CHAOS (A Lords of Sin MC Novel) (Motorcycle Club Bad Boy Romance) (6 page)

BOOK: CHAOS (A Lords of Sin MC Novel) (Motorcycle Club Bad Boy Romance)
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“Look little missy, I know a thing or two about law enforcement. Why don’t you stick to the dead bodies that can’t do any talkin’ and let me do my job. Besides, I gotta feelin’ that enforcer from the Lords is behind all this.”


“Don’t be an ass, Sergeant.” I narrowed my eyes. “Even though I’m a seasoned medical examiner, sometimes I overlook shit. Nobody wants to admit that they’re not perfect, but maybe it’s possible that you’re overlooking something. Maybe one of the other MC’s fed you a buffet of bullshit before they told you to have a nice day and they kicked you out of their clubhouse.”


“I don’t like…”


Amber cut Matty off before he could start in on me. Even though she was new, she’d seen enough to know that Matty and I would hash it out until my boss would come in to break things up.


“I think you both have some valid points.”
Suck up!
“Maybe if everyone just stuck to their jobs and the facts, we could all work together more efficiently. Raven, is there anything else on the body? Anymore clues?”




“I don’t know about that, Ms. Perfect. Why doesn’t your
ass take another look? You know, cause we all miss something sometimes.”


If looks could kill, that motherfucker would’ve been laying on the floor dead as a door nail. Giving him a death stare, I took another glance at the body before finalizing the autopsy. “No, the only marking is the one I pointed out before. Finish the paperwork.”


As much as I hated to admit it, maybe he had a point. I didn’t like thinking Chaos was behind any of this, but given his status within the club, I could see it. With his dangerous temper and enormous size, he was more than capable of beating the hell out of any one of these guys and killing them, but there’d be no way any of the Lords would talk.
Maybe meeting up with him last night was a bad idea.
If he was behind these murders and thought I was sticking my nose where it didn’t belong….
God, I’d hate to think what he’d do to me.
What if he thought I was getting too suspicious or catching on to something.
Would he kill me too?


After Matty left, Amber tried to revive the conversation that we’d started before he came in and interrupted us. There was no way I was going to tell her anything. Not now. It was bad enough I had my own suspicions and ideas. I didn’t want to give her the same ones. Best just to keep my mouth shut. No way I’d ever be able to live with myself if I had to perform her autopsy.


“Nothing. I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”


“But Raven, if something’s bothering you, you have to talk to someone. I already promised I wouldn’t say anything.”


“Some things are better left alone. Help me clean up this lab so we can get out of here early.” Suddenly, being surrounded by corpses didn’t make me feel all warm and cozy inside like it normally did with the thought of ending up like one. The MC world was a dangerous one. One that I wasn’t prepared for. He’d kept me so locked out that I legit feared for my life.




Feeling bad for giving her the cold shoulder, I told her she could go home early. I’d clean up myself. Like a good newb, she stayed with me until everything was sterilized and put away.


“If you change your mind, I’m a good listener,” she said as we headed out for the evening.


“I’ll keep that in mind.”


Poor girl. She was only trying to be nice, but I didn’t want her to have the same weight on her shoulders as I had on mine. I needed to talk to Chaos. He might not shed any light on the situation, but I had to be sure that he meant it when he said he didn’t have anything to do with these murders. Something inside of me wanted to believe him and
to trust him. I’d take anything at this point to get his name in the clear. I needed to know that I was safe. If his club really wasn’t behind all of this, I needed to know who was to keep myself safe. It was me, after all, who was discovering all of the identifying information and giving it to police.



Chapter 4: Chaos


Princess was waiting in my room when I came in from helping Drew and Zipper put a transmission in Drew’s old lady’s car. Laying in my bed with her legs splayed wide open and her pussy on full display, I started dropping clothes on my way over to her. If there was one thing she was good for, it was a good fuck after a hard days work. She didn’t have much else to offer to the club, she just wasn’t old lady material.


Before I could get my pants all the way off, she sat up on the bed and took my throbbing cock deep into her inviting, wet mouth. Goddamn she could suck a mean dick. Grabbing a fistful of hair, I guided her head up and down the length of my shaft as she deep throated me. A man can never get enough good head. Watching her ass bounce while she worked my cock made me wanna bury my dick in her sweet spot. Pulling her head off my cock, I pushed her back on the bed and held her slit open with one hand, shoving my dick in until I was balls deep. Fucking her like the whore she was, I pounded her pussy into an oblivion until I busted my load inside her.


“Get my smokes out of my pants.”


Her little ass pranced around my room, being an obedient little slut while she fetched my pack of squares. That was the good thing about not being tied the fuck down. Didn’t have to answer to no fucking body. That and you didn’t have to worry about keepin’ your old lady in check. I never did understand why Drew and Zipper got married. They fucked the club whores as much as I do, if not more. Maybe that’s why Zipper and his old lady have so many problems. Vic and I were the smart ones of the bunch. Instead of having an old lady yapping at us, we blew off any chicks who dared to open their mouth.


“Here you go, baby.”


I lit my cigarette while she climbed back in bed and started staring at me with a goofy look on her face.




“Who exactly was that girl that came here last night?”


Taking a drag off my cigarette, I laughed. “What’s it matter? She left me a long time ago.”


