CHAOS (A Lords of Sin MC Novel) (Motorcycle Club Bad Boy Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: CHAOS (A Lords of Sin MC Novel) (Motorcycle Club Bad Boy Romance)
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“There was…another body turned up today.”


“And?” Why the fuck does she think I care about her examining dead bodies?


“It had your club’s symbol on it.”


“Jesus Christ!” I turned around and punched the wall. “Who the fuck was it?”


“Don’t you know?”


“No! How would I know who’s showing up at the morgue?”


“It was a guy from the Warrior’s MC. His name was Tyson Murphy…he was burned alive.”


“What the fuck? Burned alive?” It dawned on me. She thought I did it! “Wait a minute. What are you trying to fucking say here, babe?”


“I know you said your club’s clean, but what do you think it looks like when you cut out in the middle of us hanging out for
club business
and next thing you know, another body turns up?”


My nostrils flared as I grit my teeth. Glaring at her, I punched the desk. “You still don’t believe I’m fucking clean?” Every vein raised in my forehead as I curled up my lips. “Raven, I don’t give a fuck if you believe me or not. I’m telling you the goddamned truth! You’ve grossly underestimated me!”


“Tell me what you were doing last night. And the other nights. You’ve gotta give me a reason to believe you.”


“Damn it, woman! Don’t you
dare tell me what to do! A lot of people think I’m an over-sized, egotistical asshole, and that’s fine. I’m not as dumb as some might think. Especially goody-two-shoes, college educated babes like you.”


“And what’s that supposed to mean?”


“You think I spent all that time in prison just staring at walls? Fuck no! I was busy studying law while I was serving my time, babe.” Her mouth opened, then she promptly closed it. “That’s right. I’m a lot fuckin’ smarter than you think, and I’m sure as hell not out killing people the way you think I am.”


“Then who is it? And why would you need to study law? Most law-abiding citizens know the rules because they follow them. The only ones who’d need to study ‘em are the ones out breaking those laws and trying to find ways around ‘em.”


“Spare me the bullshit, babe. You know how much lawyers charge the days? A fuckin’ arm and a leg. If there’s a way I can help myself or one of my brothers out of a jam, then I’ll do it.”


“Because you’re all a bunch of criminals!”


“Look, we do our fair share of illegal shit, but not brand and murder people. If that’s what you think we do, then you got me all wrong, babe.”


“Then who’s doing it Troy? Matty’s got your club pegged. He’s got a hard-on for your club—you especially.”


I snarled my lips. “Don’t fucking call me that and he can go straight to hell. If he wasn’t such a sell-out, he’d be sitting right next to me, wearing the very same cut. But he’s made of a different cloth.”


“You still didn’t answer my question.”


“Don’t go back repeating shit, but as much as I hate to admit it, I’ve been investigating my men on my own time. It’s not what a fuckin’ brother likes to do, but I gotta make sure we’re all on the same page.”


“Do you think any of them did it?”


“Jesus, Raven! No. After I was pokin’ my nose around, I found out that on at least two of the occasions, the entire MC was together when the murders happened.”


“You sure?”


“And not only that, but none of the victims you’ve named have been attached to my club in any way. They were all members of the other clubs.”


“That’s my point exactly. Like Matty says, your club must have some rivals with the other local MC clubs.”


“Matt says a lot of shit,” I snapped. “And your little ‘Matty’ don’t know shit either. You sure you’re not fuckin’ him too?”


“Don’t you dare! I would never!”


All the adrenaline from arguing was surging through my body, leading the blood straight to the head of my throbbing dick. The veins standing out on her neck were fucking irresistible as she tried to argue with me and I couldn’t stop pretending I didn’t see them. I reached down and grabbed her by the ass, lifting her crotch in direct line with the head of my cock that was bulging behind the zipper in my jeans. Pushing her up against the wall, I bit into that pale white neck of hers, sinking my teeth deep into those veins as my tongue licked and sucked along the length of her neck. Her nails dug into my back the harder I sucked.


Pulling her t-shirt over her head, I yanked her bra off of her. Her big, perky tits plopped out of her lacy material bra right before my eyes. I pushed my raging hard-on against her, taking her nipple into my mouth as I did it.


“Oh, my God,” she panted, wanting more of me.


Our tongues met in a hot dance as I carried her over to the bed pulled her on top of me. Eager to get her out of those jeans, I started fumbling with her button, which was too damned small for my bulky hands. Ripping her jeans open was the only way I was getting them off. The sound of the fabric tearing turned her on. Before I knew it, she was on all fours giving me the best head I’d ever fucking had.


“Give me that pussy,” I growled. “I need it. Now!”


Climbing on top of me, I didn’t give her a chance to sink herself down onto me. I grabbed her hips and jerked her soaked pussy onto my shaft, impaling her all the way. The fire in her eyes drove me deeper. Holding onto her hips as she swiftly bucked them, I took control from the bottom as I jackhammered into her. I couldn’t help but bite those round, succulent tits as they bounced in front of my face. Her back arched as she began to moan and say my name.


“That’s right, babe. Fucking cum all over my cock!” Flexing my arms, I gripped her shoulders, pressing her down onto me and drove myself deeper into her. Her hot pussy tightened around my cock as it pulsated. Watching her form a perfect ‘O’ with her mouth as her nipples puckered, my balls began to tighten. I could feel it coming. “Fuck, babe,” I grunted, fucking her harder. Her slick pussy coated my shaft as it glided in and out of her. Pumping my thick, hot seed into her, she moaned even louder.


