Changing all the Rules

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Changing All the Rules


Fran Lee


Haley has a husband she still loves, but who has the Saturday-night, three-minute orgasm—
—down to a fine art. She has been married for over ten years, but her bedroom experience is virtually nil. She wants her man to try something exciting, something new. Like actually giving her an orgasm instead of falling asleep. But Harry seems to be quite content with their once-a-week, damn near choreographed,
and very vanilla


When her closest friend tells her she should think about livening up her pathetic sex life, and offers a swap...or maybe a threesome, Haley is utterly shocked, and in total denial that there is a problem with her marriage. Yet despite her amazement that she has been so naive that she had no idea her best friend was interested in taking a test drive on her husband, or that her friend's husband had expressed his wish to get into Haley's pants, another more intriguing suggestion catches her off guard.

When her best pal suggests she hook up with her younger brother, Josh, Haley can't get that totally shocking idea out of her head.
Josh! The hot, younger kid she'd had a "sorta-crush" on back in high school?

The last time she'd seen Josh was before graduation. The kid had followed her around like an overgrown puppy through high school...three years her junior, but already showing the delicious promise of what he would become as a man. And her pal tells her that her little brother still harbors his X-rated teen-aged crush on her, and hopes she might be interested in renewing old acquaintances.
Oh, my...


Josh has been crazy about Haley since he was just a kid. But he isn’t a kid anymore. He’s come back home for one thing only—for a shot at the girl he'd fallen for when he was too damn young to do much about it.  His big sis has told him that Haley's husband isn't exactly taking care of his wife's needs...and he is more than ready and completely willing to step up to the plate when the stupid jerk strikes out.


But Haley has been laboring under a major misconception about the man she married right out of high school...and they both have one hell of a lot to learn.

An amazing one-night stand with beautiful, delicious Josh Barnes opens Haley's eyes to what a man
...and what
needs in bed. The "kid" takes her for a hot, delicious ride beyond her wildest dreams, and opens her mind and heart to what she has always thought was out of her reach.

The rules have been changed...and now she has two hot men who are willing to give her anything...
...she desires.




Changing All the Rules

Copyright © 2015 Fran Lee

Publisher: Fran Lee Romance

Edited by F. Romney

Cover art by Dar Albert

Electronic book publication May 2015


With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Fran Lee Romance, PO Box 702124, SLC UT 84170.


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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


Previously published elsewhere under the title
Her Own Set of Rules
., this book has been revised and re-edited.

Changing All the

Fran Lee


For my dear friend and cohort, Julianne Keller...may she rest in peace. We will miss you, dear...

Chapter One


“Have you ever thought about trying something different, Hale? Like maybe having sex with two guys? Or a woman?” Krissa’s tone was muffled as she poked her head inside the cabinet to search out a box of crackers.

Haley Gregory lifted her brows and stared at her dearest school chum and oldest pal.
Now where the hell had that come from?
They’d been sitting in Krissa’s comfy kitchen talking about trivialities, and wham! Right out of the blue! Haley drew a deep breath and shook her head, frowning at her pal. “I’m happily married, Kris. I don’t need to do crap like that.”

“You sure as hell do, as far as I’m concerned.” Krissa popped back out of the cupboard with the sought-after box and turned to frown at her. “You know that one out of every three women state that extramarital sex enhances their love life at home?”

Haley exhaled the shocked breath she'd drawn, and shook her head. “You’ve been reading too damn many of those sex quizzes in Cosmo. I don’t need kink or a ménage to satisfy me that way. I love Harry. He’s quite enough man for me, and he's…”

Krissa barked. “You say that like you mean it, but you only have sex once a week? And only on Saturday nights. How boring can sex get?” Krissa shoved her hair back from her face and laughed. “Sex should be spontaneous, hot, exciting—on the kitchen table, on the living room carpet! And having two lovers can really liven things up, girl.” The pert blonde tossed her the box of crackers as she turned back to hunt for more lunch fixings. Haley barely caught the damn box before it smacked her in the face.

