Our Love

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Authors: Sheena Binkley

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Our Love

By: Sheena Binkley



All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © 2013 by Sheena Binkley

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This is a work of fiction. The events and characters described herein are imaginary and are not intended to refer to specific places or living persons. The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal right to publish all the materials in this book.

This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Editor: Amber Bungo

Cover Design: Melody Simmons (Ebook Indie Covers)

Ebook Formatting by www.ebooklaunch.com

Published in the United States of America

In Love With My Best Friend Series

A Chance At Love (Tia & Charles) – 2014


Table of Contents

1. Charlie

2. Charlie

3. Michael

4. Charlie

5. Michael

6. Charlie

7. Michael

8. Charlie

9. Michael

10. Charlie

11. Michael

12. Michael

13. Charlie

14. Michael

15. Charlie

16. Michael

17. Charlie

18. Charlie

19. Charlie

20. Charlie

21. Michael

22. Michael

23. Charlie

24. Derrick

25. Charlie

26. Michael

27. Charlie

28. Michael

29. Charlie

30. Michael

31. Michael

32. Charlie

33. Charlie

34. Michael

35. Charlie

36. Michael

37. Charlie

38. Charlie

Additional Novels by Sheena Binkley

Music Playlist


About The Author



Dedicated to the memory of my mom, Alice Binkley

You were the first person to believe in my dream. I love you and miss you...


1. Charlie

"I can't believe this is happening!" I said to the principal of Parker High School.

Mr. McCue looked at me with a stony expression on his face. He walked over to his desk and sat down in the chair behind it. I looked at him, and then to my parents who were sitting beside me.

Right now, all I wanted was to disappear from Mr. McCue's office and from the face of the earth. I can't believe I'm in the principal's office, of all places, explaining myself to the most difficult man in the history of Parker High. To be honest, I don't even know why I'm in the principal's office. Theresa started it! Okay, I guess you're wondering what's happening with me and why I'm in the principal's office. Well, let me back track to earlier this morning. In fact, let me go all the way back to seventeen years ago when I was born Charlie Perry.

I was born from two loving people that would give me the world if they could. But from the look on their faces now, it seemed like they wanted to kick my butt for dragging them from work to hear my latest public disturbance at school.

Growing up, I always wanted to be the center of attention; from being in every elementary school program, to being in the marching band. I was always involved in something. So when I went to high school, the drive to be center of attention landed me as one of the most popular girls at school. Not only did I become head cheerleader, but I was also the editor of the school's newspaper,
The Eagle Gazette,
and an active member of the Honor League. I was also well liked by my peers, or so I thought until today. Hopefully this wouldn't affect my chances of becoming senior prom queen.

Now since I gave you a mini autobiography of myself, let's go back to what happened this morning. I don't know how it started; all I know is that girl Theresa is straight out crazy...

"Hey, everyone," I said to my cheerleading girls. Since homecoming is coming up in a few weeks, we have to practice like crazy to get our routine done for the big day. So I decided to hold a morning practice to get prepared. As I look at my squad, I know something is going to go wrong today. Before I came to school this morning, I overslept thirty minutes, dropped all my cereal on the floor, and couldn't find my favorite sweater to save my life. Now I was in the gym catching my breath because I sped all the way from my house to get here on time. I couldn't be late since I am captain. How would that look?

"Hey, girl. You look like hell," said Eva Coleman, who was my best friend in the whole world. She's my girl and would do anything for me, just like I would do anything for her.

We, along with Ashley Douglas, became instant friends when we first met in our preschool class thirteen years ago. I still remember the time when Eva dared me to eat a mud pie she created one day during recess in second grade. Of course I didn't back out of the challenge, but instantly regretted it when I threw up on my crush, Spencer Donavan. She still never let me forgot that.

"Thanks," I said. "Sorry I had to do this to everyone, but we have to practice like crazy since the homecoming game is coming up. I've scheduled practice in the mornings and afternoons until the game arrives."

"Well Char, if we want something done right, we have to practice. I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't want to go out there and make an ass of myself," Ashley said as she was stretching her legs.

"I second that motion; so let's get started," I said as I went over to my tote bag.

Jessica Willis, another cheerleader, stopped stretching and looked over at me with a grim look on her face.

"We can't practice. We're missing a cheerleader."

I glanced around and noticed she was right. The diva of all divas, Theresa Sherman, has not made her grand entrance yet. That girl is such a nuisance; even the principal can't stand her. Theresa and I always butt heads on anything and everything. It's a wonder we have not had a fist fight yet. Even if we did, I could win that with my eyes closed.

As I looked around at the patient girls in front of me, I was thinking we could start practice. We had four new cheers to learn, but then realized that I couldn't start now and later teach her the cheers. I just didn't have the time.

"I guess we have to wait until she arrives," I said.

Just as soon as I mouthed those words, the diva walked in with a huge grin on her face. She thinks she is all that, but the girl is a mess. And today was no different. She was dressed in an outfit not suitable for practice and had heavily caked makeup on her honey colored face. I swear she looked like she was coming from a slutty night out instead of school.