“What’s that mean?”




The summer she’d left, I had a thing for her. I figured I’d fucked up bad when she saw me at the square with Heather. None of the girls around town liked her. She was an opinionated loud mouth, but oh, her mouth was so big. I was only with her because she’d deep throat you any place, any where. Then she got knocked up by some old creep and moved away. Actually, her parents sent her to live with her rich aunt. The look in Raven’s eyes when she saw us walking down the street together cut through me. She was hurt, and I knew it but I’m not the kind of guy to go chasing down women. I don’t chase women and I don’t do apologies. Even if I had fucked up, I wasn’t gonna say I was sorry. But when she walked into the clubhouse and I laid eyes on her, a million sorries went through my head like alarm bells on a fire truck.


“Whatever. Mind if I have one?” she held up my pack of smokes.


“Go ahead.”


Tucking ourselves into the sheets and getting comfortable while we had our after-sex smokes, I put my arm around her when she rested her head on my chest. Her long blond hair covered part of my Lords of Sin tattoo on the center of my chest. Suddenly, my door flung open, the door handle slamming into the wall. I’d been too preoccupied with moving her hair out of the way of my tattoo to notice that Raven had peeked her head in through a crack in the door.


“What the fuck?”


“I was about to say the same to you! Ever heard of knocking?” I threw Princess off my lap as she wrapped the sheets tightly around her fake tits.


“You know what?” She stared at me.
It was the same fucking look she gave me back in front of the pawn shop, but this time it was worse.
“Never mind!”


I watched her spin around on her heel as she stormed down the hallway back into the House of Commons. Princess stayed in bed, a smart ass grin plastered across her face. Haphazardly dressing myself, I threw my clothes on in a hurry to catch up to Raven.


“Get the fuck out!” I snapped at Princess. The color of her face drained as her smile disappeared. “NOW!” I growled at her.


Running down the hall, I could see Raven heading for the front door. My brothers could already tell what was going down when I came out half naked, chasing after Raven as I called out to her. She didn’t stop.


“Raven! Come back here!”


She stopped before she opened her car door. Her face was flushed, her eyes watery. As much as she was pissed, I knew she was hurt.
Fuck, Chaos! Why you gotta be such an asshole?
Grabbing onto her shoulder, I stopped her from getting into her car and driving away for good.


“Come back inside. We need to talk.”


“What the fuck for? Looks like you were already busy.”


Her plump bottom lip quivered as she tried to hold back her emotions. “Fuck. Just come back in. We can talk in…”


“In where? Your room? Sorry, it’s already fucking occupied!”


“I’m only gonna say this one more fucking time. Get inside. NOW!”


She started to protest, but before she could say anything, I scooped her up in my gargantuan arms and threw her over my shoulder, heading back inside.


“Put me down! What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” her tiny fists pounded on my back. I had to keep from laughing at her. It felt like tiny pebbles were hitting my shoulders with each blow she tried to deliver.


“Settle down, babe. All I wanna do is talk to you. Then you can decide whether you wanna stay or go.”


My brothers were all snickering at the bar as they watched me carry Raven to my room like a three-year-old who was throwing a fit. One look was all I gave ‘em to shut their mouths. The last fucking thing I needed was for her to think they were making fun of the little scene she’d put on outside. Inside my room, I tossed her onto the bed and shut the door. She jumped off my bed immediately as she tried to get away.


“Not so fast.” I held the door closed with one hand while she tried to pull the door open using both her hands and feet. “I said I wanna talk to you. Have a seat, babe.”


“Stop. Calling. Me. Babe!” she continued working at the door.


Fuck me. Here we go.
I picked her up and put her on my lap, holding her there as I sat down in the chair at the desk in my room. I gotta give it to her, she’s a feisty one.


“You need to calm the fuck down. I’ll let you leave after we talk.”


“We don’t need to
Not as long as you’re fucking her!”


Shit. Here it comes.
The shit storm from hell. “Listen, babe, I..”


“I told you! Stop calling me babe! Fuck you, Troy! Oops, I mean
You know, since you’re a big bad ass…asshole!”


“The fuck is your problem? Nobody talks to me like that.” I clenched my teeth, snarling at her as I controlled my impulse to smack the living hell out of her.


“You! You’re my problem!”


“How am I your fucking problem, Raven?”


“When I came here, it was to help you. Help your club. All you’ve done is keep me in the dark about everything, like you always did and throw shit in my face.”


“What the fuck are you talking about? What did I throw in your face?”


“Please! You and that ole slut! We were together last night.”


“Yeah, last night. One night. In what? Almost a decade? In case you forgot, I don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t do dinners and dates or romancing or love-making. I drink, flirt and fuck whoever, whenever I want. Fucking didn’t automatically make you my girlfriend, Raven.”


“Whatever.” Her cheeks were flushed and the tips of her ears were turning crimson. She was pissed.


“What’d you come here for anyway, babe? I didn’t think I’d see you again after last night.”


“Where did you go last night?”




“When you dropped me off after you got that text. Where’d you go?”


“Why the fuck do you care?”


“Answer the question.”


“I had to talk to the prez about club business. Why do you care?”


Club business.
What was that club business?”


“Now if I told you, it’d be
business, but it’s not. What’s with the fifty fucking question game?”

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