She shook her head. “I’m not bored. I just…don’t think that sex is the only thing that creates a good, solid marriage like Harry and I have.” She plucked at one corner of the cracker box in her hands. “We’re good friends. We enjoy other things besides sex.”

Her friend glanced back over her shoulder. “Then I guess he’s even more bored than you. Men want sex more often than once in a week, girl, and if you don’t, he’d
to be getting it elsewhere! So that leaves the ‘why’ of it. What’s his damage? Doesn’t like to nibble pussy? Wants to be ‘heap big macho man on top’ all the time? Or is it you that won't go down on him?”

Haley blushed heatedly and hid her face behind a curtain of coppery blonde hair, setting the cracker box on the table, and pretending to reach for something in her bag on the floor at her feet. “I don’t expect oral sex, Kris—I don’t ask him for it. But I do it for him if he asks.”

Krissa laughed and tossed her a box of herbal tea bags. “Heads up!”

She barely caught it, and then set it on the table beside the crackers as she gave her friend a repressive stare. “Does Jim know you talk about stuff like this?”

Krissa sighed and shrugged. “Look, Hale...Jim and I do more than just talk about this stuff." She lifted her pert brows. "Jim and I enjoy experimenting. We like an occasional threesome. Sometimes even a swap.” She glanced at Haley’s shocked face and chewed her lower lip. “In fact, he was asking me to find out if you and Harry might want to join us on our camping trip next month.” Her expression was one of barely suppressed hope. “I know Jim had always wanted to get into your pants. And I think Harry has a great body, and I think he could be persuaded to loosen up a bit if he had the right incentive.”

Haley stared at her friend in open-mouthed horror. “Did I really just hear you say…?”

Krissa flushed slightly, but continued to gaze at her. “Yep. You heard right. But don’t get too bent out of shape, girl—it was only a
If the swap thing doesn’t turn you on, maybe we could find you a hot third just for you and Harry. In fact, my little brother’s coming into town next weekend, and he’s truly, totally hot. You remember Josh, don't you? He’d love to do you, girl!”

Haley blinked numbly. “Excuse me? What have you done with my friend? Where did you hide the body?” She couldn’t believe she was hearing all this from her best buddy. Where the hell had she been that she hadn’t known this was happening before now?

In la-la-land?

She knew her face was crimson, she could feel the heat in her cheeks.
Had all this been going on right under her nose? And for how long?
Jim and Krissa seemed to be so…satisfied with each other. In fact, she’d always envied the way Krissa seemed so free and funny and ambitious, while Haley felt just the opposite most times.

Krissa was always so confident...the life of the party, while Haley usually just sat on the sofa that was pushed up against the wall and smiled, drink untouched in her hand.
And Jim?
Good grief!
Harry’s best buddy and close confidant wanted to swap
? She wondered suddenly why Harry had never mentioned that. Not that she thought Jim wasn't handsome. He was her best friend’s husband, for Christ’s sake! She gave a shudder of revulsion just thinking about that.

Fucking your best pal’s husband, while she was screwing yours? No way. The image that went through her mind was enough to make her hopping mad.
Harry and Krissa?
No damn way! She shook off the unpalatable idea, and cleared her throat. She must have looked as upset as she felt, because her friend was looking worried.

Krissa sank onto the chair across from hers, and seemed to be uncertain of how to say something important. “Look…Hale…you really need to loosen up. I’ve watched you shrivel into an old prune these last few years, and I know it, because I was exactly like you up until five years ago. No—let me finish before you tell me to go to hell!” Krissa paused and took a deep breath.

“You watch Harry go to a boring job day after day. You two don’t go out and have fun anymore. You sit at home and watch TV or read romance books while Harry goes to his den and reads men’s magazines and jacks off.”

Haley sat up stiffly and opened her mouth to protest, but stopped. Krissa was right.
But how the hell did she know?
Had Harry said something to Jim?

“We’ve been married for ten years, Kris. We have…different interests. Sex isn’t
in our marriage.”

