CHAOS (A Lords of Sin MC Novel) (Motorcycle Club Bad Boy Romance) (9 page)

BOOK: CHAOS (A Lords of Sin MC Novel) (Motorcycle Club Bad Boy Romance)
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He pinned me against the cold metal wall, only an inch of air separated our faces as he pressed himself on to me.


“You’re not goin’ nowhere, baby. I’m gonna fill your hot little pussy up with all my cum, and you’ll love every fucking minute of it.”


“Back the fuck off! I’m with Chaos, and if he catches you doing this shit, he’ll fuck you up!”


He laughed, spitting in my face. “He ain’t with no bitches. But if you come with me, I can rock your world.”


His hand started reaching into my skirt. Kicking and screaming, I fought him off of me. We were falling to the ground as my spiked heels continued denting the metal while his finger slipped into my panties. I started to scream for Chaos, but before I could get out his name, the creep covered my mouth as he held me to the ground. Choking and gasping for air, things started to become cloudy and dark.


The next thing I knew, he was completely off of me, floating in the air above me.
What the fuck?
Trying to catch my breath, I focused my eyes as I tried to figure out what was going on.
It was Chaos. He was holding the guy about four feet above me, his pathetic dick dangling out of his pants. With no explanation—not that one was needed—Chaos threw him against the wall, his body leaving a complete impression in the metal as he punched and obliterated the dude’s face. Sliding backwards, away from them on the edge of my heels, I sat up against the wall until I could breathe again. A couple of the guys from the MC pulled Chaos off the creep before he killed him.


“If you
touch her again, I’ll fucking


Duke, the president of Lords of Sin, pulled Chaos to the side. “Come with me, son.” He looked down at me, still heaving against the wall, disoriented. “And you, too!”


Me? Why do I have to go with them?
“Okay,” my voice was shaky. Partly from being choked out moments ago and scared to death after the attack and the other part from being scared of what he was going to say to me. Standing up, I straightened out my clothes, pulling my skirt back down after the douche bag hiked it up, trying to rape me.


We walked down the corridor, past all the bedrooms. A couple of the doors were open. Peering into them, I could see people were fucking on the beds. I saw Drew getting head from his wife while another guy ate her pussy. “In here,” Duke’s voice boomed.


Ducking into a room I’d never been in, it was obvious that it was his office. Nude photos of women were plastered to the walls, complete with a dirty calendar hanging above his desk. Motorcycle trophies lined a shelf below the window, next to a picture of his old lady straddling his Hog, wearing next to nothing.


“Have a seat,” he barked.


Looking around, there was only one other seat in the room besides his. Chaos sat down and patted his leg. “Didn’t you hear the man?”


Is he fucking serious? Sit on his lap right now?
We’re in big fucking trouble and he wants to play games. Nice. I looked over at Duke, whose eyes were cold as stone. His shadowy gray eyes gave nothing away. Not anger, not annoyance, not anything. Before he could bellow anymore orders, I took a seat on Chaos’s lap.


“You two have been causing a lot of shit here lately.” His white, braided beard distracted me, moving as he spoke. He opened a small wooden case that was sitting on top of his desk and pulled out a joint, sparking it up. “Mainly you,” he looked down his nose at me.




Chaos gripped my thigh, telling me to shut my mouth as he shook his head. Duke passed the joint over to Chaos.


“Yeah, you. Look, we all know who you are and what you do. Chaos, if you’re gonna have…
hangin’ around here, I suggest you make a decision.”
What the hell is he talking about?
“You’re either gonna have to claim her or let her loose. We can’t have this shit goin’ down, not with everything else. The last thing we need is beef with the Chargers. When Dalton finds out what happened tonight—and I’m sure he already knows—he’ll make Boomer pay. But what you did….we’re gonna have to account for that.”


Who the fuck is Boomer? What is he talking about?


“Look, prez, I know it wasn’t right. But what he was doing to Raven…that shit’s unacceptable. You don’t try to rape no one’s girl, especially when all three MCs are here representin’.”


His girl?


“Duke, I didn’t mean to start any trouble. I was only trying to go to the bathroom when that asshole tried to make a pass at me. He obviously doesn’t know what no means.”


“You kids go on back out to the party, and keep your noses clean. I’ll meet up with Dalton and we’ll discuss what happened tonight after everyone’s sobered up. Chaos, I’ll talk to you later,” his eyes fixated on me, “in private.”


Instead of going back out to the party, I decided to go home. It had been a long night and I had to get up for work in the morning. Glancing down at my phone, I didn’t realize that it was already 2 AM. Chaos walked me out to my car and kissed me goodnight.



Chapter 6: Chaos


I’d been through a lot of chicks in my day, but Raven, she was doing something to me. She’d always been a good fuck, but I couldn’t stop thinking about her. When I saw Boomer trying to get in her pants, I fucking snapped. Every ounce of testosterone in my body wanted to kill the bastard. The way she was squirming as he choked her made me fucking livid. I couldn’t think straight when I saw him straddling her, his fingers in her panties and his hand wrapped around her mouth so she couldn’t scream. All I could see was fucking red.


Besides bedding her, we had a history together and hell, maybe even a future. Never once in my life had I considered someone being my old lady, but if I did, it would be her. Raven had charisma, beauty, brains and real fuckin’ tits. Not those fake, bubbly implants that looked like they were gonna pop off a chick’s chest, but real fucking tits that bounced and had give in them. You could squeeze ‘em, bite ‘em and pull on ‘em without worrying you’d have a fucking mouthful of saline. And now, with her position, she could get the inside scoop on what that bastard Sergeant was up to. He may be a Sergeant for the Fresno County sheriff’s office, but I was the Sergeant at Arms for this MC. As far as I was concerned, I outranked him by light years.