“Goddamn!” she huffed, trying to catch her breath.


“Told you ya’d wanna stay.” I reached over to grab my smokes as she slid off my cock.




“We got somethin’ good here, babe.” I ran my hand through her hair, grabbing a handful before I stopped. “And don’t ever fucking forget it.”


“Give me a drag,” she reached for my cigarette.


“Wanna grab a beer? Maybe we can talk civilized this time, without the yelling.”


“Yeah, I’d like that. Let’s go.”


Sitting in the Commons, we grabbed a table away from everyone else.


“What are you going to do if, and when, Matty tries to pin you for these murder charges?”


“He ain’t got no evidence because I didn’t do shit. I’m going to keep digging to find out who is behind this shit, though. My club deserves to know who’s dragging our name through the mud. And when we find ‘em, they’re gonna be fucking sorry.”



Chapter 5: Raven


If there was one thing I didn’t learn at school, it was common sense. Hooking up with the enforcer of a biker club in a pending murder investigation was the worst thing I could do—especially in my profession. If he really was guilty, I was slowly helping the cops build a case against him. But I believed him when he said they were clean. And the sex? It was fucking mind-blowing, better than a caramel-filled chocolate candy bar, even. Against my better judgment, I decided to insert myself a little deeper in the investigation and I had come up with a plan to do it. Matty was so predictable, that it didn’t take much plotting on my part. He typically stopped by everyday, whether he had a corpse for me or not.


Acting as though everything was normal at work, I waited for him to come in. It was generally right before his lunch break, his little way of padding his time away from the job. Without fail, he came trotting through the door right on cue around 10:30.


“Raven, how’s my lovely ray of sunshine doing today?”


Gag me.
“Not bad. How ‘bout yourself?”


“Ah, what can I say? A Sergeant’s work is never done.” He nosed around the lab for a minute. “You come up with anymore evidence on those bodies that the Lord’s branded?”


“Not yet, but speaking of that, I had a question for you. Do you think it’s possible that someone’s setting them up? Maybe they’re not really behind it.”


“What ever gave you that stupid idea?” he snorted. “You’ve seen the markings yourself. You think some other club is gonna put the Lords’ symbol on someone they took out? Clubs usually only kill to send a message or prove a point. There’s no way another club wouldn’t put their own branding on someone if they were sending a message or somethin’.”


“I guess you could be right, but it’s just that…” I didn’t know if I should say anything that might tip him off that I’d been hanging around the clubhouse.


“What? Seems like you got somethin’ to say.”


“Chaos says that his club’s clean.”
There, I said it.


“Chaos? Ah, I see that you’ve been hanging out with the bad boys. I’d never told you his road name. What do you wanna go messing with a guy like that for? Someone who’s got a criminal record as long as I am tall, fucks everything that walks and drinks and drugs it up.”


“What I do on my personal time is none of your business. I happened to run into him and it kinda came up.”


“Kinda came up? What? Do you think I fell out of a fuckin’ wagon last night?”


“Anyway, that’s not the point.” While I did think he was a shitty Sergeant, I wasn’t going to tell him that to his face. Not directly anyway. “I think you should look for other motives.”


“Stickin’ up for the ole boyfriend, eh? That’s a nice one, Raven, but I didn’t join the force yesterday. I’m pretty sure he’s the main clown in the rodeo, and I’m going to prove it.”


Might as well have.
“He’s not my boyfriend.”


“Really?” his eyebrows jumped about an inch from their resting position on his slightly wrinkled forehead. “I don’t believe that. Not for a minute. I remember how you two were back in the day.”


“No, he’s not. In fact, he was…”
Don’t say it. Don’t tell him about the club whore. That satisfaction would go right to the top of his head.


“He was what?”


“Never mind. I forgot what I was going to say. Don’t you have to go get lunch anyway?”


“Yeah, better head out.” He turned to walk out but paused at the door. “If that boyfriend of yours tells you anything useful, let me know. Whoever committed these heinous acts deserves to pay for it, even though I’m pretty sure I already have my main guy. All that’s left to do is build a case against him. Don’t worry though, he’ll slip up. Maybe he’ll even slip up in front of you.”


“I’ll definitely let you know.”
I didn’t like his attitude and demeanor about the whole situation. It was like he couldn’t wait to hang Chaos for these murders, and I didn’t like that one bit.


There was tension between them. Hatred and jealousy, which I didn’t understand. They used to be so close, they even shared the same brotherhood. I never did understand how Matty ended up becoming law enforcement instead of a biker.
Note to self: find out what happened.
That might give me some insight on why he’s so persistent in blaming Chaos. Asking Matty would be stupid, I’m sure he’d give me some watered-down story. Troy’s probably my best bet—if he’ll tell me. That might be considered privileged club business. I sent him a text to find out if we could hang out when I got off work.








Walking up to the House of Commons, I noticed there was another building to the left that I hadn’t noticed before. The Commons was a cheap, thrown-together fabricated metal building. The kind you’d see sheds made out of. Dents and spray paint covered the front of it. It had definitely seen better days. But this place to the left, it was nice. White and tall, towering over the cheap metal building everyone referred to as the Commons. Its outer design was basic, nothing over the top. There weren’t many windows, which I thought was odd. I’d never seen anyone enter or exit the building.


“Hey, babe,” Troy called to me as I walked through the parking lot.


“What’s that building over there?”


He looked in the direction I’d pointed in. “That? It’s the House of Lords. That’s where we have church and hold all of our official club meetings. Why?”

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