything he could to help, just as Will and Carlos would. Will could just picture Troy, shirtless, cowboy hat on his shaved head, swinging an axe or…or something that caused those big muscles to ripple and shine with sweat. He closed his eyes, the better to envision the scene.

A bead of it would trail right down the centre of Troy’s back, following his spine to that lovely divot right above his crack. Will had traced that same path with his tongue numerous times. He knew just how it’d taste, the sounds Troy would make and the way he’d shiver before demanding that Will rim him. Carlos would be there too, forcing Will’s hands behind his back so he only had his mouth, tongue and teeth to pleasure Troy with.

“I know that look. That’s your horny-as-hell expression.”

Will opened his eyes, startled at Troy’s voice. He’d been so lost in his fantasy he hadn’t heard Troy—or Carlos, who was standing right behind him—come into the room. “Uh.” He couldn’t be expected to think when all the blood had rushed to his dick.

“Yep, guess we didn’t fuck him enough,” Carlos drawled, and Will’s entire body tingled with desire. Carlos narrowed his eyes and nodded. “I think he needs another round or two.”

Will whimpered and had to tug on his balls to get some control over himself. Otherwise, he was in danger of spurting just from Carlos’ rough voice alone. And while Will could recover quickly generally, he’d already come several times. Even he knew he had some limitations, and this erection he was sporting was liable to be it for a while.

“What are you doing up anyway?” Troy asked, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

Will gulped, because it sure sounded like Troy was a bit irked at him. That generally meant Will was in for some serious pleasure rather than anything bad.

“I had to pee.”

Troy’s eyebrows almost met above his nose when he frowned, and Carlos just watched him expectantly. Will gestured to his laptop bag. “Then I thought I’d do some research on where to place ads for the positions on the ranch. But I got distracted thinking about Troy shirtless and having you”—he tipped his chin towards Carlos—“holding my hands behind my back so I had to use only my mouth to rim Troy.”

Troy closed his eyes and shuddered as he ran a hand down over his semi-erect cock. Carlos edged past him. Carlos’ dick was huge, and even soft it had a heft to it that Will loved. He watched it sway as Carlos walked.

“Just how were you gonna rim him if he was only shirtless?”

Will jerked his gaze up to Carlos’. “It’s a fantasy. His pants magically disappear.” Will perked up even more when a better idea flashed through his mind. “Or, better yet, Troy, you’re out there working wearing nothing but a cowboy hat, a tool belt and cowboy boots. Oh yeah.” Will hummed and fisted his shaft, giving it a squeeze.

“God damn, Will’s got a great idea,” Carlos rumbled, glancing from Will to Troy. “I think that ought to be your uniform, Troy. Boots, belt and hat. If the other hands we hire don’t like it, they can leave.”

Troy came over and smoothed a hand down Carlos’ back to the swell of his butt. “If I didn’t know you were joking, I’d be nervous. Pretty sure you don’t want everyone seeing me naked though.”

Carlos’ low growl caused Will’s cock to shed a tear of pre-cum. He joined his men and cupped Carlos’ other butt cheek. “I could just see both of you, naked, and Carlos, you would have Troy bent over the fence rail, fucking him with that huge cock of yours…”

“And you’d be doin’ what?” Troy rasped, reaching for Will’s shaft. “No, I know. You’d be on the other side of the fence, sucking me off.”

Oh damn
. Will was never going to get to his research at this rate, not that he minded. He’d find some time, somehow, because right now he needed Troy and Carlos all over again.

“I’m serious about trying to make the ranch a place that’s safe for people like us,” he informed them as he stroked each man from pecs to navel.

Carlos caught his hand and held it against his belly. “We know ya are. It’s a good idea, if we can manage it.”

That praise made Will’s entire world a brighter place. He beamed at his men. “Really? I mean, I think we can manage it, I do. But you think it’s a good idea? I figured with us living in the ranch house, even if we pretend to have separate rooms, the hands will figure it out, eventually. Or some of them will, and maybe they’ll be more inclined not to freak out if they’ve got a safe place and all.”

“See? That’s a well-thought-out plan,” Troy said. “Isn’t it, Carlos?”

“You bet. I wasn’t gonna hide our relationship anyway.” Carlos gave them a serious look. “In case either of you had that in mind, we better discuss it right now.”

Troy gnawed on his bottom lip and Will wanted to soothe his worries, but he also wanted Troy to just…have faith in them.

“We won’t be running around flinging it in everyone’s face, either,” Carlos clarified, his voice a soothing murmur. “But if I want to hold your hand, or catch Will when he jumps on me”—Carlos winked at Will, shooting him a grin—“then I want to be free to do that. But I won’t be maulin’ y’all in front of anyone else.”

Will bit back a quip about Carlos being no fun. Now wasn’t the time for jokes, not with Troy still being so silent. Then Troy sighed, a gust of air leaving him that seemed to have sucked out all of his tension, judging by the way his shoulders slumped a little.