"Nice for you to show up, Theresa. You knew we had a morning practice today."

"Sorry, okay. I had to take care of something. It not like I'm late anyway. I saw you in the parking lot not too long ago."

"That's not the point; if you saw me we could have walked in together. Anyway, let's get to work. Now I have the new cheers for the game, so we have to get moving. We don't want to look like fools on the field during homecoming."

"Too late for that," Theresa said under her breath.

"What you say?" I asked as I went up to my archenemy.

"Nothing, let's practice," she said.

I looked at her and went over to the other girls before me.

After thirty minutes of practicing, it seemed like we were on the right track. We learned two of the four cheers and several of the routines. While we were all doing the new routine to our "Fire Up" cheer, Theresa sat down on the gym floor and looked at us like we were on drugs or something.

I went over to her and looked right in her face.

"Why are you not practicing like the rest of us? We are not taking a break, so you need to get up."

"Sorry sweetie, but I decided to take a break. I'm tired and this cheer is weak."

"Excuse me," Eva said. She was about to go over to Theresa, but Jessica held her back.

"I know she is not saying something about my cheer. I spent over two hours choreographing it."

"Two hours. Seemed like two seconds."

"What is your problem? Why do you have to be so mean to everyone?" I asked.

"I'm not being mean, I'm speaking the truth. Someone has to. Half the cheers we've done this year are crap, and I'm not going to do them," she said as she got up and went to the bench.

"You know what? I'm sick and tired of you and your attitude. You have no respect for anyone. Whatever your problem is, it going to stop right now."

Theresa looked at me and started laughing.

"Oh please, and what are you going to do about it?" she asked.

Ughh, why did she have to go and say that! As I looked at my friends, they knew that Theresa had finally pushed me over the edge. I went over to the bench and got in her face.

"You want to know what I'm going to do. Get up and I'll show you."

"Whatever, heifer."

"Oh I know she didn't," I said as I balled my hands into two fists.

I looked at her and gave her a swift punch across her jaw. The impact was so quick; I didn't even know I hit her. Theresa looked at me with a shocked look on her face, while my friends looked at me with an 'I'm- glad- she- did-that' look.

Theresa got up and shoved me, causing me to lose my balance. I quickly regained my posture and shoved her toward the blenchers. We looked at each other and we knew it was on. Minutes later, we were on the gym floor grabbing each other's hair and hitting each other so hard I felt like I was fighting in a wrestling match.

Eva looked at us with a panicky expression.

"You two need to stop! Mrs. Williams might walk in!" she yelled.

But we kept fighting. I suddenly noticed Theresa stopped hitting me. I thought she gave up because I was kicking her butt. As soon as I threw her against the wall, I noticed the cheerleading sponsor, Mrs. Williams, run into the gym.

"Stop it you two! What's going on?" she asked while pulling Theresa away from me. Eva grabbed a hold of me and held my arms behind my back.

"She started it! She practically just manhandled me like some animal!" Theresa yelled.

I looked at Theresa as if she had lost her mind.

"Is that true, Charlie?" Mrs. Williams asked.

"No. She started it with her attitude! She called me a heifer."

"I did not. You heard wrong," Theresa said.

Then to make matters worse, she clutched her arm and started wailing in pain.

"Oh God! I think my arm is broken."

"I do not believe this," Eva said silently.

"She broke my arm!" Theresa yelled.

"Okay, calm down Theresa. I'll send you to the nurse. As for you Charlie, I suggest you get your act together. You're supposed to set an example for the rest of the cheerleaders, and going around hitting people is not one of them."

"But Mrs. Williams, it was not my fault." Why all of a sudden was Theresa claiming her arm is injured?

"I want to press charges," Theresa said in tears.

I know she didn't say what I thought she said. She couldn't press charges! What have I done for her to press charges?

"Oh come on, Theresa. You cannot do that!" Eva yelled.

"She broke my arm. That's assault."

"Okay everybody, calm down. Now think about this, Theresa. You sure you want to press charges?" Mrs. Williams asked.

"I do not have to think about it. Charlie Perry should be placed in juvie for her reckless behavior. She always has been a menace ever since she's been at Parker. Someone needs to put an end to it."

I looked at Theresa and rolled my eyes. She's such a drama queen.

"If that's what you want, but I think you need to think about it."

"I don't have to. Besides, if I don't, my parents definitely will."

I sighed and turned my head to Eva.

"You can let me go now. I'm not going to do anything."

"You're sure?"


Eva looked at me and then took her hands away.

I looked at Theresa with a mean look on my face and started to walk out of the gym.

At that point, I did not care if Theresa filed charges on me. She deserved to get her butt kicked, and I would do it again if I had the opportunity...

So that was the entire incident. That is why I'm in Mr. McCue's office, and why my parents are sitting beside me, ready to kill me.

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