I was out working on my bike when the prez called me into his office. Wiping the grease off my hands, I headed into the House figuring he was gonna chew my ass out for breaking Boomer’s nose. He was fuckin’ lucky that was all I broke, I would’ve snapped him in fucking two if the guys hadn’t pulled us apart.
Fuck me!
When I walked into his office, I saw her sitting there.


“What the fuck is Princess doing here?”


Her lips puckered and her eyes rolled. “She’s got a little inside info on what went down last night.” His eyes narrowed as he looked at her. “I said speak, girl!”


“I, um…last night at the party, I kinda told the other guys that Raven was a club whore and…”


“You fucking did what?!” There was no stopping my fist from pounding the door, leaving a whole that I knew Duke would make me fix later. “What the fuck is your problem?”


She rolled her eyes. “I didn’t
say she was a club whore. Boomer had been watching her all night. When the guys asked who she was, I told them she was new and had just started hangin’ around. I guess they took it wrong.” She shrugged her shoulders as if it were no big deal. She knew exactly what she was doing when she told them that. I’m not dumb and neither is she. She set Raven up.


“You dumb bitch!” I snarled, gritting my teeth. “Let me tell you something, you
club whore.
Raven is not like you. Nobody fucks with her! Not you, and not anybody fucking else! If I
hear of you pulling another stunt like that, I’ll kick your ass out to the fucking curb myself.”


“I talked to Dalton and cleared everything up. Told him it was a misunderstanding and that you’d all had a little too much to drink. He said everything was cool between us and he’s still going to work with us to figure out who’s behind these murders. As for you, Princess,” he added extra emphasis to her name, “you stay clear of Raven and don’t cause anymore shit or I’ll let Chaos deal with you directly.”








Pulling up to Raven’s house, I killed my bike and pulled off my helmet. She looked cute sitting on her porch swing, reading a book.


“What are you doing here?”


“We need to talk. Let’s go inside.” She looked alarmed. “Everything’s fine, let’s go in so we can talk about something.”


Filling her in on the details about Princess, her brows furrowed and her cheeks flushed.


“What the fuck is her problem? Why is she doing this shit?”


“She’s had a thing for me—bad—for a long time. Guess she got jealous when you came waltzing in. Duke sat us down and had a talk—”


“Duke sat you and her down? Why wasn’t I there?”


“Don’t get all pissy, it’s nothing bad, babe. He told her not to pull another stunt like this again.”


“You think she’ll actually fuckin’ listen?”


“If she knows what’s good for her, she will. But there’s something else I want to talk to you about.”


“What now?”


“Protection. You and I both know that you’ve got a hot bod that most of the guys wanna fuck, so I’ve got some more terms for you.”


“Here we go,” she sighed. “What are your terms now?”


“Aside from you keepin’ your trap shut about any and every thing you hear, see and learn, you come to me with any problems you have. I’ll take care of ‘em from here on out.”


“What problems? I wouldn’t have any if Princess didn’t pull her dumb shit.”


“I mean
problems. Club problems, cop problems and sex problems.”


“Sex problems, huh?”


“Yeah, and if you ask me, I’d say you look pretty fuckin’ frustrated right now. Let me take care of that problem for you.”


Pulling her onto my lap, I planted my lips right on hers, shoving my tongue in as far as it would go. It didn’t take no time for that hot pussy of hers to start gushing when I fingered her swollen, achy hole as my finger throttled her clit, playing it like a fine-tuned guitar. She vibrated to each tune I played, scratching my back and biting my neck as she went. My cock was throbbing, held back by the zipper in my pants. I couldn’t wait to slip it inside her slick pussy. Pushing her down on the couch, I slid her panties to the side and unleashed my dick, cramming it inside her. The couch bounced and shook as I fucked her hard. Her big, rounded out melons bounced as I pounded into her, making my mouth salivate. Grabbing hold of her tiny waist, I leaned down and sucked on her perky nipples, biting on one before moving onto the next. Holding onto her perfect waist, I raised her hips, forcefully plunging into her as my cock spurted streams of cum, filling her to the brim.


When it was all said and done, my cum was leaking out of her pussy, dripping between her legs. Watching in amazement, she held up two of her fingers, reached between her thighs, scooped up a gob of cum from her pussy and licked it clean off her hand.


“Mmmm,” she sucked her fingers bone dry.


“Fucking shit!”


I thought we were done until she pulled that little trick out of the bag. My cock jerked, wanting and
more of her. “Fuck, Raven.” I slid it back into her cream pie. “There’s not many times I’ve been able to go twice, back-to-back, but today’s fuckin’ one of ‘em.”


With ample lube from a mixture of her wetness and my cum, I delve deeper into her. Burying myself to the hilt, I fucked her even harder before, slapping her ass and thighs as I went. Stinging, red hand prints were all over her left ass cheek. Flipping her onto her belly, I took her from behind. Her pussy was oozing, soaking wet. I shoved my cock in, holding it there, making her beg. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and wrapped it around my hand, leaving her about an inch to move her head in any direction.


“Tell me how bad you want it. I wanna hear you fucking beg and plead, babe. Tell me how you’re my dirty slut.”


“Chaos,” she tried to turn her head to look at me, but couldn’t. “Fuck me, please! Fucking give it to me, hard!”


“How bad you want it, babe,” I twitched my cock while it was still resting inside her, giving her a little taste of what she was missing.


“Oh, my God! I fucking want you
, give me that big, thick dick. You know you wanna.”

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