“I guess I didn’t think that far ahead,” Troy said once he quit chewing on his lip. “But yeah, I don’t want to act like we’re just business partners. I mean, I want to be professional, yeah, but I don’t want any other guy thinking either of you could be theirs. I’d have to beat the hell out of them.”

Carlos canted his head and grinned. “That’d sure make it hard to keep the hired help around. Plus there’d be lawsuits, and probably jail time.”

Troy nodded. “Yeah, so you’re right. It’s best not to hide it, but not advertise it, either.”

Will almost swooned with relief. “Well, now that that’s decided, can we fuck?” He’d start researching tomorrow.

Carlos grabbed him and spun him around so quickly Will didn’t even have time to squeak. “Aren’t you sore?” Carlos asked while at the same time rubbing at Will’s hole.

He was definitely tender, but not out of commission. “Not so much.”

Carlos snorted then Will was turned again and hefted right onto Carlos’ shoulder.

“Hey!” he exclaimed right before Troy smacked his butt. “Ow!” God, he hoped Troy would do that again.

By the time Will was plopped down onto the bed, his bottom was on fire from the spanks Troy had delivered, and his dick was so hard he couldn’t see straight.

“Let me get a cloth,” he heard Carlos say, then Troy was on the bed beside him, kissing Will like they’d been apart for months rather than asleep a few hours.

His ass cheeks were spread and a warm, wet cloth wiped him clean of the remains from their earlier loving. Then the bed dipped, and Troy sucked Will’s lips hard at the same moment Will felt the swipe of Carlos’ tongue over his hole.

Sounds he couldn’t believe he made escaped Will as Troy began sucking up marks on his neck. His ass was thoroughly rimmed by Carlos, wet licks and nibbles driving Will mad. Then Carlos did the sucking thing too, except he sealed his lips around Will’s pucker and Will screeched at the sensation, kicking his legs and trying to get himself fucked
right the hell now!

He was pulled to the edge of the bed, his head supported by Troy’s hands.

“Open up that pretty mouth of yours for my dick,” Troy ordered. Will closed his eyes, not particularly comfortable in the position he was in. He got up on one hand and braced himself against Troy’s hip with the other. Just as he opened his mouth, he felt Carlos move in behind him, nudging his legs farther apart.

Will opened easily, mouth and ass, eager for everything he could get. Carlos didn’t hesitate, lining up his cock and shoving right in. Will gulped and moaned around the crown of Troy’s shaft, then was promptly shoved forward by Carlos’ thrust.

“Take it,” Carlos said, or maybe it was Troy, Will wasn’t sure anymore as he swallowed with Troy’s thick cock in his throat.

“Aw, fuck!”

That he recognised as coming from Troy. Will pulled back, chasing Carlos’ retreating cock as he did so, making sure to keep that monster in his ass. When Carlos thrust forward again, Will took in Troy to the root. Troy’s curses were their own kind of poetry, odes to Will’s and Carlos’ sexual prowess—or at least their ability to bring Troy pleasure.

Troy framed Will’s head with his hands and began to thrust, timing each one with Carlos’ so that Will was getting both ends filled at the same time. His hole burned and ached and he knew he’d be feeling this round for a good twenty-four hours. Not that that would mean he wasn’t able to play then. Nothing would stop Will when he was horny for his lovers.

Will slurped on Troy’s cock and moaned and wiggled every time Carlos rammed deep into his ass. He curled his fingers into the sheets and arched his lower back, pushing his butt out, a silent plea for more.

Carlos did this snarling thing that always made Will shudder with need, and this time was no different. Then Carlos began fucking him harder, faster, deeper. Will could only hold on then, because Troy tightened his hold as well and began pumping in quick, shallow measures, not quite breaching Will’s throat now.

Will was going to melt, or keel over from so much sensation. He thought that every time—that he couldn’t possibly take any more, feel anymore, but his lovers always proved him wrong.

Will’s own dick was leaking, the skin tight around his length because he was so hard. He needed to get off, needed it now! He mewled around the mouthful of cock he had, and like magic, there was a hand on his cock, stroking, tugging. Carlos’, he realised dimly as ecstasy bolted up his dick. Will jerked like he’d been popped with a whip as he came, his orgasm firing right up his spine. He had just enough awareness to feel the throb of Troy’s cock, then there was the burst of tangy spunk on his tongue.

Troy’s shout was quickly followed by a low, long groan from Carlos as he pressed as deeply into Will’s ass as he ever had. Will was filled top and bottom with cum, covered with it too as he’d splattered all over his chest.

Carlos ground against his butt as he pumped more seed into Will, and Will swallowed and swallowed Troy’s load. Finally Troy kind of whined and Will opened his mouth, releasing Troy’s cock. He peeked through narrowly slitted lids just in time to see Troy drop to his knees. Then he kissed Will fiercely as Carlos came down on top of him. Will felt Carlos’ arms bracketing his and was grateful. He wasn’t in any shape to support himself and Carlos both.

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