“You married the school’s quarterback hottie.
were the damn prom queen, for Pete’s sake! You’re
He’s a damn sexy man. What the hell stopped the fun for the two of you?” Krissa gazed at her, expecting an answer of some sort. But could Haley give her an honest one? She swallowed hard and counted to ten slowly.

What if you’d never actually had the “fun” from the beginning? How could you miss something you’d never experienced?
Her ten-year marriage to Harry might look on the outside like the ideal marriage, but there had never been sparks, at least, not for her.

She'd been crazy about Harry in her senior year. How could she not be? He was handsome and sexy and hot and popular. All the girls had been after him, including Krissa. But he'd set his sites on Haley, and he'd been flatteringly intent on getting her to go steady with him. And when other guys had tried to secure her affections, Harry had been possessive and attentive, and sometimes even damn aggressive. He'd taken her breath away. He'd literally swept her off her feet...

Just before graduation, he'd given her a ring. She'd been so excited...and it had been so romantic. He'd taken her to dinner, had shown her how to kiss. Had gotten her so excited and horny she could barely think straight...and then he'd begged her to let him touch her.

She'd been a bumbling virgin when he had coaxed her into letting him pop her cherry in the back seat of his car. It had been anticlimactic to say the least, and all the childish, romantic dreams of that first time making love had sort of evaporated in the reality of  the hurried, huffing, and painful act. The disillusionment had been even more painful than the way she'd been introduced to sex.

After they had married, she was still self-conscious and afraid, and Harry seemed to expect her to know what to do.
! After a lot of bumbling and uncertainty on her part, Harry had just sort of taken over. He told her what he wanted, and she simply did it. And he seemed to like plain, ordinary fucking—after he got himself worked up reading Hustler.

Foreplay had made her stiffen with nerves. It was impossible for her to relax and let Harry play with her after he stripped her. She had to give him credit for trying. But her fear had taken its toll. By the time she'd learned to relax, Harry had sort of stopped trying so hard. She mourned that fact. It was water under the bridge. No way would that ever change.

Haley chewed her bottom lip and stared at her nails. “Look, Kris, I know you mean well, but…Harry and I are just fine. Marriage doesn’t have to be day and night fireworks, you know. Harry just isn’t into the romance stuff. He works hard. He built his architectural business from his dad's old construction business, and it took everything he had to get it going. He comes home tired. I don’t expect him to play Romeo every night. He loves me. I love him. Just let it drop—okay?”

Krissa made a wry face. “Sounds like he’s screwing around on you, honey.”

Haley’s face warmed, and she frowned at her friend. “I think I would know if my husband was seeing another woman, Krissa! I trust Harry. He would never sleep around. He loves me too much to do something like that.”

The moment she said it, she almost winced. Shit! How the hell would she know if her husband slept around or not?
Wishful thinking, maybe?
She really had no idea what he did on those long nights out with the guys. Harry seemed so
at times.

There had been a time, a year or so back, when she’d thought maybe—she shook off the sudden doubt—that her husband was slipping away from her. But of course that was just her imagination
. Or was it?
Once or twice she’d caught the scent of perfume on his shirts. But, as always, buried in her little la-la land, she had dismissed it. It was far safer not to think on it too much.

She chewed her lip again. How the hell could a man as hot and sexy as Harry had always been really have lost interest in sex? Or maybe he’d just lost interest in sex
with her
? Maybe she just wasn’t exciting enough for him. She truly felt that she had never been able to satisfy the man...but he kept telling her he loved her...wanted her. Kept telling her he was satisfied with her.

No. She couldn’t go there. Wouldn’t. Harry loved her. If she let herself think he was being unfaithful, she’d never be able to go on this way. Krissa was frowning at her as she sat there deep in her uncertain thoughts. She drew a slow breath and shrugged. “Just let it drop.”

Krissa sighed and pursed her lips, tapping her nails on the hardwood table. “Okay, I’ll shut up—for now. But don’t forget my offer, Hale. Josh will be in town next Friday, and he always did think you were the hottest thing he’d ever seen. He’s always had the worst crush on you. Just think about it? I promised him I’d put in a word for him.”

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